Germany April 23, 2024 Country Members Physical german

Mönchengladbach: Logistic & Transport CIDO Roundtable

We invite CIOs and digital leaders from logistics and transport companies to a highly interactive roundtable event on 23 April to discuss the developments of digitalization in the logistics and transport industry.

Poland April 23, 2024 Country Members Virtual Polish

Jak z sukcesem wdrożyć platformę EDR? Prezentacja case study Medicover & SentinelOne połączona z dyskusją w gronie ekspertów security i IT

Prezentacja case study Medicover & SentinelOne połączona z dyskusją w gronie ekspertów security i IT

Germany April 22, 2024 Country Members Virtual german

AI & DATA Knowledge Transfer - AI Roboter - Briefing 7

Unsere Wissensaustausch-Briefings "AI & Data Knowledge Transfer" zielen darauf ab, CIDOs und Senior Digital Leaders mit praktischen Anwendungen und umsetzbaren Erkenntnissen von Fachexperten zu vermitteln, die den Weg für transformative digitale Reisen ebnen.

Belgium April 18, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Round Table - Striking Balance: Zero Trust Security vs User-Centric Protection

Finding the perfect balance between speed, safety, and user satisfaction is a paramount concern for CIOs and CISOs. Join us for a thought-provoking panel discussion where we explore two critical topics at the forefront of discussions among these leaders.

Netherlands April 18, 2024 All Members Physical dutch


CIONET CONNECT #Public Innovatie en digitale ontwikkelingen binnen de overheid op 18 april 2024 om 15:30 uur in Den Haag georganiseerd in het 17e-eeuwse stadspaleis Het Spaansche Hof.

Italy April 18, 2024 Invitation Only Physical italian

Digital Innovation & Spend Management

Un evento esclusivo organizzato con Soldo dedicato ai C-Level delle funzioni finanziarie, amministrative e di tesoreria, di confronto sui temi della digitalizzazione. Chi guida queste aree fornisce un supporto strategico ai leader sfruttando l’acume finanziario per allineare le strategie finanziarie agli obiettivi aziendali generali. Inoltre, analizza i dati e le tendenze del mercato per mitigare i rischi e identificare opportunità di crescita che fanno avanzare l’organizzazione. Condivideremo le soluzioni e gli strumenti che, garantendo processi finanziari rapidi ed efficienti ed assicurando una gestione delle spese ottimale e rispondente alle esigenze del business, possono facilitare questi compiti ed aiutare CFO, Direttori Amministrativi e di Tesoreria a rispondere alle crescenti sfide. Racconteremo anche le esperienze reali dei nostri clienti ed i benefici che hanno ottenuto scegliendo di ottimizzare la gestione delle spese aziendali.

UK April 17, 2024 Country Members Physical english

New Business Models - Community

Join us for our third community event of 2024 on 17th April at the EY HQ nearly London Bridge. Sponsored by Business Partners EY, Hitachi Vantara, Infogain, CloudBees, Entelect & Thoughtworks, Orange Business Services & Cognizant.

Poland April 17, 2024 Invitation Only Physical Polish

Spotkania społeczności CIONET w Poznaniu

Podczas spotkania będziemy dzielić się najnowszymi spostrzeżeniami i strategiami w zakresie bezpieczeństwa cyfrowego, widzianymi z perspektywy CIO. Przedstawimy praktyczne podejścia do wzmocnienia odporności cyfrowej oraz doskonalenia zarządzania ryzykiem, z uwzględnieniem najnowszych zagrożeń i wymogów prawnych, takich jak NIS-2 czy DORA.

Belgium April 16, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Belgium Advisory Board Meeting - A close look at Bridgestone

Join us for our first Advisory Board Meeting of the year, marking the beginning of an impactful 2024!

Italy April 16, 2024 Invitation Only Physical italian

VIP Dinner: AI at Work - l’automazione potenziata dall'IA

La potenza dell'intelligenza artificiale combinata con l’automazione per guidare l'innovazione e la produttività nella vostra organizzazione.

UK April 16, 2024 Country Members Physical english

Shaping the Future of Payments: Modernising the Core for Efficiency and Growth

Join us at 18.30 on the 16th of April to share current practices and exchange thoughts about future directions. Mark Foulsham at CIONET International, will be your host. As with all CIONET events, we believe this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role. 

Poland April 16, 2024 Country Members Virtual Polish

Od A do Z danych w erze ciągłych innowacji

W dzisiejszym świecie sterowanym danymi, umiejętność wykorzystania ich prawdziwego potencjału to strategiczna przewaga. Zapraszamy na spotkanie, gdzie poznacie najlepsze praktyki modernizacji IT, umożliwiając inteligentne korzystanie z danych i podejmowanie świadomych decyzji, niezależnie od tego, czy znajdują się one w chmurze, na serwerach lokalnych czy w infrastrukturze hybrydowej. Nasi eksperci nie tylko przedstawią strategie zamieniania danych w wartość dla biznesu, ale również zaprezentują, w jaki sposób nowe technologie, w tym AI oraz Machine Learning, mogą rewolucjonizować sposób, w jaki zarządzamy i analizujemy dane.

Netherlands April 11, 2024 Invitation Only Physical dutch

Digital Patient Follow-up

Alleen op uitnodiging. The challenges of hospital CISO's as the future of healtcare is reshaped. Tijdens deze avond willen we een ondersteunend kader creëren voor CIO's / digital leaders vanuit het ziekenhuiswezen in hun reis naar digitale gezondheidsmonitoring.

Poland April 11, 2024 Invitation Only Physical Polish

Spotkania społeczności CIONET we Wrocławiu

Podczas spotkania będziemy dzielić się najnowszymi spostrzeżeniami i strategiami w zakresie bezpieczeństwa cyfrowego, widzianymi z perspektywy CIO. Przedstawimy praktyczne podejścia do wzmocnienia odporności cyfrowej oraz doskonalenia zarządzania ryzykiem, z uwzględnieniem najnowszych zagrożeń i wymogów prawnych, takich jak NIS-2 czy DORA.

Italy April 11, 2024 Invitation Only Physical italian

Fare Digital Transformation attraverso i dati: il Cloud come fattore abilitante per progetti data-driven di successo.

L’hype portato da Generative AI e Machine Learning ha spinto molte aziende ad avviare progetti data-driven.  beSharp e Amazon Web Services (AWS) spiegheranno come approcciare in modo strutturato questi progetti, dalla definizione della Data Strategy, fino alla fruizione del dato per prendere decisioni di valore.  Yamaha Motor Racing racconterà come, insieme a beSharp, ha intrapreso un percorso di ottimizzazione delle performance alimentato dai dati.  L’open discussion darà l’opportunità di approfondire ulteriormente il tema e raccogliere insight di valore.

Germany April 10, 2024 Country Members Physical german

Heilbronn: AI in Mobility

Seien Sie am 10. April 2024 in Heilbronn dabei und erleben Sie die Zukunft der Mobilität mit künstlicher Intelligenz! Entdecken Sie, wie AI unsere Reisen verändert und verbessert.

Poland April 10, 2024 Country Members Virtual Polish

Bądź sprytniejszy od AI - jak świadomie zarządzać zasobami, maksymalizując wydajność aplikacji i ograniczając koszty IT?

Zarządzanie organizacją w dobie dynamicznie rozwijających się technologii stanowi globalnie coraz większe wyzwanie. Jako managerowie, ale także użytkownicy na co dzień mierzymy się z coraz większą liczbą danych, którą musimy w jakikolwiek sposób przetworzyć. Badania przeprowadzane przez komisję UE wskazują, że w 2021 r. jako społeczeństwo wytworzyliśmy ich globalnie około 79 zettabajtów, a ich ilość, jaką produkujemy rocznie ma się podwoić już w 2025 roku. Tym samym łatwo stwierdzić, że to dane stały się nową walutą XXI wieku. W zaistniałych okolicznościach managerowie muszą wykazać się dużą elastycznością w zakresie zarządzania tymi danymi, skupiając się na automatyzacji i optymalizacji procesów oraz kontroli kosztów przetwarzania danych w infrastrukturze IT. Z naszych obserwacji wynika, iż spora część przedsiębiorstw nie posiada jeszcze odpowiednich narzędzi do monitoringu i optymalizacji wykorzystania zasobów IT, przystosowanych do dynamicznie zmieniających się technologii. Efektywna utylizacja dostępnych zasobów oraz ograniczenie kosztów, rozumiane biznesowo, stają się możliwe dzięki wykorzystaniu specjalistycznych narzędzi oraz paneli zarządczych umożliwiających predykcję oraz optymalizację kosztów operacyjnych. Wsparcie dla zarządzania usługami w chmurze publicznej nabiera nowego znaczenia, gdy widzimy, jak tego typu narzędzia przyczyniają się do realnego ograniczenia kosztów i zwiększenia elastyczności eksploatowanej infrastruktury w środowisku hybrydowym. Przedstawione przez nas case study rozwiązania u jednego z naszych klientów z sektora energetycznego, stanowi praktyczny przykład, jak odpowiednie narzędzia mogą przynieść wymierne korzyści dla organizacji. W Cloudware nie tylko dostarczamy narzędzia, ale także wdrażamy je w sposób, który najlepiej odpowiada potrzebom naszych klientów, umożliwiając im być sprytniejszymi od AI w zarządzaniu zasobami IT. Cloudware Polska nieustannie wspiera klientów w dziedzinie zarządzania zasobami IT. Widzimy kluczową rolę, jaką odgrywają narzędzia takie jak APM IBM Instana i ARM IBM Turbonomic w rozwijaniu biznesu. To właśnie dzięki nim możliwe jest nie tylko skrócenie czasu wykrywania awarii, ale także ich ewentualna predykcja, co znacząco wpływa na ciągłość działania aplikacji oraz zwiększenie efektywności działania przedsiębiorstwa

Spain April 10, 2024 Country Members Physical spanish

Cyber Quest 2024 - Cybersecurity and Risk Management

El deseo de transformarse, más rápido y con mayor frecuencia, está impulsando a algunas organizaciones a utilizar la ciberseguridad como un elemento diferenciador para ofrecer mejores resultados. ¿Cuáles son los mayores desafíos de ciberseguridad a los que se enfrentan las organizaciones en la actualidad?

Spain March 21, 2024 Country Members Physical & Virtual english

CIOFEST Spain: Developing Digital Leadership

Join us for a transformative CIONET Community event focused on "Developing Digital Leadership." This conference unites both global and local CIOs, top digital leaders, and IT executives to explore key aspects of digital leadership growth: Enhancing Digital Skills for Business Leadership Empowering IT Leadership Personal Development of CIO's Shaping the Future of Digital Leadership Don't miss this opportunity to connect, learn, and share experiences with like-minded professionals. Elevate your leadership skills and strategies for a successful digital journey. Location: Sede Corporativa GB Foods - Auditorio Affinity Plaça Europa 42 08902 Hospitalet de Llobregat - Barcelona Agenda: 18:00 RECEPCIÓN 18:30 BIENVENIDA CIONET & GB FOODS 18:40 PANEL INTERNACIONAL 19:05 COOKBOOK LAUNCH  19:10 PANEL “DESARROLLANDO EL LIDERAZGO DIGITAL” 19:45 COCTEL & NETWORKING

International March 21, 2024 All Members Physical & Virtual english

CIOFEST INTERNATIONAL 2024: Developing Digital Leadership

Join us for a transformative CIONET Community event focused on "Developing Digital Leadership." This conference unites both global and local CIOs, top digital leaders, and IT executives to explore key aspects of digital leadership growth: Enhancing Digital Skills for Business Leadership:  Discover the CIO's role in fostering digital literacy among business leaders and aligning digital initiatives with business goals. How do we make sure our C-suite is really data and digital savvy? Empowering IT Leadership: Uncover strategies for building and strengthening the IT leadership team to drive innovation and collaboration. How do you plan your own succession and become a real kingmaker?  Personal Development of CIO's: Gain insights into how CIOs can evolve their technology knowledge, leadership skills, and personal growth. Where do you find opportunities for self-improvement? Shaping the Future of Digital Leadership: Explore emerging technologies' impact on leadership and envision the future of digital leadership. What characteristics will distinguish the leaders of the future? Don't miss this opportunity to connect, learn, and share experiences with like-minded professionals. Elevate your leadership skills and strategies for a successful digital journey.

Belgium March 21, 2024 Country Members Physical & Virtual english

CIOFEST BELGIUM: Developing Digital Leadership

Join us for a transformative CIONET Community event focused on "Developing Digital Leadership." This conference unites both global and local CIOs, top digital leaders, and IT executives to explore key aspects of digital leadership growth: Enhancing Digital Skills for Business Leadership:  Discover the CIO's role in fostering digital literacy among business leaders and aligning digital initiatives with business goals. How do we make sure our C-suite is really data and digital savvy? Empowering IT Leadership: Uncover strategies for building and strengthening the IT leadership team to drive innovation and collaboration. How do you plan your own succession and become a real kingmaker?  Personal Development of CIO's: Gain insights into how CIOs can evolve their technology knowledge, leadership skills, and personal growth. Where do you find opportunities for self-improvement? Shaping the Future of Digital Leadership: Explore emerging technologies' impact on leadership and envision the future of digital leadership. What characteristics will distinguish the leaders of the future? Don't miss this opportunity to connect, learn, and share experiences with like-minded professionals. Elevate your leadership skills and strategies for a successful digital journey.

Germany March 21, 2024 Country Members Physical & Virtual german

München: CIOFEST Deutschland - Developing Digital Leadership

Nehmen Sie an dieser transformativen Veranstaltung der CIONET-Community teil, die sich mit dem Thema "Entwicklung digitaler Führung" beschäftigt. Diese Konferenz bringt sowohl globale als auch lokale CIOs, Top-Digital-Leader und IT-Führungskräfte zusammen, um Schlüsselaspekte des digitalen Führungswachstums zu untersuchen.

Netherlands March 21, 2024 Country Members Physical & Virtual english

CIOFEST Netherlands: Developing Technology Leadership

Join us for a transformative CIONET Community event focused on "Developing Technology Leadership." This conference unites both global and local CIOs, top digital leaders, and IT executives to explore key aspects of digital leadership growth: Enhancing Digital Skills for Business Leadership:  Discover the CIO's role in fostering digital literacy among business leaders and aligning digital initiatives with business goals. How do we make sure our C-suite is really data and digital savvy? Empowering IT Leadership: Uncover strategies for building and strengthening the IT leadership team to drive innovation and collaboration. How do you plan your own succession and become a real kingmaker?  Personal Development of CIO's: Gain insights into how CIOs can evolve their technology knowledge, leadership skills, and personal growth. Where do you find opportunities for self-improvement? Shaping the Future of Technology Leadership: Explore emerging technologies' impact on leadership and envision the future of digital leadership. What characteristics will distinguish the leaders of the future? Don't miss this opportunity to connect, learn, and share experiences with like-minded professionals. Elevate your leadership skills and strategies for a successful digital journey.

Portugal March 21, 2024 Country Members Physical & Virtual english

CIOFEST Portugal: Developing Digital Leadership

Join us for a transformative CIONET Community event focused on "Developing Digital Leadership." This conference unites both global and local CIOs, top digital leaders, and IT executives to explore key aspects of digital leadership growth: Enhancing Digital Skills for Business Leadership:  Discover the CIO's role in fostering digital literacy among business leaders and aligning digital initiatives with business goals. How do we make sure our C-suite is really data and digital savvy? Empowering IT Leadership: Uncover strategies for building and strengthening the IT leadership team to drive innovation and collaboration. How do you plan your own succession and become a real kingmaker?  Personal Development of CIO's: Gain insights into how CIOs can evolve their technology knowledge, leadership skills, and personal growth. Where do you find opportunities for self-improvement? Shaping the Future of Digital Leadership: Explore emerging technologies' impact on leadership and envision the future of digital leadership. What characteristics will distinguish the leaders of the future? Don't miss this opportunity to connect, learn, and share experiences with like-minded professionals. Elevate your leadership skills and strategies for a successful digital journey.

Poland March 21, 2024 Country Members Physical & Virtual english

CIOFEST Poland: Developing Digital Leadership

Join us for a transformative CIONET Community event focused on "Developing Digital Leadership." This conference unites both global and local CIOs, top digital leaders, and IT executives to explore key aspects of digital leadership growth: Enhancing Digital Skills for Business Leadership:  Discover the CIO's role in fostering digital literacy among business leaders and aligning digital initiatives with business goals. How do we make sure our C-suite is really data and digital savvy? Empowering IT Leadership: Uncover strategies for building and strengthening the IT leadership team to drive innovation and collaboration. How do you plan your own succession and become a real kingmaker?  Personal Development of CIO's: Gain insights into how CIOs can evolve their technology knowledge, leadership skills, and personal growth. Where do you find opportunities for self-improvement? Shaping the Future of Digital Leadership: Explore emerging technologies' impact on leadership and envision the future of digital leadership. What characteristics will distinguish the leaders of the future? Don't miss this opportunity to connect, learn, and share experiences with like-minded professionals. Elevate your leadership skills and strategies for a successful digital journey.

UK March 21, 2024 Country Members Physical & Virtual english

CIOFEST UK: Developing Digital Leadership

Join us for a transformative CIONET Community event focused on "Developing Digital Leadership." This conference unites both global and local CIOs, top digital leaders, and IT executives to explore key aspects of digital leadership growth: Enhancing Digital Skills for Business Leadership:  Discover the CIO's role in fostering digital literacy among business leaders and aligning digital initiatives with business goals. How do we make sure our C-suite is really data and digital savvy? Empowering IT Leadership: Uncover strategies for building and strengthening the IT leadership team to drive innovation and collaboration. How do you plan your own succession and become a real kingmaker?  Personal Development of CIO's: Gain insights into how CIOs can evolve their technology knowledge, leadership skills, and personal growth. Where do you find opportunities for self-improvement? Shaping the Future of Digital Leadership: Explore emerging technologies' impact on leadership and envision the future of digital leadership. What characteristics will distinguish the leaders of the future? Don't miss this opportunity to connect, learn, and share experiences with like-minded professionals. Elevate your leadership skills and strategies for a successful digital journey.

Italy March 21, 2024 Country Members Physical & Virtual english

CIOFEST Italy: Developing Digital Leadership

Join us for a transformative CIONET Community event focused on "Developing Digital Leadership." This conference unites both global and local CIOs, top digital leaders, and IT executives to explore key aspects of digital leadership growth: Enhancing Digital Skills for Business Leadership:  Discover the CIO's role in fostering digital literacy among business leaders and aligning digital initiatives with business goals. How do we make sure our C-suite is really data and digital savvy? Empowering IT Leadership: Uncover strategies for building and strengthening the IT leadership team to drive innovation and collaboration. How do you plan your own succession and become a real kingmaker?  Personal Development of CIO's: Gain insights into how CIOs can evolve their technology knowledge, leadership skills, and personal growth. Where do you find opportunities for self-improvement? Shaping the Future of Digital Leadership: Explore emerging technologies' impact on leadership and envision the future of digital leadership. What characteristics will distinguish the leaders of the future? Don't miss this opportunity to connect, learn, and share experiences with like-minded professionals. Elevate your leadership skills and strategies for a successful digital journey.

Switzerland March 20, 2024 Country Members Physical english

Ransomware Recovery: Be Prepared, Not Scared

A fascinating and insightful evening awaits. It will be a chance to meet with peers, to explore practical solutions, and to uncover best practice. And it all takes place in the Private Dining Room of the wonderful Baur au Lac. Please register and secure your place for the evening as soon as possible.  

Italy March 20, 2024 Invitation Only Physical italian

Veritas VIP Dinner

Veritas VIP Executive Dinner

UK March 19, 2024 Country Members Physical english

Building the CIO playbook for gen AI projects and programmes

Join us at 18.30 on the 19th of March to share current practices and exchange thoughts about future directions. Roger Camrass, Director of Research at CIONET International, will be your host. As with all CIONET events, we believe this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role. 

Belgium March 19, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Healthcare Circle - powered by Johnson&Johnson: DataRX

During the next meeting of the CIONET Healthcare circle, we will make an RX scan of the pivotal role of data in the transformative landscape of healthcare digitization and AI. We try to create a clear image on how hospitals can better use data and how they can efficiently exchange data with their partners to enhance patient care, streamline processes, and facilitate research.

Poland March 19, 2024 Country Members Virtual Polish

Dlaczego Twoja chmura pochłania budżet? Demaskujemy "niewidzialnego złodzieja".

Czy zastanawiasz się, dlaczego Twoje wydatki na chmurę nieustannie rosną? "Dlaczego Twoja Chmura Pochłania Budżet? Demaskujemy Niewidzialnego Złodzieja" to warsztaty technologiczne w formule online organizowane w ramach programu Cloud Excellence, które rzucą światło na skryte pułapki chmurowych kosztów. Przygotuj się na odkrywcze podróże do zakamarków FinOps, gdzie każdy aspekt Twojej chmurowej infrastruktury jest pod lupą. Dowiedz się, jak non-prod środowiska mogą stać się Twoimi sojusznikami w walce o niższe rachunki, a spot instances i scheduling zamienią się w potężne narzędzia optymalizacji. Odkryj proaktywne strategie zarządzania, które pozwolą Ci wyprzedzić chmurowy armagedon kosztów, zanim będzie za późno. Poznaj tajniki decyzji o powrocie do rozwiązań on-premise oraz kiedy inwestycja w serwery stacjonarne może okazać się bardziej opłacalna niż utrzymanie wszystkiego w chmurze. Zainspiruj się case studies firm, które z sukcesem zrównoważyły swoje portfolio technologiczne, znajdując złoty środek między chmurą a data center. Wreszcie, zrozum, jak adopcja kultury FinOps może nie tylko zoptymalizować Twoje wydatki, ale i przekształcić sposób, w jaki Twoja organizacja postrzega i zarządza zasobami IT. Dołącz do warsztatów technologicznych Cloud Excellence i dowiedz się, jak przejąć kontrolę nad swoim chmurowym budżetem, zdemaskować niewidzialnego złodzieja i przekształcić wyzwania w realne oszczędności. Zarezerwuj miejscu już teraz i stań się częścią rewolucji w zarządzaniu kosztami chmurowymi. Warsztaty poprowadzą doświadczeni eksperci z firmy technologicznej PwC Polska: Agnieszka Bochacka, Mariusz Strzelecki i Ernest Orłowski, a spotkanie moderować będzie niezastąpiony Tomasz Bitner.

Germany March 18, 2024 Country Members Virtual german

AI & DATA Knowledge Transfer - Modelle - Briefing 6

Unsere Wissensaustausch-Briefings "AI & Data Knowledge Transfer" zielen darauf ab, CIDOs und Senior Digital Leaders mit praktischen Anwendungen und umsetzbaren Erkenntnissen von Fachexperten zu vermitteln, die den Weg für transformative digitale Reisen ebnen.

Belgium March 14, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

The Old and The New

Join us for 'The Old and The New', an exclusive round table discussion on integrating legacy back-end systems with state-of-the-art front-end technologies. This dinner is an essential rendezvous for CIOs and Digital Leaders keen on finding a balance between tried-and-tested architectures and agile, AI-driven solutions. We’ll tackle pressing issues in maintaining operational integrity while embracing technological advancement, including crucial choices between public and private cloud environments. We will focus as well on data governance in this changing landscape. Dive into a dialogue that masters the complexities of upgrading IT infrastructures, with a strong emphasis on security, efficiency, and innovative strategies.Let’s discuss how to blend the solid base of our IT systems with the dynamic needs of today's digital world.

Netherlands March 14, 2024 Invitation Only Physical dutch

Track day with Aston Martin

Alleen op uitnodiging ontdekken CIO's de kracht van Generative AI en hoe deze baanbrekende technologie jouw organisatie met een raketvaart richting de toekomst kan lanceren.

Italy March 14, 2024 Country Members Virtual italian

Gli attacchi e le frodi nei canali digitali: come prevenirli con il corretto approccio e l'AI

Gli attacchi e le frodi nei canali digitali: come prevenirli con il corretto approccio e l'AI

Poland March 13, 2024 Country Members Physical Polish

#8 Sesja Strategiczna

Netherlands March 12, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

Enterprise Digital Evolution: Navigating Digital Maturity Strategies

Alleen op uitnodiging. De focus zal liggen op het begrijpen van het standpunt over kritieke aspecten zoals het definiëren van digitale volwassenheid, prioriteringsstrategieën die worden gebruikt om volwassenheid over verschillende domeinen te verbeteren.

UK March 12, 2024 Country Members Physical english

Managing board responsibility for cybersecurity and risk

EY invites you to attend a dinner for female technology leaders at 18:30 on 12th March 2024 to be held in London. Lopa Ghosh, partner at EY, will be joined by a leading CIO guest speaker. This event promises to be an engaging forum to share ideas, deepen our collective understanding, and network with your peers.

Italy March 12, 2024 Invitation Only Physical italian

Elevare la sicurezza delle applicazioni e delle API nell'era dell'AI

L' API security, è una componente fondamentale della sicurezza delle applicazioni web moderne. Per questo motivo è opportuno che le organizzazioni testino regolarmente le API per identificare le vulnerabilità e risolverle utilizzando le migliori pratiche di sicurezza.   Questo appuntamento sarà l'occasione per fare il punto sull'evoluzione della sicurezza e sul ruolo trasformativo dell'intelligenza artificiale nella difesa delle nostre applicazioni web.   Insieme a Joshua Goldfarb, Global Solution Architect di F5 e regular contributor di DarkReading e SecurityWeek, approfondiremo le sfide specifiche legate alla sicurezza delle API, condividendo conoscenze e strategie su misura per i leader dell’ IT. Vedremo inoltre come l'avanzamento dell'intelligenza artificiale offra nuove opportunità per rafforzare la sicurezza, ridurre i rischi e anticipare le minacce in maniera proattiva. E ascolteremo la testimonianza del caso di successo Unieuro attraverso l'intervento di Alberto Soresina, Chief Information Security Officer, che con il racconto della sua esperienza ci offrirà spunti pratici e strategie efficaci implementate nella sua azienda.    

Poland March 11, 2024 Country Members Physical Polish

#8 Sesja strategiczna

Pierwsze spotkanie w nowym roku! Zapraszamy na już #8 Sesje strategiczną Data Excellence. W programie stawiamy na spotkania inspiracyjno-praktyczne, które umożliwią lepsze wzajemne zrozumienie wyzwań i potrzeb, dzielenie się dobrymi praktykami oraz wypracowanie wspólnych rekomendacji służących całej społeczności. Zarejestruj się już dziś i zarezerwuj sobie miejsce!

Poland March 7, 2024 Country Members Physical Polish

#10 Sesja Strategiczna

Sesja Strategiczna w ramach programu Security Excellence

Italy March 6, 2024 Invitation Only Physical italian


Fueling evolution Executive Dinner @ HUWARE HQ

Poland March 6, 2024 Country Members Virtual Polish

Enterprise Service Management - Platform of Platforms

Serdecznie zapraszamy na pierwsze w roku 2024 warsztaty technologiczne online. Tematem spotkania będzie Enterprise Service Management, czyli o platformie wszystkich platform. Podczas tego wydarzenia omówimy wątki: Definicja nowoczesnego ESM i jego rola w organizacjach. Trendy i wyzwania na rynku. Automatyzacje procesów w oparciu o dane. Citizen development (no code/low code) i jego praktyczne zastosowanie. Generative AI jako wirtualny pracownik. Regulacje, zarządzanie ryzykiem i bezpieczeństwo nie musi być skomplikowane. FinOps, zarządzanie kosztami oraz sprawne raportowanie. Warsztaty zakończymy sesją pytań i odpowiedzi. Spotkanie poprowadzą eksperci z firmy Accenture, moderatorem będzie niezastąpiony Tomasz Bitner.

Netherlands March 5, 2024 Invitation Only Physical dutch

Synergie tussen technologisch leiderschap en financiële strategieën

Alleen op uitnodiging. CIO Vision diner: Synergie tussen technologisch leiderschap en financiële strategieën. De uitdagingen van IT-afdelingen om te voldoen aan groeiende service-eisen en verwachtingen wijzen niet noodzakelijk op incompetentie.

Germany March 5, 2024 Country Members Physical german

Köln: Cloud-ERP im deutschen Mittelstand

Cloud Computing ist schon lange kein Hype mehr, aber dennoch sind zahlreiche Unternehmen zögerlich, ihr wertvollstes Asset, nämliche ihre Daten, vollständig in die Cloud zu geben.  Denn die Sicherheit Ihrer Daten ist ein schützenswertes Gut, gerade in Zeiten, in denen KI auf dem Vormarsch ist und wir nur erahnen können, welche Möglichkeiten, aber auch Risiken damit einher gehen. 

Netherlands March 1, 2024 Invitation Only Physical dutch

Leergang CIO als Commissaris

Heb je interesse om je inzicht in management en persoonlijk leiderschap naar een hoger niveau te brengen? Meld je dan aan voor de 15e Leergang CIO als Commissaris. Let op: er zijn een beperkt aantal plaatsen beschikbaar.

Italy February 29, 2024 Invitation Only Physical italian

EY Coverciano

EY - FUTURO IN CAMPO: il CIO come Coach alla guida della trasformazione

Poland February 27, 2024 Country Members Virtual Polish

Web DDoS Tsunami

Wyrafinowane, agresywne i trudne do detekcji, a zatem i obrony, ataki Web DDoS Tsunami stały się również zmorą polskich organizacji w ostatnich kilkunastu miesiącach. Dotknęły i dotykają one w szczególności sektor finansowy, medyczny oraz publiczny. Tylko w ciągu ostatnich tygodni Radware regularnie chronił przed atakami o wolumenie do 400Gbps oraz 1.3 miliona RPS (zapytań HTTPS na sekundę). Ataki Web DDoS Tsunami są szczególnie powszechne oraz skuteczne – ich koszt dla mocodawcy jest niewielki, a tradycyjne ochrony anty-DDoS, oferowane np. przez operatorów telekomunikacyjnych, są nieskuteczne lub wprowadzają wysoki poziom false-positives. Podczas spotkania eksperci Radware opowiedzą o charakterystyce ataków, pokażą kilka rzeczywistych przykładów oraz sposoby ochrony swoich klientów.

Germany February 26, 2024 Country Members Virtual german

AI & DATA Knowledge Transfer - Use Cases - Briefing 5

Unsere Wissensaustausch-Briefings "AI & Data Knowledge Transfer" zielen darauf ab, CIDOs und Senior Digital Leaders mit praktischen Anwendungen und umsetzbaren Erkenntnissen von Fachexperten zu vermitteln, die den Weg für transformative digitale Reisen ebnen.

Belgium February 22, 2024 Country Members Physical french

Les Rencontres: XAI ou “IA Explicable”: De la boîte noire à la boîte de verre!

Au cours de notre événement, nous explorerons des exemples concrets d'organisations qui font un usage intensif de l'IA, tout en gardant le contrôle sur la manière dont cela se fait. Nous discuterons avec elles de stratégies visant à renforcer la confiance des employés, des clients et des gouvernements dans leurs initiatives en matière d'IA."

Italy February 22, 2024 Country Members Physical italian

Mastering Cyber Resilience: Keeping up with Cybercrime & AI

The world has shifted and cybersecurity is shifting with it. The desire to transform, faster and more frequently, is prompting some organisations to use cybersecurity as a differentiator to deliver better business outcomes.

Poland February 20, 2024 Country Members Physical Polish


Rozwój CIO w obliczu coraz mocniejszego znaczenia technologii wymaga przejścia od tradycyjnej roli szefa IT do pozycji cyfrowego lidera firmy. Wiąże się to z koniecznością nowego określenia priorytetów, zadań oraz miar sukcesu i kryteriów oceny, które muszą lepiej współgrać z długofalowymi celami firmy. W trakcie pierwszego spotkania społeczności CIONET w 2024 roku będziemy rozmawiać o metodach obliczania wartości biznesowej wynikającej z inicjatyw informatycznych. Pokażemy perspektywę CIOs oraz CEOs, którzy dzięki doświadczeniom transformacji cyfrowej wypracowali metryki, umożliwiające wykorzystanie technologii jako kluczowego czynnika sukcesu biznesowego.

Norway February 15, 2024 Country Members Physical english

Drowning in the Cloud

Join Hitachi and a select group of your peers to discuss how to achieve true cloud application modernization, a state of continuous innovation and improvement.  

Germany February 8, 2024 Country Members Physical english

Frankfurt: Strategic Roundtable - Supply Chain Security

We invite CIOs, CISO as well as Senior IT and Procurement Leaders on 8th February 2024 to a Roundtable Dinner discussion at Zenzakan in Frankfurt, where our partner, Mastercard, will share their unique perspectives on how organisations can achieve cyber resilience and DORA/NIS2 compliance throughout their supply chains.

UK February 7, 2024 Country Members Physical english

CIO Circle – Managing board responsibility for cybersecurity and risk

EY invites you to attend a dinner for female technology leaders at 18:00 on 7th February 2024 to be held in London. Lopa Ghosh, partner at EY, will be joined by a leading CIO guest speaker. This event promises to be an engaging forum to share ideas, deepen our collective understanding, and network with your peers.

Germany February 7, 2024 Country Members Physical german

Munich: Cyber Mastery: from Basics to Autonomy

We invite CIOs, CISO as well as Senior IT and Procurement Leaders on February 7th, 2024 to a Roundtable Dinner discussion "Cyber Mastery: from Basics to Autonomy - Building Confidence for Effective Threat Hunting".

Italy February 7, 2024 Invitation Only Physical italian

Digital Operation Resilience Act

Il Digital Operational Resilience Act (Regolamento (UE) 2022/2554) risolve un importante problema nella regolamentazione finanziaria dell’UE. Prima di DORA, le istituzioni finanziarie gestivano le principali categorie di rischio operativo attraverso l’allocazione del capitale, ma non gestivano tutte le componenti della resilienza operativa. Dopo DORA, devono anche seguire le regole per la protezione, il rilevamento, il contenimento, il recupero e le capacità di riparazione contro gli incidenti legati all' ICT. DORA fa esplicito riferimento al rischio ICT e stabilisce regole sulla gestione del rischio ICT, sulla segnalazione degli incidenti, sui test di resilienza operativa e sul monitoraggio del rischio ICT di terze parti. Questo regolamento riconosce che gli incidenti ICT e la mancanza di resilienza operativa hanno la possibilità di mettere a repentaglio la solidità dell’intero sistema finanziario, anche se esiste un capitale “adeguato” per le tradizionali categorie di rischio.

Netherlands February 6, 2024 AB Members Physical dutch

Advisory Board Diner

Op 6 februari komt de Advisory Board van CIONET NL samen. We bespreken de planning voor2024 en discussiëren over specifieke en door de board aangedragen onderwerpen.

Belgium February 1, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Round Table: Pushing Cloud To The Edge

During this CIONET round table we will delve into the dynamic interplay between cloud and edge, highlighting how edge computing is revolutionising traditional data processing by situating it closer to its origin. This innovation is critical for real-time AI applications that require instantaneous responses.

Belgium February 1, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Round Table: Navigating Gen AI for Responsible Business Transformation

During this CIONET round table, we will explore the key trends and developments in the world of genAI and share insights into how businesses can embrace this technology to drive Business Transformation. We will also talk about how to scale from successful proof of concepts to reliable production systems with robust enterprise guardrails.

Germany January 31, 2024 Country Members Physical german

Frankfurt: Cyber Mastery: from Basics to Autonomy

We invite CIOs, CISO as well as Senior IT and Procurement Leaders on 31st January 2024 to a Roundtable Dinner discussion "Cyber Mastery: from Basics to Autonomy - Building Confidence for Effective Threat Hunting".

Italy January 30, 2024 Invitation Only Physical italian

Data Collaboration & Gen AI tra futuro e realtà

Il 2024 sarà un anno fondamentale per la diffusione dell’intelligenza artificiale  che diventerà un alleato per le aziende, migliorando la produttività e facilitando la creazione di soluzioni innovative. E proprio guidata  dall’intelligenza artificiale, dal machine learning e dalle applicazioni data driven la domanda di dati è cresciuta esponenzialmente in tutti i settori e divisioni aziendali.

Germany January 29, 2024 Country Members Virtual german

AI & DATA Knowledge Transfer - Briefing 4

Unsere Wissensaustausch-Briefings "AI & Data Knowledge Transfer" zielen darauf ab, CIDOs und Senior Digital Leaders mit praktischen Anwendungen und umsetzbaren Erkenntnissen von Fachexperten zu vermitteln, die den Weg für transformative digitale Reisen ebnen.

Italy January 25, 2024 Invitation Only Physical italian

Hitachi Vantara Explore C-Level Event

Gentilissimo, Cionet Italia e Hitachi Vantara aprono le porte del Museo Teatrale alla Scala per una visita privata in esclusiva per i propri selezionati ospiti alla scoperta degli oggetti che hanno reso memorabile la Scala, come i costumi di scena di Eleonora Duse e di Maria Callas, o il fortepiano di Giuseppe Verdi con il calco della sua mano. Ogni oggetto e cimelio racconta la storia di tutti i grandi artisti che hanno calpestato nel tempo il palco del Teatro più famoso del mondo.  Nella speranza di averla come nostro ospite, le porgiamo un cordiale saluto.  

Italy January 25, 2024 Invitation Only Physical italian

Welcome to the platform era

Every business wants to deliver great products faster and safer. It's the difference between winning customers or losing them.Providing an optimal developer experience is vital for creating exceptional products, often involving tool selection autonomy. During this roundtable we will explain how  a cloud native DevSecOps platform with powerful software delivery functionality helps delivering better, more secure software at a faster pace than ever.

UK January 24, 2024 Country Members Physical english

AI: The way Forward - Community

Join us for our first community event of 2024 on 24th January in London. Sponsored by Business Partners EY, Hitachi Vantara, Infogain, CloudBees, Entelect & Thoughtworks.

Italy January 23, 2024 Invitation Only Physical italian


SUSE VIP Experience Dinner

Germany January 23, 2024 Country Members Physical german

Köln: CIONET Meet-Up zu Gast bei RTL

Wir laden CIDOs und Senior IT-Verantwortliche zum CIONET Meet-up am 23. Januar 2024 ab 17:30, zu einem anregenden Austausch ein.

Belgium January 23, 2024 Members & Tribes Physical english

CIONET Belgium Annual Event 2024

Continuing the CIONET tradition, our Annual Event is designed as a Ted-style gathering, where we bring together thought leaders and digital experts to share their wisdom and insights. Each speaker will have a dedicated 12-minute slot to inspire our audience. This event promises a dynamic blend of voices, including CIOs, CEOs, esteemed academics, innovative start-up founders, and speakers who challenge the conventional norms.  

Germany January 22, 2024 Invitation Only Physical german

Advisory Board Meeting - CIONET Deutschland

Wir laden unsere Advisory Board Mitglieder zu unserem vor-Ort CIONET Advisory Board Meeting am 22. Januar von 16 bis 21 Uhr in München ein. 

Italy January 18, 2024 Country Members Physical italian

Award Gala Night

CIO+ Italia Award Gala Night

UK January 17, 2024 Country Members Physical english

EY CIO Circle : The intersection of cybersecurity and AI

Spain January 16, 2024 Invitation Only Physical spanish

Best-In-Class Projects: Pioneering the Future

Germany January 15, 2024 Country Members Virtual german

Expertentreff: State of Process Automation 2024: Was das C-Level im Jahr 2024 über KI und Prozessautomatisierung wissen sollte

Wir laden CIDOs und Senior IT-Verantwortliche zum CIONET Meet-up am 15. Januar 2024 ab 17:30, zu einem anregenden virtualen Austausch ein.

Italy December 19, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

Xmas Cocktail

Una serata esclusiva di networking riservata a Lei e a un pool ristretto di Digital Leader delle realtà pubbliche e private più importanti del territorio, organizzata in occasione delle festività natalizie nella cornice del Jade Bar dove la storia si unisce al lusso moderno nel cuore della città eterna.

Belgium December 14, 2023 AB Members Physical english

CIONET Advisory Board Christmas Dinner

We officially invite you to our traditional Advisory Board Christmas Dinner on the 14th of December at 5.30 pm.

Germany December 13, 2023 Country Members Virtual german

Virtual CIONET Meet-Up

Digitale Transformation, Fachkräftemangel, Cybersicherheit, Diversität und Inklusion sowie Nachhaltigkeit beschäftigen uns in der IT-, Tech- und Digital-Welt mehr denn je. Wie verändern sich die Tech-Budgets? Welche Maßnahmen sind notwendig, um die IT-Sicherheit zu gewährleisten Mit welchen Strategien können Tech-Talente in 2023 gewonnen und ans Unternehmen gebunden werden? Diese und vielen weiteren Themen und Fragen gehen wir in unserem Event auf den Grund.

Belgium December 12, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

No Code - No Cloud

Le premier objectif de “Infrastructure as Code - IaC” est d'accélérer la mise à disposition de l’infrastructure aux développeurs ainsi que la mise en production en éliminant les processus manuels. Les tâches de gestion complexes sont automatisées et par conséquent, elles sont gérées d’une manière éprouvée, testée et sans erreur. Cela rend les choses non seulement plus rapides, mais aussi moins chères, plus cohérentes et plus contrôlées. Certains soutiennent qu’une politique IaC est un élément crucial pour l’adoption et la gestion réussie des technologies cloud au sein d’une organisation. Lors de cette table ronde CIONET, nous aborderons les sujets suivantes: Les avantages et inconvénients d’une politique “No Code – No Cloud” Est-il possible d'implémenter DevOps et “continuous integration/continuous delivery” (CI/CD) sans une telle politique Comment mettre en œuvre une automatisation efficace dans un environnement multi-cloud hybride et quels sont les principaux défis

Germany December 11, 2023 All Members Virtual german

AI & DATA Knowledge Transfer - Briefing 3

Unsere Wissensaustausch-Briefings "AI & Data Knowledge Transfer" zielen darauf ab, CIDOs und Senior Digital Leaders mit praktischen Anwendungen und umsetzbaren Erkenntnissen von Fachexperten zu vermitteln, die den Weg für transformative digitale Reisen ebnen.

Netherlands December 7, 2023 Invitation Only Physical dutch

Security Resilience met Splunk

Alleen op uitnodiging gaan CIO's in op verandering, toenemende klantverwachtingen en bedrijfsveerkracht. Zodat de organisatie het vermogen heeft om zich aan te passen aan verschillende bedreigingen, van rampen tot technologische verstoringen.

Poland December 7, 2023 Invitation Only Physical Polish


UK December 6, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

CIO Circle – The intersection of cybersecurity and AI

Join us for an evening of discussion and debate examining the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity.

Poland December 4, 2023 Country Members Virtual Polish

Bezpieczeństwo i zaufanie do modeli AI w komercyjnym zastosowaniu Generatywnej Sztucznej Inteligencji

Podczas warsztatu, będziemy eksplorować możliwości, jakie oferują duże modele językowe (LLM) dostępne na platformie IBM watsonx oraz modele udostępniane przez społeczność HuggingFace. Podczas pierwszej części warsztatu skupimy się na tym, jak duże modele językowe mogą wpłynąć na sposób naszej pracy i zmiany w organizacjach. Omówimy kwestie związane z bezpieczeństwem oraz transparentnością modeli podczas budowy własnych aplikacji.

Spain November 30, 2023 AB Members Physical spanish

Advisory Board Meeting Madrid - Q4

Poland November 30, 2023 Country Members Physical Polish

#7 Sesja Strategiczna

Germany November 30, 2023 Country Members Physical german

AI Horizons: Empowering the Enterprise

Wir freuen uns, Sie zu unserem exklusiven KI-Austausch für CIDOs und Senior Technology Leaders einladen zu können. Die Veranstaltung verspricht ein unvergessliches Erlebnis zu werden, das Ihr Verständnis für Künstliche Intelligenz und ihre transformativen Auswirkungen auf Unternehmen erweitern wird.

Germany November 30, 2023 Country Members Physical german

Fotogalerie: AI Horizons

Wir freuen uns, Sie zu unserem exklusiven KI-Austausch für CIDOs und Senior Technology Leaders einladen zu können. Die Veranstaltung verspricht ein unvergessliches Erlebnis zu werden, das Ihr Verständnis für Künstliche Intelligenz und ihre transformativen Auswirkungen auf Unternehmen erweitern wird.

Netherlands November 30, 2023 All Members Physical dutch

Fast Forward Insights #Security

Building Cyber Resilience: Navigating Digital Threats and Preparing for the Unexpected. Dit is een kans om waardevolle ervaringen, tips en tricks te verzamelen en uit te wisselen met CISO's en CIO's die dagelijks bezig zijn met het beschermen van organisaties.

Poland November 29, 2023 Country Members Physical Polish

CIO i CISO – zmiana roli w dobie cyfrowej transformacji i postępujących regulacji

Zmiana pozycjonowania Sec w organizacji, aktywne podejście do zarządzania ryzykiem, wpływ regulacji na postrzeganie roli Sec i IT przez zarząd.

International November 29, 2023 Public Virtual english

CIONEXT | Mastering the Cloud

Everyday, our organisations are challenged more and more to build and implement business strategies in order to be future-ready. In this edition of CIONEXT, we’ll engage with top digital leaders to discuss these challenges on 3 levels: architecture, platforms and infrastructure.

UK November 28, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Healthcare Circle - powered by Johnson&Johnson: Digital and Robotics enabling the OR

During this Circle Meeting we want to co-create a supportive framework for hospitals in their journey towards a Digitally Enable OR and to define the key components of a playbook that allows for hospitals to kick-start and/or sustain their digital implementation journey by leveraging tools, methodologies and lessons learned.

Belgium November 28, 2023 Country Members Physical english

May the cloud force be with you - CIONET Belgium: Community Event

As the cloud continues to evolve, there are different visions on what the future of the cloud will look like. Some experts predict the demise of on-premise, while others believe the future will be hybrid and or multi-cloud. Some even speculate on the emergence of a new cloud 3.0. in the near future. While there is no consensus on what exactly Cloud 3.0 will look like, it's generally believed that it will build on the advances of the current cloud models but offer new capabilities and functionalities, be more intelligent, secure, flexible, and more interconnected than previous versions. With so many different visions on the horizon, it's important for businesses to stay informed and understand the implications of these different models. During this event, we'll explore the different visions on the future of the cloud, and discuss what they could mean for your businesses.

Netherlands November 28, 2023 Invitation Only Physical dutch

Ignite, Today, Tomorrow CIONET & NTT Digital Leaders Diner

Alleen op uitnodiging gaan digital leaders tijdens een diner in Restaurant HFSLG in gesprek over 'How to navigate tomorrow's connectivity landscape'.

Germany November 27, 2023 All Members Virtual german

AI & DATA Knowledge Transfer - Briefing 2

Unsere Wissensaustausch-Briefings "AI & Data Knowledge Transfer" zielen darauf ab, CIDOs und Senior Digital Leaders mit praktischen Anwendungen und umsetzbaren Erkenntnissen von Fachexperten zu vermitteln, die den Weg für transformative digitale Reisen ebnen.

Spain November 23, 2023 AB Members Physical spanish

Advisory Board Meeting Barcelona - Q4

Belgium November 23, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Telenet Business Leadership Circle - Sustainability with IT - November 2023

Join your fellow digital leaders in a crucial discussion on sustainability in the digital world. We’ll dive into the evolving regulatory landscape, examining both current and forthcoming European policies aimed at enhancing the energy efficiency and climate-friendliness of companies. We’ll discuss the main levers for sustainable IT across digital impact areas such as end-user devices, networks, data centres, and software development, sharing insights and strategies on life cycle extensions, energy-efficient coding, green software development, and more. This Circle Meeting explores the role of business ànd digital leaders to navigate through the green transition and to ensure a sustainable future for us all.

Belgium November 23, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Low Code

Speed and agility have become paramount to your organisation’s success. How swiftly can your organisation identify and react to new trends, and evolving customer needs? Is innovation ingrained in your processes, ensuring you are not just reactive but proactive? Do your business and IT units collaborate seamlessly to transform challenges into innovative products and services? Once a solution is deployed, is adaptability still fraught with complexity and risk? The shift towards contemporary methodologies, including Agile and DevOps, coupled with the embrace of low-code and no-code technologies, seeks to address these pivotal concerns. Low-code platforms claim to promote faster, more collaborative, and more flexible development processes that can better respond to modern business needs. Furthermore, they empower individuals across departments to engage in application development and offer novel solutions tailored to unique business imperatives. How do applications developed on low-code platforms meet scalability challenges as they grow in terms of users and data load? How do you ensure the platform can handle increased demands? And what is the strategy for seamlessly integrating these applications with existing systems, especially when dealing with legacy applications or complex data architectures?  

Italy November 23, 2023 Country Members Physical italian


Un “intelligent enterprise” è un'azienda che utilizza dati e tecnologie per acquisire informazioni sulle proprie operazioni e prendere decisioni migliori. Ciò può portare maggiore efficienza, un migliore servizio clienti e lo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti. The intelligent enterprise is a journey, not a destination. Costruire una intelligent enterprise richiede tempo ed energie: non esiste infatti un’approccio univoco, e ogni organizzazione dovrà adattare la propria strategia alle proprie esigenze specifiche.

Latam November 22, 2023 AB Members Physical spanish


Durante esta sesión, compartiremos conocimientos, casos de éxito y desafíos en la creación de experiencias excepcionales que generen lealtad y satisfacción en nuestros clientes.

UK November 22, 2023 Country Members Physical english

CIONET UK Business Community Program: The Cyber War: Facing Off the Rogue Nations

Join us for our final community event of 2023 on 22nd November and hear five eminent speakers and panellists discuss their personal experiences. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host and as with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Spain November 22, 2023 Country Members Physical spanish

Premios CIONET Vocento 2023

Gala de entrega de los Premios CIONET VOCENTO 2023. Reconoceremos a las Compañías Líderes en Excelencia Tecnológica en Proyectos y a los Líderes Digitales del Año 2023.

Italy November 22, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

Governa e riduci il TCO MultiCloud in modalità Self-Service

Unisciti a noi nell’esplorazione delle opportunità offerte dalla migrazione verso il cloud e scopri come la piattaforma Cloud Management Platform (CMP) di Morpheus possa cambiare le regole del gioco. In questo evento, esamineremo approfonditamente come ed in quali casi la tecnologia CMP di Morpheus possa migliorare il modo in cui le aziende affrontano la migrazione e la gestione del cloud in modalità ibrida e multi. Guidati dagli esperti di Liquid Reply, esploreremo come le architetture ibride e multi cloud stiano diventando il perno delle strategie IT delle aziende.

Belgium November 21, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Healthcare Circle - powered by Johnson&Johnson: Keeping The Digital Hospitals Healthy

CIOs of hospitals must prioritize cybersecurity to protect patient data, ensure compliance with regulations, maintain patient safety, preserve operational continuity, safeguard the hospital's reputation, mitigate financial risks, and navigate the complex landscape of evolving technologies and cyber threats. However, resources and highly specialised skills are scarce. The time of 'every hospital for itself' is over. It is time to recognize that hospitals are all in the same boat together, and that the solution must be reached collectively. This is where our community can help. During this Circle Meeting, we want to discuss in which domains and how hospitals can collaborate to  provide greater threat visibility and help to improve detection, mitigation, and response capabilities. Kurt Gielen, the CISO of ZOL will help us moderate this discussion.

Belgium November 21, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Autonomous IT: Fantasy or Feasibility?

Join us in an engaging round table discussion tailored for forward-thinking CIOs who are eager to delve into the intriguing world of autonomous IT environments. As the business and technology landscape evolves, the concept of self-managing IT systems has ignited debates and curiosity alike. Is the notion of autonomous IT an elusive mirage, or are we standing at the brink of a technological frontier?   The concept of an “Autonomous IT environment” envisions an IT setup where automated processes, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data-driven insights work together to minimise manual intervention, optimise performance, predict and prevent issues, and make informed decisions based on real-time data. The term "autonomous" signifies a level of self-governance, intelligence, and adaptability that goes beyond traditional IT management practices. Autonomous IT environments are aimed at enhancing efficiency, reducing downtime, improving security, and enabling IT teams to focus on higher-value tasks.    In this interactive session, we will embark on an expedition to uncover the truths, myths, and challenges surrounding autonomous IT environments

Belgium November 16, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Round Table: GenAI for speed in Content & Data How CIOs and CMOs use GenAI to accelerate power of personalisation

How CIOs and CMOs use GenAI to accelerate and enable personalisation at scale This upcoming CIO roundtable event aims to highlight the critical role of rapid data processing and content delivery in enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction. Additionally, the discussion will delve into the participating CIO's views and experience in utilising generative AI to optimise customer experience management. As businesses strive to meet evolving customer expectations, speed has become a key differentiator in delivering personalised experiences. This roundtable will bring together CIOs and CMOs to explore strategies for leveraging technology and data-driven insights to enhance customer experiences. Participants will discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with ensuring fast and seamless content delivery across multiple channels and touch points.

Belgium November 16, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Round Table: Data Democracy

During this CIONET round table, we will exchange experiences and best practices on thefour key aspects of bringing the power of data to the people: Data access, data governance, data literacy, and data tools.

UK November 15, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

FinOps : Adopting new economic models for cloud operations

Accenture and IBM invite you to a FinOps dinner at One Moorgate Place on the 15 November at 6.30 PM to discuss effective vendor partnerships. Sinead Glynn will introduce the session. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host, and as with all CIONET events, this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Poland November 15, 2023 Country Members Physical Polish

#7 Sesja strategiczna

Program Data Excellence ciągle się rozpędza! Zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie unikalnej społeczności dla decydentów w obszarach Data Science & Analytics, Machine Learning, Big Data, AI, Data Governance, Data Warehouse czy Business Intelligence.

Italy November 14, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

Sicurezza delle Identità

Sebbene le organizzazioni abbiano implementato soluzioni MFA e PAM per mitigare il rischio di attacchi basati sulle credenziali, queste presentano ancora lacune di visibilità e problemi di rilevamento che gli aggressori possono sfruttare. Da sole, non sono sufficienti a proteggere completamente le identità e l’infrastruttura che le supporta. Oltre l’80% delle recenti violazioni ha sfruttato credenziali rubate o utilizzate in modo improprio come parte fondamentale della catena di attacco. Una soluzione completa per la sicurezza delle identità richiede la visibilità delle vulnerabilità e delle esposizioni presenti negli ambienti AD odierni, nonché un’efficace strategia di rilevamento e depistaggio. 

Belgium November 14, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Racing Event

Dive into a discourse that aims to harmonize technology's rapid pace with the planet's enduring rhythm, crafting a sustainable future that's both innovative and responsible.

Netherlands November 13, 2023 All Members Physical english

Ga mee naar de Web Summit op 13 november 2023 in Lissabon, Portugal

Afgelopen jaren heeft CIONET jaarlijks met meer dan 20 IT Execs en Digital Leaders een bezoek gebracht aan de Web Summit. In 2023 gaat CIONET wederom met een groep Digital Leaders uit Nederland naar Lissabon. Een drietal dagen met collega Digital Leaders ervaringen delen en van gedachten wisselen over alle innovatieve onderwerpen die tijdens de Web Summit aan bod komen. Onder het genot van een goed diner de dag nabespreken. Van én naar de Web Summit worden gebracht door de CIONET bus en zelf óf met de groep aan het Web Summit programma deelnemen: het zijn een aantal inspirerende maar zeker ook gezellige dagen die je niet wil missen! Wil je mee naar de Web Summit? Boek dan nu jouw all-in arrangement voor een earlybird tarief!

UK November 9, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Discussing gen AI plans and opportunities

This unique event, hosted by Genpact, will take place on the evening of 9th November, 2023, at L'Oscar commencing at 18.00 GMT. Genpact will start the conversation by describing relevant generative AI case studies with Tarun Chopra & Shalvi Chitkara of GenPact. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host, and as with all CIONET engagements, this meeting of minds will empower you in your leadership role.

Sweden November 9, 2023 Country Members Physical english

Ransomware Recovery: Be Prepared, Not Scared

Whether you are a CISO or a similarly senior security professional – or if you are a leadingmember of the IT department with overview of information security – this is the event for you. A fascinating and insightful evening awaits. It will be a chance to meet with peers, to explore practical solutions, and to uncover best practice. And it all takes place at the wonderful Villa Dagmar.

Germany November 8, 2023 Country Members Physical german

Cybersicherheit ist ein Mannschaftssport - Köln

"Cybersicherheit ist ein Mannschaftssport" so nennen wir unseren exklusiven CIONET Roundtable, zu dem wir gemeinsam mit unseren Eventpartnern Hitachi Vantara einen kleinen Kreis von CIO/CISOs ausgewählter Anwenderunternehmen einladen.

Netherlands November 7, 2023 AB Members Physical dutch

Advisory Board Diner

Op 7 november komt de Advisory Board van CIONET NL samen in Restaurant Bij Qunis in Lijnden. We bespreken de planning voor 2024 en discussiëren over specifieke en door de board aangedragen onderwerpen.

Germany November 7, 2023 All Members Physical german

Cybersicherheit ist ein Mannschaftssport

Für Hitachi Vantara ist Cybersicherheit ein Mannschaftssport, bei dem verschiedene Unternehmensbereiche ihre individullen Stärken einbringen, um ein schlagkräftiges Team zu bilden.     Unsere Gruppendiskussion wird sich ganz konkret der Frage widmen, wie Unternehmen ihr Team “Cybersicherheit” aufstellen sollten, um Technologie und Strategie Hand in Hand gehen zu lassen   Wie sollte eine moderne Disaster-Recovery-Strategie aussehen? Ist ein drittes Backup-Rechenzentrum bzw. zusätzliche Cloud-Umgebung “Overkill” notwendig? Wie kann eine schnelle Wiederherstellung im Falle eines Cybersecurity-Angriffs gewährleistet werden? Was ist die beste Strategie, um sich auf einen Ransomware-Angriff vorzubereiten und darauf zu reagieren? Wie kann die Unveränderlichkeit von Daten zur Vereinheitlichung einer Cybersicherheitsstrategie beitragen?

Belgium November 7, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

You don't know where your data is! Or do you?

The rise of remote work, cloud operations, and expansive data growth has made data control elusive. Many face challenges like shadow IT due to multiple SaaS applications, outdated legacy systems, and the ever-evolving threat landscape, from insider threats to sophisticated phishing attacks. Regulatory complexities, rapid software development, and vulnerable supply chains further exacerbate these challenges.   Today's IT landscape resembles less of a well-mapped terrain and more of a dense, unpredictable jungle. With every new device, network, and third-party provider, our span of control dilutes further. The explosion of data across a myriad of platforms and providers has turned data protection and control into Herculean tasks, often leaving even the most astute digital leaders questioning: Where exactly is our data? How much control do we genuinely exert over it?  The digital age isn't just about new ideas; it's about really understanding and mastering them. We need to sort out old systems, be careful with fast software changes, and not be fooled into thinking we have full control. It's time to face our weaknesses and aim for true leadership in the digital world. And, we need to be sure that the latest tech solutions aren't just trendy words but real tools that help us protect and control our data effectively.

Netherlands November 3, 2023 Invitation Only Physical dutch

Nieuwe Leergang Technology Leadership: start 3 november

Empowering the Next Generation of Digital Innovators (CIO, CDO, CTO, CxO). Deze intensieve opleiding vóór én door ervaren Chief Information Officers, speciaal ontworpen om jouw leiderschapsvaardigheden en technologische expertise naar een hoger niveau te tillen.

UK November 1, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Can generative AI help address core legacyissues?

AWS and CISCO invite you to a discussion dinner in London on the 1st November, starting at 18.30. Leaders from Central Government will introduce the discussion. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host, and as with all CIONET events, this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Netherlands October 31, 2023 Invitation Only Physical dutch

Security and Compliance: Balancing Cyber Threats and Business Needs

Alleen op uitnodiging gaan CIO's bespreken: How can CIOs balance the need for security and compliance with the organization's specific business needs, while dealing with increasingly sophisticated and frequent cyber threats?

Germany October 31, 2023 Country Members Physical german

CIONET at Hockenheim-Ring

Wir laden gemeinsam mit der Software AG und ERA Championship Digital Leader und C-Level IT Verantwortliche am 31. Oktober 2023 ab 11:30 Uhr an den Hockenheim Ring ein, um an einer ganz besonderen CIONET Veranstaltung teilzunehmen.

UK October 26, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Modernising legacy systems within FSI

Mendix invites you to a discussion evening in London on the 26 October, starting at 18.30. Mendix will share ‘use cases’ with delegates. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host and as with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Italy October 26, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

Unlocking SAP Excellence: Empower Your Business for the Future

When SAP performance suffers, your business suffers. On this occasion you will have the opportunity to discover how Cisco AppDynamics innovative solutions can build resiliency into your SAP landscape and accelerate the business impact of existing SAP implementations and transformations through the correlation of functional, technical, and user experience observability data, all available through a single platform.  In a round table dinner with ambiance will also learn and discuss with peers from Italy, how to confidently lead your organization into the future by keeping SAP running flawlessly and mitigating risks e.g. when migrating to S/4HANA® - and how Full-Stack Observability opens door to a complete new level of steering your company.

Spain October 25, 2023 Country Members Physical spanish

CIONET Data Quest 2023

Latam October 24, 2023 All Members Virtual spanish

Explorando las últimas tendencias en redes

La comunicación se ha se ha vuelto omnipresente, las herramientas y plataformas digitales nos permiten comunicarnos de manera instantánea y global, superando barreras geográficas y culturales.

Belgium October 24, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Are We All Becoming Cyborgs? Exploring Generative AI and the Future of Human-Machine Collaboration

We are on the brink of a new era of human-machine partnerships. Are all of us – so to speak – obligated to become cyborgs, working intimately together with our (generative) AI assistants, the latter becoming our perfect yet indispensable ‘second half’? Will AI augment or extend our brain capacity, push our cognitive boundaries, and enhance our problem-solving skills and creativity? Will the marriage of human expertise and AI capabilities revolutionize job roles, job satisfaction, and professional growth? To what extent will AI impact our way of working and our organizations by streamlining tasks and amplifying productivity? Are we already witnessing or anticipating a shifting balance between automation and human skill enhancement? Will AI erode or enrich the content of our jobs? This roundtable discussion will delve into the transformative impact of generative AI, address common concerns about job displacement, and investigate the extent to which AI augments human efforts rather than replaces them. Join this roundtable and hear from pioneers shaping the human-machine partnership. Engage with thought leaders and industry peers in meaningful conversations. Gain practical insights into the integration of generative AI in diverse fields. Build connections with fellow professionals navigating the AI landscape. And leave with a deeper understanding of how AI can reshape your business. Secure your seat at the forefront of AI discussions and confirm your attendance.  

Belgium October 24, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Round Table "Sustainability needs a Mental Shift"

Dive into a discourse that aims to harmonize technology's rapid pace with the planet's enduring rhythm, crafting a sustainable future that's both innovative and responsible.

Spain October 24, 2023 Invitation Only Physical spanish

III Kick Off Programa Consejeros CIONET

Germany October 23, 2023 Country Members Physical german

Next-Gen Cybersicherheit

Wir laden CIDOs, Senior IT- und Security Verantwortliche zum CIONET Meet-up am 23. Oktober 2023 ab 17:30 Uhr im Hotel Platzl ein, um die aktuellen und kommenden Technologien zu erkunden, die die Zukunft der Cybersicherheit prägen werden.

Switzerland October 19, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Delivering digital transformation

It is in the context, that we invite you to join us for this private, closed-door roundtable dinner where we will be taking a deeper look at technology leadership in 2023. The magnificent setting of the Beau Rivage Hotel will be our venue , a fabulous opportunity to eat, drink, learn and network with your peers.

Switzerland October 19, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Delivering digital transformation: what the budget conscious technology leader needs to know

It is in the context, that we invite you to join us for this private, closed-door roundtable dinner where we will be taking a deeper look at technology leadership in 2023. The magnificent setting of the Beau Rivage Hotel will be our venue , a fabulous opportunity to eat, drink, learn and network with your peers.  

Belgium October 19, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Telenet Business Leadership Circle - Outsourcing Cyber Security


Italy October 19, 2023 Country Members Physical italian


Nel mondo di oggi, sempre più interconnesso, i dati sono diventati una risorsa preziosa e fondamentale, che hanno portato alla nascita della "The Data Economy." L’abbondanza di informazioni digitali e le avanzate capacità di analisi dei dati hanno infatti trasformato le aziende, presentando nuove opportunità ma anche nuove sfide.

UK October 18, 2023 Country Members Physical english

Adopting new technologies should not be a game of chance

Cognizant and Google Cloud invite you to an evening event in London at 18.30 on the 18th of October. Roger Camrass, research director of CIONET and pioneer of today’s Internet will be your host. As with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

International October 18, 2023 Public Virtual english

CIONEXT | The Fabric of Future-proof Organisations

Everyday, our organisations are challenged more and more to build and implement business strategies in order to be future-ready. In this edition of CIONEXT, we’ll engage with top digital leaders to discuss these challenges on 3 levels: How do we architect our businesses of tomorrow? What’s the supporting strategy of the future? Do we implement global business services (GBS), and who needs to lead these? What’s your IT operating model? What’s our core digital platform strategy and do we select the right components for maximum flexibility and minimum risk? All while ensuring data sovereignty, compliance and privacy. What’s the most optimal IT infrastructure and connectivity underpinning the businesses of the future? How do we manage the cost, performance and resilience of multi-cloud and hybrid architectures, in order to excel in big data, AI & IoT? These and many other questions will be addressed and answered - don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the best on how they weave the fabric of their future-proof organisation.

Netherlands October 18, 2023 Invitation Only Physical dutch

Track day with Aston Martin

Alleen op uitnodiging ontdekken digital leaders tijdens de kracht van Generative AI en hoe deze baanbrekende technologie jouw organisatie met een raketvaart richting de toekomst kan lanceren.

Belgium October 17, 2023 Country Members Physical french

Les Rencontres: La chasse au trésor

Dans le monde actuel axé sur les données, les entreprises sont assises sur un trésor d'informations précieuses. Du comportement des clients aux tendances du marché, les entreprises ont accès à une multitude de données qui peuvent éclairer les décisions commerciales et stimuler la croissance. Cependant, le véritable défi consiste à tirer le meilleur parti de ces données et à les transformer en informations exploitables. La question est donc la suivante : êtes-vous prêt à libérer tout le potentiel des données de votre entreprise et à acquérir un avantage concurrentiel dans votre secteur ? Dans cette session, nous allons explorer et écouter quelques témoignages de vos pairs qui ont réussi à tirer le maximum de valeur de leurs données, pour stimuler l'innovation et la croissance.

Spain October 17, 2023 Invitation Only Physical spanish


Germany October 16, 2023 All Members Virtual german

AI & DATA Knowledge Transfer - Briefing 1

Die Integration künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) revolutioniert die Fahrzeugerkennung. Moderne KI-Methoden bieten präzise und schnelle Identifizierungsmöglichkeiten für Fahrzeugtypen. Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet technische Aspekte, Implementierungsherausforderungen und ethische Rahmenbedingungen dieser Entwicklung. Es wird dargelegt, wie KI eine regulierungskonforme und effiziente Fahrzeugerkennung ermöglicht.

Netherlands October 13, 2023 Invitation Only Physical dutch

Start Leergang CIO als Commissaris: 13 okt 2023

Heb je interesse om je inzicht in management en persoonlijk leiderschap naar een hoger niveau te brengen? Meld je dan aan voor de 15e Leergang CIO als Commissaris. Let op: er zijn een beperkt aantal plaatsen beschikbaar.

UK October 12, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Software AG Retail event : Accelerating supply chain integration

As retailers and their partners move to digital supply chains, pressure increases on data standardisation and speed of movement. Many such organisations are re-platforming their legacy systems onto the public cloud and adopting Software as a Service. The challenge here is to integrate the many separate systems and applications. API modernisation, data integration and hybrid working remain at the top of the CIO’s list of priorities. Software AG has transformed from an on-premise, traditional software company to a cloud-based, SaaS business that moves rapidly with the times. In this discussion evening, it will share its market insights with you around: Helping retail organisations and their partners define a clear path between current and desired future states by integrating operations and exploiting data assets. Adopting the latest integration techniques to ensure that the correct data reaches the appropriate parties across the supply chain Providing consistency of experience to both the customer and colleague to maximise loyalty to the brand. Developing corporate structures that deliver agility and speed to respond to constant changes in the marketplace. Software AG invites you to a retail sector dinner in London on the 12 of October at 18.30 PM to discuss effective vendor partnerships. The CTO of Boots will share his recent experiences of integration along with Steven Long of Software AG. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host, and as with all CIONET events, this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Italy October 11, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

GTTPalo Alto Event

Buongiorno, L’appuntamento è mercoledì 11 ottobre p.v. alle ore 10.30 presso Il Giardino Della Torre a  Padova. Durante la tavola rotonda, gli esperti di GTT e Palo Alto Networks si confronteranno con i partecipanti sulle più recenti tendenze in ambito di network security e sulla necessità di far convergere servizi di rete e sicurezza, pilastri dell'architettura SASE.  Sarà ospite dell’evento Massimiliano Cappa, Executive Vice President - CIO di Danieli & C Officine Meccaniche, che condividerà la propria esperienza in merito alla strategia digitale e alle nuove sfide di sicurezza da affrontare. Cordiali saluti  

Netherlands October 10, 2023 Invitation Only Physical dutch

Cyber Security CI(S)O diner

Alleen op uitnodiging gaan digital leaders tijdens een diner in Kasteel Oud-Poelgeest in gesprek over security monitoring: is een breder inzicht in data de sleutel tot effectieve security?

Belgium October 10, 2023 Members & Tribes Physical english

Cybersecurity - CIONET Belgium Community Event

Hackers and cybercriminals are constantly evolving their tactics and business models to stay one step ahead of the latest cybersecurity measures. In order to protect against cybercrime, it's important to understand how these criminals operate and what their business models are. By learning about the methods and motivations of cybercriminals, businesses can better understand the risks they face and develop effective strategies to defend against them. In this context, developing a comprehensive cyber defense strategy is essential to protect sensitive data, maintain business continuity, and safeguard reputation. So, let's explore how understanding the business models of cybercrime can help you organize your cyber defense strategy and protect your business from cyber threats.    

UK October 9, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

It’s all about the data, stupid!

AWS and CISCO invite you to a discussion dinner in London on the 9th of October, starting at 18.30. Leaders from the NHS will introduce the discussion. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host, and as with all CIONET events, we believe this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Austria October 5, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Delivering digital transformation: what the budget conscious technology leader needs to know

It is in the context, that we invite you to join us for this private, closed-door roundtable dinner where we will be taking a deeper look at technology leadership in 2023. The magnificent setting of the Park Hyatt Vienna will be our venue , a fabulous opportunity to eat, drink, learn and network with your peers.   

Germany October 5, 2023 Country Members Physical german

Unlocking the economic potential of generative AI

Die Ära der generativen KI beginnt gerade erst und die Fortschritte in der sprachbasierten KI markieren einen Wendepunkt für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. In einer aktuellen Accenture-Umfrage stimmten 97 % der weltweiten Führungskräfte zu, dass KI-Grundlagenmodelle in den nächsten drei bis fünf Jahren eine wichtige Rolle in den Strategien ihrer Organisationen spielen werden und 40% aller Arbeitszeiten durch Large Language Models (LLMs) beeinflusst werden könnten. Wie können also die Führungskräfte diese Technologie am besten nutzen, um die Art und Weise, wie ihre Arbeit erledigt wird, radikal zu überdenken, Geschäftsabläufe weiterzuentwickeln und KI auf verantwortungsvolle Weise zu nutzen, um neue Leistungsgrenzen zu erschließen? In Wirklichkeit werden Unternehmen Tausende von Möglichkeiten haben, generative KI einzusetzen, um die Effizienz zu maximieren und Wettbewerbsvorteile zu erzielen.

Spain October 5, 2023 Invitation Only Physical spanish

The future of Enterprise Network Security

Comparte un almuerzo excepcional en el que entre todos los participantes analizan casos de éxito y mejores prácticas para obtener una visión más completa de los riesgos de seguridad durante sus procesos de digitalización, viaje a la nube o implementación de teletrabajo.

Latam October 4, 2023 AB Members Physical spanish


Esperamos que esta sesión de consejo, sea un espacio colaborativo en el que se fomente el intercambio de ideas y la generación de soluciones innovadoras para mejorar la gestión del talento en nuestra organización

Poland October 4, 2023 Country Members Virtual Polish

Jakie aspekty rozważyć decydując się na multi-cloud?

Przybywa firm deklarujących obranie podejścia multi-cloud, by osiągnąć swe cele strategiczne. Trend ten zyskuje na popularności, ze względu na rosnące grono dostawców chmury publicznej oraz dostawców wyspecjalizowanych technologii bazujących na chmurze. Coraz częściej pojawia się pytanie nie jaką, ale jakie chmury wziąć pod uwagę realizując cele organizacji. Na tym spotkaniu porozmawiamy jakie aspekty rozważyć planując multi-cloud oraz przedstawimy case study jak chmury mogą się wzajemnie uzupełniać.

UK October 3, 2023 Country Members Physical english

CIONET UK Business Community Program: Collaborating Across Sector Boundaries

In this fifth Community Programme event of 2023, we learn how collaboration can encourage innovation and growth from leading practitioners.

Belgium October 3, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Embracing Data Delights

In today’s data-driven environment, organisations are embracing analytics to drive growth and innovation in an increasingly competitive world. However, their conventional ERP systems, crucial for managing processes, limit their ability to gain profound insights from data. To address these challenges, companies embark on an analytics adoption journey by implementing specialised analytics platforms, data warehouses, and data lakes. Technological constraints are becoming less and less of an issue and the challenges pivot towards business value management and implementing an analytics-driven culture.   If the above sounds familiar to you, we invite you to participate in this CIONET Round Table. During this evening, we will focus on two main questions:   How do you organise the intense pursuit of business value and place a strong emphasis on value stewardship in order to make sure that you prioritise the right data initiatives? How do you put in place the data governance and data ownership that allows you to embrace the power of analytics adoption?   Panagiotis Nikolaidis, Enterprise Architect - Analytics Manager at Barry Callebaut Group will start the conversation by sharing his experiences and challenges.  

Belgium September 30, 2023 All Members Physical english

CIONET Cycling Event: Discovering Leuven

Join us for a wonderful ride in Leuven.  The length of the ride will be approximately 80 km and will contain a nice mixture of trails and single tracks. The ride is accessible to all levels of riders and doesn't require extensive technical skills. Looking forward to ride together. Register here: 

Poland September 29, 2023 Country Members Physical Polish

Ochrona łańcucha dostaw przed ryzykami cybernetycznymi

Świat przeżywa bardzo burzliwe czasy. Na początku 2020 roku pandemia COVID, potem wojna na Ukrainie przesunęły uwagę na zarządzanie kryzysowe, dywersyfikację dostawców i ich ściślejszy monitoring oraz ciągłość operacji biznesowych. Usługi zdalne stały się powszechnie pożądane przez klientów, a nowe modele biznesowe wymagają zwiększonej koncentracji na cyberbezpieczeństwie i zarządzaniu ryzykiem. Jak wynika z raportu Mastercard Processed Data and MC Poland`s Cybersecurity Landscape, 2022: Większość ataków jest wykonywana za pośrednictwem oprogramowania ransomware, złośliwego oprogramowania, inżynierii społecznej e-maili i ataków na łańcuch dostaw Hakerzy finansowi i polityczni to najbardziej aktywni aktorzy zagrożeń, których celem są dane osobowe klientów, informacje związane z kontraktami i umowami, a także sprzedawane lub kupowane towary.

Poland September 29, 2023 Invitation Only Physical Polish


Zapraszamy na ekskluzywne spotkanie CIONET, poświęcone zastosowaniom AI i automatyzacji w obsłudze klientów. We współpracy z naszymi partnerami Microsoft i Netwise oraz praktykami rynku contact center wraz z niezależnymi ekspertami z obszaru CX przygotowaliśmy program wokół następujących tematów: Wyzwania związane z modernizacją tradycyjnych modeli obsługi klientów Jaką przewagę zapewniają systemy chmurowe Co generatywna AI zmienia w obsłudze klientów? Co jest możliwe już dzisiaj, a co powinniśmy postrzegać jako rozwiązania przyszłości? Jak platforma Microsoft Dynamics Digital Contact Center z technologią Copilot wpływa na efektywność agentów i doświadczenie klientów? Jakich nowych kompetencji potrzebują zespoły obsługi klienta, aby w pełni wykorzystać nowe technologie? Jak obniżyć koszty i zwiększyć efektywność poprzez uproszenie infrastruktury i automatyzację procesów? Spotkaniu towarzyszyć będzie dyskusja w gronie doświadczonych menedżerów zarządzających obsługą klientów.

Sweden September 28, 2023 Country Members Physical english

Cloud Experience, Resilience and Agility

Please join us in the luxurious surroundings of The Grand Hotel, Stockholm for an evening of fine dining, networking and great discussion .  During this specially-convened CIONET executive dinner, in association with Hitachi Vantara, we will explore the environmental impact of digital technologies, and the steps being taken by you and your organisation to cut carbon emissions and energy use.  

Latam September 28, 2023 All Members Virtual spanish

Transformación Digital 306° | Rompiendo Barreras, Creando Oportunidades

La transformación digital no se trata solo de adoptar nuevas tecnologías, sino de cambiar la mentalidad y la cultura organizacional. Implica empoderar a los empleados, fomentar la creatividad y la experimentación, y promover la adopción de nuevas formas de trabajo y colaboración.

Belgium September 28, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Round Table: AI's Impact on Customer Delight

By asking numerous questions to seasoned CDOs or AI specialists with a track record in supporting commercial processes, we want to critically examine AI's (potential) assets, downsides, and limitations in assuring optimal customer satisfaction and experiences.

Poland September 28, 2023 Country Members Physical Polish

#6 Sesja strategiczna

Zapraszamy na wrześniowe spotkanie ciągle rozwijającej się społeczności Data Excellence – jest nas już ponad 260 osób!

Netherlands September 28, 2023 All Members Physical dutch

Fast Forward Insights #Innovation

Innovating for Impact: Strategies for Disruptive Growth and Boardroom Success

Poland September 27, 2023 Country Members Virtual Polish

Rozwiązywanie problemów z wykorzystaniem podejścia DevSecOps i GitOps

Problemy dnia drugiego, jak rozwiązać je skutecznie z użyciem DevSecOps i GitOps

Latam September 26, 2023 AB Members Physical spanish


Espacio Colaborativo, intercambio de experiencias, retos oportunidades y buenas prácticas

Poland September 26, 2023 Country Members Virtual Polish

Sztuczna Inteligencja – Jako nowy pracownik czy tylko narzędzie?

Zapraszamy na warsztaty, które skupią się na tematyce technologii AI i jej komercjalizacji poprzez włączenie w procesy biznesowe w Państwa Firmach. Podczas tych warsztatów Uczestnicy zdobędą praktyczną wiedzę na temat projektowania, wdrażania i zarządzania rozbudowanymi systemami modeli językowych - LLM dla firm o każdym profilu działalności. Uczestnicy dowiedzą się, jak wykorzystać zaawansowane algorytmy uczenia maszynowego do stworzenia inteligentnych ChatBotów, które są w stanie obsługiwać klientów, udzielać odpowiedzi na pytania pracowników i usprawnić komunikację wewnętrzną. Przyjrzymy się również wyzwaniom związanym z prywatnością danych i zabezpieczeniami w kontekście ChatBotów. Warsztaty pozwolą Uczestnikom docenić potencjalne korzyści z wdrożenia w firmach technologii AI (a w szczególności LLM) takie jak automatyzacja procesów biznesowych i zwiększenie efektywności komunikacji. Uczestnicy zyskają świadomość potencjału tej zaawansowanej technologii dla możliwej poprawy efektywności i konkurencyjności Swojej Firmy.

Italy September 22, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian


CXOsummit 2023

Spain September 21, 2023 AB Members Physical spanish

Advisory Board Meeting Madrid - Q3

Belgium September 21, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

The Human Risk

82% of security breaches are caused by human behavior, with attackers skillfully manipulating people through social engineering tactics. This has led to a rise in sophisticated phishing attacks, scams, and infiltration. In 2023, cybercriminals are expected to exploit economic and ecological concerns while utilizing powerful technologies like Generative AI solutions, such as ChatGPT. Most cyber incidents originate within organizations, involving employees and an increasing number of third parties like partners, vendors, freelancers, and service providers. Another growing issue is the shortage of IT and cybersecurity professionals, with high rates of burnout due to the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work, and increased pressure. This shortage has left organizations understaffed and struggling to cope with imminent cyber threats. Nevertheless, both human and technological factors have dual roles. While humans can be the weakest link, they can also be the organization's strongest asset in securing it. A holistic human-centric approach to cybersecurity, supported by appropriate AI-driven technologies, is necessary. Ideally, all employees actively contribute to the overall information security management system within their respective levels and contexts, enabling the organization to establish multiple lines of defense.

Germany September 21, 2023 Country Members Physical german

Roundtable: Ransomware Resiliency & Recovery

Heutzutage sind Cybersicherheit und die Bedrohung durch Ransomware-Angriffe für jede Branche auf der ganzen Welt die größten Sorgen. Laut dem SonicWall Cyber Threat Report 2022 gab es jede Sekunde 19 Angriffe, weltweit waren es 623,3 Millionen. Mittlerweile ist klar, dass Ransomware die am schnellsten wachsende Form der Cyberkriminalität ist. Ransomware as a Service (RaaS) hat sich zu einem organisierten, lukrativen Geschäftsmodell herausgebildet und Angreifer entwickeln ständig kreative Techniken weiter, um selbst die besonders aufmerksamen Sicherheitskräfte an vorderster Front zu überwinden. Alte Techniken wie Phishing stehen noch immer im Vordergrund, aber neue, ausgefeilte Methoden wie Social Engineering, die auf Geräte und Infrastrukturen des Internets der Dinge (IoT) sowie Software-Schwachstellen abzielen, erfreuen sich zunehmender Beliebtheit. Aus diesem Grund ist es für IT-Teams von entscheidender Bedeutung, sich darüber im Klaren zu sein, dass sie durch Endpunktsicherheit allein keine echte Ransomware-Resilienz erreichen können. Stattdessen brauchen sie eine vielschichtige Strategie. Viele Unternehmen betrachten Backups und Wiederherstellung ihrer Daten möglicherweise als letzte Verteidigungslinie gegen Ransomware-Angriffe. Veritas empfiehlt, Backup und Wiederherstellung als proaktiven, integralen und zuverlässigen Teil einer umfassenden Sicherheitsstrategie gegen Ransomware mit verschiedenen Ebenen zu priorisieren. Bei einem Angriff werden nicht nur Daten bedroht – sondern das gesamte Unternehmen.  

Latam September 20, 2023 All Members Physical spanish


Encuentro exclusivo para la comunidad. La ciberseguridad desempeña un papel crítico en la protección de los datos, la privacidad y la confianza en el entorno digital de Latam. Es necesario tomar medidas proactivas para protegerse contra las amenazas cibernéticas y promover una cultura de seguridad en toda la región. CIONET México

Netherlands September 20, 2023 Invitation Only Physical dutch

CIO Dinner: Enabling Informed Healthcare Decisions for CIOs

Alleen op uitnodiging gaan digital leaders tijdens een diner bij Michelinstar Restaurant Tante Koosje in Loenen aan de Vecht in gesprek over: 'Tackle data challenges to turn the volumes, variety, and accessibility of data into opportunities'

Poland September 20, 2023 Invitation Only Physical Polish


Spain September 20, 2023 Country Members Physical spanish

CIONET People & Organizations Quest 2023

Spain September 19, 2023 AB Members Physical spanish

Advisory Board Meeting Barcelona - Q3

Durante esta sesión del Consejo Asesor de Barcelona, realizaremos una visita a la fábrica embotelladora de Coca-Cola Europacific Partners, ubicada en Martorelles, para ver in situ el uso y el impacto de la tecnología. Posteriormente abordaremos la agenda propia del Consejo Asesor.

Germany September 19, 2023 Country Members Physical german

CIONET Logistic und Transport Roundtable

Wir laden CIOs und Digital Leaders aus Logistik-, Transportwesen und Handelsunternehmen am 19. September ab 15:30 in Frankfurt zu einem hoch-interaktiven Roundtable-Event ein, um die Entwicklungen der Digitalisierung in der Logistik- und Transportbranche zu diskutieren. Angesichts des rasanten digitalen Wandels in diesen Branchen möchten wir gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern Infor und Nash Tech Global, CIOs und Digital Leaders zu einem aufschlussreichen und kollaborativen Erfahrungsaustausch zusammenbringen.

Poland September 19, 2023 Country Members Virtual Polish

Transformacja aplikacji dzięki OpenShift: AI/ML, Data Services i więcej

Jak platforma Openshift ułatwia modernizację aplikacji i rozszerza czysty Kubernetes o aspekty takie jak: AI/ML, data services oraz wiele, wiele innych.

Belgium September 14, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Workshop "Why Do Men Barbecue?"

Barbecuing has historically been associated with traditional gender roles, with men typically taking on the role of the grill master. This stereotype can be extended to the workplace, where caucasian  men have often dominated leadership positions within the IT department, perpetuating a lack of diversity and inclusivity. Despite advancements in recent years, social disparities persist within the industry, hindering the full potential of a diverse and inclusive workforce. This workshop event recognizes the urgency to tackle this issue head-on, aiming to inspire meaningful discussions and strategies that can address the social imbalances in the IT department.

Poland September 12, 2023 Country Members Physical Polish

#6 Sesja Strategiczna

Poland September 6, 2023 Country Members Physical Polish

Security i technologie wbudowane w biznes

Jak przełomowe są dziś technologie cyberbezpieczeństwa i jaki wpływ mogą mieć na pozycję rynkową organizacji? Czy podejście i rozwiązania SASE to przyszłość dla większości organizacji czy kolejny buzzword? AI, ML, SOAR, XDR itp. - rozwiązania cybersec opartne na sztucznej inteligencji, zapewniające jednoczesnie automatyzację i orkiestrację jako gwarancja skutecznej ochrony firmy oraz zwinności działania IT i biznesu.

Belgium August 31, 2023 Members & Tribes Physical english

Summer Festival - CIONET Belgium Community Event

Join us for an unforgettable experience at the SUMMER FESTIVAL, where we bring together IT experts from all across Belgium!  At CIONET we believe in knowledge sharing, inspire creativity, and we will showcase the exciting blend between IT, technology, and art.   Get ready to immerse yourself in a day filled with insightful talks from industry leaders, thought-provoking discussions, and interactive workshops.  Our lineup of speakers will cover a wide range of topics, from the latest trends in IT to innovative applications of technology in various industries.   We also believe in the power of fun and relaxation! Indulge in our lively atmosphere as we mix IT expertise with entertainment, art exhibitions, and interactive installations. Unleash your creativity and explore the fascinating synergy between technology and artistic expression. And what's a summer festival without some food? Join us for a sizzling barbecue, where you can network, exchange ideas, and build valuable connections. It's the perfect opportunity to forge new partnerships and expand your professional network while enjoying good food and cocktails.    Don't miss out on this one-of-a-kind event that brings together the best of IT, technology, art, and good vibes.    Mark your calendars and get ready for an unforgettable day!     

Belgium August 31, 2023 AB Members Physical english

CIONET Advisory Board Meeting at the Summer Festival

Our Advisory Board Meeting at our Summer Festival. More information soon.

Poland August 30, 2023 Invitation Only Physical Polish


Networking Event

Latam August 30, 2023 All Members Virtual spanish

Ciberresiliencia En Un Mundo Interconectado

La ciberseguridad se ha convertido en un campo de constante evolución que requiere una vigilancia continua y una colaboración activa entre los actores involucrados, desde usuarios individuales hasta organizaciones y entidades gubernamentales.

Latam July 27, 2023 All Members Virtual spanish

Inteligencia Artificial en acción Innovación y Cambio

La IA ha revolucionado muchos aspectos de nuestras vidas. Sin embargo, la IA también plantea importantes desafíos éticos y sociales, como la privacidad de los datos y el impacto en el empleo. A medida que la IA continúa avanzando, es fundamental utilizarla de manera responsable y asegurarnos de que beneficie a la sociedad en su conjunto

Latam July 26, 2023 AB Members Physical spanish


Durante esta sesión, exploraremos los desafíos y las últimas tendencias en el ámbito de la ciberseguridad, con el objetivo de fortalecer nuestras habilidades y mejorar la protección de los sistemas digitales en un mundo cada vez más interconectado.

UK July 24, 2023 Country Members Physical english

Delivering product excellence through continuous digital innovation

The CEO of an FTSE 100 company recently admitted that ‘Innovation is the lifeblood of our company, but we just cannot innovate’. With digital natives making sweeping advances in today’s markets, this statement looks like economic suicide. Instead, boards and product developers in heritage companies must exploit modern digital techniques such as AI and Machine Learning to stay ahead in the market. This implies collecting, cleansing and analysing data from multiple sources in real-time. Infogain works with world-leading clients such as Tesco, Costco, Saber and Vodafone to harness new digital techniques to achieve product leadership. In this discussion evening, they will share their experiences in applying AI and other emerging technologies and discuss: How can digital techniques help transform product development to outperform digital natives in healthcare, banking and retail areas?  How does the CIO take centre stage in orchestrating innovation based on advanced digital techniques such as AI and Machine Learning? What are leading companies doing to harness the power of external data across the entire supply chain to achieve competitive advantage? Will tomorrow’s board meetings take on the dynamics of a digital war-room with real-time decision-making at its centre? The Board of Infogain invites you to a ‘C’ suite discussion evening in London on the 24th of July, starting at 18.00 at the Savoy Hotel. Sumit Mitra, Chief Executive of Business Services at Tesco will share his experiences of product innovation. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host and as with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Latam July 18, 2023 AB Members Virtual spanish


Esperamos que esta sesión de Consejo sea un espacio colaborativo en el que se fomente el intercambio de ideas y la generación de soluciones innovadoras para mejorar la gestión del talento en nuestra organización.

Germany July 13, 2023 Invitation Only Physical german

Securing a Net-Zero Future

Während dieser exklusiven Veranstaltung werden wir über die Bedeutung der Nachhaltigkeit am digitalen Arbeitsplatz diskutieren. Im Zuge des gesellschaftlichen Wandels stehen ESG-Belange (Environmental, Social, and Governance) ganz oben auf der Agenda von Verbrauchern, Unternehmensentscheidern und Regulierungsbehörden. Unternehmen sind sich zunehmend bewusst, dass ihre Attraktivität für Kunden, Investoren und Mitarbeiter untrennbar mit ihrer Fähigkeit verbunden ist, ihr Engagement für die Schaffung einer integrativen und nachhaltigen Gesellschaft zu demonstrieren.Während der Veranstaltung werden wir uns mit den folgenden Themen befassen:Warum ist Nachhaltigkeit immer wichtiger geworden, und welche Rolle spielt eine sichere IT? (und die Bedeutung der Cybersicherheit)?Welchen Einfluss haben Nachhaltigkeitsanwendungen auf die Cybersicherheit?Was sind die bekanntesten Praktiken für nachhaltige IT und Cybersicherheit und wie sieht es mit der Akzeptanz aus?Was sind die ESG-Vorteile und Anforderungen für sicheres hybrides Arbeiten?Wie kann durch die Optimierung und Sicherung von Netzwerk- und Cloud-Infrastrukturen der CO2-Fußabdruck verringert werden?Wie kann künstliche Intelligenz genutzt werden, um messbare Auswirkungen zu erzielen?Warum sind digitale Führungskräfte gut positioniert, um eine führende Rolle bei der Nachhaltigkeit zu übernehmen?

UK July 12, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

The technology leader’s new agenda

This is an event for IT leaders who are looking to make a difference and seeking to lead change. An illuminating and interesting evening awaits. It will be a chance to meet with peers, to explore practical solutions and discover best practice. And it all takes place within the sumptuous surroundings of Baur au Lac. We look forward to welcoming you to an informative, relaxed and enjoyable evening.

Italy July 11, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

Google Cloud_Dinner Milano

Solving for Innovation è il nuovo Leadership Journey dedicato ai CXO della community di CIONET per trovare soluzioni, idee, nuove prospettive che possano essere soluzioni per se stessi, per gli altri, per il nostro Pianeta o per la società. I temi chiave di questi incontri saranno l’innovazione, l’inclusione, la diversità e la sostenibilità a 360°.

UK July 6, 2023 Country Members Physical english

Transforming Operations Through Digital Low-Code Process Automation

Join us in the opulent Private Dining Room of Franco’s  restaurant for what promises to be an eye-opening evening.  The discussion for the evening  will explore how orgaisations have been applying different techniques to automate their end-to-end processes for many years but have encountered multiple obstacles, such as culture against change, knowledge retained by people, information silo’s, rigid legacy systems, lack of data integration, and minimal skillset. It is now time for a radical new approach. Low-code techniques to help orchestrate people, process, data, systems, and bots, to deliver rapid and effective process automation. In this round table Bizagi will share customer use cases such as DHL Group, BAE Systems, adidas, and Old Mutual, to illustrate their success in implementing low-code process automation platform across their operations: Agility - 95% automation return in billing process Efficiency – 60% reduction in supply chain operation costs Customer Experience – 9x faster customer onboarding Speed – 87% increase on approval processes The speed and agility of operational processes is achieved through low-code digital automation. Process orchestration is of particular importance, as it ensures rapid integration into existing systems, whilst retrieving the relevant data and combining the automation of business processes and people. This evening could revolutionise how you tackle automation across your enterprise. CIONET & Bizagi invite you to an evening of fine dining, great discussion and superb networking evening at 18.30 on 6 July at Franco’s.  Jon Bernstein of CIONET will be your host. As with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

UK July 6, 2023 AB Members Physical english

Getting to the cloud and thriving there: How to design, build and manage cloud workloads to achieve your business outcomes

According to McKinsey, there is $3 trillion of EBITDA value up for grabs by 2030 for those organisations that adopt cloud. This has been driven by the promises of cost savings, business agility, innovation, and scalability. While cloud has the potential to deliver on all these, many organisations are struggling to realise its full potential. To discuss what actionable strategies can be deployed in response to this, you’re invited to an executive-level roundtable dinner at Kerridge's Bar & Grill in London on Thursday 6th July at 6.30pm. In addition to being part of an enjoyable, insight-filled evening, you will also receive a signed copy of Tom Kerridge’s The Hand & Flowers Cookbook. Who knows - you may even get to meet the Michelin-starred chef in the flesh!This Hitachi Vantara event, offered exclusively to CIONET , will give you the chance to network as well as debate your thoughts & experiences around the following topics:  How do organisations become more mature when it comes to visibility, predictability and optimisation of cost? What cultural progress is needed to get us towards Cost Management as a Service (CMaaS)? What are the key challenges that prevent organisations from finding the right balance between business agility, application reliability, and security, while at the same time optimising cost? Is it possible for organisations to break down the silos between Applications, Infrastructure, Data, Operations, Security etc, to achieve business-focused accountability? How can organisations embrace more data-driven decision making and align business & IT metrics into a common vantage point? What are the challenges in delivering high quality, consistent, and trustworthy data? A thoroughly enjoyable evening , mixing great discussion , new learning, great company and a dash of Tom’s expertise. The perfect ingredients . Spaces will be limited so please register today.  

Italy July 6, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

Banking & Insurance: il futuro è sempre più data-centric

Le imprese bancarie e assicurative stanno rapidamente acquisendo le competenze necessarie ad emergere e competere su un mercato sempre più fluido. L’instant finance, una governance facilmente integrabile, la rapida e trasparente fruizione dei dati anche se provenienti  da diverse fonti,  sono solo alcune delle pressioni che questo comparto economico deve affrontare Le banche, infatti, sono chiamate a ri-pianificare in toto la propria strategia, con un approccio in linea con l’ottica ESG e la sostenibilità. Si può quindi intuire quanto ripensare le infrastrutture dati e il valore da esse provenienti sia un’urgenza non procrastinabile. La tecnologia diventa, quindi, la chiave di volta per conciliare tutti questi aspetti, aiutando a comprimere i tempi e la complessità della data analisi.  

Italy July 6, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

Aruba Enterprise Data Center Experience

Una giornata alla scoperta del Global Cloud Data Center di Aruba. Un esclusiva giornata guidata per scoprire da vicino gli edifici, le sale dati, gli impianti idroelettrici e fotovoltaici del data center campus più grande d'Italia, progettato e realizzato per ridurre al minimo l'impatto sull'ambiente.

Italy July 5, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

IAM Made in Italy: il Viaggio di un’Azienda Tessile nell’Identity

In questa occasione avrete l'opportunità di scoprire come le innovative soluzioni di Okta possano supportare il security identity journey delle vostre organizzazioni e i metodi e le tempistiche d’integrazione richieste con le applicazioni Cloud SaaS e legacy on-premises. Potrete inoltre conoscerete le potenziali espansioni delle soluzioni legate all'identità, come per esempio l’accesso passwordless, attraverso l'experience di una realtà italiana del tessile Made in Italy.

UK July 5, 2023 Country Members Physical english

CIONET UK Business Community Program: How to lead as a CIO in the Digital World

The technology landscape is changing like never before with the advent of OpenAI, 5G, IoT, Immersive Technologies and many more innovation sources. CIOs are expected to participate in business strategy and execution alongside the task of ‘keeping the lights on’. This calls for new leadership capabilities. Our recent CIONET cookbooks (1&2) describing ‘recipes for digital success’ suggest that CIO leadership is characterised by five factors: curious, purposeful, imaginative, authentic, and dynamic.  In this forth community event of 2023, we will discuss: Where does the journey start for tomorrow’s digital leaders? What does a successful leadership journey look like today? How do leadership characteristics vary between industry sectors? How do such leaders collaborate with ‘C’ suite peers to harness the power of new technologies? Join us for dinner in London on the 5th July for the forth community event of 2023 and hear five eminent speakers and panellists discuss their personal experiences. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host and as with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Belgium July 4, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Telenet Business Leadership Circle - Board Meeting 2


Germany July 3, 2023 Public Physical german

CIONET Sommerfest

Das CIONET Sommerfest ist eine schöne Gelegenheit, CIONET-Mitglieder kennenzulernen oder wiederzutreffen und ein paar gemütliche Stunden miteinander zu verbringen. Und dieses Jahr warten wir mit einer zusätzlichen Überraschung auf Sie... Nehmen Sie sich die Zeit, gemeinsam mit Ihren Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus der CIONET-Community in entspannter Atmosphäre zu feiern und genießen Sie einen gemütlichen Abend mit kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten und vielen interessanten Gesprächen!

Belgium June 29, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Healthcare Circle - powered by Johnson&Johnson: Digital Enabling in the OR

Thinking of a digital Operating Room, the first image that comes to mind with many people is that of a multi-armed surgical robot performing complex procedures on a patient. In reality however a lot more is going on. Multiple systems are assisting a surgeon of flesh and blood to better plan for surgical procedures, to perform the procedure in a more efficient and precise fashion and to achieve better patient outcomes. A wide array of digital tools are making healthcare both more efficient and effective. 

Germany June 29, 2023 Country Members Physical german

CIO Perspectives

In der neuen digitalen Welt stossen klassische Führungsmodelle an ihre Grenzen. Die Ansprüche an Digital Leader steigen durch neue technologische Ansätze einerseits und durch neue Erwartungskonzepte von Mitarbeitenden andererseits kontinuerlich, zusätzlich führt der Fachkräftemangel zu zusätzlichen Herausforderungen. Bei CIO Perspectives 2023 werden wir nach Antworten und Vorgehensweisen suchen, die es CIO ermöglichen sollen, sich diesen Herausforderungen erfolgreich zu stellen.

UK June 28, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

How cloud smart is your business?

How cloud smart is your business? Cloud, digitalisation and business transformation What role does cloud play within your organisation? Whether you have deployed public cloud or private cloud – or a hybrid combination of the two – is it supporting mission critical applications and driving tangible change? Or is it introducing new problems, creating fragmentation, management headaches and unexpected expense? It is these issues we want to explore at this specially-convened CIONET executive dinner, brought to you in association with Hitachi Vantara. The tremendous, quintessentially British surroundings of Dukes Hotel is the venue for this fabulous private dining event. Among the themes for discussion are: Realising cost reduction Delivering data management efficiency Balancing standardisation with personalisation Crafting business model proficiency; and Applying automation to non-standard tasks This is an event for those who are a deep into their cloud journey and for those just at the beginning. It is for those who want to know how to put the ‘smart’ into ‘cloud smart’. An illuminating and interesting evening awaits. It will be a chance to meet with peers and explore practical solutions and discover cloud best practice. And it all takes place within the sumptuous surroundings of Dukes Hotel. We look forward to welcoming you to an informative, relaxed and enjoyable evening.    

Germany June 28, 2023 Country Members Virtual german

FinOps: Kosten- und Nutzenoptimierung für den Cloud-Betrieb

CIONET lädt Sie gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern Accenture und IBM zu einem virtuellen Finops-Experten-Roundtable ein, um Strategien zur Optimierung von Kosten und Nutzen Ihrer Cloud-Plattform zu diskutieren. Angesichts des unsicheren Wirtschaftsklimas bevorzugen Unternehmensvorstände zunehmend die Migration zu öffentlichen Cloud-Plattformen mit dem Ziel, CAPEX durch OPEX zu ersetzen und operative Agilität zu erreichen. Die Kosten, die Komplexität und der Mehrwert einer solchen Umstellung werden jedoch nur allzu oft unterschätzt.

Netherlands June 27, 2023 Invitation Only Physical dutch

Digital Leader Dinner Smart Ports

Alleen op uitnodiging gaan digital leaders tijdens een diner bij Restaurant The Millèn in Rotterdam in gesprek over Smart ports: How to optimize your logistic supply Chain using innovative technologies like OT, Private 5G & edge computing.

Spain June 27, 2023 All Members Physical & Virtual spanish

Programa Esade CIONET

¿Porqué ESG es cada vez más importante en los Consejos de Administración? ESG es una de las grandes tendencias de los últimos años, impulsada por los cambios de hábitos de los consumidores, los inversores y las novedades regulatorias. En el ámbito del Consejo, es necesario entender cómo integrar la estrategia de negocio con ESG y cómo afrontar los riesgos y oportunidades asociadas.

UK June 27, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

How to successfully run generative AI in the enterprise

Generative AI has stormed into the corporate consciousness like a lightning bolt, revolutionizing how organizations innovate and create. But many executives struggle to identify high-ROI use cases and make informed decisions to drive adoption at speed and scale. For many, this period seems like the ‘e-commerce’ moment in the late nineties when organizations anticipated a revolution but had little idea about its shape or form – or how to seize the opportunity.  Join Genpact for an exclusive dinner conversation and discover practical tips and use cases for CIONET members. Learn from your peers about the most promising applications and challenges in responsibly integrating generative AI across your organization efficiently and effectively. We will discuss the following: Maximizing the value of generative AI: Exploring its applications, benefits, and potential impact on business operations Ethical considerations: Addressing the ethical challenges posed by generative AI, such as bias, privacy, and accountability Building Trust: Establishing trust with customers, employees, and stakeholders through the transparent and responsible implementation of AI Managing risk: Identifying and mitigating risks associated with AI, including data security and algorithmic transparency  Skill development: Assessing the skills and capabilities required for the successful adoption of generative AI across your organization This unique event, hosted by Genpact, will take place on the evening of 27 June, 2023, at the Ivy City Garden commencing at 18.30BST. Genpact will start the conversation by describing relevant generative AI case studies. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host, and as with all CIONET engagements, this meeting of minds will empower you in your leadership role.

Netherlands June 27, 2023 All Members Physical dutch


CIONET CONNECT #Public Innovatie en digitale ontwikkelingen binnen de overheid op 27 juni 2023 om 15:30 uur in Scheveningen.

Belgium June 24, 2023 Country Members Physical dutch

CIONET Cycling Club - Cyclo Heuvelland with Piet De Ceuleners

Join us for a wonderful ride in Heuvelland with Piet De Ceuleners as our road captain. 

Spain June 22, 2023 Country Members Physical spanish

CIONET Spain Summer Fest 2023

Entre el solsticio de verano y el día de San Juan, CIONET invita a los líderes digitales más reconocidos del mercado a que recibamos el verano juntos, en un encuentro único y exclusivo con momentos muy especiales.

Belgium June 22, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Round Table: Data Mesh or Data Mess?

Agenda 18h00 - Welcome & introductions 18h30 - Panel Discussion  21h00 - End

Italy June 22, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

API: il pilastro dei nuovi ecosistemi

Ecosistemi digitali, i nuovi modelli di business platform-oriented.  Le organizzazioni di ogni settore e dimensione sono alla continua ricerca di nuove forme di collaborazione per creare vantaggi per i propri clienti e consumatori. Grazie alla creazione di ecosistemi basati sulla tecnologia API, le aziende di diverse industry e settori possono collaborare più facilmente alla creazione di innovazione che va oltre il concetto di silos e barriere, mettendo il cliente al primo posto e creando nuovi flussi di entrate digitali.  

Latam June 21, 2023 AB Members Physical spanish

Advisory Board Meeting Monterrey

Encuentro de consejeros Monterrey

UK June 21, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

FinOps: adopting new economic models for cloud operations

In today’s volatile and uncertain economic climate business leaders are supporting IT organisations in their move to public cloud platforms preferring to substitute CAPEX for OPEX and gain higher levels of organisational agility. But few such leaders have considered the cost, complexity and value of such migrations, both in terms of re-platforming applications and adapting to real-time consumption-based pricing models. New organisational ways of working, methodologies and tooling are required to manage and effectively control cloud costs and investments to achieve maximum value. Accenture and IBM have developed sophisticated FinOps methods and tools to enable organisations to extract full value from cloud platforms. Such tools help to eliminate waste and optimise usage. During this evening we will discuss: How to optimise your migration plans and associated sequencing How to analyse and eliminate waste when using public cloud platforms to reduce spend How to organise effective chargebacks to the businesses for cloud usage How to develop new ways of working for procurement and financial control How to address sustainability challenges across the IT estate Accenture and IBM invite you to a FinOps dinner at the Ivy City Garden on the 21st of June at 6.30 PM to discuss effective vendor partnerships.  Sinead Glynn will introduce the session. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host, and as with all CIONET events, this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

UK June 21, 2023 Invitation Only Physical & Virtual english

LCL North Sea Regatta 2023

LCL North Sea Regatta 2023

Netherlands June 21, 2023 Invitation Only Physical dutch

LCL North Sea Regatta 2023

LCL North Sea Regatta 2023

Germany June 21, 2023 Invitation Only Physical & Virtual english

LCL Nordsee Regatta 2023

In diesem Jahr hat CIONET das Programm der Regatta um neue Elemente erweitert: die Regatta 2023 beinthaltet einen Wettbewerb zwischen sechs CIONET-Booten aus den vier Anrainerstaaten der Nordsee: Belgien, die Niederlande, Deutschland und das Vereinigte Königreich.

Belgium June 21, 2023 Invitation Only Physical & Virtual english

LCL North Sea Regatta 2023

For this edition, CIONET has enriched the Regatta 2023 programme with two new elements: First, the 2023 edition includes a competition between six CIONET boats from its four coastal countries bordering the North Sea: Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, and the UK. Secondly, you are invited to an exclusive CIONET VIP Night, the evening before the official Regatta Sailing Competition.

Belgium June 20, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Implementing cross channel personalisation to build sustainable customer relationships

The market is becoming increasingly regulated, and this is particularly true when it comes to data and targeting. However, as a responsible organization, we believe that we have an example function to uphold in dealing with data and respecting our customers' privacy. At this event, we will explore how to navigate this highly regulated market while implementing cross channel personalisation to build sustainable customer relationships. We will discuss the best practices for collecting and using customer data, and explore how to create a customer-centric approach that respects privacy and builds trust.    

Germany June 20, 2023 Country Members Physical german

CIONET Business IT-Collaboration bei Messe München

In diesem CIONET Business Collaboration Exchange sind wir zu Gast bei Messe München, wo CIO Christian Grodau  und Executive Director Corporate Strategy & Development Harald Kirchschlager uns ungeschönt und offen ihre Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen in ihrer Zusammenarbeit mit uns teilen.

Spain June 20, 2023 Invitation Only Physical spanish

CIONET SPAIN: Securing a Net-Zero Future

You are cordially invited to join us for an exclusive event on the importance of sustainability in the digital workplace. As society changes, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) concerns are top of the agenda for consumers, corporate decision makers, and regulators. Enterprises are increasingly aware that their appeal to customers, investors, and employees is intrinsically linked to their ability to demonstrate a commitment to creating an inclusive and sustainable society. During the event, we will delve into the following topics: Why has sustainability become increasingly important, and what’s the role of secure IT? (and the importance of cybersecurity)? What is the impact of sustainability applications on cybersecurity? What are prominent sustainable IT and cybersecurity practices and how is the adoption? What are the ESG benefits and requirements for secure hybrid working? How can optimising and securing network and cloud infrastructure lower the carbon footprint?   How to leverage Artificial Intelligence to deliver a measurable impact? Why are digital leaders well positioned to take a leading role in sustainability? Agenda 18h00 - Welcome & introductions 19h00 - Presentation and 3-course dinner 21h00 - End

Poland June 20, 2023 Country Members Virtual Polish

Chmura w obliczu kryzysu

Chmura w obliczu kryzysu. Techniczne wyzwania klientów w migracjach dużych systemów pod presją czasu.

UK June 15, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

The technology leader’s new agenda: cyber resilience, sustainability and digital transformation through hybrid cloud

Data. Apps. Microservices. All in their right, sustainable place Today’s technology leaders face an increasing range of responsibilities. The job is no longer simply to “keep the lights on”. The new role is to lead and protect, to respond to changing social imperatives, and to drive the business forward. To be a modern technology leader is about safeguarding data and keeping out bad actors. It’s about helping to reduce carbon footprint and minimise environmental impact. And it’s about delivering digital solutions that will transform. At the heart of those digital solutions is a hybrid cloud environment, combining the best of public cloud on on-premise infrastructure. At this specially-arranged CIONET Executive Private Dinner at the fabulous Andaz Hotel in Vienna city centre , brought to you in association with Hitachi Vantara, we want to talk about you – your evolving role, the challenges you face and the opportunities ahead.  A fantastic evening of relaxed but informed discussion , networking  and fine dining in amazing surroundings. Among the themes we will explore: Future-proofed digital transformation Hybrid cloud as the default environment The intersection of data, apps and microservices Cyber resilience strategies, tactics and frameworks The role of IT in meeting sustainability targets Technology as an enabler of business value Technology as a team sport This is an event for IT leaders who are looking to make a difference and seeking to lead change. An illuminating and interesting evening awaits. It will be a chance to meet with peers, to explore practical solutions and discover best practice. And it all takes place within the sumptuous surroundings of The Andaz am Belvedere. We look forward to welcoming you to an informative, relaxed and enjoyable evening.

Belgium June 15, 2023 Country Members Physical dutch

A Smarter Business - CIONET Belgium Community Event

What are the business goals and objectives that can be achieved using AI and data?  How can AI and data be integrated into existing business processes and workflows?  How do you assure the quality of the data that is essential for AI and data-driven decision-making. What skills and expertise are needed to implement and manage AI and data-driven initiatives? How can we foster a culture of experimentation and continuous improvement? AI and data-driven initiatives require a culture that values experimentation and learning from failure. But how can assure this mindset of continuous improvement and create a safe environment for testing and learning? We invite you to investigate with us how some of your peers defined and implemented a strategic approach to building an AI and data-driven culture, enabling their businesses to unlock the full potential of AI and data to drive growth and innovation.

Latam June 14, 2023 All Members Physical spanish

Poniendo valor al dato

Encuentro presencial CDMX, aprendizaje e inteligencia colectiva alrededor del Dato

Italy June 14, 2023 All Members Physical italian

Future of Cloud: from technology to business innovation

Negli ultimi anni il cloud è diventato uno dei grandi protagonisti delle cronache sulla trasformazione digitale, se non il protagonista per eccellenza. Eppure, il suo potenziale è ancora in buona parte inespresso, soprattutto in termini di ottimizzazione dell’efficienza, massimizzazione degli investimenti e accelerazione del time-to-market.

Poland June 13, 2023 Invitation Only Physical Polish


Spain June 8, 2023 Invitation Only Physical spanish

Ransomeware & Data Protection: Un plan B cuando todo lo demás falla

Ransomware & Data Protection

Belgium June 8, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Belgium: Securing a Net-Zero Future

You are cordially invited to join us for an exclusive event on the importance of sustainability in the digital workplace. As society changes, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) concerns are top of the agenda for consumers, corporate decision makers, and regulators. Enterprises are increasingly aware that their appeal to customers, investors, and employees is intrinsically linked to their ability to demonstrate a commitment to creating an inclusive and sustainable society. During the event, we will delve into the following topics: Why has sustainability become increasingly important, and what’s the role of secure IT? (and the importance of cybersecurity)? What is the impact of sustainability applications on cybersecurity? What are prominent sustainable IT and cybersecurity practices and how is the adoption? What are the ESG benefits and requirements for secure hybrid working? How can optimising and securing network and cloud infrastructure lower the carbon footprint?   How to leverage Artificial Intelligence to deliver a measurable impact? Why are digital leaders well positioned to take a leading role in sustainability? Agenda 18h00 - Welcome & introductions 19h00 - Presentation and 3-course dinner 21h00 - End

Italy June 8, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

Multicloud, sicurezza e intelligenza artificiale - IRIDEOS & VMware Executive VIP Experience


Netherlands June 8, 2023 All Members Physical dutch

Fast Forward Insights #Beyond Digital Transformation

Navigating the Age of AI, Disruption and the New IT Landscape

Belgium June 7, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Round Table: So you think you are resilient?

We invite you to come and exchange ideas with subject matter experts and with peers who are – just like you – investigating the best possible ways to prepare their organisation, not only to be compliant with these regulations but also to come up to the level of resilience that could one day be critical for the survival of your organisation.     

Belgium June 6, 2023 All Members Physical english

CIONET Belgium: Business Overdemanding, Software Underdelivering? Is Low-Code the way to close the gap?

The pressure from the business to deliver compelling software solutions continues to accelerate. Still traditional software delivery methods can often not keep up the pace. Software project are systematically delayed and the end-result does not always match the rapidly evolving demands. Could low-code be a help to close this gap between rapidly increasing and changing business demands and software delivery? Low-code development is a software development approach that allows developers to create applications using a visual interface and pre-built components, rather than having to write every line of code manually. Low code abstracts traditional code into human-readable logic and design, thus reducing software development costs and accelerating time to market. Moreover, low-code development would allow involving business colleagues, not only in creating but also in updating the custom applications to assure the alignment with their specific business needs. We invite you to sit together with digital leaders who can speak from their personal experiences, as they have realised major low-code development projects. The objective is to exchange ideas on how to capitalise on the strengths (or the pros) of low-code development and how to avoid or mitigate the risks and most common pitfalls (the cons). Agenda 18h00 - Welcome & introductions 19h00 - Presentation and 3-course dinner 21h00 - End

Italy June 6, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

Hitachi Roundtable


Netherlands June 2, 2023 Invitation Only Physical dutch

IT Leaders Cycling Challenge 2 juni 2023

Fiets mee met de IT Leaders Cycling Challenge op 2 juni 2023 in Vaals. Fiets je mee met Team CIONET?

Belgium June 1, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Round Table: Exploring the Edge

As organisations are bringing more and more of the digital world into the physical world, the line between IT and OT becomes blurred. This requires shifts in the organisational structures and new ways of working. It also brings about new challenges with compliance, cybersecurity, and data and technology management. IT departments are requested to rapidly extend their platform architecture and their multi-cloud environments to the edge. If IT departments don’t deliver quickly, they’re subjected to the choices of their operations colleagues. 

Belgium May 31, 2023 Country Members Physical french

Les Rencontres - IT : Levier d'efficacité pour le business?!

Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé comment l'informatique peut révolutionner l'efficacité de votre entreprise ? Est-il vrai qu'en exploitant les derniers outils et technologies informatiques, les entreprises peuvent transformer leurs opérations et atteindre des niveaux plus élevés de productivité, de rentabilité et de satisfaction client ? Quelle approche stratégique de l'informatique devriez-vous mettre en œuvre pour que votre entreprise puisse devancer la concurrence, innover plus rapidement et offrir de la valeur à ses clients par des moyens nouveaux et passionnants ? Nous vous invitons à écouter vos pairs qui vous expliqueront comment ils ont exploré la puissance de l'informatique pour leurs entreprises et comment elle leur a permis d'atteindre de nouveaux sommets.  

Poland May 31, 2023 Country Members Virtual Polish

AI który łączy piłkę nożną i motoryzację

Jak zmienia się ustawienie drużyny piłkarskiej po zdobyciu bramki? Jakie są szanse na strzelenie gola z rzutu karnego? Jak zainteresować treściami kibiców małego klubu, w lidze, w której dominują 2 zespoły. Jak BMW wykorzystuje usługi AWS do przetwarzania petabajtów danych telematycznych pochodzących z 20 milinów pojazdów do wykrywania anomalii, aby zapewnić właścicielom i ich pojazdom proaktywną opiekę.

Italy May 30, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian



Italy May 30, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

CIONET Italy: Securing a Net-Zero Future

In una società in continua evoluzione, le problematiche ESG (ambientali, sociali e di governance) sono al primo posto dell'agenda dei consumatori, dei Decision Makers e delle autorità. Le organizzazioni sono infatti sempre più consapevoli del fatto che il loro interesse per i clienti, gli investitori e i dipendenti è profondamente legato alla loro capacità di dimostrare un impegno reale e concreto nella creazione di una società inclusiva e sostenibile.In questa occasione avrete la possibilità di discutere insieme a CIOs, Head of Sustainability ed esperti il ruolo della sostenibilità e l'impatto delle sua applicazioni sulla sicurezza informatica, quali siano i vantaggi e i requisiti ESG per un lavoro ibrido sicuro e conoscere le best practice per aiutare le proprie organizzazioni di raggiungere la zero carbon footprint.

Poland May 30, 2023 Country Members Physical Polish

Własne security, outsourcing, Security as a Service czy może hybryda?

Czy outsourcing usług cyberbezpieczeństwa lub usługi managed to jedyne rozwiązanie w sytuacji rosnących płac a jednocześnie braku ekspertów na rynku? Security z chmury oraz as a Service vs rozwiązania on-premise - czy jesteśmy gotowi na "utratę kontroli"? Jakie są korzyści, a jakie zagrożenia i ograniczenia z korzystania z usług Security as a Service w modelu chmury? Jak uprościć architekturę IT i zarządzanie portfolio narzędzi cyberbezpieczeństwa i ochrony informacji od różnych dostawców? Monitorowanie zdarzeń bezpieczeństwa i reagowanie na nie - czy SOC jest nam w ogóle potrzebny? A jeśli tak to komu i w jakiej formule? Jak optymalnie inwestować w cyberbezpieczeństwo i obliczać ROSI?

Belgium May 30, 2023 All Members Virtual english

Practical Opportunities with AI

The AI opportunities are everywhere in our organisations today. Let’s discuss how we can make AI very practical: what are the solutions we are implementing and are there still important challenges we encounter?

Germany May 30, 2023 All Members Virtual english

Practical Opportunities with AI

The AI opportunities are everywhere in our organisations today. Let’s discuss how we can make AI very practical: what are the solutions we are implementing and are there still important challenges we encounter?

UK May 25, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Ransomware protection and 36o degree data protection

The ransomware threat is a top priority for most organizations  while ensuring privacy is the number one goal . In this roundtable Dining discussion, we will examine with our guest expert speakers , how CIOs/CISOs and those in the Security Infrastructure team can optimize data protection, data management and data compliance more flexibly and easily. Whether or not that is in an on-prem, single cloud or a multi-cloud environment .    A key question posed will be “What are we defending ourselves against anyway ? “ , asking us to re-think the roles of business and even the state , in approaching the Cyber threat .      An illuminating and interesting evening awaits, a chance to meet with peers and explore practical solutions to this ongoing problem . All within the sumptuous surroundings of the world famous,  The Nimb with its spectacular food and wine.   We look forward to welcoming you to a relaxed, enjoyable and informative evening.      

Spain May 25, 2023 AB Members Physical spanish

Advisory Board Meeting - Q2

Poland May 25, 2023 Country Members Physical Polish

Multi-Cloud. Scenariusze wykorzystania, korzyści i wyzwania

Wykorzystywanie kilku chmur przez jedną organizację lub aplikację pozwala na elastyczność, skalowalność, optymalizację kosztów i redukcję ryzyka. Firmy coraz częściej decydują się na więcej niż jednego dostawcę chmurowego. Warto przed tą decyzją poznać możliwe scenariusze obejmujące redundancję, wybór najlepszej chmury dla konkretnych zastosowań czy uniezależnienie od dostawcy. Przeanalizować wyzwania związane ze środowiskiem wielochmurowym jak kompleksowość, integracja i bezpieczeństwo. A najważniejsze pozyskać odpowiednie umiejętności i wiedzę wśród zespołu.

Netherlands May 25, 2023 Invitation Only Physical dutch

Fortinet - KLM Open 2023

Kijk mee achter de schermen bij de KLM Open op uitnodiging van Fortinet; de Official Cybersecurity Partner van de DP World Tour. KLM Open zal plaatsvinden van 25 tot 28 mei 2023 bij Bernardus Golf in Cromvoirt.

Italy May 25, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

La visibilità di Kaspersky sulle minacce informatiche per una Threat Intelligence unica

Executive Event in collaborazione con Kaspersky

UK May 24, 2023 AB Members Physical english


Agenda 18:00 - Welcome drink & appetizers 18:30 - Welcome by Red Hat/Intel + Briefing  18:45 - Start cooking in teams for the meal 20:00 - Dinner & Discussions 22:00 - Winner announced

Spain May 24, 2023 Country Members Physical spanish

CIONET Cybersecurity Quest 2023

A través de los mejores casos de éxito y principales aprendizajes de compañías y expertos de diferentes sectores, conoceremos cómo la tecnología puede ayudarnos a aumentar la visibilidad de lo que ocurre en materia de ciberseguridad en las organizaciones y cómo transformar esa información en palancas accionables para mejorar la postura de ciber y disminuir el riesgo.

Italy May 24, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

I mega Trend che trasformeranno profondamente l'IT

Executive Event in collaborazione con Broadcom

Netherlands May 23, 2023 Invitation Only Physical dutch

Low-code voor high-impact: Avebe's succesverhaal voor digitale transformatie

Alleen op uitnodiging gaan digital leaders tijdens een diner in Michelinsterren restaurant Tante Koosje in gesprek over hoe intelligente automatisering zoals low-code, een belangrijk onderdeel is op de digitale transformatie agenda.

UK May 23, 2023 Country Members Physical english

Modernising legacy systems in the insurance industry

With its unique longevity, the insurance sector has often fallen behind in system modernisation. Today’s end customers expect ‘easy to transact’ interfaces copying the ‘Amazon effect’ as do brokers and other intermediaries. Internal staff look for intelligent underwriting tools and faster ways to respond to the increasing burden of regulation. But few insurance companies have the means or resources to undertake wholesale modernisation of core systems. In the view of Mendix, a subsidiary of Siemens AG, the solution is to build around the core by adopting low code tools and associated platforms. These can help to accelerate digital transformation by integrating cloud, mobile, data and API interfaces. During this roundtable we will be driving a lively conversation around the following: Who is driving user expectations for improved services and tooling? What are the technical limitations of current insurance systems? How can multi-experience platforms and low code help bridge the legacy gap? How rapidly do you expect low code/no code to develop in your company? Mendix invites you to a discussion evening in London on the 23 May, starting at 18.30. Paul Fondie, Global Industry Principle - Insurance will share ‘use cases’ with delegates. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host and as with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Netherlands May 23, 2023 All Members Virtual dutch

Online Tech & Trends update met business partner NTT

Webinar online Tech & Trends update: Smart Industry Solutions: Private 5G usecase

Poland May 23, 2023 Invitation Only Physical Polish


Efektywne IT staje się gwarancją sukcesu biznesowego przekładając się nie tylko na jakość aplikacji, ale również na wyniki firmy: przychody, produktywność, udział w rynku. Podczas spotkań chcemy otworzyć dyskusję na temat dobrych praktyk i rozwiązań, które pozwalają poprawić efektywność pracy zespołów IT

UK May 18, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Financial Services eventAccelerating value from strategic vendor partnerships

The pace of change in the financial services world of banking and insurance continues to accelerate with new entrants, new technologies and new business models. But established players must grapple with ever tighter regulation and compliance whilst tackling legacy systems. This poses a growing challenge for IT and the business at large. To reach the desired future state, such organisations need partners that they can trust. Software AG has undergone its own transformation from being an on-premise, traditional software company to becoming a cloud-based, SaaS business that moves rapidly with the times. In this discussion evening it will share insights with you around: Building trust, honesty and transparency into working relationships to improve outcomes. Helping financial services organisations to define a clear path between current and desired future state. Integrating information sources to enhance front-line performance in areas such as trading, wealth management and product innovation. Adapting the IT operating model to deal more swiftly with changes in regulations and compliance. Helping the business operate with greater speed and efficiency to compete head-on with digital natives and non-traditional players Software AG invites you to a financial services sector dinner at the Ivy Garden City on the 18 of May at 6.30 PM to discuss effective vendor partnerships. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host and as with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Italy May 17, 2023 Country Members Physical & Virtual italian

Let’s Talk about: I Dati, lo specchio della sostenibilità

Let’s Talk about: I Dati, lo specchio della sostenibilità

UK May 17, 2023 Country Members Physical english

CIONET UK Business Community Program: Solving our Sustainability Issues

According to the International Energy Agency, data centres alone could be responsible for 3.2% of global carbon emissions by 2025. Taking all aspects of IT into account, this may be 5% or more. But where does sustainability sit within the CIO’s agenda this year? According to CIONET research it does not even feature in the top ten list of CIO priorities for many memebrs. Perhaps the reason is that sustainability is important but not urgent? Our forthcoming event addresses this issue head-on by considering what the IT organisation can do to put its own house in order, and how it might help its parent organisation meet net-zero goals. We will address: How can IT reduce its own carbon footprint and what role can technology play here? What are hyper-scalers such as Microsoft and AWS doing to support your sustainability agenda? What might be the tangible, here and now benefits of adopting a sustainability programme both for IT and your own organisation? What are the best practices for sustainability amongst our CIONET community of 10,000 digital leaders? Join us for dinner at the Institute of Directors on the 17th May for the third community event of 2023 and hear six eminent speakers and panellists. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host and as with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Poland May 17, 2023 Country Members Physical Polish

Dane i analityka w chmurach

Wzrost wolumenu gromadzonych i istotnych dla biznesu danych wymusza na nas poszukiwanie nowych metod i architektur ich składowania oraz analizy. Musimy zmierzyć się z rozproszonym pochodzeniem danych, zmienną w czasie ich ilością, zmiennym zapotrzebowaniem na moc obliczeniową do ich analizy oraz rosnącymi potrzebami gromadzenia danych historycznych. Odpowiedzią i rozwiązaniem jest sięgnięcie po coraz szerszą ofertę usług zewnętrznych dostawców – operatorów chmur obliczeniowych.

Italy May 17, 2023 All Members Virtual italian

Governa il tuo parco applicativo e supera le sfide quotidiane dell’IT

Executive Event in collaborazione con MEGA International

Belgium May 16, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

The Right Balance: AI-enhanced Customer Experience with a human touch

Artificial Intelligence has been around for a while. Still, recent media attention to initiatives like ChatGPT has opened many eyes to what this technology is capable of nowadays. The unprecedented volumes of data and computing power available finally allow AI models to contribute meaningfully to various business processes Companies have been experimenting with AI for a number of years, but often still struggle to translate the promise of AI into real-life efficiencies and better customer experiences During this roundtable, we will explore real business cases where AI was used to optimise customer-related processes by providing the company with deeper insights into customer behaviour, preferences and needs, ultimately delivering more personalised experiences, improving customer service and increasing customer loyalty.       

Belgium May 16, 2023 Invitation Only Physical dutch

CIONET Ronde Tafel: Veilig werken waar je maar wil


Poland May 16, 2023 Invitation Only Physical Polish


Efektywne IT staje się gwarancją sukcesu biznesowego przekładając się nie tylko na jakość aplikacji, ale również na wyniki firmy: przychody, produktywność, udział w rynku. Podczas spotkań chcemy otworzyć dyskusję na temat dobrych praktyk i rozwiązań, które pozwalają poprawić efektywność pracy zespołów IT

Germany May 15, 2023 All Members Physical english

New Digital Work - Kommunikation der Fraunhofer FIT Studienergebnisse

Wir laden Sie herzlich  zu einem Online-Meeting am 15. Mai um 18 Uhr ein, bei dem wir die Ergebnisse der Fraunhofer FIT Studie "New Digital Work" mitteilen werden. Eine gemeinsame Studie des Institutsteils Wirtschaftsinformatik des Fraunhofer FIT und Fujitsu Deutschland beleuchtet, wie Unternehmen den Wandel zu New Digital Work erfolgreich gestalten können.      

Spain May 11, 2023 AB Members Physical spanish

Advisory Board Meeting Madrid - Q2

Italy May 11, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

Google Cloud_Dinner Torino

Solving for Innovation è il nuovo Leadership Journey dedicato ai CXO della community di CIONET per trovare soluzioni, idee, nuove prospettive che possano essere soluzioni per se stessi, per gli altri, per il nostro Pianeta o per la società. I temi chiave di questi incontri saranno l’innovazione, l’inclusione, la diversità e la sostenibilità a 360°.

Germany May 11, 2023 Country Members Physical german

Low-Code Application Development - Agilität und Souveränität in der Cloud

Der Bedarf nach neuen Anwendungen steigt rasant. Gleichzeitig wird der Ruf nach Souveränität in Deutschland lauter. Der Fachkräftemangel in der IT erzwingt neue Wege bei der Digitalisierung. Die Schwarz IT gibt Einblicke in Strategie und Praxis für agile Low-Code-Anwendungsentwicklung mit Mendix und sicheren Betrieb in der souveränen STACKIT Cloud. Am 11. Mai 2023  bieten wir Ihnen gemeinsam mit unserem Partner Mendix eine spannende Roundtable-Diskussion mit Fokus auf Thema 'Low-Code Application Development - Agiliät und Souvärenität in der Cloud'. Wir freuen uns auf Impulsvorträge zu diesem Thema von Walter Wolf (Schwarz IT) und Ulrich Zeh (Mendix).    Dieses Event richtet sich an CIOs, CDOs, CTOs und Digital Leaders. 

Belgium May 11, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Stop looking outside, start nourishing your inhouse talent!

“70% of digital leaders state that a skills shortage prevents them from keeping up with the pace of change” . Enterprise and Technical Architecture have become among the most in-demand skillsets in technology, as to specialist researchers such as Nash Squared*. It is a major challenge, as it requires a unique set of skills and experience that are not common among IT professionals, and because of the current fierce competition for this type of profile on the market.   Companies should invest in forming and training their own people. The CIO plays a crucial role in this: together with his colleagues at HR,  they need to assess the gap between current and needed competencies of their collaborators and design fit-for-purpose growth programmes that address both the individuals and the teams. This means providing coaching by experienced colleagues or experts who not only have an in-depth understanding of the business and of the technologies required for its digital transformation, but also show a longer-term perspective and commitment.    

UK May 10, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Software AG Retail event : Accelerating value from strategic vendor partnerships

The pace of change in the retail sector continues to accelerate with new entrants, new technologies and new business models. The pandemic swung the pendulum dramatically to online, now it is swinging back to physical outlets. The message for successful retailers remains clear. It is about ‘digital by design’ with the associated need for investment and partners they can trust. Software AG has undergone its own transformation from being an on-premise, traditional software company to becoming a cloud-based, SaaS business that moves rapidly with the times. In this discussion evening it will share its market insights with you around: Building trust, honesty and transparency into working relationships to improve business outcomes in ever more compressed timescales. Helping retail organisations define a clear path between current and desired future state by integrating operations and exploiting data assets. Providing consistency of experience to both the customer and colleague to maximise loyalty to the brand. Developing corporate structures that deliver both agility and speed to respond to constant changes in the marketplace. Software AG invites you to a retail sector dinner at Institute of Directors on 10 May at 6.30 PM to discuss effective vendor partnerships. Stephen Long and Steve Powell will introduce the session. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host and as with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

UK May 10, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Ransomware protection and 36o degree data protection

The ransomware threat is a top priority for most organizations  while ensuring privacy is the number one goal . In this roundtable Dining discussion, we will examine with our guest expert speakers , how CIOs/CISOs and those in the Security Infrastructure team can optimize data protection, data management and data compliance more flexibly and easily. Whether or not that is in an on-prem, single cloud or a multi-cloud environment .    A key question posed will be “What are we defending ourselves against anyway ? “ , asking us to re-think the roles of business and even the state , in approaching the Cyber threat .     An illuminating and interesting evening awaits, a chance to meet with peers and explore practical solutions to this ongoing problem . All within the sumptuous surroundings of the Private Dining Room of The Ivy Market Grill with its famously fabulous food and wine.     We look forward to welcoming you to a relaxed, enjoyable and informative evening.      

Italy May 9, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

Dedagroup&Veritas Executive Dinner

Executive Dinner in collaborazione con Veritas & Deda Cloud.

Belgium May 9, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Healthcare Circle - powered by Johnson&Johnson: Digital Patient Follow-up

Monitoring devices, such as sensors, wearable and ingestibles, are providing real-time and continuous data about our health and our environment. mHealth solutions allow to coach the patients along their care pathway. AI and predictive analytics assist medical professionals to provide more accurate diagnoses, deliver personalized treatment and predict risk or deterioration and intervene early. The Digital Transformation is redefining the future of healthcare and health delivery. All stakeholders are convinced that these innovations will create value for patients, healthcare practitioners, hospitals, and governments along the patient pathway. The benefits are ranging from prevention and awareness to diagnosis, treatment, short- and long-term follow-up, and ultimately survival.But how do you make sure that you are working towards an architecturally sound, secure and interoperable health IT ecosystem for your hospital and avoid implementing a hodgepodge of spot solutions? How does your IT department work together with the other stakeholders, such as the doctors and other healthcare practitioners, Life Sciences companies, Tech companies, regulators and your internal governance and administrative bodies?During this Circle Meeting, we want to start co-creating a supportive framework for hospitals in their journey towards digital health monitoring and define the key components of a playbook that allows hospitals to kick-start and/or sustain their digital implementation by leveraging specific tools, methodologies and lessons learned.

Belgium May 8, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Data-Driven Driving: Exploring Aston Martin's Performance.

CIONET is partnering with Cognizant, Google and Aston Martin Antwerp to create an exceptional experiential event in Spa-Francorchamps on the 8th of May 2023 This event will combine unique experiences with unique insights. Together with an exclusive selection of digital leaders, you will have the privilege of driving the newest Aston Martin models before we gather for an in-depth discussion with experts and peers on how to truly incorporate data in the decision-making process on a business level. CIONET and Cognizant are in fact performing a research programme with a select group of digital leaders to collect real information and examples to put the theory of data-driven businesses to the test. This round table is an extension of this research and wants to discuss the key questions of this research during the format of a short roundtable among peers. We want to exchange visions and experiences on how you leverage on data and analytics, how you gain insights to improve decision making, and eventually create a data-driven business culture. Do organisations with a high level of analytics adoption de facto outpace their competition, achieve higher efficiency and show more agile? Let’s find out together. Please note that this event is by invitation only. Registration is required, and all applications will be reviewed before confirmation.

Italy May 4, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

Control of all your data protection and application resiliency in the cloud

Executive Dinner in collaborazione con Veritas & Sferanet.

UK April 27, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET UK : Securing a Net-Zero Future

You are cordially invited to join us for an exclusive event on the importance of sustainability in the digital workplace. As society changes, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) concerns are top of the agenda for consumers, corporate decision makers, and regulators. Enterprises are increasingly aware that their appeal to customers, investors, and employees is intrinsically linked to their ability to demonstrate a commitment to creating an inclusive and sustainable society. During the event, we will delve into the following topics: Why has sustainability become increasingly important, and what’s the role of secure IT? (and the importance of cybersecurity)? What is the impact of sustainability applications on cybersecurity? What are prominent sustainable IT and cybersecurity practices and how is the adoption? What are the ESG benefits and requirements for secure hybrid working? How can optimising and securing network and cloud infrastructure lower the carbon footprint?   How to leverage Artificial Intelligence to deliver a measurable impact? Why are digital leaders well positioned to take a leading role in sustainability? Agenda 18h30 - Welcome & introductions 19h00 - Presentation and 3-course dinner 21h00 - End

Poland April 27, 2023 Invitation Only Physical Polish


Efektywne IT staje się gwarancją sukcesu biznesowego przekładając się nie tylko na jakość aplikacji, ale również na wyniki firmy: przychody, produktywność, udział w rynku. Podczas spotkań chcemy otworzyć dyskusję na temat dobrych praktyk i rozwiązań, które pozwalają poprawić efektywność pracy zespołów IT

Poland April 27, 2023 Public Virtual Polish

Jak zmieni się świat IT, gdy zacznie wykorzystywać komputery kwantowe

Już od paru lat dostępne są komputery kwantowe, czy świat IT będzie umiał się zaadaptować do nowego podejścia do obliczeń. Czy nasze organizacje są gotowe na taka zmianę. W jaki sposób zacząć swoją przygodę z quitami i budowaniem nowych kompetencji dookoła informatyki kwantowej. Na te i inne pytania postaramy się uzyskać odpowiedzi od dr Piotr Biskupski z firmy IBM, który jest jednym z polskich ambasadorów technologi kwantowej w firmie IBM.

Belgium April 26, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

The Creative Brain: How Neurodiversity Sparks Innovation in IT

Diversity in competences makes an IT team stronger. Inclusion in the workplace is about ensuring that everyone feels valued and respected as an individual. And we are all ‘neuro-diverse’: differently wired, in terms of interests, competencies, preferences and cognitive abilities. Employers and colleagues can create a more inclusive environment by recognizing and valuing neurodiverse individuals. Companies can offer accommodations to employees according to their personal conditions to help them thrive in the workplace. This can include things like flexible work arrangements (remote, hybrid,...), sensory-friendly workspaces, noise-cancelling headphones, or specialised software that helps with focus and organisation.  By actively recruiting and hiring a neurodivergent group of individuals for IT roles, it can help create a stronger workforce and bring in unique perspectives and assets that can benefit the company. Neurodiversity is seen as variations of the human brain that can offer strengths and capabilities in areas such as problem-solving, pattern recognition, attention to detail, and creativity.

Germany April 26, 2023 Country Members Physical german

CIONET Business IT-Collaboration bei der L-Bank

In diesem CIONET Business Collaboration Exchange sind wir zu Gast bei der L-Bank, wo CEO Edith Weymayr und CIO & CDO Nino Messaoud uns ungeschönt und offen ihre Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen in ihrer Zusammenarbeit mit uns teilen.

Spain April 26, 2023 Country Members Physical spanish

CIONET CX & Automation Quest 2023

Belgium April 25, 2023 Members & Tribes Physical dutch

Saving money with IT, not on IT

In this more difficult economic climate there is a new focus on operational excellence. Organisations need to reduce the business friction and automate more. This results in higher expectations towards IT as leverage of business performance.    

Poland April 25, 2023 Country Members Virtual Polish

Biznesowe wyzwania użycia AI: wyjaśnialność, regulacje i ryzyko

Raczej nikogo nie trzeba przekonywać, że innowacje i budowanie przewagi konkurencyjnej jest aktualnie skoncentrowane wokół AI. Wykorzystanie potencjału jaki wnosi AI do organizacji może odbywać się w różnych stylach. Jest styl „bez ograniczeń”, stosowany w krajach autorytarnych, który wprawdzie daje wymierne korzyści, ale nie jest akceptowalny w naszym kręgu kulturowym, bo łamie wiele praw obywatelskich. W naszej części świata są dwa ważne powody, dla których należy kontrolować sposób implementacji AI: ryzyko złamania obowiązujących regulacji (i surowe kary z tym związane) oraz ryzyko bardzo kosztownej utraty wizerunku i pozycji firmy. W czasie warsztatów przedstawimy wybrane elementy platformy dostarczającej kompletny zestaw rozwiązań do przetwarzania i analizy danych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem komponentów dotyczących wyjaśnialności i zaufania do modeli AI (np. w kontekście unijnego rozporządzenia „AI Act” i nie tylko). Omówione zostaną narzędzia do monitorowania wszystkich procesów oraz zasobów wykorzystywanych i wytwarzanych w ramach Data Science: jakich danych użyto do budowy modelu, kto, kiedy i jakim algorytmem posłużył się do zbudowania modelu, jakie są parametry modelu, kto go modyfikował, jaka wersja modelu została uprodukcyjniona, jak wygląda przebieg jakości modelu w czasie, czy model wykazuje stronniczość, czy model wymaga zastąpienia/aktualizacji, jak wyjaśnić decyzje wskazywane przez model? Te procesy można próbować kontrolować ręcznie, ale szybko staje się to zadanie karkołomne. Potrzeba zautomatyzowanych narzędzi i rozwiązań wspomagających (które łatwo się skalują) i właśnie takim poświęcone będzie to spotkanie.

Belgium April 22, 2023 Country Members Physical dutch

CIONET Cycling Club - Cyclo Mechelen with Peter Willekens

Join us for a wonderful ride in Mechelen.  The length of the ride will be approximately 70 km and will contain a nice mixture of trails and single tracks. The ride is accessible to all levels of riders and doesn't require extensive technical skills. Looking forward to ride together.  

UK April 20, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Accelerating value from strategic vendor partnerships

The history of public-private partnerships across government has a mixed record mixed in the UK and elsewhere. Few private vendors have met public sector expectations or provided full value to UK taxpayers. In many cases, complexities of the procurement process and lack of trust on both sides have inhibited a fruitful, long-term collaboration. It is now time to improve the buying process and overcome any disjoints between intended results and actual outcomes. Government institutions and their partners need to improve their respective understanding of current and future states to harness the full power of digital technologies. In this discussion evening we will share insights on: Building trust, honesty and transparency into working relationships to improve outcomes. Helping public organisations to define a clear path between current and desired future state. Integrating information sources to enhance front-line performance in areas such as emergency services. Connecting and monitoring physical assets over their full life cycles using IoT techniques Software AG invites you to a public sector dinner at Institute of Directors on the 20 April at 6.30 PM to discuss vendor partnerships. Steve McReavy will introduce the session. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host and as with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Spain April 20, 2023 AB Members Physical spanish

Advisory Board Meeting Barcelona - Design Thinking Session

Poland April 20, 2023 Invitation Only Physical Polish


Italy April 20, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

Roundtable UiPath

I CIOs sempre più evolvono verso un ruolo aziendale di Strategic Advisor all'interno delle proprie organizzazioni. Il governo dei Business Outcomes di End to End Automation ed Intelligenza Artificiale è il success factor su scelte di investimento non più solo tecnologiche: l’esperienza UiPath.

Poland April 20, 2023 All Members Physical Polish



Spain April 19, 2023 Invitation Only Physical spanish

CIONET HUB ASTURIAS - Producto Digital y Visita a TK Escalator Norte

Sesión con los líderes digitales del Hub de Asturias, en la que visitaremos las instalaciones de TK Escalator Norte y conoceremos de cerca algunos de sus aprendizajes sobre su contribución a la transformación digital del negocio. En concreto abordaremos todo lo relacionado con el Producto Digital.

Netherlands April 18, 2023 Invitation Only Physical dutch

How CIOs can drive ‘first time right’ Quality Assurance for S/4HANA migrations

Invitation only exclusive Digital Leaders Dinner organized by CIONET Netherlands and powered by Cognizant and Tricentis addressing 'Assuring S4/HANA migration'.

UK April 18, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

How to measure and validate business outcomes

In the words of a FTSE 50 CIO, ‘If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it’. Despite the many billions of dollars invested in IT and process improvement, few if any organisations can provide accurate measurements of business outcome. All we know is that productivity has stagnated over the last fifteen years in the UK. It is time now to demonstrate value if we are to invest further money into IT and digital transformation. Accenture and ServiceNow have developed methods and tools to measure value and mitigate risk in programme management. In this discussion evening they will share their experiences with leading organisations to help clarify: What are the key performance indicators (KPIs) that we should be measuring and how do we report these to the CFO and others How can we integrate risk and control management into our projects in ‘near real time’ to keep them on track Where do value stream mapping, agile and DevOps fit into this picture and do they help us to be more quantitative Is there a place for ‘value contracts’ so that suppliers and customers both share in better outcomes Accenture and ServiceNow welcome you to attend a discussion evening on the 18 April at L’Oscar, commencing at 18.30. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host and as with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Italy April 18, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

Snowflake Dinner

La strategia scelta dalle organizzazioni per gestire i dati deve essere allineata con gli obiettivi del proprio business: questo rende il modo in cui governi i dati un forte fattore differenziante. Snowflake mette a disposizione una piattaforma cloud aperta e sicura, in grado di integrarsi con le scelte già effettuate per gestire tutti i dati e condividerli con il proprio ecosistema.

Belgium April 18, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Round Table: Your workload on the cloud or on premise - a dilemma or a continuum?

What is the best choice for your business today? During this round table, we will exchange ideas on how to make the best cloud strategy based on the latest trends and experiences.

Poland April 18, 2023 Invitation Only Physical Polish


Efektywne IT staje się gwarancją sukcesu biznesowego przekładając się nie tylko na jakość aplikacji, ale również na wyniki firmy: przychody, produktywność, udział w rynku. Podczas spotkań chcemy otworzyć dyskusję na temat dobrych praktyk i rozwiązań, które pozwalają poprawić efektywność pracy zespołów IT

Poland April 17, 2023 Country Members Virtual Polish

Roadmapa wdrożenia praktyki Data Governance

W czasach, kiedy dane traktowane są jako „nowa woda", a ich ilość nieustannie rośnie, sposób w jaki są zarządzane jest kluczowy dla rozwoju firm oraz ich konkurencyjności na rynku. Świadomość na temat ważności danych dla rozwoju biznesu stale rośnie. Coraz więcej firm rozumie jak duży potencjał drzemie w zbieranych i przechowywanych informacjach, a to rodzi potrzebę poprawy sposobu w jaki są one zarządzane. Odpowiedzią na te potrzeby jest wdrożenie praktyki Data Governance, która zapewni rozwiązania wspierające szeroko pojęte wykorzystanie danych w organizacji.

UK April 13, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

CIO Circle : Closing the productivity gap : Are intelligent applications the solution?

EY invites you to attend a virtual ‘CIO Circle’ event at 18.30 on the 13th of April to hear from Charles Lamanna and to share your own perspectives and insights. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be the moderator and as with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

UK April 5, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

CIO Circle – Advancing Trust to Protect Vital Revenues.

The turbulence of the modern world, increasing digitisation, automation and AI, has put ever greater emphasis on public trust around the ethical deployment of technology. Society expects that technology providers will act responsibly in their use of personal and other data from the outset. So, in a world where consumers make choices based on their perception of how safe an organisations’ technology and security are, how are you using technology to engender that trust and protect your revenues? Technology must provide the necessary safeguards around individual privacy and security. The IT and Cyber Leadership community is at the frontline of this challenge and is increasingly being held accountable when things go wrong. During our round table we will discuss: How has technology advanced to meet the challenges of trust erosion? How do we protect the value of your brand and increase revenue by using technology? What advances in technology and cyber security could help close the current gap? EY invites you to attend a dinner for female technology leaders at 18.30 on the 5th of April to be held at YYY venue. Lopa Ghosh and Lucy Rosemont, Partner’s at EY will introduce the topic with guest speak AAA. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host and as with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your leadership role. 

Netherlands March 30, 2023 Invitation Only Physical dutch

Smart Industry Round Table Event

'Driving the Connected Future for CIOs' met sprekers: Fritz Oswald, Senior Vice President IT Infrastructure Frankfurt Airport. Mark Courage, Director Smart Industrieat TNO. Jeroen van Hamersveld, Managing Director at NTT Ltd. Herman van Bolhuis, Founder 3DMZ.

Poland March 30, 2023 Country Members Virtual Polish

Chmura, która przychodzi do Ciebie

Chmura prywatna w hybrydowym IT

Italy March 30, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

Meeting you were you are… Azure Vmware Solution, la soluzione per guidare facilmente la tua Digital Transformation!

Meeting you were you are… Azure VMware Solution, la soluzione per guidare facilmente la tua Digital Transformation! Executive Event in collaborazione con SoftwareONE, VMware e Microsoft.

UK March 29, 2023 Country Members Physical english

Transforming Operations Through Digital Low-Code Process Automation

Join us in the opulent Private Dining Room of  the legendary Quo Vadis restaurant for what promises to be an eye-opening evening . Famed for its connections with the likes of Damien Hirst  and Marco Pierre White, Quo Vadis is one of London’s finest without a doubt .       The discussion for the evening  will explore how orgaisations have been applying different techniques to automate their end-to-end processes for many years but have encountered multiple obstacles, such as culture against change, knowledge retained by people, information silo’s, rigid legacy systems, lack of data integration, and minimal skillset. It is now time for a radical new approach. Low-code techniques to help orchestrate people, process, data, systems, and bots, to deliver rapid and effective process automation. In this round table Bizagi will share customer use cases such as DHL Group, BAE Systems, adidas, and Old Mutual, to illustrate their success in implementing low-code process automation platform across their operations: Agility - 95% automation return in billing process Efficiency – 60% reduction in supply chain operation costs Customer Experience – 9x faster customer onboarding Speed – 87% increase on approval processes The speed and agility of operational processes is achieved through low-code digital automation. Process orchestration is of particular importance, as it ensures rapid integration into existing systems, whilst retrieving the relevant data and combining the automation of business processes and people. This evening could revoiutionise how you tackle automation across your enterprise. CIONET & Bizagi invite you to an evening of fine dining, great discussion and superb networking evening at 18.30 on 29th March at Quo Vadis , Alex George, VP Customer Success,  from Bizagi will introduce real life case studies. Jon Bernstein of CIONET will be your host. As with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Italy March 29, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian


Trovare soluzioni, idee, nuove prospettive che possano essere soluzioni per se stessi, per gli altri, per il nostro Pianeta o per la società. I temi chiave saranno l’innovazione, l’inclusione, la diversità e la sostenibilità a 360°.  

Belgium March 29, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Round Table: DevOps in practice

Many organisations have made good progress on their Agile Transformation. However, they still feel that more needs to be done to deliver top quality products and services at high velocity. If this sounds familiar, then you are probably embarking on a DevOps implementation journey. But what is the optimal combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that allow you to make sure that your development, operations, quality assurance and security teams are no longer working in silos? During this round table, we will discuss the required changes in culture and mindset to successfully transition to DevOps and how to bring them about. We will also talk about creating outcome focused, purpose driven teams, and building products your customers love. Chris Baynham-Hughes, who heads up the Open Innovation Lab of Red Hat in EMEA will help us to start the conversation.

Belgium March 28, 2023 AB Members Physical english

CIONET Advisory Board Meeting: Let's talk about AI

We are witnessing today the tipping point of AI in the world. So let’s discuss in this meeting of the minds the impact AI is having on our daily life, our organisations, our role as digital leaders and on our favourite CIO community. Is AI reliable or not? Between ChatGPT, Bard and Bing, who is disrupting who? What’s happening to our current & future IT talents? There’s a million things to ponder on!!

Poland March 28, 2023 Invitation Only Physical Polish


Dynamiczne zmiany, jakim podlegają środowiska IT, tworzą wyzwania nowej skali w zapewnieniu bezpieczeństwa aplikacji. Zmienia się nie tylko sposób ich budowy, wykorzystujący choćby architekturę mikrousługową i komunikację poprzez API, ale także sposób udostępniania, który musi zapewniać możliwość wyboru i zmiany sposobu hostowania między własnym data center, różnymi typami chmury, czy modelem dystrybucji rozproszonej (mesh, edge).To wszystko nie tylko zwiększa powierzchnię możliwego ataku, ale także stwarza nowe wyzwania organizacyjne i budżetowe dla działów bezpieczeństwa. Jak pogodzić nowe potrzeby w dziedzinie rozwoju aplikacjami z rosnącymi wymogami ich ochrony przy utrzymaniu efektywności kosztowej - o tym będziemy mówić w trakcie kameralnego spotkania uczestników społeczności CIONET, w którego przygotowaniu wspiera nas firma F5. W trackie dyskusji postaramy się wskazać: Jakie wymagania należy uwzględnić, aby stworzyć efektywne i bezpieczne środowisko do budowy i wdrażania aplikacji, Jak uprościć zarządzanie ruchem do własnych aplikacji utrzymywanych w różnych środowiskach, Jak zmniejszyć zagrożenia dla bezpieczeństwa wynikające ze zróżnicowania środowisk, w których utrzymywane są aplikacje, Jak zapewnić najwyższe bezpieczeństwo danych wraz z certyfikatami przy udostępnianiu aplikacji, Jak rozwiązania SaaS mogą zwiększyć poziom ochrony własnych aplikacji, Jak uzyskać większą kontrolę nad kosztami bezpieczeństwa przy wykorzystaniu narzędzi chmurowych. Zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w dyskusji.

Italy March 28, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

Meeting you were you are… Azure Vmware Solution, la soluzione per guidare facilmente la tua Digital Transformation!

Meeting you were you are… Azure VMware Solution, la soluzione per guidare facilmente la tua Digital Transformation! Executive Event in collaborazione con SoftwareONE, VMware e Microsoft.

Poland March 23, 2023 Country Members Virtual Polish

Krajobraz cyberzagrożeń 2023. Jak się przed nim skutecznie chronić.

Bazując na wnioskach z raportów i monitoringu Akamai opowiemy o najważniejszych cyberzagrożeniach dotykających organizacji w Polsce i na świecie w roku 2022 oraz czego możemy się spodziewać w roku 2023. Analizując case studies klientów Akamai, przedstawimy rekomendacje jak się przed nimi skutecznie chronić.

Germany March 23, 2023 AB Members Physical german

CIONET Deutschland Advisory Board Meeting

Wir laden Euch zu unserem vor-Ort CIONET Advisory Board Meeting am 23. März von 9 bis 14 Uhr in München ein. Wir werden zu Gast bei PwC Experience Center in München.

Spain March 22, 2023 Country Members Physical & Virtual spanish


Let’s take back control!  CIOFEST - Soberanía Digital 22 de marzo. 2023 Talent Garden Madrid 18 a 21:30 h De 17 a 18 h - Conferencia On-line De 18 a 21:30 h - Encuentro presencial - Madrid   Agenda: !8:00 h Bienvenida 18:30 h Panel "Soberanía Digital" 19:15 h Conexión con el panel internacional 19:30 h Concierto y copas      

Germany March 22, 2023 Country Members Physical & Virtual german


Let’s take back control!  Digital sovereignty: the quest for control, choice and autonomy Our digital identity and integrity have become as precious as our physical identity and integrity. This is true for “us” as individuals, as companies or organisations, or even as countries. Data and digital flows are the foundations of our social functioning and primary source of value in the global digital economy. Still, a handful of Mega-Tech companies have been able to extract, monopolise and monetise our data over the last two decades. More than 90% of Western data is hosted in the US. Geopolitical actors use digital technology and data increasingly as tools of power. Legal initiatives such as the US Cloud Act or the Chinese Surveillance Legislation give their governments unlimited access to our data abroad. A cyber arms race is ongoing using a wide range of techniques, from blunt nation-state cyber-attacks to sophisticated social manipulation. In short, digitisation has made us as individuals, as businesses and as countries very dependent and vulnerable and hindered in capitalising on our own assets.  As a result, individuals, organisations and governments are re-evaluating their external exposure and launching digital sovereignty-related initiatives to maintain or acquire physical and digital control over their strategic assets, including data, algorithms, and critical software.   “‘Sovereign” means more than just national or European, it means that we have regained control over our own destiny. It’s about elements such as transparency, being able to tell (customers and citizens) where the data is; how it is stored, what security policies surround it, where the value goes, who owns the solution, and how to split responsibilities between all parties involved. What steps, if any, should we, our companies or governments take to regain control and restore our digital sovereignty? Join us on March 22nd at CIOFEST - our biggest Community Event of the year! We are bringing all CIONET countries and 1000+ Digital Leaders together to one glocal conference.

Netherlands March 22, 2023 Country Members Physical & Virtual dutch


Let’s take back control!  Digital sovereignty: the quest for control, choice and autonomy Our digital identity and integrity have become as precious as our physical identity and integrity. This is true for “us” as individuals, as companies or organisations, or even as countries. Data and digital flows are the foundations of our social functioning and primary source of value in the global digital economy. Still, a handful of Mega-Tech companies have been able to extract, monopolise and monetise our data over the last two decades. More than 90% of Western data is hosted in the US. Geopolitical actors use digital technology and data increasingly as tools of power. Legal initiatives such as the US Cloud Act or the Chinese Surveillance Legislation give their governments unlimited access to our data abroad. A cyber arms race is ongoing using a wide range of techniques, from blunt nation-state cyber-attacks to sophisticated social manipulation. In short, digitisation has made us as individuals, as businesses and as countries very dependent and vulnerable and hindered in capitalising on our own assets.  As a result, individuals, organisations and governments are re-evaluating their external exposure and launching digital sovereignty-related initiatives to maintain or acquire physical and digital control over their strategic assets, including data, algorithms, and critical software.   “‘Sovereign” means more than just national or European, it means that we have regained control over our own destiny. It’s about elements such as transparency, being able to tell (customers and citizens) where the data is; how it is stored, what security policies surround it, where the value goes, who owns the solution, and how to split responsibilities between all parties involved. What steps, if any, should we, our companies or governments take to regain control and restore our digital sovereignty? Join us on March 22nd at CIOFEST - our biggest Community Event of the year! We are bringing all CIONET countries and 1000+ Digital Leaders together to one glocal conference.

Belgium March 22, 2023 Country Members Physical & Virtual english


Let’s take back control!  Digital sovereignty: the quest for control, choice and autonomy Our digital identity and integrity have become as precious as our physical identity and integrity. This is true for “us” as individuals, as companies or organisations, or even as countries. Data and digital flows are the foundations of our social functioning and primary source of value in the global digital economy. Still, a handful of Mega-Tech companies have been able to extract, monopolise and monetise our data over the last two decades. More than 90% of Western data is hosted in the US. Geopolitical actors use digital technology and data increasingly as tools of power. Legal initiatives such as the US Cloud Act or the Chinese Surveillance Legislation give their governments unlimited access to our data abroad. A cyber arms race is ongoing using a wide range of techniques, from blunt nation-state cyber-attacks to sophisticated social manipulation. In short, digitisation has made us as individuals, as businesses and as countries very dependent and vulnerable and hindered in capitalising on our own assets.  As a result, individuals, organisations and governments are re-evaluating their external exposure and launching digital sovereignty-related initiatives to maintain or acquire physical and digital control over their strategic assets, including data, algorithms, and critical software.   “‘Sovereign” means more than just national or European, it means that we have regained control over our own destiny. It’s about elements such as transparency, being able to tell (customers and citizens) where the data is; how it is stored, what security policies surround it, where the value goes, who owns the solution, and how to split responsibilities between all parties involved. What steps, if any, should we, our companies or governments take to regain control and restore our digital sovereignty? Join us on March 22nd at CIOFEST - our biggest Community Event of the year! We are bringing all CIONET countries and 1000+ Digital Leaders together to one glocal conference.

Italy March 22, 2023 Country Members Physical & Virtual italian


Let’s take back control!  Digital sovereignty: the quest for control, choice and autonomy Our digital identity and integrity have become as precious as our physical identity and integrity. This is true for “us” as individuals, as companies or organisations, or even as countries. Data and digital flows are the foundations of our social functioning and primary source of value in the global digital economy. Still, a handful of Mega-Tech companies have been able to extract, monopolise and monetise our data over the last two decades. More than 90% of Western data is hosted in the US. Geopolitical actors use digital technology and data increasingly as tools of power. Legal initiatives such as the US Cloud Act or the Chinese Surveillance Legislation give their governments unlimited access to our data abroad. A cyber arms race is ongoing using a wide range of techniques, from blunt nation-state cyber-attacks to sophisticated social manipulation. In short, digitisation has made us as individuals, as businesses and as countries very dependent and vulnerable and hindered in capitalising on our own assets.  As a result, individuals, organisations and governments are re-evaluating their external exposure and launching digital sovereignty-related initiatives to maintain or acquire physical and digital control over their strategic assets, including data, algorithms, and critical software.   “‘Sovereign” means more than just national or European, it means that we have regained control over our own destiny. It’s about elements such as transparency, being able to tell (customers and citizens) where the data is; how it is stored, what security policies surround it, where the value goes, who owns the solution, and how to split responsibilities between all parties involved. What steps, if any, should we, our companies or governments take to regain control and restore our digital sovereignty? Join us on March 22nd at CIOFEST - our biggest Community Event of the year! We are bringing all CIONET countries and 1000+ Digital Leaders together to one glocal conference.

International March 22, 2023 All Members Physical & Virtual english


Let’s take back control!  Digital sovereignty: the quest for control, choice and autonomy Our digital identity and integrity have become as precious as our physical identity and integrity. This is true for “us” as individuals, as companies or organisations, or even as countries. Data and digital flows are the foundations of our social functioning and primary source of value in the global digital economy. Still, a handful of Mega-Tech companies have been able to extract, monopolise and monetise our data over the last two decades. More than 90% of Western data is hosted in the US. Geopolitical actors use digital technology and data increasingly as tools of power. Legal initiatives such as the US Cloud Act or the Chinese Surveillance Legislation give their governments unlimited access to our data abroad. A cyber arms race is ongoing using a wide range of techniques, from blunt nation-state cyber-attacks to sophisticated social manipulation. In short, digitisation has made us as individuals, as businesses and as countries very dependent and vulnerable and hindered in capitalising on our own assets.  As a result, individuals, organisations and governments are re-evaluating their external exposure and launching digital sovereignty-related initiatives to maintain or acquire physical and digital control over their strategic assets, including data, algorithms, and critical software.   “‘Sovereign” means more than just national or European, it means that we have regained control over our own destiny. It’s about elements such as transparency, being able to tell (customers and citizens) where the data is; how it is stored, what security policies surround it, where the value goes, who owns the solution, and how to split responsibilities between all parties involved. What steps, if any, should we, our companies or governments take to regain control and restore our digital sovereignty? Join us on March 22nd at CIOFEST - our biggest Community Event of the year! We are bringing all CIONET countries and 1000+ Digital Leaders together to one glocal conference.

International March 22, 2023 Country Members Physical & Virtual french


Let’s take back control!  Digital sovereignty: the quest for control, choice and autonomy Our digital identity and integrity have become as precious as our physical identity and integrity. This is true for “us” as individuals, as companies or organisations, or even as countries. Data and digital flows are the foundations of our social functioning and primary source of value in the global digital economy. Still, a handful of Mega-Tech companies have been able to extract, monopolise and monetise our data over the last two decades. More than 90% of Western data is hosted in the US. Geopolitical actors use digital technology and data increasingly as tools of power. Legal initiatives such as the US Cloud Act or the Chinese Surveillance Legislation give their governments unlimited access to our data abroad. A cyber arms race is ongoing using a wide range of techniques, from blunt nation-state cyber-attacks to sophisticated social manipulation. In short, digitisation has made us as individuals, as businesses and as countries very dependent and vulnerable and hindered in capitalising on our own assets.  As a result, individuals, organisations and governments are re-evaluating their external exposure and launching digital sovereignty-related initiatives to maintain or acquire physical and digital control over their strategic assets, including data, algorithms, and critical software.   “‘Sovereign” means more than just national or European, it means that we have regained control over our own destiny. It’s about elements such as transparency, being able to tell (customers and citizens) where the data is; how it is stored, what security policies surround it, where the value goes, who owns the solution, and how to split responsibilities between all parties involved. What steps, if any, should we, our companies or governments take to regain control and restore our digital sovereignty? Join us on March 22nd at CIOFEST - our biggest Community Event of the year! We are bringing all CIONET countries and 1000+ Digital Leaders together to one glocal conference.

UK March 22, 2023 Country Members Physical & Virtual english


Let’s take back control!  Digital sovereignty: the quest for control, choice and autonomy Our digital identity and integrity have become as precious as our physical identity and integrity. This is true for “us” as individuals, as companies or organisations, or even as countries. Data and digital flows are the foundations of our social functioning and primary source of value in the global digital economy. Still, a handful of Mega-Tech companies have been able to extract, monopolise and monetise our data over the last two decades. More than 90% of Western data is hosted in the US. Geopolitical actors use digital technology and data increasingly as tools of power. Legal initiatives such as the US Cloud Act or the Chinese Surveillance Legislation give their governments unlimited access to our data abroad. A cyber arms race is ongoing using a wide range of techniques, from blunt nation-state cyber-attacks to sophisticated social manipulation. In short, digitisation has made us as individuals, as businesses and as countries very dependent and vulnerable and hindered in capitalising on our own assets.  As a result, individuals, organisations and governments are re-evaluating their external exposure and launching digital sovereignty-related initiatives to maintain or acquire physical and digital control over their strategic assets, including data, algorithms, and critical software.   “‘Sovereign” means more than just national or European, it means that we have regained control over our own destiny. It’s about elements such as transparency, being able to tell (customers and citizens) where the data is; how it is stored, what security policies surround it, where the value goes, who owns the solution, and how to split responsibilities between all parties involved. What steps, if any, should we, our companies or governments take to regain control and restore our digital sovereignty? Join us on March 22nd at CIOFEST - our biggest Community Event of the year! We are bringing all CIONET countries and 1000+ Digital Leaders together to one glocal conference.

Portugal March 22, 2023 Country Members Physical & Virtual portuguese


Let’s take back control!  Digital sovereignty: the quest for control, choice and autonomy Our digital identity and integrity have become as precious as our physical identity and integrity. This is true for “us” as individuals, as companies or organisations, or even as countries. Data and digital flows are the foundations of our social functioning and primary source of value in the global digital economy. Still, a handful of Mega-Tech companies have been able to extract, monopolise and monetise our data over the last two decades. More than 90% of Western data is hosted in the US. Geopolitical actors use digital technology and data increasingly as tools of power. Legal initiatives such as the US Cloud Act or the Chinese Surveillance Legislation give their governments unlimited access to our data abroad. A cyber arms race is ongoing using a wide range of techniques, from blunt nation-state cyber-attacks to sophisticated social manipulation. In short, digitisation has made us as individuals, as businesses and as countries very dependent and vulnerable and hindered in capitalising on our own assets.  As a result, individuals, organisations and governments are re-evaluating their external exposure and launching digital sovereignty-related initiatives to maintain or acquire physical and digital control over their strategic assets, including data, algorithms, and critical software.   “‘Sovereign” means more than just national or European, it means that we have regained control over our own destiny. It’s about elements such as transparency, being able to tell (customers and citizens) where the data is; how it is stored, what security policies surround it, where the value goes, who owns the solution, and how to split responsibilities between all parties involved. What steps, if any, should we, our companies or governments take to regain control and restore our digital sovereignty? Join us on March 22nd at CIOFEST - our biggest Community Event of the year! We are bringing all CIONET countries and 1000+ Digital Leaders together to one glocal conference.

Poland March 22, 2023 Country Members Physical & Virtual Polish


Let’s take back control!  Digital sovereignty: the quest for control, choice and autonomy Our digital identity and integrity have become as precious as our physical identity and integrity. This is true for “us” as individuals, as companies or organisations, or even as countries. Data and digital flows are the foundations of our social functioning and primary source of value in the global digital economy. Still, a handful of Mega-Tech companies have been able to extract, monopolise and monetise our data over the last two decades. More than 90% of Western data is hosted in the US. Geopolitical actors use digital technology and data increasingly as tools of power. Legal initiatives such as the US Cloud Act or the Chinese Surveillance Legislation give their governments unlimited access to our data abroad. A cyber arms race is ongoing using a wide range of techniques, from blunt nation-state cyber-attacks to sophisticated social manipulation. In short, digitisation has made us as individuals, as businesses and as countries very dependent and vulnerable and hindered in capitalising on our own assets.  As a result, individuals, organisations and governments are re-evaluating their external exposure and launching digital sovereignty-related initiatives to maintain or acquire physical and digital control over their strategic assets, including data, algorithms, and critical software.   “‘Sovereign” means more than just national or European, it means that we have regained control over our own destiny. It’s about elements such as transparency, being able to tell (customers and citizens) where the data is; how it is stored, what security policies surround it, where the value goes, who owns the solution, and how to split responsibilities between all parties involved. What steps, if any, should we, our companies or governments take to regain control and restore our digital sovereignty? Join us on March 22nd at CIOFEST - our biggest Community Event of the year! We are bringing all CIONET countries and 1000+ Digital Leaders together to one glocal conference.

Netherlands March 16, 2023 Invitation Only Physical dutch

CIO dinner for Digital Leaders

Delivering business value through Value Stream Management and DevOps. CIO dinner for Digital Leaders at Michelin Star Restaurant MOS in Amsterdam.

Italy March 16, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

Experience Executive

Customer Journey

Germany March 15, 2023 Country Members Physical german

CIONET Meet-Up in Köln 'Saving money with IT, not on IT'

Wir laden Sie am 15. März 2023 ab 17:30 Uhr zu unserem nächsten CIONET Meet-Up in Köln ein, wo wir dieses Mal zu Gast bei der Zurich Gruppe sind.

Poland March 15, 2023 Country Members Physical Polish

Data Governance, Compliance & Ethics

Korzystanie z danych i analityki w niewłaściwy sposób może prowadzić do różnic interpretacyjnych, problemów z odnalezieniem właściwych informacji, a co za tym idzie wprowadza ryzyko podjęcia niewłaściwych decyzji. Odpowiednia organizacja procesów Data Governance pozwala uporządkować świat danych w organizacji, odpowiednio zorganizować odpowiedzialność za nie i zapanować nad ich jakością i aktualności. Organizacje posługujące się danymi podlegają też regulacjom oraz powinny wdrażać odpowiednie normy etyczne związane z unikaniem dyskryminacji i ryzykiem podejmowania nieetycznych decyzji z wykorzystaniem danych.

Poland March 15, 2023 Invitation Only Physical Polish


Biznes wymaga budowania aplikacji w taki sposób, aby można je było przenosić między różnymi środowiskami, zarówno we własnej serwerowni, jak i pomiędzy chmurami różnych dostawców. Powoduje to spore wyzwania dla osób odpowiadających za utrzymanie tych aplikacji, jak i stawia nowe wyzwania dotyczące bezpieczeństwa. O tym, jak rozwijać aplikacje, by zapewnić ich pełną ochronę po migracji do nowych środowisk, będziemy rozmawiać w trakcie śniadaniowego kameralnego spotkania CIONET Vision. Poszukamy odpowiedzi na pytania: Jak zmienia się architektura aplikacji i w związku z tym jakie to ma konsekwencje na modele wdrożeniowe aplikacji oraz jakie są tu najlepsze praktyki? Jak zapewnić spójną politykę bezpieczeństwa dla aplikacji uruchamianych lokalnie w centrum danych, jak i w chmurze? Jak powinno być skonstruowane środowisko aplikacji o wysokich wymaganiach w zakresie bezpieczeństwa? Jak budować skuteczne zabezpieczenia aplikacji od wczesnych etapów prac developerskich? Jak powiązać mechanizmy ochronne wbudowane w aplikację z regułami i politykami bezpieczeństwa odpowiednich platform aplikacyjnych? Jak wykorzystać automatyzację do zabezpieczenia interfejsów API, z których korzystają aplikacje? Zapraszamy do udziału w tej rozmowie. Naszym partnerem w jej przygotowaniach będzie F5.

Belgium March 11, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET MTB Cycling Event: Discovering Limburg

Join us for a wonderfull Mountain Bike ride in Limburg.  The length of the ride will be approximately 40 km and will contain a nice mixture of trails and single tracks. The ride is accessible to all levels of riders and doesn't require extensive technical skills. Looking forward to ride together. Register here: 

UK March 9, 2023 Country Members Physical english

Vienna : Cybersecurity is a team sport

CIONET, along with our sponsors Hitachi Vantara, invite you to this in-person roundtable event on 9 March at the fabulous Kuchlmasterei, Vienna. During the event – CIONET Associate Editor Jon Bernstein – you will hear from Tom Christensen, Global Technology Advisor & Executive Analyst at Hitachi Vantara. Do join us for what promises to be a highly enjoyable and enlightening evening.

Belgium March 9, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Low Code: Fringe phenomenon or game changer?

Is Low-Code offering the panacea to all software development challenges? Low-Code claims to enable coding on a small scale with lower budgets, in a fast and flexible way, in co-creation mode between business and IT. Introducing low code would allow keeping the core systems clean by developing custom interfaces and functionalities apart, thus bringing in the agility and the room for innovation the organisation is looking for. It would dramatically reduce the complexity of software development, speed up the process of building applications and help your IT team to better respond to fast evolving business or user needs.  We invite you to come and listen to the personal testimonials and use cases of Low-Code projects that challenge these promises brought by digital leaders such as Gert Vanhaecht of the Belfius bank and Sami Chabbah of Proximus. Agenda 18h00 - Welcome & introductions 19h00 - Presentation and 3-course dinner 21h00 - End

International March 9, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET COOKBOOK Master Chef Event South Africa

Agenda 17h00 - Welcome drink & appetizers 17h30 - Welcome by Red Hat/Intel + Briefing Chef Reuben Riffel 17h45 - Cooking competition 19h15 - Dinner & Discussions 21h30 - End

UK March 8, 2023 Country Members Physical english

Data Management in a Decarbonised World

When organisations seek a path to a sustainable IT enterprise it will encompass application modernisation , eco-friendly infrastructure and smarter data management . These are precisely some of the key areas we brought to light in our recent publication, The Data Playbook .  It necessitates executive buy-in and cultural commitment .  It will require simplification , consolidation and automation .   The good news is that doing the right thing by the planet , brings enormous business benefit too .     CIONET, in conjunction with Hitachi Vantara,  invites you to a Private Dining & discussion evening in the fabulous surroundings of The Bleeding Heart , he quintessentially French restaurant , famed for many a year.   With an expert guest speaker on Sustainable IT and your host for the evening Jon Bernstein , we’ll address the many facets to this challenge :   Creating value from your real-time data Technologies and related tooling that supports a data-driven business model   How DatOps can deliver your sustainable and performance goals Choosing the correct ecosystem of partners to match your sustainable ambition     So two incredibly important issues facing the digital leader of today , the race to a decarbonized business model and the need to embrace the full potential of our data. All brought together for one night with your peers and a chance to enjoy  fabulous food , wine and stimulating conversation .   We look forward to welcoming you , be sure to register quickly for this limited spaces event .

Poland March 8, 2023 Country Members Physical Polish

Współpraca oraz komunikacja CIO, CISO, Biznesu i ich zespołów

Najczęstsze problemy komunikacyjne pomiędzy zespołami cyberbezpieczeństwa, IT i biznesu i jak je rozwiązywać. Czy istnieje optymalny zakres odpowiedzialności operacyjnej pomiędzy IT i security w zapewnieniu cyberbezpieczeństwa i ochrony informacji? Jak wdrożyć governance w firmie?

Italy March 7, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

CloudFlare Evenet

Resilienza digitale - rispetto alle principali tecnologie tradizionali in cloud o on premise, come si possono anticipare i blind spot a livello di resilienza informatica e sicurezza, affinche' la tecnologia offra al business una maggiore stabilita' e produttivita'? Trasformazione digitale - la qualita' della tecnologia oggi giorno e' indispensabile affinche' il business si possa evolvere rapidamente mantenendo la competitivita' sul mercato. Quali sono le raccomandazioni principali per scegliere una piattaforma tecnologica capace di garantire la flessibilita' necessaria, per venire incontro alle esigenze di mercato?

UK March 2, 2023 Country Members Physical english

Copenhagen : Decarbonising your data centre

Join us for an evening of fine dining, fabulous networking and stimulating discussion in the sumptuous surroundings of d’Angleterre, Copenhagen, 2nd March 2023. Consider that more than 80% of value chain CO2 emissions of a storage product are related to its use after it is sold. For organisations charged with taking carbon out of their business, this figure is illustrative of the task at hand. This is not a production issue in isolation, nor just a usage concern – this is a complete lifecycle challenge. And one in which you will have a crucial role to play.

UK March 2, 2023 Country Members Physical english

Eliminating Supply Chain Risks in the Financial Services Sector

As leading financial services organisations pursue operational resilience to meet customer demands, operating efficiencies, and increased margins they are adopting multiple cloud-based infrastructures and SaaS services. Such complexity contributes to an increased reliance on third parties across their ‘digital’ supply chains with an increased organisation wide risk exposure.  The need for operational resilience and insights into digital supply chains is fast becoming a strategic imperative.  Short term, supply chain insights can allow organisations to mitigate immediate risk allowing the right supplier and spend management decisions to be made. Longer term, it’s the cultivation of a stable environment for resource management, customer experience and the ability to pre-empt risk. This will empower organisations to innovate knowing they possess a stable supply chain. Interos the global leader in supply chain risk management partners with whyaye who facilitate outcome led, technology-enabled change using smart and efficient approaches, all enabled by the ServiceNow platform, delivering some of the largest and most successful IT transformations globally. Join subject matter experts from Interos and whyaye and guests from ServiceNow for a lively discussion, best practice sharing, strategies for adoption, and building frameworks for regulation success. How do organisations understand their supply chain and risks within it? What does an effective supply chain risk management programme and operating model look like? How can technology help enhance supply chain risk management? What are the common pitfalls that should be avoided, improving the probability of success? We will be hosting this event at  The Walbrook Club on March 2nd, starting at 18.30. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your facilitator. We believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role and gain insights on how to build resilience into your digital supply chains.

Belgium March 2, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Identity is the new target!

Today the adversary no longer needs to steal an organisation’s keys or credentials, they just buy them from the dark web. This creates a game changer as it enables them to simply login for access without having to break-in. They can then exercise lateral movement to get their desired impact - ransomware, ransomware data extortion, cyber sabotage and cyber spying. Add this to the fact that access broker credential sales have increased by more than 250% since February 2022, identity protection is certainly a burning issue. During this CIONET round table, we discuss how do you set up such an identity security model? What are the challenges that come with it? Is a step-by-step approach possible or should you make tabula rasa of your legacy security systems?  These and other questions will be discussed with seasoned CISOs and other security experts.      

Poland March 2, 2023 Country Members Physical Polish

Bezpieczna Chmura- kluczowy temat nie tylko dla działów IT!

Bezpieczna chmura – kluczowy temat nie tylko dla działów IT! Wymiary bezpieczeństwa chmury – kluczowe obszary zainteresowania. Strategie, architektura i realizacja – jak zaangażować wszystkie kluczowe siły.

Italy March 1, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

La Digitalizzazione della Pubblica Amministrazione

La trasformazione digitale ha coinvolto realtà aziendali di tutti i settori: in particolar modo la Pubblica Amministrazione sta svolgendo in questo scenario un ruolo di catalizzatore. Grazie anche agli investimenti del PNRR questo processo sarà ulteriormente accelerato nei prossimi mesi. Ma quali sono le sfide da affrontare? Quali i risultati ottenuti?

UK February 28, 2023 Country Members Physical english

CIO Circle – Generating value from your software assets

With the explosion in Software as a Service (SaaS) offers, complex licensing terms and conditions and the productization of existing software assets, management challenges have escalated dramatically over the last two decades. Most large organisations have thousands of such assets and services, but few have full visibility. At the end of the day, the CIO has all the responsibility for managing such assets but must cope with distributed ownership. In the first CIO Circle event of 2023, we will discuss how effective management of all software assets can be achieved. We will share experiences on the following issues: How can CIOs maximise value from their software assets regardless of where they sit in the organisation? What are the best ways to register and monitor these assets in self sustainable model to drive optimization  What are the latest approaches to smart contracting of software assets, and how does the CIO best manage its many vendor relationships? EY invites you to a discussion dinner to share its own experience in this critical area of IT management. We invite you to join us on 28 February at the Institute of Directors, commencing at 18.00. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host, alongside Krati Laad from EY and as with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital Leadership role.

Germany February 27, 2023 Country Members Physical german


Wenn Ihnen unser Cookbook Appetit gemacht hat und Sie eine Einladung von uns für diese besondere Veranstaltung erhalten haben, freuen wir und Michelin-Sternekoch Carmelo Greco uns auf Ihre Teilnahme an unserer Masterchef Competition!*   Zu diesem Anlass versammeln wir Top-CIOs und Digital Leader, um von Michelin-Sternekoch Carmelo Greco herausgefordert zu werden, ein Gericht zu kochen und um den Titel "Master Chef of the Digital Kitchen" zu kämpfen!   Im Anschluss an den Kochwettbewerb werden unsere im Cookbook vorgestellten Master Chef CIOs eine Roundtable-Diskussion über ihre Rezepte zur digitalen Transformation für langfristigen Erfolg führen.   Der im Piemont aufgewachsene Carmelo Greco war schon als Kind fasziniert von der Welt des Kochens. Nach Lehrjahren im legendären Zwei-Sterne-Restaurant „Da Guido“ in Costigliole d’Asti kam Greco Anfang der 90er Jahre nach Deutschland und bewies, dass italienische Küche mehr zu bieten hat als Pizza Quattro Stagioni und Spaghetti Bolognese. 2011 wurde Carmelo Greco für sein Restaurant mit einem Michelin-Stern ausgezeichnet.    

UK February 23, 2023 Country Members Physical english

Cloud Experience, Resilience and Agility

Join CIONET and Hitachi Vantara with a select group of your industry peers as we discuss infrastructure modernization in a hybrid-cloud world to innovate faster and stay ahead of the competition.

UK February 23, 2023 Country Members Physical english

Power to the People – optimising the customer experience

For so many years organisations both public and private have talked about putting the ‘customer first’ but as consumers we continue to experience delays in accessing call centres, navigating complex websites, and processing tedious paperwork. This causes frustration and can challenge brand loyalty. Digital natives are taking full advantage of such shortcomings. Infogain has built a global reputation in helping to enrich the customer experience from the design of software products through to simplifying day-to-day customer interactions. Its clients enjoy greater brand loyalty and rapid innovation. In this roundtable we address key issues related to customer experience such as: Where design thinking can help focus joint business and IT fusion teams around improving the overall customer experience (both b2b and b2c) How traditional processes and legacy systems can be adapted to simplify and speed up customer interactions How a data-first approach from multiple sources can deliver deeper insights into customer preferences How agile working can help to introduce a new culture of software product innovation Infogain invites you to a discussion evening on the 23rd February. Vivek Sharma will introduce the topic with the CIO of the Rank Organisation. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host. As with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

UK February 23, 2023 Country Members Physical english

Driving Your Journey to Hybrid Cloud

We are thrilled to announce a unique opportunity to offer all CIONET members. The incredible surroundings of Mercedes Benz World will be the venue for this day of thought -provoking discussion, learning, networking, thrills & spills. Our community partners Hitachi Vantara have given CIONET members exclusive access to this amazing opportunity to unleash your inner Lewis Hamilton ! Hear from a variety of experts on how a Hybrid Cloud approach allows for a total reimagining of your infrastructure. We all know that good planning avoids bumps in the road ( excuse the pun ) and Cloud transformation journeys can be complex but also very rewarding with the right partnerships. With cost savings of up to 15% by moving to a Hybrid Cloud environment there are substantial gains to be had when working with the right partners. This day will help you navigate that journey, whilst also having a great deal of fun. Push your driving skills to the limit on the AMG Handling Track, get your heart racing with the pick of the Mercedes-AMG high performance range. 4x4 Off Road Challenge ….Mud, gravel and axel-twisting obstacles will put your nerves to the test in the most powerful off-road vehicles. Formula One , the ultimate test. Hunt or Lauda, Prost or Senna, Hamilton or Verstappen. Let your imagination and your accelerator run wild as you take to the most advanced F1 simulators and race for your place on the podium  With all refreshments all day, a networking lunch and plenty of time to explore, this is a day to put in your diary.  All offered at no charge to our members.

Spain February 22, 2023 Country Members Physical spanish

CIONET Cloud Quest 2023

Los mejores casos, proyectos y aprendizajes de compañías de diferentes sectores, presentados por sus protagonistas.

Italy February 22, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

Road to sky cybersecurity experience

Road To Sky è l'evento realizzato per la community di CIONET per esplorare e conoscere meglio il  tema della Cybersecurity.

Netherlands February 17, 2023 Invitation Only Physical dutch

Start Leergang CIO als Commissaris: 17 feb 2023

Heb je interesse om je inzicht in management en persoonlijk leiderschap naar een hoger niveau te brengen? Meld je dan aan voor de 14e Leergang CIO als Commissaris. Let op: er zijn een beperkt aantal plaatsen beschikbaar.

Spain February 15, 2023 Invitation Only Physical spanish

CIONET Cook Book - Master Chef Evento - España

Competición de Master Chef y mesa redonda sobre "Recetas Digitales para el éxito" con los líderes digitales protagonistas del Cook Book de CIONET y otros miembros relevantes de la comunidad de CIONET.

Belgium February 13, 2023 Country Members Physical french

Les Rencontres de CIONET: La cybersécurité et les Nouvelles Technologies

L'émergence continue de nouvelles technologies implique une évolution parallèle des tendances en matière de cybersécurité. Les nouvelles technologies s'accompagnent de nouveaux risques et faiblesses, mais apportent souvent aussi des outils et techniques supplémentaires pour fortifier la cybersécurité. Les technologies émergentes telles que l'IA, machine learning et deep learning sont utilisées à bon et à mauvais escient et ont donné lieu à une "course aux armements" entre les pirates et les agents de sécurité.  

UK February 9, 2023 Country Members Physical english

Zurich : Cybersecurity is a team sport

CIONET, along with our sponsors Hitachi Vantara, invite you to this in-person roundtable event on 9 February at the fabulous Hotel Carlton Wine Cellar. During the event – CIONET Associate Editor Jon Bernstein – you will hear from Tom Christensen, Global Technology Advisor & Executive Analyst at Hitachi Vantara. Do join us for what promises to be a highly enjoyable and enlightening evening.

Spain February 2, 2023 Country Members Physical spanish


Formato fresco e innovador en el que en un contexto de afterwork, profundizaremos en las experiencias personales, las carreras, el liderazgo, el aprendizaje y el desarrollo profesional de nuestros líderes digitales y ejecutivos y su relación con la tecnología.

Poland February 2, 2023 Country Members Virtual Polish

EU Data Boundary i Dyrektywa NIS2 - najbliższe 21 miesięcy

International February 1, 2023 Public Virtual english

CIONEXT EDLOTY B2B & B2C: Let's talk Money

Our organisations are faced with a series of financial challenges: the end of cheap money, the shortage of resources and the historical levels of inflation, mean that higher rates of return are demanded from business leaders today. CIOs and their digital teams are coming to the rescue and need to focus on the bottom line! Let’s look at this from 3 different angles. The “Do more with less” proverb has returned and IT needs to be fit and responsive in order to run business processes cheaper and more efficiently. What’s happening with the 2023 technology budget? What measures are being taken to save money? What metrics are in place to track IT spend against business performance? How about financial engineering and technical debt reduction? Are you saving money with cloud, automation, insourcing, standardisation and simplification? Increase wallet share. How can digital help to create more value for and revenue from our existing customers? Move from product sales to digital services, focus on the customer experience and life cycle by implementing top notch sales, marketing and support systems. Customer delight is needed in times of crisis. Boost market share. What new value, for new customers with new business models and services are you creating? Is there still room for innovation? Where do you prioritise your resource allocation? Is there an opportunity for forward integration? How can you turn the demand for sustainable processes and targets from a business nuisance into a business driver and competitive advantage? Join our discussion with the B2B and B2C sector finalists of the European Digital Leader of the Year 2023, where we review how they focus on the bottom line in this pivotal year. CIONEXT is a unique opportunity to learn from the most successful Digital Leaders in the world. In this edition, B2B and B2C sector finalists of the European Digital Leader Of The Year 2023 share how they are helping their organisations to manage the bottom line in times of crises. The discussion will be moderated by Hendrik Deckers & Nils Fonstad. Join us to learn from the best!

Germany February 1, 2023 Public Virtual english

CIONEXT EDLOTY B2B & B2C: Let's talk Money

Our organisations are faced with a series of financial challenges: the end of cheap money, the shortage of resources and the historical levels of inflation, mean that higher rates of return are demanded from business leaders today. CIOs and their digital teams are coming to the rescue and need to focus on the bottom line! Let’s look at this from 3 different angles.

Belgium January 31, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Belgium: Decarbonising your business starts with IT.

Isn't it time to move away from the old thinking of stratifying and delineating between IT, business, and sustainability plans? With so many technical innovations, expertise and best practices at hand, there is no excuse for the CIO not to do his bit to achieve the organisation's sustainability goals. Here lies an excellent opportunity to simultaneously achieve sustainability goals and improve business performance. The CIO has several essential assets to work with, starting with infrastructure and data. To manage and optimise their sustainably, he or she ideally applies a holistic approach that covers the entire value chain. Best practices are available for decarbonising the data centre and infrastructure or cloud environment. The performance of systems and storage facilities can be optimised for the good of both the business and the planet based on the workloads they need to support. Modernising applications can also yield significant energy savings, as does the proper management of access to application data... Decarbonisation can also accelerate digitisation journeys. But this requires choosing the right technologies and integrating them into suitable architectures. Agenda 18h00 - Welcome & introductions 19h00 - Presentation and 3-course dinner 21h00 - End

Belgium January 31, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Belgium: How digital leaders can drive the sustainability agenda

  Agenda 18h00 - Welcome & introductions 19h00 - Presentation and 3-course dinner 21h00 - End

Germany January 31, 2023 Country Members Virtual german

Automatisierung und Cloud im regulierten Umfeld

Software Produktion in einem stark regulierten Umfeld sind eine besondere Herausforderung. Agile Softwareentwicklung und Strategie in Richtung Cloud müssen vereint werden mit Cyber-Sicherheit, Compliance Vorgaben und zuweilen strikter Regulierung. Wir lernen im Vortrag von Oliver Schrempf, wie die Deutsche Flugsicherung diese Herausforderung angenommen hat.

Belgium January 30, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Belgium Roundtable: Reimagine the buying experience

Bridgestone, traditionally known for its quality tires, has evolved into a fully-integrated solutions enterprise with a large network of retail stores. But how do you create customer loyalty when your product is only tires? The solution is to offer more value and contextualised offers through a strong omnichannel network, powered by data. Building a great phygital experience that combines online and offline seamlessly, creates  a serious challenge where you need to combine the eCommerce experience with the reality of physical shops. During this exclusive dinner we will use the Bridgestone case as a starting point to discuss how we can reach absolute customer centricity in an omnichannel world.

Spain January 26, 2023 AB Members Physical spanish

Advisory Board Meeting Madrid - Q1

Germany January 26, 2023 Country Members Physical german

Was ist Ihr Zweck der Digitalisierung?

Bei uns geht es um die Digitale Transformation durch und mit Daten! Dabei begleiten Sie uns auf einer Reise, die so praxisnah und erlebnisreich & konkret wie möglich sein wird. Wir reden über Möglichkeiten und Challenges, aber bleiben dabei bei den Core IT Services & derer Technologien. Kann man die Balance aus IT Produktivität und Sicherheit mit Mehrwertgenerierung bzw. Innovation meistern? Warum Daten dabei helfen? Und was ist der eigentliche Zweck davon? Das Ganze erarbeiten wir gemeinsam in einem Co-creation Workshop. Anschließend laden wir die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer zu einem informellen Networking ein.

Italy January 26, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

Financial Services: “Shift Left Done Right!”

Il report del 2022 CloudBees Global C-Suite Security Survey, riporta come la tendenza ad adottare un approccio Shift Left stia avendo un impatto significativo sul rilascio del software e sull'esperienza complessiva del team di sviluppo Software. In particolare, gli Executive

Poland January 26, 2023 All Members Physical Polish



Poland January 26, 2023 Country Members Virtual Polish

MLOps – od kodu do procesu biznesowego

Na warsztacie pokażemy jak kod pisany przez zespoły analityki, data science czy machine learning zamienić w działający proces biznesowy. Zaprezentujemy szereg narzędzi MLOps, z naciskiem na narzędzie Kubeflow, w którym definiować możemy pipeliny pobierające, przetwarzające i analizujące dane, a następnie generujące predykcje mające wpływ na procesy naszego klienta. Pokażemy dostępne opcje w zależności od rozmiarów zespołów zajmujących się analityką w Państwa firmach. Następnie przeprowadzimy Państwa przez usecase biznesowy (pricing), w którym pokażemy jak wykorzystanie MLOps może pozytywnie wpłynąć na szybkość i elastyczność w rozwiązywaniu problemów. Pokażemy też "a co by było gdyby" nie mielibyśmy możliwości skorzystania z MLOps i od czego zacząć wprowadzanie zmian.

UK January 25, 2023 Country Members Physical english

Business Community Program : Emerging Technologies

Join us on the 25th January to hear from these digital leaders and to exchange your views with our rapidly growing CIONET UK community. Roger Camrass will moderate the session. As with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Italy January 25, 2023 Invitation Only Physical italian

CIO vs Hacker:Strategie di cyber resilience

Indipendentemente dalla dimensione e dal settore merceologico, ogni azienda può essere target di attività di cybercrime.   Ripensare l’organizzazione e la gestione dei servizi di sicurezza informatica è diventata una priorità per i CIO: per proteggere le organizzazioni dalle minacce sempre più evolute non è più sufficiente dotarsi di sole tecnologie di prevenzione, ma è necessario includere soluzioni di Managed Detection & Response (MDR) per il rilevamento e la risposta agli incidenti 24/7, in grado di rilevare le nuove minacce e migliorare i tempi di risposta agli attacchi.   In occasione dell'executive event verranno condivisi i risultati emersi dalla Survey "Rilevamento e risposta agli attacchi informatici: la nuova sfida dei CIO" in collaborazione con VMware & Certego.

UK January 24, 2023 Country Members Physical english

Optimising our digital experience in today’s multi-cloud world

Dynatrace invites you to a telecommunications sector dinner at the Savoy Hotel on the 24 January to discuss how to best manage this complexity with the latest techniques. Evrim Tekeşin, Regional Director at Dynatrace will introduce the report. Fotis Karonis will be your host and as with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Italy January 24, 2023 All Members Physical italian

Cloud Economy & Digital Sovereignty rise to the challenge

From IT to everywhere. Il Cloud guida la trasformazione digitale delle organizzazioni non solo riducendo i costi ma creando un launchpad per aumentare l’efficienza, per supportare i processi di innovazione e per creare valore per il business. In questo mutato scenario globale, le istituzioni europee hanno nuovamente posto l’attenzione sui temi della sovranità digitale, un fenomeno chiave non solo nel campo economico, ma anche in quello geopolitico e tecnologico. Cloud the place to be. L’attuale ecosistema digitale implica una crescita esponenziale del volume di dati creati, distribuiti e condivisi: ecco perché è importante raggiungere la sovranità digitale necessaria per mantenere il controllo su questa mole di informazioni.

Belgium January 24, 2023 Members & Tribes Physical english

CIONET Belgium Annual Event

Learn from different thought leaders and digital experts. In good CIONET tradition, our Annual Event will be a Ted-style event with a dozen top speakers inspiring us 12 minutes each. This event features a mixture of CIOs, CEOs, Tech Startups and out-of-the-box speakers combined with old-fashioned networking. We expect over 150 participants at this conference, all of them members from our CIONET Belgium community.  

Spain January 19, 2023 AB Members Virtual spanish

Advisory Board Meeting Barcelona - Q1

Germany January 19, 2023 Country Members Physical german

Ransomware Prevention & 360° Data Protection

Die Bedrohung durch Ransomware ist für die meisten Unternehmen von höchster Priorität, und die Gewährleistung des Datenschutzes das oberste Ziel. In dieser Roundtable Diskussion am 19.Januar.2023 im Restaurant Citizen Long in Stuttgart, werden wir mit Experten von Veritas und Hitachi Vantara diskutieren, wie CIOs Data Protection, Datenmanagement und Data Compliance flexibler und einfacher optimieren können, ganz gleich ob in On-Prem-, Single-Cloud- oder Multi-Cloud-Umgebungen.

UK January 18, 2023 Country Members Physical english

Second Generation SIAM

CIONET and Fujitsu invite you to a roundtable at 13:00 on the 18th January at Japan House to discuss recent developments in SIAM in the defence sector and to share lessons learnt from early adopters. Use cases drawn from the sector will be discussed in order to drive discussion and exchange experiences with peers.

Germany January 17, 2023 Country Members Physical german

Moderne Cyber Threat 'Detection & Response’

Die rechtzeitige Erkennung und Vermeidung von Cyberangriffen ist heutzutage von besonders entscheidender Bedeutung. Dies gilt insbesondere im Falle von Ransomware, bei dem Unternehmen die ersten Anzeichen von Angreifer Aktivitäten erkennen müssen, lange bevor es zu einer Exfiltration oder Verschlüsselung kommt.

Belgium January 17, 2023 Invitation Only Physical english

Cloud Smart Apps - Cutting Through the Complexity of App Modernisation

During this CIONET round table, we discuss the magic recipe to app modernisation and how you build, deliver, SECURE, and operate cloud native apps in a multi-cloud.

Poland January 12, 2023 Country Members Virtual Polish

Ochrona aplikacji i API wystawionych do internetu, sprawdzone i nowe metody

Nowe metody ochrony aplikacji i API wystawionych do internetu - marketing, czy konieczność? Jak inteligentne mechanizmy blockchain utrudniają atak cyberprzestępcom Technologia blockchain vs. cyberatak - na przykładzie doświadczeń z firmy obsługującej 40 mln klientów Jak utrudnić życie atakującym wykorzystując technologię blockchain - 10 min demo Podatności - przykłady jak skutecznie chronić się przed globalnymi podatnościami

Latam December 15, 2022 AB Members Virtual spanish

Consejo Asesor Buenos Aires

Sesión de Consejo de Buenos Aires Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros. Fiesta de Navidad IT Gastroclub

Belgium December 15, 2022 AB Members Physical english

Advisory Board Christmas Dinner

We officially invite you to our Advisory Board Christmas Dinner on the 15th of December at 5.30 pm at the beautiful Port House of Antwerp kindly hosted by Erwin Verstraelen. 

Germany December 14, 2022 Country Members Virtual german

Virtual CIONET Meet-Up: Rückblick 2022 und Ausblick auf 2023

Digitale Transformation, Fachkräftemangel, Cybersicherheit, Diversität und Inklusion sowie Nachhaltigkeit beschäftigen uns in der IT-, Tech- und Digital-Welt mehr denn je. Wie verändern sich die Tech-Budgets? Welche Maßnahmen sind notwendig, um die IT-Sicherheit zu gewährleisten? Mit welchen Strategien können Tech-Talente in 2023 gewonnen und ans Unternehmen gebunden werden? Diese und vielen weiteren Themen und Fragen gehen wir in unserem Event auf den Grund.

Poland December 14, 2022 Country Members Physical Polish

Wartość danych i analityki dla organizacji

Firmy rozpoczynające przygodę z analityką zwykle oczekują sprawdzonych zastosowań i wzorców techniczno-organizacyjnych w tej dziedzinie. Za to organizacje już stosujące analitykę i uczenie maszynowe do bezpośredniego wsparcia decyzji w procesach biznesowych poszukują metod uporządkowania pracy nad tworzeniem i utrzymaniem równocześnie wielu modeli analitycznych. Jednak w każdym przypadku podstawowym pytaniem, przed którym staje organizacja to kwestia policzenia zwrotu z inwestycji w takie rozwiązania oraz opracowania metody wyboru projektów analitycznych, które przyniosą największą wartość w organizacji.

Belgium December 8, 2022 Invitation Only Physical english

(Re)inventing Business - The Driving Role of IT

During this roundtable, we will discuss how technology and the CIO are fundamental to driving change for their organisation. Kris Vangeel, COO of Batopin, a joint project of Belfius, BNP Paribas Fortis, ING and KBC, will share Batopin's story of change.

Poland December 7, 2022 Country Members Physical Polish


Jakie kompetencje powinni rozwijać liderzy cyfryzacji, żeby nadążyć za zmieniającym się rynkiem? Czy CIO powinien jednocześnie pełnić rolę CDO lub CTO? Podczas ostatniego spotkania CIONET w tym roku porozmawiamy o rozwoju umiejętności - operacyjnych - zarządczych - technologicznych Czego od CIO oczekuje zarząd? A może aktualny CIO to przyszły CEO? Porozmawiamy o tym z wyjątkowymi gośćmi, prezesem banku BNP Paribas Przemkiem Gdańskim i członkiem zarządu Allegro, Davidem Robertsem.

International December 7, 2022 All Members Virtual english

CIONEXT - The Race to Net Zero

ESG concerns are on top of the corporate agenda and enterprises are now aware that their appeal to customers, investors, and employees is directly linked to their commitment to create an inclusive and sustainable society. Most of our organisations have set targets and policies to reach Net Zero, however still need to realise them. What’s holding us back?

Poland December 7, 2022 Country Members Virtual Polish

Technologie wspierające demokratyzację analityki

W czasie warsztatów omówimy i zademonstrujemy wybrane elementy platformy dostarczającej kompletny zestaw rozwiązań do przetwarzania i analizy danych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem komponentów dotyczących wyjaśnialności i zaufania do modeli AI (np. w kontekście regulacji unijnych), zaufanie do danych, współpracę w projektach użytkowników biznesowych oraz technicznych, zintegrowane rozwiązania sprofilowane dla różnych grup użytkowników, realizację MLOps bez wąskich gardeł, automatyzację żmudnych procesów przetwarzania danych. Prezentacja będzie miała charakter przeglądowy, ale akcenty będą postawione na te elementy rozwiązań IBM, które stanowią wyróżniki oferty IBM na rynku i korespondują z aktualnymi wyzwaniami z obszaru Data & AI.

UK December 6, 2022 Country Members Physical english

Live at Bleeding Heart in London

Insight and Adobe invite you to a dinner event at Bleeding Heart, Farringdon on 6 December, starting at 18.30. Steve Bird of Insight will share ‘use cases’ of clients that have become more creative in a hybrid environment. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host and as with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Poland December 5, 2022 Invitation Only Physical Polish


To będzie wyjątkowy grudniowy wieczór. Zbierając przepisy na cyfrowy sukces do kolejnej edycji „CIONET Cookbook” spotkamy się z Krzysztofem Dąbrowskim, COO mBanku, zwycięzcą konkursu CIONET na najbardziej inspirującego cyfrowego lidera w Europie. Przy wspólnym gotowaniu spytamy Krzysztofa, czy istnieje uniwersalny przepis na cyfrowy sukces. Zastanowimy się, czy można przenosić doświadczenia cyfrowe pomiędzy różnymi firmami.

Belgium December 5, 2022 All Members Physical english

The Fuzzy Organisation

In a world that is in constant and rapid change, being responsive, able to cope with those changes swiftly is a crucial quality an enterprise needs to remain in the race and survive in the long term. Large enterprises often realise they are hindered by their size and structure and go for collaboration or co-creation either with customers or with start-ups, smaller companies or other external niche suppliers to bring in the agility, speed, competencies and market insights they are looking for. Mixed teams are set up. Groups of companies, customers, suppliers and partners jointly work within diverse ecosystems on programs that have a common interest to all of them. They often do this in an agile way and within structures that are temporarily set up and can quickly change and adapt to the evolving needs. This modus operandus makes the boundaries of each organisation fuzzy. It requires a different governance and management style but seems to become a common practice of market-leading companies.

UK December 1, 2022 All Members Physical english

Frameworks to foster operational resilience in supply chains through effective risk & procurement management

Join executives from Interos, Coupa and Accenture along with your industry procurement and supply chain peers for open discussion. We will be hosting this event at Eight Moorgate on the 1st December, starting at 18.30. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host and as with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Spain December 1, 2022 AB Members Physical spanish

Consejo Asesor Barcelona Sesión 17

Sesión de Consejo de Barcelona Chapter nº 17: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros. Fiesta de Navidad IT Gastroclub.

Spain December 1, 2022 Public Virtual spanish

The next growth horizon

En este CIONEXT Iberoamérica debatiremos sobre el papel de la tecnología y la transformación digital en la transición hacia cadenas de valor más ecológicas que nos lleven a posicionarnos en escenarios cero neto de crecimiento sostenible.

Germany December 1, 2022 Country Members Virtual german

CIONET Expertentreff: Die Demokratisierung der IT

XAAS, RPA, Low-Code Plattform, Citizen Development - der Trend ist eindeutig: Fachabteilungen nehmen ihre IT-Anforderungen zunehmend selbst in die Hand. Zu diesem spannenden Thema diskutieren wir mit unseren Experten Dr. Hanna Huber, VP Technology Strategy & Governance bei Otto Group und Andreas Schmelzer, Head of Digital Transformation & Services bei Porsche Holding.

Poland December 1, 2022 Country Members Physical Polish

Chmura - szanse biznesowe a wyzwania bezpieczeństwa

Jakie są warunki niezbędne i konieczne do spełnienia aby wejście do chmury dawało korzyści biznesowe a jednocześnie było bezpieczne? Czy na pewno organizacje i sami dostawcy usług chmurowych są przygotowani na tak głębokie wejście biznesu do chmury z punktu widzenia cyberbezpieczeństwa i ochrony informacji? Rozproszone środowisko przetwarzania (chmura hybrydowa, multicloud) - jak sobie poradzić w praktyce z rosnącą złożonością naszego ekosystemu, który zwiększa ryzyka związane z cybersecurity a jednocześnie przynosi potencjalny wzrost konfliktów na styku IT Development, operacje i security? Czy istnieje wzorzec podziału odpowiedzialności pomiędzy dostawcę chmury czy SaaS a usługobiorcę? Chmura a compliance - jak nawigować wśród oraz spełnić wymagania regulatorów (KNF, GDPR, DORA, UKSC, NIS2)

Brazil December 1, 2022 Public Virtual portuguese

The next growth horizon

Nesta edição do CONEXT vamos debater o papel da tecnologia e da transformação digital na transição para cadeias de valor mais green que nos levem a nos posicionar em cenários net zero de crescimento sustentável.

Latam December 1, 2022 Public Virtual spanish

The next growth horizon

En este CIONEXT Iberoamérica debatiremos sobre el papel de la tecnología y la transformación digital en la transición hacia cadenas de valor más ecológicas que nos lleven a posicionarnos en escenarios cero neto de crecimiento sostenible.

Netherlands December 1, 2022 All Members Physical dutch

Fast Forward Insights #Security

Altijd al een willen weten wat er nou besproken wordt op board level rondom cybersecurity? Altijd al eens mee willen luisteren met de Cybersecurityraad? 1 december kan deze inzichten krijgen. Zijn we als land, bedrijven en professionals goed genoeg. Delen we genoeg kennis en zijn we transparant genoeg. Compliance, data soevereiniteit, allerlei Europese data acts, aansprakelijkheid, ransomware, betalen of niet, geopolitieke ontwikkelingen. Genoeg om over te spreken de top specialisten en mee te voelen met slachtoffers. Kom ook en werk alvast aan je eigen contingencyplan.

UK November 30, 2022 Country Members Physical english

Accelerating digital services across the UK public agencies

Mendix invites you to a discussion evening at the Trafalgar, St James on 30th November, starting at 18.30. Mark Smitham, Public Sector Industry Principal will share ‘use cases’ with delegates. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host and as with all CIONET events. We believe that enterprise-grade app development platforms can improve delivery of public services. We look forward to this meeting of minds that will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Spain November 30, 2022 Country Members Physical spanish

Data Quest Madrid

En esta edición de Data Quest pondremos el foco en los grandes desafíos que supone entregar valor en un escenario de Data Economy a través de la información, la inteligencia artificial y el correcto aprovechamiento de los insights orientados a negocio. Solo para miembros CIONET en activo. Madrid (presencial).

Belgium November 29, 2022 Invitation Only Physical english

Throw off your shackles

Manufacturing companies show an accelerating pace of digitization. Their IT teams have a hard time keeping up with the rising demands in terms of speed and functionalities. Business stakeholders claim IT is not delivering on time and according to expectations. Moreover, the world of manufacturing often shows a heavy legacy of ERP and MIS systems, that have and are still consuming big budgets, demanding laborious customisations, and thus creating critical (vendor) dependencies and constraints towards new technologies or cloud migrations. Is Low Code now offering the panacea to all these challenges? Low code claims to enable coding on a small scale with lower budgets, in a fast and flexible way, in co-creation mode between business and IT. Introducing low code would allow keeping the core ERP clean by developing all custom functionalities locally and making your ERP cloud-ready. It would dramatically reduce the complexity of software development, speed up the process of building applications and help your IT team to better respond to business needs. We invite you to come and listen to the personal testimonials and use cases of Low-Code projects told by digital leaders from your sector.

Poland November 29, 2022 Country Members Physical Polish

Cloud Fnancial Management (CFM)

Spain November 24, 2022 AB Members Physical spanish

Consejo Asesor Madrid Sesión 43

Sesión de Consejo de Madrid Chapter nº 44: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros. Fiesta de Navidad IT Gastroclub.

UK November 24, 2022 Country Members Physical english

The path to digital transformation

Citrix invites you to a Retail sector event on 24 November at Ivy Market Grill to discuss the evolution of the digital workplace, Gerard Lavin will introduce the topic and Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host. As with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Spain November 24, 2022 Invitation Only Physical & Virtual spanish

Programa Esade CIONET

Programa Consejeros CIONET. Sesión Kick-Off 2023

Germany November 24, 2022 Members & Tribes Virtual english

CIONET TRIBES Open Huddle Session

The TRIBES program is a peer to peer knowledge sharing program that allows IT teams to learn from each other. Imagine being able to solve your IT issues faster and more efficiently by tapping into the wisdom of IT experts of other organizations.

Latam November 23, 2022 All Members Virtual spanish

Cioscope Data & IA

Entrega de valor a negocio a través de los datos y la implementación de IA

Belgium November 22, 2022 Invitation Only Physical english

AI-driven Supply Chain Planning

During this exclusive dinner we will discuss whether the implementation of autonomous supply chain planning is a common mission of the CIO and the SCM team or just a technological illusion and mission impossible for the CIO

Italy November 22, 2022 Country Members Physical italian

Intelligent Enterprise & Green Data Economy.

Intelligent Enterprise & Green Data Economy.

Poland November 22, 2022 Invitation Only Virtual Polish

Special Interest Group Security

Program wyrównania wiedzy i kompetencji w obszarze tematyki cyberbezpieczeństwa i ochrony informacji.

UK November 21, 2022 All Members Virtual english

CIO Business Community Program

The Bank of England has indicated that it believes the economy is already "in recession" amid an interest rate hike to their highest in more than 13 years. With this in mind, we are happy to bring you insights from the UK’s top leaders to navigate you through this challenging period.

Latam November 17, 2022 AB Members Physical spanish

Consejo Asesor Ciudad de México

Sesión de Consejo de Ciudad de México Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros. Encuentro de Navidad IT Gastroclub

Belgium November 17, 2022 Invitation Only Physical english


If our Cookbook has built you a nice appetite, you are very welcome to join us and our local Master Chef CIOs for our upcoming event!

Poland November 17, 2022 Invitation Only Physical Polish


On November 17, 2022, we will honor the best digital transformation leaders for the sixth time. Within the framework of a competition procedure lasting several months, the Digital Excellence Awards focus on showcasing successful transformations and their effects on the company and its ecosystem. The largest companies and public institutions (Enterprise, Commercial, MidMarket) are invited to join the initiative. We encourage them to share their achievements that have measurably improved the performance of their organizations and entire business ecosystems.​ The Digital Excellence Awards is also an initiative directed at sharing digital transformation best practices and exploring inspiration.

Latam November 16, 2022 AB Members Physical spanish

Consejo Asesor Colombia

Sesión de Consejo de Bogotá Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros. Encuentro de Navidad IT Gastroclub

UK November 16, 2022 All Members Virtual english

Dynatrace Virtual event with wine tasting

Dynatrace invites you to a Utility sector hosted Discussion on the 16 November to discuss how to best manage this complexity with the latest techniques. Evrim Tekeşin, Regional Director at Dynatrace will introduce the report.

Latam November 15, 2022 AB Members Physical spanish

Consejo Asesor Perú

Sesión de Consejo de Lima Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros. Encuentro Navidad IT Gastroclub

Latam November 15, 2022 AB Members Physical spanish

Consejo Asesor Centroamérica

Sesión de Consejo de Centroamérica Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros. Encuentro Navidad IT Gastroclub

Germany November 15, 2022 Invitation Only Virtual english

Virtual Wine Tasting Roundtable: Data Innovation Discussions

Join the conversation with Fortune 500 global tech leaders and Hitachi Vantara experts. Through case studies, lightning talks and interactive panel discussions you will gain deeper insights on: Winning strategies for digital success, modernizing apps, data, and infrastructure Delivering business results faster, at lowest cost and risk with a hybrid cloud Optimizing business operations while elevating customer experiences through data fabric approaches Innovating as-a-service and cloud operations models for maximum flexibility and reliability

Italy November 15, 2022 Country Members Physical italian

Let’s create with Technology

Modernizzare. Semplificare. Gestire i rischi. Essere sostenibili.

Brazil November 10, 2022 AB Members Physical portuguese

Conselho Assessor São Paulo

Sessão do Conselho do Capítulo de São Paulo: atualizações da comunidade, learnings e debate entre conselheiros. Encontro de Natal IT Gastroclub.

Latam November 9, 2022 AB Members Physical spanish

Consejo Asesor Chile

Sesión de Consejo de Santiago Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros. Encuentro Navidad IT Gastroclub

International November 9, 2022 Public Virtual english

Global launch - Digital Leadership Report 2022

CIONET and Nash Squared are delighted to invite you to the virtual global launch of the Digital Leadership Report.

Belgium November 8, 2022 Invitation Only Physical english

Designing a Future Ready Business

We live in a time of spiking energy costs, soaring inflation, broken supply chains and climate change dominating the news headlines. Long term business planning becomes incredibly complex. During this round table we will discuss how you can make your business future proof; how to set your 2023 business and IT priorities right. Cognizant and Economist Impact conducted a global survey of 2,000 senior business leaders, across all verticals, to better understand the state of the modern enterprise and how leaders are preparing for long-term success. The research shows how technology, talent, and ESG strategies work together to ensure future performance. We will start the discussion by sharing the main conclusions and insights from this study. Join us for this invitation only event and learn how to make your business future ready.

Germany November 8, 2022 Country Members Physical german

Diversity Matters

Wir wollen bei unserem Annual Forum nicht nur über die Rolle von Frauen in der IT und über Mixed Leadership diskutieren, sondern Themen wie Accessibility, Disability und die menschliche Vielfalt allgemein als positive Energie für Veränderung und Wachstum in unserem Forum adressieren und speziell darauf eingehen, welche Rolle CIOs dabei haben.

Brazil November 8, 2022 All Members Virtual portuguese

CIOSCOPE Sustentabilidade

Como a TI poder colaborar com a ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)

UK November 3, 2022 All Members Physical english

Cyber Security is a Team Sport

The sumptuous surroundings of The Conservatorium Hotel is the venue for an evening of fine dining and superb networking and discussion. CIONET Invites you to join us for this free-to-attend event.

Spain November 3, 2022 AB Members Virtual spanish

Consejo Asesor Iberoamérica

Sesión de Consejo de Iberoamérica Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre los presidentes y vicepresidentes.

Brazil November 3, 2022 AB Members Virtual spanish

Consejo Asesor Iberoamérica

Sesión de Consejo de Iberoamérica Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre los presidentes y vicepresidentes.

Latam November 3, 2022 AB Members Virtual spanish

Consejo Asesor Iberoamérica

Sesión de Consejo de Iberoamérica Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre los presidentes y vicepresidentes.

UK October 27, 2022 Country Members Physical english

Delivering business value through Value Stream Management

Gitlab invites you to a discussion evening to be held at Bleeding Heart Bistro on the 27th October, with a dinner and cocktails starting at 18.30. Stephen Walters, Field CTO for Gitlab and DevOps Institute Ambassador will share a forthcoming report on Value Mapping Management and discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with tool deployment between IT and the business.

UK October 27, 2022 All Members Physical english

Decarbonising Your Data Centre – For The Good of the Planet and your business, too

The spectacular French restaurant, Balthazar , in all its Parisian-style glory , is the venue for this free to attend evening of fine food and great debate & discussion.

Italy October 27, 2022 Country Members Physical italian


Italy October 26, 2022 Country Members Physical & Virtual italian

IBM Technology in action per una sostenibilita' in azione

IBM Technology in action per una sostenibilita' in azione

Poland October 26, 2022 Country Members Physical Polish


International October 26, 2022 All Members Virtual english

CIONEXT EDLOTY | FINANCE & GOVERNMENT | Navigating the Perfect Storm

May you live in interesting times’ has never been a more adequate description of the special era we are experiencing as a society today. As we come out of a major pandemic, we find ourselves in a perfect storm: Geopolitical Instability with the war in Ukraine and rapid deglobalisation; Financial turmoil with the growing inflation and a recession just around the corner; a major Energy and Supply Chain crisis; and the urgent need to focus on Environmental Sustainability are some of the major challenges our organisations are facing, not to mention the Consumer Confidence crisis or the global Talent Shortage. To navigate this perfect storm, a growing number of organizations are relying on digital leaders. Join our discussion with the Finance and Public sector finalists of the European Digital Leader of the Year 2023, where we review how they continue to create value in this unpredictable context and how being agile needs a greater discipline in their dynamic resource allocation for the coming years. CIONEXT is a unique opportunity to learn from the most successful Digital Leaders in the world. In this special edition, Finance and Public sector finalists of the European Digital Leader Of The Year 2023 share how they are helping their organisations to thrive amidst a confluence of crises and challenges. The discussion will be moderated by Hendrik Deckers & Nils Fonstad . Join us to learn from the best!

UK October 25, 2022 Public Physical english

Delivering technology-driven innovation at speed

EY invites you to a CIO Circle event at 18:30 on 25 October at Soho Hotel in London. Paul Coby, CIO of Johnson Matthey will describe how he is helping to accelerate innovation within a global chemicals group. Michel Savoie, EY’s Partner responsible for Digital and Emerging Technologies will co-host the discussion with Roger Camrass of CIONET.

UK October 25, 2022 Country Members Physical english

Delivering technology-driven innovation at speed

Most large organisations struggle to deliver growth beyond the Retail Price Index due to their sheer size and complexity. The comparison with digital natives looks increasingly pronounced. However, with emerging digital business models and platforms, large organisations are beginning to place greater emphasis on innovation to improve stock market standing.   To deliver innovation at speed, EY is helping its clients overcome current barriers and co-design new business architectures capable of sustaining rapid innovation and growth. In our CIO Circle event, we will discuss key factors relating to innovation, such as:   How to spearhead critical innovation projects to achieve scale and scope How to create business architectures that will sustain innovation at scale How to use the Group centre to act as a catalyst for innovation pilots EY invites you to a CIO Circle event at 18:30 on 25 October at Soho Hotel in London. Paul Coby, CIO of Johnson Matthey will describe how he is helping to accelerate innovation within a global chemicals group. Michel Savoie, EY’s Partner responsible for Digital and Emerging Technologies will co-host the discussion with Roger Camrass of CIONET.

Belgium October 25, 2022 All Members Physical english

Customer Data Platforms

According to Gartner, only 14% of organisations achieve a 360° view of their customer. Of those who do achieve it, 44% claim their 360-degree view resides in a customer data platform. Is the customer data platform (CDP) a must-have to ensure a customer experience that meets today's standards? Or is it "old wine in new bottles?" Is it simply a shiny new way of looking at the same old customer data hub concept? A CDP connects and combines customer data from all possible data sources and touchpoints that are part of the customer journey. It tracks and unifies that data to create one unified customer profile. This data is then used to ensure that you always deliver the right message to your customer, according to their interactions across different channels (eg: sales, marketing, service, etc). Sales have a 360° view of the customer, including products, campaigns and service inquiries to drive an optimised next-best-offer. Marketers can identify and shape every aspect of the individual customer journey. They will be able to create personalised, omnichannel campaigns to enhance customer lifetime value. Service agents will improve efficiency, better anticipate needs and personalise interactions, even close the loop back to sales to identify potential customers and proactively approach them. Sounds great!! But, is it a new goal? Is CDP the right choice for your organisation to get there?

Germany October 25, 2022 Country Members Virtual german

Wie Sie Ihre Softwareentwicklung revolutionieren können, um wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben

Wie Sie mit GitLab als Plattform Ihre DevOps-Tools und -Werkzeuge konsolidieren können? Wir stellen Ihnen an konkreten Kundenbeispielen vor, wie Sie mit GitLab die tausend unterschiedlichen Tools Ihrer DevOps Supply Chain hinter sich lassen können. Diskutieren Sie mit einem unserer Kunden, welchen wir als Überraschung mit zur Veranstaltung bringen, und uns, warum Sie Ihre Softwareentwicklung revolutionieren sollten, um wettbewerbsfähig bleiben zu können.

Brazil October 25, 2022 Public Virtual portuguese

Data Explosion

Nesta edição do CONEXT vamos debater os desafios de gerenciar o rápido crescimento exponencial da quantidade de dados gerados e armazenados, o que nos leva a repensar a empresa orientada a dados do futuro.

Italy October 25, 2022 Country Members Physical italian



Germany October 24, 2022 Country Members Physical german

CIONET Business IT-Collaboration

Beyond Alignment - Vorbilder aus der Praxis. Zu Gast bei der KGAL GmbH & Co. KG in Grünwald mit Dr. Anke Sax, Geschäftsführerin, Chief Technology Officer / Chief Operation Officer & Florian Martin, Geschäftsführer Capital

Belgium October 20, 2022 All Members Physical english

Cyber Security is a Team Sport

The impact of a ransomware attack is not in doubt. The consequences are felt across the organization, depriving businesses access to one of their most vital assets – data. If we know the possibilities and pitfalls, do we also know the best approach? Do we know what ransomware readiness and business resilience looks like? And if cyber security really is a team sport, how do we bring commonly-siloed parts of an organization together in an effective way?

Germany October 20, 2022 Country Members Physical german

Die Automatisierung der Geschäftsprozesse - ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der erfolgreichen digitalen Transformation!

Die schnelle und agile Automatisierung von modellierten Geschäftsprozessen erfolgt durch eine Low-Code Entwicklung. Dabei ist die Bereitstellung eines deklarativen Werkzeuges entscheidend für den Erfolg eines Projektes. Anhand von Anwendungsbeispielen stellt Bizagi Umsetzungen und die resultierenden Mehrwerte vor. Dabei ist insbesondere die Prozessorchestrierung von besonderer Bedeutung, sie sorgt für eine schnelle Integration in vorhandene Applikationen und Technologien entlang des Geschäftsprozesses.

Spain October 20, 2022 Country Members Physical spanish

CX Quest 2022

En esta edición de CX Quest debatiremos sobre los desafíos en la construcción de estrategias de éxito en experiencia de cliente.

Italy October 19, 2022 Country Members Physical italian

Google Cloud Next Roma

Google Cloud Next Roma

Portugal October 18, 2022 Country Members Physical portuguese


Junte-se a nós no evento Nacional da CIONET Portugal, no dia 18 de Outubro de 2022 pelas 17:45H onde a comunidade dos lideres digitais se reúne para abordar de forma holística a transição digital do nosso país.

Poland October 18, 2022 Invitation Only Physical Polish


Podczas konferencji Klienci opowiedzą o swoich doświadczeniach i osiągnięciach w transformacji biznesowej oraz integracji danych, systemów i zespołów z wykorzystaniem technologii Software AG. Spotkanie to będzie zatem doskonałą okazją do rozmów z tymi, którzy na co dzień wykorzystują rozwiązania Software AG. Oczywiście w ramach Software AG Experience Day nie zabraknie także informacji o nowościach, które pojawiły się w ofercie firmy.

Belgium October 17, 2022 Invitation Only Physical english

Customer Experience & Business Model Innovation

Join this lunch/dinner and hear first-hand from Gunter, CIO at Bekeart how the digital transition is shaping up at Bekeart and what are the learnings from the challenges that needed to be overcome into this journey.

Italy October 17, 2022 Country Members Physical italian

Google Cloud Next Milano

Google Cloud Next Milano

Latam October 14, 2022 Country Members Virtual spanish

Lanzamiento TRIBES Latam

Sesión informativa y práctica con la participación de empresas interesadas en formar parte del  programa TRIBES en la región Latam. El programa articula la colaboración entre compañías de diferentes sectores, dispuestas a compartir y solucionar juntas retos tecnológicos, en un entorno confidencial y de no competencia.

Belgium October 13, 2022 Invitation Only Physical french

Données et intelligence Artificielle

L'IA et le ML ont le potentiel d'aider à accroître l'efficacité opérationnelle, à améliorer la fidélité des clients ou à assurer l'innovation et la différenciation concurrentielle. Pourtant, de nombreuses entreprises se demandent comment faire évoluer leur activité avec l'IA. Elles cherchent à faire passer l'IA et l'apprentissage automatique de l'environnement de laboratoire à quelque chose qui sert l'entreprise et ses opérationnelles réelles. Pour passer de quelque chose de très artisanal et bricolage à quelque chose d'industrialisé et intégré dans une opération informatique d'entreprise standard.

Italy October 13, 2022 Country Members Physical & Virtual italian

IBM Technology in action - Let’s innovate Threat Management with Ecosystem

IBM Technology in action - Let’s innovate Threat Management with Ecosystem

Belgium October 12, 2022 All Members Physical english

Cyber War & Business Risks

On October 12, CIONET brings together key protagonists of cyber warfare. Top speakers from the government, the military and even a prominent leader of the white-hat hacker community will give their vision on the cyber threat. Together with them and industry experts, we also look at scenarios 'what to do if...'.

UK October 6, 2022 All Members Physical english

CIONET Comes to Sweden

Join CIONET and Hitachi Vantara with a select group of your industry peers as we discuss infrastructure modernization in a hybrid-cloud world to innovate faster and stay ahead of the competition.

UK October 5, 2022 Country Members Physical english

Driving Business Agility & Growth

Join us for an evening of fine dining, first-rate networking and thought-provoking discussion in the magnificent surrounds of The Rubens at The Palace Hotel on 5 October 2022 A truly extraordinary setting for what will be a fabulous evening, a historic setting for a 21st century challenge.

Poland October 5, 2022 Invitation Only Physical Polish

Jak integrować dane, aby podnosić ich wartość biznesową

Fundamentem każdej sprawnej organizacji jest umożliwienie współpracy zespołów, indywidualności zarówno klientów jak i pracowników przy wykorzystaniu dostępnych zasobów takich jak: dokumenty, procesy, czas, środki materialne i wiedza. Podczas spotkania Joanna Kosowska z BNP Paribas podzieli się swoimi doświadczeniami w integracji danych i systemów w banku.

Poland October 4, 2022 Invitation Only Physical Polish

Data Driven: od strategii do wdrożenia

Coraz więcej firm deklaruje w swoich strategiach rozwój biznesu w oparciu o dane. Jednak próby wdrażania takich strategii często rozbijają się o problemy z wydobyciem wartościowych danych, ich szybkim przetworzeniem, integracją i udostępnieniem właściwym zespołom. Te problemy w sposób modelowy przy wykorzystaniu rozwiązań firmy Snowflake rozwiązał TVN: • kilkukrotnie przyspieszył przetwarzanie danych, • stworzył platformę do budowy aplikacji pracujących w oparciu o dane, • uprościł jej obsługę poprzez wyniesienie jej do chmury. Doświadczenia TVN przedstawi Marcin Choiński, który odpowiada w firmie za obszar danych i AI. O możliwościach wykorzystania takich rozwiązań w różnych scenariuszach biznesowych opowiedzą Piotr Pietrzkiewicz i Grzegorz Kapusta ze Snowflake’a.

Spain October 4, 2022 Invitation Only Physical spanish

Grupo de Trabajo de CIOs - Hub Asturias.

En esta sesión Saint-Gobain compartirá sus aprendizajes en el camino de construir y probar su BCP, así como las preguntas clave y retos que se están encontrando. Además visitaremos una de las líneas de producción de su fábrica de Avilés.

Brazil October 4, 2022 All Members Virtual portuguese

CIOSCOPE Performance

Como desenvolver (e manter) equipes de TI de alto desempenho

Latam October 4, 2022 AB Members Physical spanish

Consejo Asesor Centroamérica

Sesión de Consejo de Centroamérica Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros.

Latam September 29, 2022 AB Members Physical spanish

Consejo Asesor Ciudad de México

Sesión de Consejo de Ciudad de México Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros. Encuentro IT Gastroclub

UK September 29, 2022 All Members Physical english

Cloud Experience, Resilience, and Agility

Join CIONET and Hitachi Vantara with a select group of your industry peers as we discuss infrastructure modernization in a hybrid-cloud world to innovate faster and stay ahead of the competition. The event is on 29th September 2022, Roger Camrass of CIONET will host the meeting. As with all CIONET events we believe that this will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Belgium September 29, 2022 Invitation Only Physical english

Help! My Business turned into a Software Business

During this exclusive dinner we will discuss the main challenges for the CIO when the company pivots towards a software driven business model.

Netherlands September 29, 2022 All Members Physical dutch

Fast Forward Insights #Innovatie

Na een decennium van disruptieve technologie, van praten over digitale transformatie, zijn we in the Age of Flux beland. Veel macro-economische zaken zoals de arbeidsmarkt, global waardeketens en geopolitieke veiligheid zijn in beweging. Tegelijk zien we ook onzekerheden bij bedrijven over hun businessmodel, talent werven en de juiste innovatiestrategie. In algemene zin zien we steeds meer – non human centered – technologieën zoals bijvoorbeeld Robotics en Artificial Intelligence in ons werk en leven verschijnen. Zoals steeds bij Fast Forward Insights staat de ‘waarom’ centraal. Innovatiestrategie lijkt steeds meer een spel te worden waar snelheid de bepalende factor wordt. Aan de andere kant zien we Europese regelgeving rondom data die verantwoordelijkheden rondom digitale data steeds meer bij bedrijven en individuele bestuurders leggen. Haalt dit de snelheid eruit of neemt Europa hier het voortouw in de wereld? Al met te veel mooie voorbeelden en onderwerpen om nader te bespreken. Ook genoeg tijd om de ‘what’ en de ‘how’ te testen met je peers.

UK September 28, 2022 Public Virtual english

Customer Experience in a Metaverse World

Future of Metaverse – is it a Hype or for Real? What does it mean for you and your customers?

Latam September 28, 2022 All Members Virtual spanish

Cioscope CX & Automation

Los desafíos tecnológicos en la construcción de experiencia de cliente

Spain September 28, 2022 Country Members Physical spanish

Automation Quest 2022

Automation Quest Mejores prácticas para una automatización inteligente de procesos y los desafíos que implica la necesaria integración de sistemas en una mejora de eficiencia y productividad. En este encuentro de aforo limitado para 30 Digital Leaders abordaremos cómo emprender y completar el viaje hacia la automatización con éxito, profundizaremos en varios casos de éxito y contaremos con la participación de CIO y CxO que nos aportarán su experiencia y visión sobre la realidad de sus organizaciones.

Poland September 28, 2022 Country Members Physical Polish


Belgium September 27, 2022 Invitation Only Physical english

Service Management and the Art of Multi-Sourcing

During this round table, we will talk about how to organise Service Integration and Management beyond the borders of your organisation in such a way that you can provide the service users with complete transparency on the quality, cost and risks associated with the services.

Belgium September 27, 2022 Invitation Only Physical english

Smart Standards

We are all aware of the existence of "standards". They form the fundamentals of trade and economy. Today, vast libraries of ‘standards’ are offered by international organisations such as ISO, IEC, ETSI or by NBN in Belgium, covering a wide range of trades and domains to help businesses shape their products and organisations. "Standards are the distilled wisdom of people with expertise in their subject matter", as ISO describes it. For ICT as well, standards can be a source of knowledge and expertise. In a recent ISO report on future trends, technology areas like Smart cities, 5G, IoT, Edge computing, artificial intelligence, etc… are already subject to standardization initiatives. They offer not only blueprints and best practices from a technological and operational point of view but also management and even ethical guidelines on the use of new technologies. Once upon a time, these standards came on paper. Then they came on PDF and XML. Today they are offered in state-of-the-art knowledge platforms. Moreover, projects are running to make them "SMART": "Standards that are Machine Applicable Readable and Transferable". This project is about making the "traditional" content of standards readable by your machines and IT systems so that users can do all kinds of tech-savvy things with them. The project is still in its infancy, and users and industry practice will be an essential guide for its further evolution...

Poland September 27, 2022 Country Members Virtual Polish

Demokratyzacja dostępu do danych na potrzeby Business Intelligence i Artificial Intelligence

ane są zasobem naturalnym XXI wieku, dlatego coraz więcej osób w organizacji chce mieć do nich dostęp na potrzeby procesów biznesowych, raportowania i analityki. Jednak tak jak deszcz może jednocześnie być źródłem życiodajnej wody jak i powodem niszczących powodzi, tak dane wykorzystane nieumiejętnie mogą powodować szkody. Dlatego organizacje nastawione na dane ("data driven organizations") stają przed wyzwaniami, jak zapewnić szeroki do nich dostęp, jednocześnie dbając o ich integralność i bezpieczeństwo. Stąd rozwiązania typu "data mesh", czy "data fabric", które konsolidują dostęp do informacji i udostępnianie jej szerokiemu gronu odbiorców. Ta idea umożliwia również wykorzystanie danych na potrzeby analityki i mechanizmów sztucznej inteligencji. Dodatkowo platformy danych umożliwiają wykorzystanie raportów, czy wyuczonych modeli AI w procesach biznesowych. Podczas warsztatu opowiemy o trendach w budowaniu architektur "data mesh", demokratyzacji dostępu do danych i wykorzystaniu ich właśnie w AI i procesach biznesowych.

Spain September 22, 2022 AB Members Physical spanish

Consejo Asesor Madrid Sesión 43

Sesión de Consejo de Madrid Chapter nº 43: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros. Encuentro IT Gastroclub.

UK September 22, 2022 All Members Physical english

Cyber threat detection and response at scale

Vectra invites you to a dinner event on the 22nd September at 18.00 to be held at Bleeding Heart Bistro. Steve Cottrell, EMEA CTO, will cover real world scenarios of what customers are experiencing and how they are responding. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host and as with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Belgium September 22, 2022 Invitation Only Physical english

Leveraging Cloud to Innovate Faster: Euroclear Story

During this exclusive and interactive round table Michal Paprocki, Group CIO at Euroclear will explain its journey to innovation and data driven real time decision making. Michal will share best practices of Euroclear's digital transformation and cloud journey. His testimony will be followed by an insightful debate with several digital leaders from major Belgian financial services organisations sharing their experiences and insights.

Belgium September 22, 2022 Invitation Only Physical english

Cyber Threat Detection & Response

Erase the unknown and turn the tables on cyber attackers The pressure continues to mount in Cyber Security. The attack surface is wider and more diverse than ever driven by heavy cloud usage, while those who work to exploit it continue to develop new tactics and tools to help expose security weaknesses. Security teams need to detect threats at speed across multiple environments. During this CIONET dinner, Kris Vangeneugden, from the CISO department at Euroclear, will share the challenges he faced and provide insight into the strategic decisions he made to ensure complete visibility across the whole attack chain.

Latam September 21, 2022 AB Members Physical spanish

Consejo Asesor Perú

Sesión de Consejo de Lima Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros. Encuentro IT Gastroclub

Poland September 21, 2022 Invitation Only Virtual Polish

Special Interest Group DEVOPS

Program wyrównania wiedzy i kompetencji w obszarze tematyki DevOps.

Spain September 20, 2022 All Members Physical spanish

Discovery Business Partners Spain

CIONET: tu espacio para crecer de forma sostenible y duradera ¿Quieres conocer de primera mano los retos y necesidades de nuestros líderes tecnológicos? Descubre las claves para mantener una interlocución cercana con los decisores en inversión tecnológica de las mayores organizaciones de nuestro país. Os presentaremos las novedades de la agenda 2022/23 de la mayor red de directivos TI de España y algunos miembros destacados de nuestra comunidad os explicarán cómo CIONET les ayuda con sus desafíos profesionales.

Poland September 20, 2022 Invitation Only Physical Polish

Jak przygotować IT na regulacyjne tsunami

O konsekwencjach nowych przepisów będziemy rozmawiać w trakcie kameralnego spotkania wybranych uczestników społeczności CIONET. Naszym gościem będzie Monica Sasso, Financial Services Chief Technologist firmy Red Hat w regionie EMEA. Monica jest uznanym menedżerem i konsultantem sektora bankowego. Pracowała jako Chief Data and Innovation Oficcer w Deutsche Bank, a wcześniej zajmowała odpowiedzialne stanowiska w Coutts, Barclay Wealth and Investment Management czy w Bank of New York Mellon.

Italy September 19, 2022 All Members Physical & Virtual italian

Technology in action

Brazil September 15, 2022 AB Members Physical portuguese

Conselho Assessor São Paulo

Sessão do Conselho do Capítulo de São Paulo: atualizações da comunidade, learnings e debate entre conselheiros.

Spain September 15, 2022 AB Members Virtual spanish

Consejo Asesor Barcelona Sesión 14

Sesión de Consejo de Barcelona Chapter nº 16: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros.

Spain September 15, 2022 All Members Physical & Virtual spanish

Programa Esade CIONET

Club de Consejeros CIONET ESADE: Edición Barcelona

Poland September 15, 2022 Invitation Only Physical english

CIO Exchange Poland

Aplikacje budują cyfrowe doświadczenia klientów i otwierają nowe źródła przychodów. Chmura przestaje być wyłącznie miejscem uruchamiania aplikacji, stając się nowym sposobem pracy i motorem innowacji biznesowych. Cyfrowi liderzy muszą mieć wizję inwestowania w to, co nadejdzie w przyszłości, jednocześnie przekształcając to, czym dysponują obecnie. Potrzebna jest do tego jasna strategia dotycząca aplikacji i chmury. W trakcie spotkania CIO Exchange Poland będziemy dyskutować o rozwiązaniach, które w takich strategiach należy uwzględnić. Pomogą nam w tym liderzy organizacji, które takie strategie przygotowały i z powodzeniem je wdrażają.

Italy September 14, 2022 All Members Physical italian

Think Rome

Poland September 13, 2022 Invitation Only Virtual Polish


3 days, 250+ online participants, 50+ show off presentations, 70+ topic discussions, 6 thematic pathways. Benefit from the knowledge and experience of market experts, technology partners and organizations that are setting trends in cybersec strategy and digitization.

Belgium September 10, 2022 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Cycling - Inspired by 'Omloop Het Nieuwsblad'

We invite you to join us for the last ride of the CIONET Cycling Club powered by Deloitte, on Saturday September 10! Our road captain for this ride is Christian Combes. The tour is inspired by 'Omloop Nieuwsblad' with departure in Destelbergen.

Germany September 8, 2022 Country Members Physical german

CIONET Meet-up in Düsseldorf

Wird Quantencomputing als Schlüsseltechnologie der nächste Megatrend? Welche Potentiale versprechen die aktuellen Ansätze, wie funktioniert ein Quantencomputer und haben klassische Turing-Algorithmen und asymmetrische Verschlüsselungsverfahren bald ausgedient? Lassen Sie uns diese und weitere Fragen im Kreis des CIONET Meet-Up diskutieren und einen gemeinsamen Blick in die Glaskugel werfen!

UK September 8, 2022 All Members Physical english

Prevent Cyber-Attacks Before They Disrupt Your Business

Join us for an exclusive roundtable and learn how you can achieve a positive security model and safeguard your organization.

Poland September 8, 2022 Country Members Physical Polish

Jak powinna wyglądać i ewoluować architektura security?

Co w praktyce oznacza model zero-trust? Rozproszone środowisko przetwarzania (chmura hybrydowa, multicloud) - wyzwania i szanse z punktu widzenia bezpieczeństwa.

Latam September 8, 2022 AB Members Virtual spanish

Consejo Asesor Buenos Aires

Sesión de Consejo de Buenos Aires Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros.

Latam September 7, 2022 AB Members Physical spanish

Consejo Asesor Chile

Sesión de Consejo de Santiago Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros. Encuentro IT Gastroclub

Poland September 7, 2022 Country Members Physical Polish

Jak zapewnić, żeby organizacja efektywnie korzystała z analityki

Demokratyzacja dostępu do danych to fundament strategii „data driven”. W szerokim dostępie pracowników do danych poszukujemy wzrostu efektywności i szans na innowację. Niestety praktyka pokazuje, że zapewnienie, że organizacja w efektywny sposób będzie korzystała z dostępnych zasobów informacyjnych i narzędzi analitycznych nie jest proste. Wiąże się to z szeregiem wyzwań.

Latam September 6, 2022 AB Members Physical spanish

Consejo Asesor Colombia

Sesión de Consejo de Bogotá Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros. Encuentro IT Gastroclub.

Spain September 1, 2022 AB Members Virtual spanish

Consejo Asesor Iberoamérica

Sesión de Consejo de Iberoamérica Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre los presidentes y vicepresidentes.

Brazil September 1, 2022 AB Members Virtual spanish

Consejo Asesor Iberoamérica

Sesión de Consejo de Iberoamérica Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre los presidentes y vicepresidentes.

Latam September 1, 2022 AB Members Virtual spanish

Consejo Asesor Iberoamérica

Sesión de Consejo de Iberoamérica Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre los presidentes y vicepresidentes.

Latam August 31, 2022 Country Members Virtual spanish

Technology as a Service

De la mano de 3 de nuestros líderes de la comunidad, profundizaremos en los casos de negocio de Tokio Marine de México, AES Andes de Chile y Banco Industrial de Guatemala, compañías referentes en sectores que están abordando grandes procesos de transformación y digitalización: seguros, comercialización de energía y banca.

Brazil August 30, 2022 Public Virtual portuguese

Automation Imperative

Nesta edição do CIONEXT vamos debater as novas oportunidades de crescimento operacional que permite às organizações escalar em um contexto de constantes desafios na correta hibridização do trabalho humano e automação tecnológica.

Poland August 30, 2022 Country Members Physical Polish


Networking Event

Belgium August 30, 2022 All Members Physical english

BE Summer Festival + Advisory Board Meeting 2

Let's enjoy the end of summer together with other digital leaders and have a great party with peers.

Latam August 25, 2022 Invitation Only Virtual spanish

Una Compañía, muchos Workflows, muchos Clientes. ¿Cómo integrar todo?

La optimización en la gestión de infraestructuras, integración de datos y la experiencia de cliente interno y externo, son algunos de los mayores retos a los que se enfrentan las compañías actualmente. En este camino, la existencia y conexión de los diferentes workflows en la compañía son una herramienta esencial. En este encuentro profundizaremos en cómo algunas compañías están afrontando estos retos y sus mejores prácticas.

Germany August 23, 2022 Country Members Physical german

CIONET Meet-up in Hamburg

Ich frag für einen Freund: Wann ist ein CIO eigentlich ein guter Chef? Offene Fragen zu moderner Führung, persönlicher Resilienz und Teamstabilität in disruptiven Zeiten. Ein vertrauensvoller und interaktiver Austausch unter KollegInnen

Brazil August 16, 2022 All Members Virtual portuguese

CIOSCOPE Estratégia

Como elaborar uma estratégica de TI dinâmica e alinhada com o negócio

Latam August 10, 2022 Country Members Virtual spanish

Ciberseguridad:Respuesta a Incidentes. Casos y Aprendizajes

Durante y tras la pandemia, la ciberseguridad ha pasado a tomar un plano protagonista en la mayor parte de las organizaciones. En este encuentro abordaremos casos y aprendizajes en la respuesta a incidentes de ciberseguridad de varias compañías.

Latam July 27, 2022 Country Members Virtual spanish

Lanzamiento Círculo Ciberseguridad Región Latam

Sesión de kick-off de Círculo Ciber Región Latam, en la que abordaremos algunos desafíos y las tendencias en riesgos y seguridad de la información, así como las mejores estrategias y soluciones para construir la mejor defensa y protección posible.

Brazil July 20, 2022 AB Members Physical portuguese

Conselho Assessor São Paulo

Sessão do Conselho do Capítulo de São Paulo: atualizações da comunidade, learnings e debate entre conselheiros.

Italy July 19, 2022 All Members Physical italian

Summer Cocktail

UK July 14, 2022 Invitation Only Physical english

Choosing and Building a Zero Trust Security Architecture

Phoenix Datacom and Appgate invite you to a discussion dinner at 18.00 on 14th July at Bleeding Heart, London, to share their experiences and insights for choosing and building a Zero Trust environment. Senior stakeholders from Phoenix Datacom and Appgate will provide an introduction. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host and as with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

UK July 12, 2022 Public Physical english

Optimising the digital experience in today's complex multi cloud world

Dynatrace invites you to a financial services ‘virtual’ wine tasting event at 17.30 on 12th July to discuss how to manage this complexity. Martin Bradbury, Regional Director for Financial Services will introduce the report. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host and as with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Spain July 7, 2022 AB Members Virtual spanish

Consejo Asesor Iberoamérica

Sesión de Consejo de Iberoamérica Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre los presidentes y vicepresidentes.

Netherlands July 7, 2022 All Members Physical dutch



Brazil July 7, 2022 AB Members Virtual spanish

Consejo Asesor Iberoamérica

Sesión de Consejo de Iberoamérica Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre los presidentes y vicepresidentes.

Latam July 7, 2022 AB Members Virtual spanish

Consejo Asesor Iberoamérica

Sesión de Consejo de Iberoamérica Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre los presidentes y vicepresidentes.

Brazil July 7, 2022 All Members Virtual portuguese

CIOSCOPE Cyber Security

Desafios e soluções para uma gestão efetiva de Cyber Security

UK July 6, 2022 All Members Physical english

From legacy to leadership : a data driven future

CIONET, along with our sponsors Hitachi Vantara and WEKA, invites you to an in-person roundtable event on 6th July at the L'Oscar, London, to discuss data centric architectures and business models.

Italy July 6, 2022 Country Members Physical italian

Digital Champions

Cosa rende una trasformazione digitale davvero vincente? Quali sono le leve su cui agire per cambiare non solo la dotazione tecnologica di una grande azienda, ma anche snellire i suoi processi, cambiare il rapporto con il cliente, aumentare abilità e skill set dei propri dipendenti? 5 CIO di aziende top level si confrontano sul punto, mettendo a fattore comune le lezioni apprese, gli errori fatti e i successi conseguiti nel cammino di trasformazione digitale della rispettive azienda.

UK June 30, 2022 Invitation Only Virtual english

Living in a multi-Cloud world

Most organisations today have adopted a cloud-first strategy, but recent figures from Gartner suggest that on 10% of total IT spend is cloud related. There seems to be a wide gap between stated ambition and the realities on the ground. Most companies recognise that a hybrid approach between on-premise and cloud is a pragmatic outcome.

Poland June 30, 2022 Country Members Virtual Polish

Innovate your current data platform with Agile Data Fabric

Successful customer intimacy, operational excellence, and business reinvention efforts require access to any kind of data - metadata, reference data, master data, transactional, and streaming data. Managing this diversity in a well-governed and consistent way is the objective of UNIFY, TIBCO’s line of data management products. With this session you will learn how our solutions can help for better data access, trust, and control. We show how easy it can be to consolidate data from different sources, ensure data quality, and combine data into a single, unified view that will help businesses make the right decisions. We will also discuss some customer case studies and provide more insights into recent projects we successfully delivered with our customers in pharma, insurance and banking sectors.

Spain June 29, 2022 AB Members Physical spanish

Consejo Asesor Barcelona Sesión 14

Sesión de Consejo de Barcelona Chapter nº 15: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros. Fiesta de Verano IT Gastroclub

UK June 29, 2022 Public Physical english

Cloud migration in FS – challenges and opportunities

Infosys invites you to join us at Haymarket Hotel on the 29 June at 18.00 to share and discuss these important topics. Jay Nair, Senior Vice President and Industry Head Financial Services Europe of Infosys will introduce the topic with reference to recent use cases within major banks. Roger Camrass of CIONET will host the session. As with all CIONET events we believe that this will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Belgium June 29, 2022 Invitation Only Physical english

Mastering the Power of Cloud

During this exclusive round table with Digital Leaders from major Belgian financial services organisations, we will share best practices for mastering the power of the cloud in financial services.

Germany June 28, 2022 Country Members Virtual german

Roundtable 'Driving transformation through the Cloud'

Virtueller Roundtable mit Wine Tasting. Use Case: Mercedes Intelligent Cloud

Italy June 28, 2022 All Members Physical italian


Brazil June 28, 2022 All Members Virtual portuguese

CIOSCOPE Liderança

Habilidades críticas para que um CIO possa ter um papel estratégico

Spain June 23, 2022 AB Members Physical spanish

Consejo Asesor Madrid Sesión 42

Sesión de Consejo de Madrid Chapter nº 42: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros. Fiesta de Verano IT Gastroclub.

Belgium June 23, 2022 Invitation Only Physical english

LCL North Sea Regatta

Join us at the 5th edition of the LCL North Sea Regatta in Nieuwpoort! Beautiful weather, perfect wind conditions to blow up the sails and big rolling waves to add excitement to the 3 stages of the regatta race where 22 boats will compete for victory.

Latam June 22, 2022 All Members Virtual spanish

Cioscope People

¿Cómo desarrollar (y mantener) equipos de alto rendimiento en tecnología?

Germany June 22, 2022 Country Members Physical german

CC-Enterprise Summit 2022 - Berlin

Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, an dieser Veranstaltung teilzunehmen und freuen uns besonders auf unsere Executive Roundtable Diskussion, die CIONET am 22.06.2022 von 11:30 bis 12:30 Uhr veranstaltet.

Germany June 21, 2022 Country Members Physical german

CIONET Meet-up in Berlin - Summer Networking

Am Vorabend des CC Enterprise Summit in Berlin laden wir Sie zu einem informellen Networking-Abend ein.

Belgium June 21, 2022 Invitation Only Physical english

Round Table: The Cyber Vault

Learn from your peers on how to build a rock solid defence, use the vaults and how to react when you get hit.

Italy June 21, 2022 All Members Physical italian

Cyber security e AI: quali sono i driver di scelta?

La trasformazione digitale, lo smart working e il contesto geopolitico sempre più incerto hanno determinato importanti modifiche strutturali rispetto alle modalità e alle ragioni che spingono CIO e CISO nella scelta delle soluzioni di cybersecurity.

Netherlands June 21, 2022 Invitation Only Physical dutch

CIO diner Overheid Nederland

Wat zijn innovaties om (verdere) digitalisering binnen de overheid mogelijk te maken? Met 18 digital leaders gaan we onder het genot van een uitstekend (invitation-only) Overheids CIO diner in een sfeervolle ambiance bij Vila Coucou in Den Haag met elkaar in gesprek over hoe deze tijd na de pandemie een meer agile en digitale manier vereist van zakendoen, ook van veel overheidsinstellingen.

Germany June 20, 2022 Country Members Physical german

CIONET Sommerfest in München

Das CIONET Sommerfest ist eine schöne Gelegenheit, CIONET-Mitglieder kennenzulernen bzw. wiederzusehen und ein paar gemütliche Stunden miteinander zu verbringen.

Belgium June 18, 2022 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Cycling - 3 Landentocht

Join us for the '3 Landentocht' tour on Saturday June 18th!

Latam June 16, 2022 AB Members Physical spanish

Consejo Asesor Colombia-Q2

Sesión del Consejo Asesor de CIONET-Bogotá Chapter: Sesión de aprendizaje colaborativo, con debate abierto entre los consejeros, actualización de la comunidad y estatus de las diferentes iniciativas internacionales y de país.

Belgium June 16, 2022 All Members Physical english

Here is the Mesh

Is the data mesh the ultimate solution for creating a future proof data platform, for removing the bottlenecks of centralised data management and for clarifying once and for all the roles and responsibilities related to data? According to Zhamak Dehlghani, author of the book ‘Data mesh’, “Data mesh is a decentralised approach to managing and accessing data for analytical use cases”. Data mesh distributes data ownership to domain-specific teams that manage, own, and serve the data as a product.

UK June 16, 2022 Country Members Physical english

Media and Telco – the path to workplace transformation

Citrix invites you to a Media and Telco event on 16 June to discuss the evolution of the digital workplace. Sasa Petrovic, Digital Strategy Director will introduce the topic and Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host. As with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Netherlands June 16, 2022 Invitation Only Physical dutch

CIONET Web Conferentie How to handle business-critical workloads in a digital-first world?

How to handle business-critical workloads in a digital-first world?

International June 15, 2022 Public Virtual english

CIONEXT - The Future of ERP is Open

In this edition of CIONEXT we'll go beyond the ERP pure migration issue and discuss how world class CIOs plan the open future of their ERP in the light of their digital transformation. Don’t miss this flipped conference with top digital leaders that are showing us their way forward.

Italy June 15, 2022 Invitation Only Physical & Virtual italian

Executive Event: Lancio Google Cloud Region di Milano

Il cloud. Pensato per l’Italia. Le due nuove Google Cloud Region di Milano e Torino sono arrivate. Troviamo soluzioni insieme.

Latam June 14, 2022 AB Members Physical spanish

Consejo Asesor Perú

Sesión de Consejo de Lima Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros.

UK June 14, 2022 Public Virtual english

Managing the escalating Cyber risk

Zscaler invites you to a virtual wine tasting evening on 14 June at 17:30 to discuss how organisations are mobilising in the face of increasing Cyber activity. Christoph Heidler, CIO EMEA at Zscaler, will share his recent experiences from his work with companies from across the world. Roger Camrass will moderate the session. As with all CIONET events we believe that this event will help to empower you in your digital leadership role.

Poland June 14, 2022 Country Members Physical Polish


Is it true that the shortage of programmers on the Polish market has recently reached an unprecedented scale? Why, then, is it so difficult for juniors to find employment? How can regulated and not always associated with technology companies compete with Software Housami? Is effective recruitment of people from the West a pipe dream? We can multiply questions - on June 14, during the CIONET meeting, we will look for answers.

Belgium June 14, 2022 All Members Physical english

Belgium's got Digital Talent

Do you have a clear strategy to enter the battle, to attract, or to up-skill and re-skill your existing workforce? What about flexible employment and borderless global talent sourcing. And how do you create a solid culture to cultivate a sense of purpose and engagement to retain your best virtual teams?

Latam June 14, 2022 Invitation Only Virtual spanish

Modern Workplace

Desayuno exclusivo para líderes digitales en Argentina y Chile para debatir sobre los desafíos de los nuevos modelos de colaboración entre empleados y colaboradores.

Netherlands June 10, 2022 Invitation Only Physical dutch

CIONET Alumni sessie Leergang CIO als Commissaris

UK June 8, 2022 Public Physical english

Copenhagen : Cloud Experience, Resilience & Agility

Join CIONET and Hitachi Vantara with a select group of your industry peers as we discuss infrastructure modernization in a hybrid-cloud world to innovate faster and stay ahead of the competition.

Poland June 8, 2022 Country Members Physical Polish

Roadmapa rozwoju BI/AI

Klasyczne hurtownie danych i wykorzystujące je systemy raportowe są nadal częstym komponentem architektury systemów analitycznych. Jednocześnie pojawiają się ciągle nowe modele wykorzystania danych w firmach „data driven”, a wdrażane rozwiązania są coraz bardziej złożone zarówno od strony analitycznej jak i technologicznej. Efektywne wdrażanie takich zmian wymaga przygotowania i konsekwentnego wdrażania mapy drogowej rozwoju obszaru BI/AI w organizacji. Taka mapa drogowa pozwala na stworzenie dopasowanej do organizacji docelowej architektury, która np. może korzystać z chmur obliczeniowych, sięgać po nowe narzędzia analityczne, wdrażać rozwiązania zaawansowanej analizy danych w systemach operacyjnych i jednocześnie odpowiadać na potrzeby biznesowe. Dodatkowo, w obliczu dużej zmienności możliwych strategii, dostępnych rozwiązań analitycznych, oraz wyzwań biznesowych organizacje zmuszone są do stałego zarządzania roadmapą rozwoju BI/AI.

Netherlands June 7, 2022 Invitation Only Physical dutch

CIO dinner: Is customer experience het moeilijkste stuk op de digitale transformatie agenda?'

Met zo'n 18 digital leaders gaan we onder het genot van een uitstekend diner met elkaar in gesprek over 'Is customer experience het moeilijkste stuk op de digitale transformatie agenda?'.

Italy June 6, 2022 Country Members Physical italian

Workday Elevete 2022

Workday Elevate torna a Milano! Unisciti a noi per assistere a sessioni esclusive di esperti, keynote e tavole rotonde e per tornare a discutere e analizzare insieme come le aziende stanno affrontando le sfide di un mondo che cambia.

Spain June 2, 2022 Invitation Only Physical spanish

Programa Esade CIONET

Programa Consejeros CIONET. Fiesta de Graduación ofrecida por el IT Gastroclub y Widerpool en el restaurante El Telégrafo de Madrid.

Latam June 2, 2022 AB Members Physical spanish

Consejo Asesor Buenos Aires

Sesión de Consejo de Buenos Aires Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros. Encuentro IT Gastroclub

Spain June 2, 2022 Invitation Only Physical & Virtual spanish

Programa Esade CIONET

Programa Consejeros CIONET. Sesión X: La dinámica del Consejo. La transición a Consejero.

Latam June 2, 2022 Invitation Only Physical & Virtual spanish

Programa Esade CIONET

Programa Consejeros CIONET. Sesión X: La dinámica del Consejo. La transición a Consejero.

Netherlands June 2, 2022 Public Physical & Virtual dutch

Fast Forward Insights #Talent

Join Fast Forward Insights #Talent: de CIO talkshow over 'the War on IT talent' - 2 juni 13:30 uur (12:30 registraties met lunch, start 13:30 uur - 17:30 uur met netwerkborrel en buffet) @ 3D Makers Zone te Haarlem of online.

Germany June 2, 2022 Country Members Physical german

CIO Perspectives

Den Wandel zur produktorientierten IT gestalten - eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung von PwC und CIONET

Latam June 1, 2022 AB Members Virtual spanish

Consejo Asesor Chile

Sesión de Consejo de Santiago Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros.

Spain May 31, 2022 Public Virtual spanish

Tech Talent Tectonics

En este CIONEXT Iberoamérica debatiremos sobre los grandes movimientos sísmicos que se están produciendo en los equipos, el espacio y el modelo de trabajo con los "Big Champions del talento digital" de la región.

Brazil May 31, 2022 Public Virtual spanish

Tech Talent Tectonics

Nesta edição CIONEXT Ibero-América discutiremos os grandes movimentos sísmicos que estão ocorrendo nas equipes, o espaço e o modelo de trabalho com os "Grandes Campeões do talento digital" da região (keynotes em espanhol).

Latam May 31, 2022 Public Virtual spanish

Tech Talent Tectonics

En este CIONEXT Iberoamérica debatiremos sobre los grandes movimientos sísmicos que se están produciendo en los equipos, el espacio y el modelo de trabajo con los "Big Champions del talento digital" de la región.

Spain May 26, 2022 All Members Physical & Virtual spanish

Programa Esade CIONET

Kick-off Club de Consejeros CIONET ESADE: Women in Tech

UK May 25, 2022 Public Physical english

Cybersecurity & Business Risks

UK Community Event

Italy May 25, 2022 All Members Physical & Virtual italian

IBM Technology in Action

IBM Technology in Action

Spain May 25, 2022 Country Members Physical spanish

People Quest Madrid

En esta edición de People Quest debatiremos sobre los 5 grandes desafíos en la batalla del talento tecnológico: atracción, reskilling, upskilling, retención y outsourcing. Solo para miembros CIONET en activo. Madrid (Claudio Coello, 139).

Netherlands May 20, 2022 All Members Physical english

IT Leaders Cycling Challenge

Fiets 2 juni 2023 mee met CIONET tijdens de IT Leaders Cycling Challenge! 2 juni 2023 koerst CIONET samen met hopelijk jou en jouw collega's en/of relaties voor de 12e keer door Limburg! Fiets je (weer) met ons mee? De inschrijfpagina voor team CIONET is open voor de digital leaders leden van CIONET!

Spain May 19, 2022 AB Members Virtual spanish

Consejo Asesor Barcelona Sesión 14

Sesión de Consejo de Barcelona Chapter nº 14: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros.

Spain May 19, 2022 Invitation Only Physical & Virtual spanish

Programa Esade CIONET

Programa Consejeros CIONET. Sesión IX: Gestión de riesgos. Los desafíos y las oportunidades de la tecnología.

Latam May 19, 2022 Invitation Only Physical & Virtual spanish

Programa Esade CIONET

Programa Consejeros CIONET. Sesión IX: Gestión de riesgos. Los desafíos y las oportunidades de la tecnología.

Germany May 18, 2022 Country Members Physical german

Roundtable 'Practice Driven'

Roundtable am Nürburgring - mit Impulsvortrag von Jörn Nitschmann, Head of Digital Transformation Unit (DXU) Fujitsu

Poland May 18, 2022 Country Members Physical Polish

Inwestowanie w cyberbezpieczeństwo

Jak przekonywać zarząd i biznes, że warto inwestować w cyberbezpieczeństwo? Jak mądrze inwestować w bezpieczeństwo i ochronę informacji w firmie? Insourcing czy outsourcing usług cyberbezpieczeństwa?

Belgium May 17, 2022 All Members Physical french

Le Cloud - Moteur à l'innovation

L'infrastructure informatique ne peut plus être un frein à l'innovation : elle doit en être le moteur.

Italy May 17, 2022 Invitation Only Physical & Virtual italian

CXO CLUB Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity: it’s all about the trust. Sicurezza, privacy, conformità e fiducia sono i pillar che danno vita a un nuovo approccio di Cybersecurity olistico dove il concetto di Cyber Resilience e la scelta del provider Cloud divengono elementi sempre più centrali. La migrazione dei dati e dei carichi di lavoro è un tema sempre più acceso in questo scenario globale in continua evoluzione, dove aziende e organizzazioni vivono sempre più la necessità di affidarsi a potenti strumenti che garantiscano il controllo dei propri dati sull'infrastruttura.

Spain May 17, 2022 Invitation Only Physical & Virtual spanish

Programa Esade CIONET

Programa Consejeros CIONET. Sesión VIII: La comisión de Auditoría.

Latam May 17, 2022 Invitation Only Physical & Virtual spanish

Programa Esade CIONET

Programa Consejeros CIONET. Sesión VIII: La comisión de Auditoría.

Latam May 17, 2022 AB Members Virtual spanish

Consejo Asesor Centroamérica

Sesión de Consejo de Centroamérica Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros. Encuentro IT Gastroclub

UK May 12, 2022 Public Physical english

Amsterdam : From legacy to leadership

Sasan Moaveni, Global Business Leader, Object Storge Solutions, Hitachi Vantara, Jan Veldsink, Expert Speaker in AI & Cognitive Technologies and Ryan Taylor, Senior Director EMEA, Weka will provide insight into how leading Fortune 50 customers gain competitive edge using state of the art data-centric systems.

Latam May 12, 2022 AB Members Physical spanish

Consejo Asesor Ciudad de México

Sesión de Consejo de Ciudad de México Chapter: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros. Encuentro IT Gastroclub

Belgium May 12, 2022 Invitation Only Physical english

Your IT Landscape in Real Time

A defined enterprise architecture is a good foundation for IT planning and management, but the real proof of Enterprise architecture practice is how well it uses the insights to support business initiatives, realises business benefits and drives business innovation.

Spain May 12, 2022 AB Members Virtual spanish

Consejo Asesor Madrid Sesión 41

Sesión de Consejo de Madrid Chapter nº 41: actualización de la comunidad, aprendizaje y debate entre consejeros.

Italy May 12, 2022 All Members Physical italian

Quali sono le sfide che i CIO

L’emergenza pandemica ha agito da catalizzatore per i CIO nell'accelerare la trasformazione digitale all’interno delle organizzazioni. Ciò che è stato raggiunto negli ultimi due anni è qualcosa di fenomenale: un’implementazione rapida e sicura di funzionalità remote, garantendo la business continuity. Con l’implementazione di nuovi modi di lavorare, per gli IT Digital Leader si sono presentate nuove opportunità, aumentando l’efficienza e permettendo una crescita dei ricavi: l’obiettivo è quello di mantenere un equilibrio tra strategia di crescita ed efficienza. Ma quali sono le sfide che i CIO dovranno affrontare nei prossimi tre anni?

International May 11, 2022 Public Virtual english

CIONEXT - The Great Resignation

The Great Resignation - triggered by the pandemic - is the phenomenon where record numbers of people are leaving their corporate jobs. Our organisations have to navigate these ripple effects and need to re-evaluate how to retain talent.

Germany May 10, 2022 Country Members Physical german

CIONET Meet-up in München

Impulsvortrag von Christian Ammer, CIO und Head of Digital Transformation bei Noerr zum Thema 'Vom IT Admin zum Wertschöpfer für den Business'

Belgium May 10, 2022 Invitation Only Physical english

360 Degree Customer View

The holy grail to understand your customers, predict their next steps, and offer them a great experience with a personal touch in omni-channel is to create a true 360° customer view.

Italy May 10, 2022 All Members Physical italian

Process Mining: Conosci davvero i tuoi processi?

Il Process Mining è la tecnica di process management che consente l’analisi ed il monitoraggio dei processi di business tramite tecnologie “intelligenti” e permette di modellare, ridisegnare ed ottimizzare gli stessi processi, per migliorarne le performance. L’executive event sarà un' occasione esclusiva di networking in cui Software AG Italia inviterà al confronto e alla discussione gli autorevoli ospiti sull’evoluzione del Process Mining e il suo ruolo fondamentale nella trasformazione digitale delle aziende.

Belgium May 7, 2022 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Cycling - Discover Waals Brabant

Join us on the first ride of the CIONET Cycling Club from Bierbeek to Oteppe, on Saturday May 7th!

Italy May 5, 2022 All Members Physical italian

Il tuo business nel cloud end to end

Una evento esclusivo per conoscere tutti i vantaggi sulla migrazione al Cloud end-to-end, sfruttando tutti i benefici offerti dalla partnership di Trend Micro e Amazon Web Services (AWS) senza rischi e complessità. La possibilità di confrontarsi e scambiare esperienze e scoprire anche come il Well Architecture Framework aiuti i Cloud Architects a creare infrastrutture sicure, ad alte prestazioni, resilienti ed efficienti per le loro applicazioni e i carichi di lavoro. Basato su cinque pilastri (eccellenza operativa, sicurezza, affidabilità, efficienza delle prestazioni e ottimizzazione dei costi), Il Well Architecture Framework AWS fornisce un approccio ottimizzato a clienti e partner per la valutazione delle architetture e l'attuazione di progetti scalabili nel tempo.

Belgium May 5, 2022 Invitation Only Virtual english

Open Financial Services

During this Round Table with Digital Leaders from Financial Institutions we will discuss how your IT department can seamlessly collaborate with new ecosystem partners.

Belgium May 3, 2022 Invitation Only Physical english

Customer intimacy vs Customer sovereignty

Customer intimacy vs Customer sovereignty

Spain May 3, 2022 Invitation Only Physical & Virtual spanish

Programa Esade CIONET

Programa Consejeros CIONET. Sesión VII: La dimensión financiera.

Latam May 3, 2022 Invitation Only Physical & Virtual spanish

Programa Esade CIONET

Programa Consejeros CIONET. Sesión VII: La dimensión financiera.

UK April 28, 2022 Public Physical english

Meeting Net Zero targets for IT in 2022

CIONET, Atos and Hitachi Vantara invite you to a Private Dining Evening at Manicomio City, 6 Gutter Lane, London on the 28th April at 18.30 to share and discuss these important challenges. Tom Christensen, Global Technology Advisor & Executive Analyst at Hitachi Vantara and Marc Mosthav, Head of Decarbonization Digital Platforms at Atos , will introduce the topic. As a sponsor of COP 26, Hitachi has unique experience of how to deploy relevant expertise and techniques to help organisations deliver Net Zero outcomes. Roger Camrass of CIONET will host the session. As with all CIONET events we believe that this will help empower you in your digital leadership role. Join us for an evening of fine dining and stimulating conversation.

Brazil April 28, 2022 AB Members Virtual portuguese

Conselho Assessor São Paulo

Sessão do Conselho do Capítulo de São Paulo: atualizações da comunidade, learnings e debate entre conselheiros.

Belgium April 28, 2022 Invitation Only Physical english

The Manifesto of Sustainable Data Centers

With a small group of Data Centers responsibles, sustainability officers and sourcing professionals, we will co-create a manifesto that defines the key criteria to evaluate whether a data center strategy is future proof.

Germany April 28, 2022 Country Members Physical german

CIONET Meet-up in Köln

Impulsvortrag von Nino Messaoud, CDO von Barry- Wehmiller zum Thema: Was IT und Musik miteinander zu tun haben

Spain April 28, 2022 Invitation Only Physical spanish

Digital Humans con Linguistic Factory

Experimenta cómo es hablar con un humano virtual en esta Round Table exclusiva del IT Gastroclub en Madrid. Acompañanos y conoce casos de uso como los de Zara, un enólogo virtual, ecommerce deportivo y contenidos para televisión entre otros.

UK April 27, 2022 Public Physical english

How to derive business value from your data assets

Mark Powell, EY’s Partner, Head of Data & Analytics responsible for delivering data insights will co-host the event with Roger Camrass and share the findings of his recent paper ‘winning in a data driven world – lessons for digital leaders’.

Latam April 27, 2022 All Members Virtual spanish

Cioscope Road 2 Cloud

Road 2 Cloud Centroamérica descubre el éxito en tu viaje a la nube Encuentro de Comunidad exclusivo para líderes de tecnología Acompáñanos y conoce los tracks que debes dominar para conseguir desarrollar una estrategia Cloud de éxito.

Belgium April 26, 2022 All Members Physical english

Creating Value with AI

Discover the conclusions of the Belgian AI monitor study and learn from from your peer, how to scale up AI-led innovations to deliver significant business impact.

Spain April 21, 2022 Invitation Only Physical & Virtual spanish

Programa Esade CIONET

Programa Consejeros CIONET. Sesión VI: El papel del Consejo en materia de estrategia y control. La innovación y la transformación digital en la agenda del Consejo.

Latam April 21, 2022 Invitation Only Physical & Virtual spanish

Programa Esade CIONET

Programa Consejeros CIONET. Sesión VI: El papel del Consejo en materia de estrategia y control. La innovación y la transformación digital en la agenda del Consejo.

Belgium April 21, 2022 Invitation Only Virtual english

World Class Strategies for building Cyber Resilient Organisations

This executive dinner is an opportunity to interact with digital leaders as they exchange these strategies, learnings and tools-of-the-trade, exploring how to anticipate potential risks, automate security processes, and efficiently recover from attacks.

Latam April 21, 2022 Invitation Only Virtual spanish

Modern Workplace

Desayuno exclusivo para líderes digitales en Argentina y Chile para debatir sobre los desafíos de los nuevos modelos de colaboración entre empleados y colaboradores.

Spain April 19, 2022 Invitation Only Physical & Virtual spanish

Programa Esade CIONET

Programa Consejeros CIONET. Sesión V: Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG). ¿Cómo gestionar crisis y situaciones imprevistas?

Latam April 19, 2022 Invitation Only Physical & Virtual spanish

Programa Esade CIONET

Programa Consejeros CIONET. Sesión V: Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG). ¿Cómo gestionar crisis y situaciones imprevistas?

UK April 13, 2022 Public Virtual english

Managing the escalating Cyber risk

Zscaler invites you to a virtual wine tasting evening on 13 April at 17.30 to discuss how organisations are mobilising in the face of increasing Cyber activity. Marc Lueck, CISO EMEA at Zscaler, will share his recent experiences from his work with companies from across the world. Roger Camrass will moderate the session. As with all CIONET events we believe that this event will help to empower you in your digital leadership role.

Italy April 5, 2022 Invitation Only Physical italian

Build the foundation for an adaptive enterprise

L'Adaptive Enterprise rappresenta un nuovo business model concepito per aiutare le aziende a prevedere e a rispondere alle mutevoli esigenze dei clienti. Le organizzazioni che operano come una Adaptive Enterprise sono in grado di adattarsi e rispondere agli imprevisti derivanti dal cambiamento che le circonda. Si trasformano così in un nuovo tipo di organizzazione in cui il cambiamento non è visto come un ostacolo, ma piuttosto come una fonte di energia, crescita e valore, e in cui i leader tecnologici giocano un ruolo chiave nello sviluppo delle capacità dell'organizzazione: costruire una cultura flessibile, sfruttare e capitalizzare l'innovazione determinata dalla tecnologia e prevedere i bisogni dei consumatori. Durante l'evento avrete l'opportunità di discutere di come modernizzare la vostra organizzazione creando una cultura del cambiamento e dell'innovazione e accelerando i processi code-to-customer, e di conoscere un caso di successo attraverso la testimonianza di Paolo Bazzica di Telecom Italia.

UK April 5, 2022 Public Physical english

Why the NHS is central to the UK’s sustainability agenda

Citrix invites you to attend an executive roundtable on the 5th April at 18:00. Citrix is a pace setter in sustainability and distributed working practices. Citrix, will lead the conversation around how IT can contribute to sustainability within the NHS. Roger Camrass of CIONET will host the meeting. As with all CIONET events we believe that this will help empower you in your digital leadership role.

Germany April 5, 2022 Country Members Virtual german

Public meets Industry: Personalgewinnung

Roundtable Diskussion mit CIOs und IT Leiter aus dem privaten und öffentlichen Sektor

Belgium April 3, 2022 Invitation Only Physical dutch

Flanders Classics Cycling VIP Event

Witness the Tour of Flanders from the first row at the Oude Kwaremont, on Sunday April 3! TThe first 10 CIONET members that register can join us in an exclusive VIP lodge with terrace is located at the Oude Kwaremont.

Netherlands March 31, 2022 Physical & Virtual dutch


Public Innovatie en digitale ontwikkelingen binnen de overheid

Italy March 29, 2022 Country Members Virtual italian

Il futuro dell'Hybrid Work con Google Cloud e Greg Tomb

Riserva il tuo posto all'incontro digitale con Greg Tomb, Vice President, Workspace, GEO & Security Sales di Google Cloud, che si terrà il prossimo 29 Marzo dalle 17.30 alle 18.30 via Meet, per parlare del futuro dell'Hybrid Work e scoprire come le aziende stanno adottando sempre di più una strategia di lavoro human-centric.

Spain March 29, 2022 Country Members Virtual spanish


Domina el Cloud desde 6 tracks diferentes: #CloudArchitecture # Data&AI&ML #Security&Compliance #Adoption&Change #BusinessValue&Cost #Tech Services&BusinessSolutions

UK March 24, 2022 Public Physical english

How to derive business value from your data assets

Mark Powell, EY’s Partner, Head of Data & Analytics responsible for delivering data insights will co-host the event with Roger Camrass and share the findings of his recent paper ‘winning in a data driven world – lessons for digital leaders’.

UK March 24, 2022 Public Virtual english

How can retail and hospitality drive the customer experience?

Hitachi Vantara has been working with leading names such as Mitchells & Butlers, Home Base, Travis Perkins to transform the customer experience and digitize the entire supply chain. Focus has been on the end-to-end customer journey, and not just the transaction. In this discussion evening we will address key issues in digital transformations

Belgium March 24, 2022 AB Members Physical english

BE Advisory Board Meeting 1

Italy March 23, 2022 Invitation Only Physical & Virtual italian

What’s Next for Retail

Let’s makeover the Retail Digital Strategy. Il Retail è una delle industry più in rapida ascesa, da sempre influenzata da dinamiche digital first. I cambiamenti nelle abitudini dei Consumatori hanno notevolmente accelerato l’adozione di soluzioni sempre più bespoke. I Clienti infatti si aspettano di essere compresi e anticipati, con soluzioni che guardano al futuro. Il Cloud esalta e comprende questi nuovi comportamenti di acquisto e come tecnologia si pone al servizio delle aziende. Decidendo di investire nei dati e in soluzioni basate sull’artificial intelligence, si può dunque migliorare la user experience e fare un salto di qualità in termini di prodotti e servizi sia sui canali online, che offline. Nel corso dell’evento parleremo di come oggi più di ieri sia necessario portare le aziende a essere maggiormente Client Centric e Digital First per acquisire maggiori ricavi e promuovere il miglioramento operativo.

Italy March 22, 2022 Invitation Only Virtual italian

Italia 4.0: la convergenza IT e OT è davvero Business Critical?

Come possono i CISO contribuire a portare risultati attraverso la trasformazione digitale? All’interno delle organizzazioni non è sempre semplice affrontare cambiamenti, soprattutto in ambito sicurezza, ed è pertanto fondamentale che la comunicazione tra CIO, CISO e Consiglio di Amministrazione sia chiara e comprensibile, al fine di prendere le giuste decisioni in ambito risk e security nel proprio percorso di Digital Transformation. I recenti incidenti di sicurezza hanno evidenziato quanto il monitoraggio delle reti OT per contrastare le minacce sia importante ed è sempre più chiaro come il ruolo del CISO sia ora più che mai fondamentale per gestire i rischi legati alla sicurezza delle reti all’interno delle organizzazioni, le quali stanno adottando diverse strategie e approcci per implementare e incorporare in maniera efficace ed efficiente la sicurezza OT nel proprio Security Operation Center.

Germany March 22, 2022 Country Members Physical german

AI Convention

Augsburg 22-23. März 2022

Germany March 17, 2022 Country Members Virtual german

Process Driven - Wie Flexibilität und Stabilität eine neue Verbindung eingehen

Virtual Tasting Roundtable

International March 15, 2022 All Members Virtual english


Join us on March 15th at CIOFEST - our biggest Community Event of the year! We are bringing all CIONET countries and 1000+ Digital Leaders together to one glocal conference on “The Data Economy”.

Belgium March 15, 2022 All Members Virtual english

CIOFEST: The Data Economy

Data-centric economy challenges CIOs to find new solutions that can help their organizations harness value from data assets. In this edition of CIOFEST our panelists and speakers will discuss three questions on the topic of data.

Germany March 15, 2022 All Members Virtual german

CIOFEST: The Data Economy

Data-centric economy challenges CIOs to find new solutions that can help their organizations harness value from data assets. In this edition of CIOFEST our panelists and speakers will discuss three questions on the topic of data.

Poland March 15, 2022 All Members Virtual Polish

CIOFEST: The Data Economy

Data-centric economy challenges CIOs to find new solutions that can help their organizations harness value from data assets. In this edition of CIOFEST our panelists and speakers will discuss three questions on the topic of data.

Spain March 15, 2022 All Members Virtual spanish

CIOFEST: The Data Economy

Data-centric economy challenges CIOs to find new solutions that can help their organizations harness value from data assets. In this edition of CIOFEST our panelists and speakers will discuss three questions on the topic of data.

Brazil March 15, 2022 All Members Virtual portuguese

CIOFEST: The Data Economy

Data-centric economy challenges CIOs to find new solutions that can help their organizations harness value from data assets. In this edition of CIOFEST our panelists and speakers will discuss three questions on the topic of data.

Italy March 15, 2022 All Members Virtual italian

CIOFEST: The Data Economy

Data-centric economy challenges CIOs to find new solutions that can help their organizations harness value from data assets. In this edition of CIOFEST our panelists and speakers will discuss three questions on the topic of data.

UK March 15, 2022 All Members Virtual english

CIOFEST: The Data Economy

Data-centric economy challenges CIOs to find new solutions that can help their organizations harness value from data assets. In this edition of CIOFEST our panelists and speakers will discuss three questions on the topic of data.

Latam March 15, 2022 All Members Virtual portuguese

CIOFEST: The Data Economy

Data-centric economy challenges CIOs to find new solutions that can help their organizations harness value from data assets. In this edition of CIOFEST our panelists and speakers will discuss three questions on the topic of data.

Belgium March 10, 2022 All Members Physical french

La cyber-sécurité

Comment se préparer à la reprise

Netherlands March 8, 2022 Invitation Only Physical dutch

CIO diner

Vergt intelligente automatisering vanuit de business een andere aanpak door IT?

Italy March 3, 2022 Public Physical & Virtual italian

IBM Technology in action - Centralità dell'integrazione nella trasformazione digitale

Per affrontare un percorso di trasformazione digitale di successo è indispensabile che le applicazioni e i dati siano interoperabili e integrati. È necessario implementare meccanismi di coesistenza tra sorgenti eterogenee di dati, strutturati e non, e tra applicazioni monolitiche e nuovi paradigmi a microservizi. Le soluzioni IBM forniscono un approccio olistico all’integrazione sia a livello di dati che applicativo, con strumenti evoluti che sposano il concetto di data fabric e di architetture event driven. Ne parliamo il 3 marzo durante l'evento IBM Technology in Action. IBM accompagnerà le aziende in un’esperienza concreta di approfondimento delle soluzioni tecnologiche attraverso: - il racconto delle aziende del proprio percorso di trasformazione - demo live condivise dai nostri esperti Modera l'evento Veronica Ruggeri, conduttrice inviata de Le Iene. L'evento si terrà in livestreaming da IBM Studios con la possibilità di partecipare in presenza.

Germany March 3, 2022 Country Members Physical german

CIONET Meet-Up in Frankfurt am Main

10 Punkte, die Ihre IT-Strategie erfolgreich machen. Networking Dinner mit Impulsvortrag von Bernd Hilgenberg, Strategieberater & CIONET Advisory Board Mitglied.

UK March 2, 2022 Public Virtual english

How the CFO and CIO can collaborate to accelerate enterprise automation

A recent RPA survey of leading European CIOs, sponsored by UiPath and conducted by CIONET illustrates the challenges and opportunities relating to these emerging techniques. The issues addressed for both the CFO and CIO

Spain March 2, 2022 Invitation Only Virtual spanish


Arranque del Círculo de Trabajo multisectorial para anticipar y resolver los grandes retos de las compañías en torno a la ciberseguridad. Seis sesiones anuales.

UK February 24, 2022 Public Virtual english

How to work securely in a hybrid environment

how zero trust can improve security posture and drive transformation regardless of underlying legacy technologies.

Poland February 24, 2022 Country Members Physical Polish

Optymalny model cyberbezpieczeństwa

Jak skutecznie i szybko, a jednocześnie bezpiecznie wdrażać zmiany, systemy, nowe aplikacje, produkty w firmie? Security i technologie wbudowane w biznes.

Germany February 24, 2022 Country Members Virtual german

Agile Work - Arbeitseffizienz und Begeisterung perfekt kombiniert

Virtual Tasting Roundtable

UK February 23, 2022 Public Virtual english

Taking control over your journey to cloud

The challenges and opportunities of a cloud-first strategy both in terms of Dev Op (cloud based agile applications) and Run Op (cloud governance)

Belgium February 22, 2022 Invitation Only Physical english

Tackling the myths of AI

During this exclusive dinner at Volta in Gent, we will tackle these commonly heard myths that keep you from using AI to rapidly make jobs more fulfilling, turn people into the best version of themselves, and grow your company.

Italy February 22, 2022 Invitation Only Virtual italian

CXO CLUB Digital Transformation

La trasformazione digitale è un fenomeno sempre più pervasivo dove ogni traguardo raggiunto è un successo. Al centro della trasformazione c'è la tecnologia. Tuttavia, i leader comprendono che la tecnologia è solo una parte dell'equazione, il fattore abilitante per velocità e agilità. Infatti una trasformazione digitale di successo richiede cambiamenti culturali che facilitino nuovi modi di pensare, lavorare e risolvere i problemi. Nel corso dell’evento parleremo di come oggi più di ieri è fondamentale implementare questi servizi che non sono fini a se stessi ma sono il lasciapassare verso la creazione di una vera e propria visione per il futuro.

Italy February 17, 2022 Public Virtual italian

Digital culture & human factor: Accelerate your transformation

Come rendere di successo il percorso di trasformazione digitale all'interno della propria organizzazione? La risposta è: con la cultura dell’innovazione.

Italy February 17, 2022 Invitation Only Virtual italian

CISO & Cyber Resilienza: Consapevolezza, Prevenzione e Digital Transformation

La sicurezza informatica tradizionale si è sempre basata su un approccio lineare, prevedibile e in qualche modo statico. Con l'avvento della pandemia, le organizzazioni hanno dovuto adattarsi a cambiamenti senza precedenti per supportare la resilienza aziendale e organizzativa. In questo scenario, i CISO sono stati costretti a supportare i cambiamenti della forza lavoro, affrontare maggiori preoccupazioni sulle minacce interne, proteggere una superficie di rischio estesa, a causa di dipendenti che richiedono un accesso sicuro da qualsiasi luogo e qualsiasi dispositivo ed accedono ad internet e alle applicazioni aziendali che ormai risiedono ovunque: dal data center tradizionale a qualche parte nel cloud. La superficie di attacco non è mai stata più ampia soprattutto ora che le applicazioni aziendali sono distribuite tra cloud IaaS ed il data center. Insomma, se in passato i CISO erano abituati a chiedersi: siamo sicuri? Oggi la nuova domanda che deve essere sollevata tra CISO, CIO, Chief Manufacturing Officer, Chief Medical Officer e altri dirigenti è: siamo cyber-resilienti? La cyber-resilienza è la capacità di un’organizzazione di gestire al meglio la propria attività durante una violazione dei dati o un cyber attacco, in modo da garantire l’availability dell’intero sistema ICT. Per mantenere le loro reti e dati sensibili al sicuro, le aziende non hanno altra scelta che ricalibrare il loro approccio alla sicurezza intorno ad utenti remoti ed accessi.

Italy February 15, 2022 Invitation Only Physical & Virtual italian

IBM Technology in Action - Redefining Cyber Resilience with IBM FlashSystem

Proteggi i tuoi dati e riparti con il tuo business: le soluzioni IBM Storage La seconda edizione della serie di eventi 2022 dedicata all'approfondimento della tecnologia IBM è dedicata allo Storage. Gli attacchi informatici sono una costante e crescente minaccia e malgrado l'adozione di misure di identificazione e prevenzione c'è la possibilità (non remota) che un attacco violi le difese. Le soluzioni storage devono quindi garantire non solo la protezione, ma anche il ripristino dei dati in modo rapido così da minimizzare i danni sul business, consentendo tempi di recupero che passano da giorni ad ore. I nuovi sistemi storage IBM FlashSystem garantiscono la disponibilità di strumenti di cyber resilience senza rinunciare alle prestazioni e senza compromettere le funzionalità delle applicazioni aziendali. In particolare, la soluzione IBM Cyber Vault basata sulle snapshot di IBM Safeguarded Copy è pensata per velocizzare le fasi di identificazione di un attacco e di ripristino dei dati. Durante l'evento approfondiremo: - Il portfolio IBM Storage per la Cyber Resilience/ L'IBM Storage Cyber Resiliency Framework - Gli ultimi annunci IBM FlashSystem - La soluzione IBM Cyber Vault for FlashSystem - Casi d'uso/demo L'evento si terrà in livestreaming da IBM Studios con la possibilità di partecipare in presenza.

UK February 9, 2022 Country Members Physical english

Are You Cloud First or Cloud Last?

Exclusive Executive Roundtable discussing how a hybrid solution can take advantage of cloud offerings as well as preserving a safe and efficient on-premise environment.

Germany February 9, 2022 Country Members Virtual german

Public meets Industry: Cybersicherheit

Roundtable Diskussion mit CIOs und IT Leiter aus der Privatwirtschaft und dem öffentlichen Dienst

Belgium February 8, 2022 Invitation Only Virtual english

Are you Cloud First or Cloud Lasts

Over the last few years most organisations have adopted a ‘cloud-first’ strategy for their compute and storage needs. During this round table, we'll discuss whether these choices made on facts, culture or perception and whether the envisaged benefits are attained.

Germany February 1, 2022 Country Members Physical german

Herausforderungen bei der Einführung einer KI Strategie

CO-CREATION WORKSHOP mit anschließendem CIO Networking Dinner

Belgium January 27, 2022 All Members Virtual english

Annual Event - CIONET BE

Get inspired at the start of the year! Learn from different thought leaders and digital experts. In good CIONET tradition, our Annual Event will be a Ted-style event with a dozen top speakers inspiring us 12 to 15 minutes each.

Spain January 26, 2022 Country Members Virtual spanish



UK January 26, 2022 All Members Virtual english

UK Community Business Program

A look at 2022 Trends in terms of industry and business outlook, emerging technologies

Belgium January 21, 2022 Invitation Only Virtual english

The inevitable Multi-Cloud

During this round table, we want to jointly create the DEFINITIVE GUIDE for successful implementation of a multi-cloud organisation.

UK January 20, 2022 All Members Virtual english

Exclusive Wine Tasting

The move to hybrid working and multi-cloud services has expanded cyber threat vectors dramatically

Germany January 20, 2022 Country Members Virtual german

Data Driven - mehr Daten, mehr Business, mehr Erfolg

Roundtable mit exklusiver Honig-Probe

International January 19, 2022 All Members Virtual english


In this edition of CIONEXT we examine how the CIO and CFO can jointly create a Fully Automated Enterprise by utilising robotics, citizen’s development and AI.

Italy January 18, 2022 Public Virtual italian


La gestione strategica dei dati e degli asset digitali non è un tema tecnologico ma coincide con la strategia delle aziende. All’interno della digital transformation è necessario individuare una roadmap che riesca a conciliare processi, competenze e infrastrutture.

Belgium January 18, 2022 Invitation Only Virtual english

Innovate with Customer Data

Data strategies inspire great customer experiences with opportunities to change, innovate, and progress. During this roundtable dinner we will dig deeper into how to achieve this data foundation.

Germany January 14, 2022 Country Members Physical german

CIONET Meet-Up in München

Wie werden wir in Zukunft arbeiten? Wie sieht das Büro der Zukunft aus und wie müssen sich Leadership und Kultur verändern? - Breakfast Meeting mit Impulsvortrag von Harald Greiner, VP IT & Technology, Holzbrinck

Belgium December 16, 2021 AB Members Physical english

AB Christmas Dinner

At the Advisory Board Christmas Party, we'll work on the CIONET community program for 2022.

International December 15, 2021 All Members Virtual english

EDLOTY21 - Final Ceremony

In this edition, the winners of the European Digital Leader of the Year 2021 award will discuss their priorities, challenges and opportunities in 2022.

Belgium December 14, 2021 Invitation Only Virtual english

Orchestrate Enterprise Security

An exclusive online lunch to discuss the latest insights on security orchestration.

Belgium December 2, 2021 All Members Physical english

Being Data-driven

How can your organisation generate more value from the data it gathers? What can we learn from smaller organisations that outpace corporates by their innovative way of using data? Join us to thoroughly discuss these questions with our panel.

Italy December 2, 2021 All Members Physical italian

Safety First in a sky full of clouds

Executive Event in collaborazione con Broadcom

Poland December 1, 2021 Country Members Physical Polish

Holistyczne podejście do cyberbezpieczeństwa

Zmiana kultury organizacyjnej - wszyscy w równym stopniu odpowiadamy za bezpieczeństwo: CEO, zarząd, biznes, IT, security i pracownicy.

UK November 24, 2021 All Members Virtual english

Britain's Got Digital Talent

Join us at our final Business Community Program for the year on 24th November 1700 -1900 GMT as we speak to an interesting panel of thought leaders to discuss the CIO’s role in managing their global talents.

International November 10, 2021 Public Virtual english

EDLOTY21 - Session 2 (B2B & B2C)

In this edition, the B2B and B2C categories share their experiences in solving the burning challenges of leadership, digital transformation and IT management.

Belgium November 9, 2021 All Members Physical english

Digital Sustainability

How can Digital Leaders contribute to a Sustainability Culture in their organisations? We will have a conversation on the importance of Design Thinking, Procurement, Agility, Culture, Service Delivery and IT-structures for a CIO’s contribution to sustainability.

International November 9, 2021 Public Virtual english

Digital Leadership Report 2021 - launch event

Belgium October 28, 2021 Invitation Only Physical english

Towards the Fully Automated Enterprise

End-to-end automation has become imperative to solve productivity challenges in a hybrid post-pandemic world. It is interesting to delve into the role of the CIO and the IT function in this digital transformation process and what the most commonly adopted approaches are when it comes to automation.

Belgium October 27, 2021 Public Virtual english

Cybersecurity conference Stefanini EUROPE

Join us on October 27th and learn from the best how you can protect AND grow your business.

Belgium October 26, 2021 Invitation Only Virtual english

Cognizant Virtual RT

This event allows you to take an exclusive peek behind the scenes of this F1 team. Are you interested to know more about how they leverage technology?

Belgium October 21, 2021 Invitation Only Physical english

Salesforce RT

Within months, companies transformed sales processes into seemless, virtual selling solutions. During this Physical Round Table, we will discuss whether these clever technologies have past the litmus test.

Brazil October 21, 2021 All Members Virtual portuguese

Cadê meu cientista de dados?

Cada vez mais as empresas estão envolvidas com o processo de imersão digital e o papel do "especialista de dados" se torna ainda mais imperativo. Porém o mercado está escasso.

Belgium October 19, 2021 Invitation Only Physical english

Dell Healthcare Physical Placeholder

Regardless of hospitals' geographic location, they should always have access to a patient's latest medical record in order to provide first class care. But is this in fact the case today? In what way are regulations helping/hurting the exchange of medical data between care centers? What are the benefits and challenges of the collaboration between hospitals? Where does Security play a role in all of this?

Belgium October 19, 2021 Invitation Only Virtual english

Adobe RT - Customer Experience

How will organisations prepare for modern, contextual customer journeys in this post-cookie world and how will this data be organised ?

Belgium October 12, 2021 Invitation Only Virtual english

UiPath European Automation Powertalk

Let's explore how you can reinvent your business by becoming a Fully Automated Enterprise.

Belgium October 5, 2021 Invitation Only Virtual english

Cloud native Applications

We discuss cloud-native application development technologies and how they can be combined with existing approaches to create a robust, productive IT-systems.

Belgium September 23, 2021 All Members Physical english

LCL Regatta

Belgium September 23, 2021 All Members Physical english

Deloitte Cycling Club

Join our club of Belgian CIO Cyclists! Christian Combes, Yves Rombauts and Luc Hendrikx invite you personally to become part of the CIONET Cycling Club.

UK September 22, 2021 All Members Virtual english

UK Community Event

In the age of the connected customer where Technology increasingly underpins customer experience, what’s the role of CX & the CIO in shaping an integrated 360 degree customer experience?

Belgium September 21, 2021 Invitation Only Physical english

Tanium RT - Mind the Gap

During this Physical Round Table, your peers will help you discover how SecOps can help and what the major challenges are over an exquisite three course dinner.

International September 15, 2021 All Members Virtual english

EDLOTY21 - Session 1 - (FIN & GOV)

What are the biggest achievements of top European Digital Leaders?

Belgium September 14, 2021 Invitation Only Virtual english

Intelligent Operations

Join us for this exclusive CIONET Round Table to discuss with peers how to use AI in transforming both business and IT-operations.

Belgium August 26, 2021 All Members Physical english

Summer Celebration

The CIONET Summer Celebration is all about networking with peers, admiring the amazing art at Verbeke Foundation, listening to inspiring speakers and enjoying good food while sipping on a cold beverage.

Brazil August 25, 2021 Country Members Virtual portuguese

Inteligência Artificial entregando suas promessas para o negócio

Nesse Encontro Virtual CIONET Brazil, vamos conversar com especialistas e líderes digitais sobre cases de aplicação de Inteligência Artificial que entregaram resultado efetivo aos negócios; ou seja, cumpriram sua promessa.

UK July 7, 2021 All Members Virtual english

UK Community Event - What's Next for Britain?

We will be bringing together inspirational speakers whom CIONET believe could be the next “big thing” to watch out for. Our panel discussions will cover what should be at the top of CIO's business agenda in the next 3-5 years and what new disruptors might emerge in the next 5-10 years that they should watch out for.

Belgium June 30, 2021 AB Members Physical english

AB Walk in the vineyard - Rudi Peeters

Belgium June 29, 2021 Invitation Only Virtual english

F5 - Don't miss the Boat

In this conference we will discuss with key players such as Vopak, Politie Antwerpen, CEPA and Van Oord how Business Innovation can and must go hand in hand with Security. The role and strategy of IT and Digital in critical infrastructures is the focus of our debate.

Belgium June 24, 2021 Invitation Only Virtual english


Are you one of the 93% of organisations working across multiple clouds? Is that creating the 30-40% savings you expect on your multi-cloud elements? And does it enable new delivery models to improve business results?

Brazil June 24, 2021 All Members Physical portuguese

Novas habilidades para que um CIO seja mais efetivo

Belgium June 23, 2021 Invitation Only Physical english

UiPath Elite CIO roundtable

Belgium June 15, 2021 Invitation Only Virtual english

Google Cloud Roundtable: The Modern Alchemist

We would like to invite you to a virtual round table event to discuss how data resources can be rapidly converted into valuable business insights.

Belgium June 10, 2021 All Members Virtual english

Web Conference for netskope UK & Benelux

We will be exploring which supplementary transformation projects are essential and why; navigating board-level and budget discussions and asking how can CIOs improve collaboration within their own teams to avoid friction?

Belgium June 8, 2021 All Members Virtual english

Customer first

How do you win the customer in the digital age? How do you listen to and interact with customers? CIONET has completed a research program to evaluate just how we can engage more closely with our customers and will present the findings during our event.

Belgium June 3, 2021 Invitation Only Virtual english

1st Round table for IBM (H1)

The benefits of the cloud are clear, but the specific security and regulatory requirements of regulated industries need to be addressed. Join us to discuss with other Digital Leaders from regulated sectors such as: Finance, Healthcare, Telecom and Public sector, how this can be done.

International June 2, 2021 All Members Virtual english

CIONEXT 6 - Red Hat

In this edition we'll dive into Open Innovation and the role of 3 critical elements: Open Culture, Open Processes and Open Technology. We'll go beyond the "transformation" hype and discuss how top Digital Leaders effectively approach the innovation journey, the challenges they have faced and the results to date.

Belgium May 27, 2021 All Members Virtual english

Innovation at the speed of business

Are you one of the 93% of organisations working across multiple clouds? Is that creating the 30-40% savings you expect on your multi-cloud elements? And does it enable new delivery models to improve business results?

UK May 26, 2021 All Members Virtual english

UK Community Event - Digital Britain

Join us on 26th May where we have an impressive line-up of top speakers from our government, academia and industry around digital leadership within the next ten years. The event will include a plenary session followed by a panel discussion and Q&A session

Belgium May 20, 2021 All Members Physical english

Basic IT hygene

Nowadays in addition to Cyber ​​Security protection, basic IT hygiene is the basis of a balanced structure to prevent cyber attacks. The question is not if, but when your company will be attacked and how resilient your organisation is to quickly get back on its feet.

Belgium May 18, 2021 Invitation Only Virtual english

Round table for Adobe: Building a better customer experience through a CIO – CMO partnership

During this virtual lunch event we want to share experiences on how the partnership between a CIO and CMO can have a very positive impact on the experience customers have with your organisation.

Belgium May 14, 2021 All Members Physical english

Deloitte Cycling Club

Join our club of Belgian CIO Cyclists! Christian Combes, Yves Rombauts and Luc Hendrikx invite you personally to become part of the CIONET Cycling Club.

Brazil May 6, 2021 Country Members Virtual portuguese

Como elaborar e apresentar um business case de soluções digitais?

Cada vez mais os Líderes de TI (CIOs, CTOs, CDOs) estão sendo desafiados a liderar iniciativas de transformação digital em suas empresas. Um dos grandes desafios para este papel é conseguir aprovar e efetivamente obter resultados para o negócio.

International May 5, 2021 All Members Virtual english


In this edition of CIONEXT we explore how you can reinvent your business by becoming a Fully Automated Enterprise.

Belgium May 4, 2021 Invitation Only Virtual english

Red Hat - Multi Cloud

The future will be multi-cloud, as we all realise by now. You may want to hear from your peers.

Belgium April 27, 2021 All Members Virtual english

The Future of Work

The corona crisis has triggered a period of fundamental technological and socio-economic transformation: we are witnessing 20 years of change in just 12 months. CIONET has undertaken a strategic study on the largest shift in working practices in modern times, with a focus on 3 core areas. In this CIONET Community event we will discuss our findings with C-level executives and learn from their insights and vision for the future of work.

Belgium April 20, 2021 All Members Virtual english

UIPAth Roundtable : Reinventing business – Reinventing work

During this round table we explore how you can reinvent your business by becoming a Fully Automated Enterprise.

UK April 14, 2021 AB Members Physical english

UK Advisory Board meeting

UK April 1, 2021 All Members Virtual english


UK March 25, 2021 All Members Physical english

Domo wine tasting

Belgium March 23, 2021 Invitation Only Virtual english (Business Innovation)

Because technology is vital to most companies’ bottom lines, no matter the product or service sold, CIO’s can no longer be perceived as pure technical experts. As technology continues to advance the CIO is becoming more influential.

Belgium March 18, 2021 All Members Virtual english

BMC Devoteam : Data = Rock on which our kingdom is build

Having a complete and reliable picture of the entire IT infrastructure, servers, personal computers, applications, smartphones, cameras and connected objects can help gain a business advantage by increasing flexibility, reliability and robustness of your IT infrastructure.

UK March 18, 2021 All Members Virtual english

Domo wine tasting

Belgium March 16, 2021 All Members Virtual dutch

Fox IT - Digital firedrill

What can we learn from CISOs and experts from DPG Media, Schiphol Airport and Fox-IT concerning Cyber crisis management and becoming cyber resilient?

International March 11, 2021 All Members Virtual english

CIOFEST : Agile or Fragile

Many companies are racing to modernise their ‘core’ operations by agile developments. Does this hype of ‘digital transformation’ make organisations more fragile as it moves data and business processes out of ERP systems?

UK March 10, 2021 All Members Virtual english

ServiceNow & EY Future of the CISO

In this CISO Connect Series, we invite leading members of the community to share and discuss the challenges and opportunities of this rapid elevation in your role.

Belgium March 2, 2021 Invitation Only Virtual french

Trend Micro Cybersecurity

Organisations that aggregate, correlate, and analyse signals across multiple security controls experience fewer successful attacks, have a better overall security posture, and live with less daily stress on their teams. During this exclusive lunch experiences will be shared on these threats and how you can prepare.

UK February 25, 2021 All Members Physical english

Redhat Round Table

Belgium February 18, 2021 All Members Virtual english

Software AG : Customer Trust

We are entering the third wave of digitalisation which will once more result in far-reaching changes to society. The third wave of digitalisation is the truly connected enterprise. The consequence of pervasive connectivity is huge because it connects the physical world of machines with apps and with on-premise IT.

UK February 4, 2021 All Members Virtual english


Adobe, a global leader in document management, invites you to a virtual event on 4th February to discuss just how its wide range of tools can assist in enhancing collaboration and productivity in the distributed workplace.

Belgium February 4, 2021 All Members Virtual english

F5 delaware MS :Heavy lifting in the cloud, the Future of Heavy Workloads

What are the reasons to move to the cloud? We look forward to hear about your experiences, challenges, concerns, plans and projects.

UK January 28, 2021 All Members Virtual english

UK Dine event Ring central

Since March last year, IT leaders have worked to support their remote workforces. Despite these incredible efforts, companies still face IT challenges as employees continue to work from anywhere in 2021.

Belgium January 28, 2021 All Members Virtual english

BE Annual Event

Get inspired at the start of the year! Learn from different thought leaders and digital experts, and network with over 100 of your peers at this insightful gathering.

UK January 27, 2021 All Members Virtual english

UK Community event

Leaders of the IT community are being recognised now as heroes of the 2020 pandemic, having facilitated the seamless transfer of millions of workers from office to home in a matter of days. Having rightfully earned such recognition, digital leaders must now engage with their peers to help businesses prepare for a post pandemic era where we move from ‘doing things differently’ to ‘doing different things’.

UK January 21, 2021 All Members Virtual english

UK Dine Ivanti

Belgium December 17, 2020 AB Members Physical english

AB Christmas dinner

International December 15, 2020 All Members Virtual italian

CIO+ Italia Award 2020

UK December 10, 2020 All Members Virtual english

UK Dine GitLab

Gitlab invites you to hear Cindy Blake, author of a recent report on ‘ten steps every CISO should take to secure next-gen software’ and to participate in discussion on the 10th December at a CIONET virtual event.

Belgium December 7, 2020 All Members Virtual english

Building Capabilities in Ecosystems

CIONET is organising it’s next community event on Monday 7/12/20 on the topic of Building Digital Capabilities in Ecosystems.

Belgium December 4, 2020 All Members Virtual english

WIPRO lunch session

As part of a small exclusive group of Digital Leaders, you will exchange ideas on how to build a digital operating model for your organisation.

UK December 3, 2020 All Members Virtual english

UK Dine CloudHealth

How can CIOs ensure that they are getting the most from their multi-cloud strategies by adopting the best tools and governance principles?

Spain December 2, 2020 All Members Physical spanish

La aceleración del cambio en Infraestructuras y Operaciones

Belgium December 2, 2020 All Members Virtual english

Culture of Innovation - Red Hat Round Table with Rudi Peeters

As part of a small exclusive group of Digital Leaders, you'll discuss how you build a culture of innovation in your organisation.

UK December 2, 2020 AB Members Physical english

UK Advisory Board

Belgium November 26, 2020 All Members Virtual english

IBM lunch - A Faster, More Secure Journey To Cloud Trusted By Thousands Of Enterprises

If you want to learn from Maxwell Keyte and Anna van Wassenaer, top security experts and though leaders, on how to strengthen your security control environments, reduce consistent threats, and provide standardised risk management in a multi-cloud infrastructure, join this event about "Cloud Security, Governance & Compliance".

Spain November 25, 2020 All Members Physical spanish

Fail Fast Culture

Belgium November 24, 2020 All Members Virtual english

Cognizant - Transforming while performing

Join us during a virtual cocktail event alongside Andres Angelani, author of the book Transforming while Performing, Maaike Rijkers and Fred Van Pouderoijen, both Head IT within the Payments Domain at Rabobank. We will discuss transformational partnerships, lessons from the book, and what it means to "engineer outcomes."

International November 18, 2020 All Members Virtual english


UK November 12, 2020 All Members Virtual english

CIONET LIVE & Fujitsu Wine Tasting: Unleashing your corporate data assets – Co-creation is the best way forward

Fujitsu invites you to a virtual event on 12 th November to discuss how a ‘co-creation’ approach can help accelerate you on the journey towards a ‘data-driven’ organisation.

Belgium November 12, 2020 All Members Virtual dutch

Rethink Workplace security - rerun

Recent shifts such as increased remote working, mean you're facing greater security challenges, with a broader attack surface and greater exposure to threats. Your risk posture has fundamentally altered. Now is an ideal time to rethink your security strategy.

UK October 29, 2020 All Members Virtual english

CIONET LIVE WINE TASTING: Getting the most out of DevOps and Cloud Native Environments

GitLab, a global leader in DevOps, invites you to a virtual event to be held on 29th October. Distinguished speakers will examine how modern, complete DevOps platforms such as those provided by Gitlab can address these current issues and thus accelerate the speed and consistency of digital transformation across your organisation.

Belgium October 27, 2020 All Members Virtual english

Digitize your workforce

Discover how Colruyt, CM, Daimler/Mercedes-Benz and Deloitte prepared their employees for the digital world!

Spain October 21, 2020 All Members Physical spanish

Annual Event #lacasadeCIONET

El Encuentro Anual de CIONET sigue siendo la mejor de las excusas para disfrutar del reencuentro social y el reconocimiento profesional de todos y cada uno de nuestros miembros y partners. Ven a aprender, reírte y compartir experiencias en La Casa de CIONET.

Italy October 15, 2020 All Members Virtual italian

Deep Dive into Data Intelligence

Un viaggio virtuale nel mondo della Data Intelligence per conoscere le esperienze e le soluzioni adottate per dare valore alla quantità sempre più grande di dati che persone, aziende e macchine producono a un ritmo costante e per condividere come la Data Intelligence sia fondamentale nelle scelte strategiche del business e presenti nuove opportunità di crescita.

Belgium October 6, 2020 All Members Virtual english


CIONET is hosting a virtual ‘wine tasting’ event to discuss best practices in cloud management together with selected Digital Leaders. Günther Ghijsels and Jurgen Moortgat of Randstad will share how they leverage CloudHealth by vmware to tackle this challenge. Roger Camrass of CIONET UK will share the insights from a discussion with leading British CIOs on this subject.

Belgium October 1, 2020 All Members Physical & Virtual english

Train your digital workforce

Adapt or be left behind; that is the demand of the new digital economy. Before an employer can learn how to collaborate with new machine partners, it must first train employees to reap all the benefits.

Belgium September 29, 2020 All Members Virtual english

IBM Round Table

Join us to discuss with other Digital Leaders in Financial Services how this can be done. Also discover how BNP Paribas, Bank of America and IBM join forces to bank on a new kind of Public Cloud. The exclusive Chocolate Tasting will make it a sweet experience.

Italy September 24, 2020 All Members Virtual italian

Deep Dive into World 4.0

In un contesto in continuo cambiamento, l'Italia sta cercando di promuovere un'azione di trasformazione digitale per condividere una visione che pone il cittadino e i servizi pubblici al centro di un paese realmente intelligente.

Belgium September 24, 2020 All Members Virtual dutch

Fox IT

Liever voorkomen dan genezen; welke invloed heeft ransomware op de business continuïteit?

Belgium September 24, 2020 All Members Virtual english

Automate and modernize

As part of a small exclusive group of Digital Leaders, you'll discuss how you plan and navigate the path to cutting edge applications. Our common challenge is to create new products and services that can be created quickly and scale, which means using the right cloud technologies.

International September 16, 2020 All Members Virtual english

CIONEXT Award Ceremony

In this edition, the winners of the European Digital Leader of the Year 2020 award will discuss how customer centricity can accelerate growth and sustainability for the post-COVID era.

UK September 10, 2020 All Members Virtual english

Getting to grips with a multi-cloud world

How can CIOs ensure that they are getting the most from their multi-cloud strategies by adopting the best tools and governance principles?

Belgium August 27, 2020 All Members Physical english

Summer celebration

The first post-lockdown F2F gathering of Belgian Digital Leaders at Dolce La Hulpe.

Brazil August 26, 2020 All Members Virtual portuguese


No dia 26 teremos o Encontro virtual CIONET Brazil e será abordado o tema “Redefinindo estratégias diante do novo cenário”. Teremos um painel moderado por Gustavo Caetano da Sambatech com especialistas para discutir sobre novas tendências, modelos, hábitos e comportamentos que estão impactando a estratégia além de insights do mercado internacional.

UK July 23, 2020 All Members Virtual english

Virtual Wine Tasting: Keeping a firm eye on your distributed IT estate

IVANTI is a leader in end point management and IT asset management and is hosting a virtual ‘wine’ event to discuss best practices in distributed working.

UK July 22, 2020 All Members Virtual english

Rethinking Workplace Security

Recent shifts such as increased remote working, mean you're facing greater security challenges, with a broader attack surface and greater exposure to threats. Your risk posture has fundamentally altered. Now is an ideal time to rethink your security strategy.

Spain July 15, 2020 All Members Physical spanish


International July 8, 2020 All Members Virtual english

Key Learnings from Silicon Valley CIOs

Join two seasoned leaders in a behind-the-scenes discussion of what it takes to succeed as a Silicon Valley CIO.

Italy July 7, 2020 All Members Virtual italian

Deep Dive Into The Industry

In questo contesto, l'impiego di tecnologie, come AI, ML, IoT e blockchain è fondamentale per tutte le più importanti e innovative organizzazioni, non solo per un risparmio dei costi, ma per trovare nuove soluzioni per affrontare un what's next sempre più imprevedibile.

Spain July 3, 2020 All Members Physical spanish


UK July 1, 2020 Public Virtual english


International June 26, 2020 All Members Virtual english

CIONEXT 2nd edition

Featuring some of the most accomplished CIOs of Europe. The Finance and Public focused sectors of the European CIO of the Year 2019 program will be featured in an in-depth video interview during CIONEXT.

Belgium June 24, 2020 All Members Virtual english

IBM Round table

We will discuss how you continuously leverage data to build customer trust, create cultures of data-based decision makers and become adept at sharing data with ecosystem partners without giving away competitive edge.

International June 10, 2020 All Members Virtual english

International Web Conference

Companies are preparing for the new normal by challenging and changing their core organisational behaviour, their hierarchies and their offerings. IT is central in reinventing our organisations. CIONET is calling a Global Web Conference. Let's discuss, exchange and learn.

UK June 3, 2020 All Members Virtual english

The rush to distributed working - Is your current IT organisation fit for purpose

New Signature and Microsoft invite you to a virtual event on 3rd June to discuss current challenges to IT structures and to share the opportunities presented by AZURE and the Microsoft tool kit for distributed working.

Belgium June 2, 2020 All Members Virtual english

AI Success stories

The most exciting technology of the moment, according to our Digital Leaders, now used by many - let’s showcase the best AI projects of our members.

Belgium May 28, 2020 All Members Virtual english

Sourcing revisited

This workshop is the start of a recurring get-together of CIOs and vendor managers to share best practices and learnings around the sourcing and organization of their IT work. These sessions are facilitated by sourcing advisors S-square.

Spain May 28, 2020 All Members Virtual spanish

Radar CIONET: Covid 19, lecciones aprendidas

Con un formato digital y dinámico, nos reuniremos dos jueves al mes a las 16:00h CET en sesiones de 30' donde compartir experiencias y aprendizajes sobre la gestión de la crisis en nuestras organizaciones y conocer las claves tecnológicas para afrontar con éxito este nuevo reto. ¿Nos acompañas en la próxima sesión?

Belgium May 26, 2020 All Members Virtual dutch

Uipath Fusion Conference BENL- NEDERLANDS - : Executive Web Conference - Beer & Cheese & Quiz

In deze Web conferentie onderzoekt CIONET hoe robots ons kunnen helpen businessprocessen rigoureus om te gooien en te optimaliseren. Maar ook hoe RPA er voor zorgt om grote achterstanden te managen, weg te werken en om te turnen naar winst en kostenbesparingen.

Spain May 21, 2020 All Members Virtual spanish

Radar CIONET: Evolución del Covid 19 e impacto mundial

Con un formato digital y dinámico, nos reuniremos dos jueves al mes a las 16:00h CET en sesiones de 30' donde compartir experiencias y aprendizajes sobre la gestión de la crisis en nuestras organizaciones y conocer las claves tecnológicas para afrontar con éxito este nuevo reto. ¿Nos acompañas en la próxima sesión?

International May 20, 2020 All Members Virtual english

International Web Conference: Serving The Client in crisis

The Corona crisis has presented our organisations, and therefore our IT departments with major obstacles and challenges. CIOs stood up to lead their organisations to overcome the impact of economic disruption.

Belgium May 19, 2020 All Members Virtual english

Uipath Fusion Conference BENL- ENGLISH - : Executive Web Conference - Beer & Cheese & Quiz

The Corona crisis forces all of us to be super creative, re-invent ourselves & our business and to save cash and reduce expenses. In this Web conference CIONET researches how robots can help us to dramatically automate business processes and how RPA allows us to manage huge backlogs into profits and cost savings.

Netherlands May 15, 2020 All Members Physical dutch

IT Leaders Cycling Challenge

UK May 14, 2020 All Members Virtual english

Managing the shift to Apple as we enter remote working

In just a matter of a few weeks millions of employees and business owners have left their offices in the UK to work from home. Many of these people will opt for domestic devices such as iPhones and Mac’s in preference to corporate ones. The era of ‘Bring your own Device’ (BYOD) might finally be upon us.

Belgium May 13, 2020 All Members Virtual english

BE Web Conference: Staying Safe and Sound

What is the impact of this crisis on e.g. our universities, our banks, our government or our service companies? How do CIOs use this opportunity to shine and lead the way into a new and better normal? Let's talk about that!

Germany May 13, 2020 All Members Virtual english

Best practices of successful Customer Experience Projects

We will introduce proven best practices for successful customer experience projects and share practical experiences in implementing and executing those projects in vaious environments.

UK May 13, 2020 All Members Virtual english

How to cope with remote working in turbulent times

BlackBerry invites you to a virtual roundtable, moderated by CIONET, to discuss what are the most urgent issues amongst leading law firms and where solutions have been implemented successfully.

Spain May 13, 2020 All Members Virtual spanish

Pasado, Presente y Futuro

Spain May 7, 2020 All Members Virtual spanish

Radar CIONET: Covid 19, ¿Y ahora qué?

Con un formato digital y dinámico, nos reuniremos dos jueves al mes a las 16:00h CET en sesiones de 30' donde compartir experiencias y aprendizajes sobre la gestión de la crisis en nuestras organizaciones y conocer las claves tecnológicas para afrontar con éxito este nuevo reto. ¿Nos acompañas en la próxima sesión?

Spain April 30, 2020 All Members Virtual spanish

Radar CIONET: Mitigando los efectos de una pandemia con Low Code

Con un formato digital y dinámico, nos reuniremos dos jueves al mes a las 16:00h CET en sesiones de 30' donde compartir experiencias y aprendizajes sobre la gestión de la crisis en nuestras organizaciones y conocer las claves tecnológicas para afrontar con éxito este nuevo reto. ¿Nos acompañas en la próxima sesión?

Belgium April 29, 2020 All Members Virtual english

CIONET Belgium Web Conference

What is the impact of this crisis on e.g. our universities, our banks, our government or our service companies? How do CIOs use this opportunity to shine and lead the way into a new and better normal? Let's talk about that!

Germany April 28, 2020 All Members Virtual german

Digitale Transformation: Eine Lernreise des Hessischen Rundfunks

Was haben wir bisher gelernt? Und wie kann die IT den Organisationen helfen, diese historische Krise bestmöglich zu überstehen? CIONET in Deutschland lädt Sie zu dieser interaktiven Web Konferenz ein. Lassen Sie uns darüber diskutieren, uns miteinander austauschen und voneinander lernen!

Brazil April 28, 2020 All Members Virtual portuguese

Criatividade e Inovação

O tema a ser debatido é “Combatendo a crise com T.I. e criatividade”. Serão discutidos cases e inovações que têm contribuído com o momento atual.

Belgium April 23, 2020 All Members Virtual english

Designed for Digital - CIONET Belgium Virtual Community Event

How is value creation and organizational design affected by digital transformation? What are the opportunities and challenges that digital transformation presents?

Spain April 22, 2020 All Members Virtual spanish

De CIO a CEO / Board Member

Aprenderemos cómo desarrollar los atributos fundamentales de una marca personal única, y las claves del éxito para formar parte de un Consejo Asesor.

International April 22, 2020 All Members Virtual english

Leadership in the Next Normal

How do CIOs today lead their organisation in this next normal so that IT helps organisations to overcome the impact of Corona on the business. CIONET is calling a third Global Web Conference. Let's discuss, exchange and learn.

Spain April 16, 2020 All Members Virtual spanish

Radar CIONET: Haz frente al Coronavirus con Herramientas colaborativas

Con un formato digital y dinámico, nos reuniremos dos jueves al mes a las 16:00h CET en sesiones de 30' donde compartir experiencias y aprendizajes sobre la gestión de la crisis en nuestras organizaciones y conocer las claves tecnológicas para afrontar con éxito este nuevo reto. ¿Nos acompañas en la próxima sesión?

Belgium April 15, 2020 All Members Virtual english

Data & Technology against Covid-19 - CIONET Belgium Web Conference

Corona continues to hurt our country, our economy, our organisations, and our IT. How can Data & Technology be used in the fight against Covid-19? What is the impact on the security situation and what is the impact on the personal life of our people? Let's talk about that!

Germany April 14, 2020 All Members Virtual german

Leading IT in Krisenzeiten - Lessons Learned Part1

Was haben wir bisher gelernt? Und wie kann die IT den Organisationen helfen, diese historische Krise bestmöglich zu überstehen? CIONET in Deutschland lädt Sie zu dieser interaktiven Web Konferenz ein. Lassen Sie uns darüber diskutieren, uns miteinander austauschen und voneinander lernen!

Italy April 9, 2020 All Members Virtual italian


Un appuntamento virtuale esclusivo per confrontarsi e condividere strategie e best practices adottate in ambito ICT e non solo per riprogrammare e reinventare il proprio business e reagire alla nuova normalità, insieme.

International April 8, 2020 All Members Virtual english

Fighting Corona with IT - CIONET International Web Conference

What have we learned so far? How does IT help organisations to survive this historical crisis? CIONET is calling a second International Web Conference. Let's discuss, exchange and learn!

Portugal April 7, 2020 All Members Virtual portuguese

Webinar | Guia de Trincheiras do Trabalho Remoto

Em um papo descontraído e interativo, Mergulhão dará dicas práticas e falará sobre como gerenciar equipes e continuar sendo produtivo trabalhando remotamente.

Spain April 2, 2020 All Members Virtual spanish

Radar CIONET: Puestos digitales contra el Corona

Con un formato digital y dinámico, nos reuniremos dos jueves al mes a las 16:00h CET en sesiones de 30' donde compartir experiencias y aprendizajes sobre la gestión de la crisis en nuestras organizaciones y conocer las claves tecnológicas para afrontar con éxito este nuevo reto. ¿Nos acompañas en la próxima sesión?

Netherlands April 2, 2020 All Members Virtual dutch


Wegens de huidige gebeurtenissen kunnen Digital Leaders momenteel niet of nauwelijks fysiek met elkaar in gesprek. CIONET Nederland pakt het daarom anders aan! Wij gaan 2 april met Digital Leaders in gesprek tijdens de eerste Nederlandse virtuele CIONET LIVE conferentie van 14:00 uur tot 16:00 uur over 'Cloud innovations en Cloudstrategieën'.

Belgium April 1, 2020 All Members Virtual english

IT Steps up in Corona Times - CIONET Belgium Wake up Web Conference

The role of IT has only become more crucial than ever, and we're all stepping up to help our teams and organisation fight Corona. Let's exchange our learnings, experiences and ongoing issues.

Italy March 27, 2020 AB Members Virtual italian

Virtual AB meeting

Spain March 26, 2020 All Members Virtual spanish

Radar CIONET: Ciberseguridad en tiempos de Coronavirus

Con un formato digital y dinámico, nos reuniremos dos jueves al mes a las 16:00h CET en sesiones de 30' donde compartir experiencias y aprendizajes sobre la gestión de la crisis en nuestras organizaciones y conocer las claves tecnológicas para afrontar con éxito este nuevo reto. ¿Nos acompañas en la próxima sesión?

International March 20, 2020 All Members Virtual english

Fighting Corona with IT 1

Belgium March 17, 2020 AB Members Virtual english

Advisory board meeting

Belgium March 12, 2020 All Members Physical english

User Experience & Customer Journeys

Companies that focus on customer experience reduce the loss of customers and increase revenues, leading to higher profits. How can you focus on creating a great customer experience strategy?

International February 14, 2020 All Members Virtual english

CIONEXT 1st edition

Do you want to be the first to know more about the Financial, Public & Non-profit Edition?

Belgium January 28, 2020 All Members Physical english

Executive Dinner with François Locoh Donou

From Togo over France to the USA, on his life journey, François developed a unique and inspiring personal philosophy that he uses to help guide F5 into a new era. Find out from François himself how to disrupt the status quo, to keep curiosity alive and ultimately drive top-line growth from IT.

Belgium January 28, 2020 All Members Physical english

Annual event: What's next