UK April 24, 2024 Country Members Physical english

CIO Circle – Converging to the future: balancing new and legacy technology

EY invites you to attend a dinner for technology leaders  at 18:00 on 24th April 2024 to be held in London. Cillian Leonowicz, partner at EY, will be joined by a leading CIO guest speaker. This event promises to be an engaging forum to share ideas, deepen our collective understanding, and network with your peers.  

Poland April 25, 2024 All Members Physical Polish



Belgium April 25, 2024 Country Members Physical english

Building an AI enabled organisation - CIONET Belgium: Community Event

The buzz around AI is undeniable, and its impact on nearly every industry is becoming increasingly apparent. For digital and business leaders, the question is no longer if but how to integrate AI into their strategies. Falling behind in AI innovation isn't an option, as it might give competitors an edge. This event focuses on how to craft and implement an AI strategy aligned with your business Goals. It is dedicated to helping CIOs prepare their organisations for AI adoption. We will explore how to develop an AI strategy that complements your business objectives. Think of AI as a four-legged chair: Data, algorithms, platforms and infrastructure are the legs, and defining the problem is the seat tying everything together.

UK April 25, 2024 Country Members Physical english

Enabling business transformation

Join us on the 25 th of April to tour the Royal Opera House, speak to the technical staff andenjoy a discussion dinner at one of its exclusive dining rooms. Telstra will discuss the challenges and opportunities relating to this wi-fi project. Roger Camrass will chair the event.

Germany April 29, 2024 Country Members Physical english

Zürich: Security at the Core - Achieving operational resilience through SecOps

Gain insights into achieving seamless SecOps collaboration and network with peers in the intimate setting of the NapaGrill Circle Room in Zürich.

Belgium April 29, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Round Table: E-Waste

For CIOs, the challenge of e-waste extends beyond the responsible disposal of devices like servers, PCs, smartphones, and printers. It's about leveraging this issue as an opportunity to enhance their organisations' sustainability efforts, data security measures, and recycling innovations.

Belgium April 30, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Round Table: The Bottom Line of IT

Do you want to get optimal grip on your IT spend as well as the Return on Investment? Nearly every business has gradually become a digital business. Business leaders readily embrace technological innovation to meet strategic and operational goals, but balancing cost and growth remains challenging. Most organisations are experiencing some form of budget constraints and need to make smart choices. But which decision criteria do you use to prioritise and how do you achieve maximum value? 

Belgium May 4, 2024 All Members Physical english

CIONET Cycling Event

Join us for our wonderful first ride of the year! The ride is accessible to all levels of riders and doesn't require extensive technical skills. Looking forward to ride together. More information will follow soon.

Germany May 6, 2024 Country Members Physical english

Munich: Security at the Core - Achieving operational resilience through SecOps

Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain insights into achieving seamless SecOps collaboration and to network with peers in the intimate setting of the Brasserie Thi in Munich.

Germany May 7, 2024 Country Members Virtual german

Online: Cloud-ERP im deutschen Mittelstand

Cloud Computing ist schon lange kein Hype mehr, aber dennoch zögern zahlreiche Unternehmen, ihr wertvollstes Asset, nämliche ihre Daten, vollständig in die Cloud zu geben. Treten Sie mit uns in einen inspirierenden Austausch ein! 

Belgium May 7, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

Telenet Business Leadership Circle - Optimising IT Sourcing for Business Agility

The CIONET round table "Optimising IT Sourcing for Business Agility" brings together Belgian CIOs to discuss a big issue: traditional IT sourcing with its RFIs, RFPs, and long-term contracts doesn't fit with the need for businesses and organisation

Spain May 8, 2024 Country Members Physical spanish

Automation Quest 2024 - Smarter Business

La automatización juega un papel clave, donde a través de la convergencia de diversas tecnologías avanzadas, incluidas la IA, el aprendizaje automático y el análisis predictivo, se están optimizando procesos, aumentando la eficiencia y permitiendo una toma de decisiones más ágil.

Poland May 8, 2024 Country Members Physical Polish

#9 Sesja Strategiczna Cloud Excellence

Germany May 14, 2024 Country Members Physical german

München: AI Party - Bring your own data!

Hoch über den Wolken im Fujitsu Tower in München treffen wir uns zur AI Party 2024, das Motto ist “Bring your own Data”. Sie haben dabei die Möglichkeit, ihre eigenen Daten vor Ort durch das AI Modell von Fujitsu bearbeiten zu lassen - ganz ohne ihre Daten in die Cloud geben zu müssen, ihre Daten bleiben während der Simulationen lokal in abgesicherten Workstations.

Poland May 14, 2024 Invitation Only Physical Polish

Spotkania społeczności CIONET w Krakowie

Podczas spotkania będziemy dzielić się najnowszymi spostrzeżeniami i strategiami w zakresie bezpieczeństwa cyfrowego, widzianymi z perspektywy CIO. Przedstawimy praktyczne podejścia do wzmocnienia odporności cyfrowej oraz doskonalenia zarządzania ryzykiem, z uwzględnieniem najnowszych zagrożeń i wymogów prawnych, takich jak NIS-2 czy DORA.

Belgium May 14, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Round Table: Accelerating AI Deployments

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning (AI/ML/DL) have rapidly become critical for businesses and organisations with adoption of generative AI (gen AI) increasing rapidly. Establishing Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning operational consistency across teams with a consistent user experience that empowers data scientists, data engineers, and DevOps teams to collaborate effectively is however complicated.  Scaling AI/ML deployments can be resource-limited and administratively complex while requiring expensive graphics processing unit (GPU)-resources for hardware acceleration and distributed workloads for gen AI. Popular cloud platforms offer scalability and attractive toolsets, but those same tools often lock users in, limiting architectural and deployment choices.

UK May 14, 2024 Country Members Physical english

Implementing the CIO Playbook for Gen AI: Strategies, Policies and Frameworks

Join us on the evening of 14 May for dinner and discussion in the company of experts from Google Cloud and Cognizant. Hosted at an exclusive London venue, this is the perfect opportunity to network, exchange ideas with your peers and leave with actionable insights.

Poland May 15, 2024 Invitation Only Virtual Polish

Migracja Data Warehouse: pierwszy krok do cyfrowej transformacji w obszarze danych

Migracja data warehouse w 3 miesiące i dwukrotne zwiększenie wydajności procesów BI? Takie wdrożenie ma za sobą sieć handlowa Stokrotka, która w swojej hurtowni gromadzi dane z niemal 1000 sklepów. O praktycznych kulisach tego projektu, wyzwaniach, z którymi się wspólnie zmierzyliśmy i wypracowanych rozwiązaniach, opowiemy na najbliższych warsztatach. Dane to jeden z najcenniejszych zasobów w niemal każdej organizacji. Sposób ich gromadzenia, przechowywania i przetwarzania ma ogromny wpływ na wartość końcową, jaką jesteśmy w stanie z nich uzyskać. W czym może pomóc tu chmura? Lepszej skalowalności Lepszym i szybszym dostępie do danych Łatwiejszym wdrożeniu najnowszych rozwiązań technologicznych, np. z zakresu GenAI i innych - co pozwala wyciągać jeszcze trafniejsze wnioski w czasie analizy biznesowej Czy istnieją przeszkody związane z migracją hurtowni danych do chmury? Wiele organizacji obawia się o zgodność z dotychczas wykorzystywanymi technologiami, zaburzenia ciągłości operacyjnej czy negatywnego wpływu zmiany na użytkownika końcowego, odpowiedzialnego za analizę biznesową. Na podstawie praktycznych przykładów, pokażemy w jaki sposób można zaadresować te wyzwania podczas migracji.

Netherlands May 15, 2024 Invitation Only Physical dutch

Een succesvolle digitale transformatie van Heineken

Alleen op uitnodiging. "Een succesvolle digitale transformatie naar de eindgebruikers en de business: hoe pakt Heineken dat aan?" Tijdens de rondleiding krijg je een uniek inzicht in de digitale strategie van Heineken en hoe zij deze in de praktijk brengen.

Italy May 16, 2024 Country Members Physical italian

CLOUD: The Ultimate Digital Enabler

Cloud is not just one technology supporting business transformation. Rather, it serves as a catalyst for unlocking value across various technologies, data repositories, and ecosystems that drive organisational advancement.

Belgium May 16, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

AI & Security: Double-Edged Sword?

In this critical roundtable, CIOs and CISOs are called to confront the urgent and complex realities of integrating Artificial Intelligence into organisational resilience strategies. We are setting the stage for a no-holds-barred discussion on whether AI is a cornerstone for future-proofing security or a potential Achilles' heel introducing unforeseen vulnerabilities. The session will explore AI's transformative potential against the backdrop of increasing cyber threats, ethical quandaries, and the ever-present risk of overreliance. We'll challenge the status quo and ask tough questions about the readiness of our infrastructures to adapt, the sufficiency of current cybersecurity measures in the AI era, and the ethical implications of AI-driven decisions. Expect to explore the most pressing issues at the intersection of AI and security, from ensuring the integrity of AI systems to navigating the complex landscape of data privacy and bias. This is more than a discussion—it's a strategic planning session for leaders determined to steer their organisations through the tumultuous waters of digital transformation. Are you prepared to question, innovate, and lead your organisation into the next era of cybersecurity and resilience? Join us to map out the future.

Belgium May 21, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Round Table: Logical Data Management

Businesses have benefited greatly from the ability to combine all of their applications in cloud as well as on-premises systems. In today's business landscape, data insights are crucial for informed decision-making and staying competitive. However, dealing with data scattered across multiple clouds and on-premise introduces complexities. Issues such as interoperability and data silos arise, and demand sophisticated solutions.  In this CIONET roundtable, we will explore the approaches and difficulties associated with implementing Logical Data Management.

UK May 21, 2024 Country Members Physical english

AI-Powered Retail Odyssey: Navigating the Next Frontier in Customer Experience Part 1

A unique two-part roundtable series dedicated to unravelling the transformative potential of Generative AI in Retail & CPG and its impact on customer experiences. Part 1

Spain May 22, 2024 Invitation Only Physical spanish


Poland May 22, 2024 Country Members Physical Polish

#9 Sesja strategiczna

#9 Sesja Strategiczna w ramach programu Data Excellence

Germany May 23, 2024 Country Members Physical english

Converge Munich: Tanium's Flagship Conference

Converge Munich: Tanium's Flagship Conference for CIOs, CISOs, IT/Security/Ops Executives & Practitioners. Join the XEM revolution. See what the future holds in autonomous endpoint management.

Belgium May 23, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

Women of CIONET - Female Leadership Circle

CIONET is committed to highlighting and celebrating female role models in IT, Tech & Digital, creating a leadership programme that empowers and elevates women within the tech industry. This initiative is dedicated to showcasing the achievements and successes of leading women, fostering an environment where female role models are recognised, and their contributions can ignite progress and inspire the next generation of women in IT.

Spain May 28, 2024 Country Members Physical spanish

AI Quest 2024 - The Power of AI

Descubre cómo empresas líderes están  utilizando la IA para transformar sus operaciones, mejorar la experiencia del cliente y desarrollar productos y servicios innovadores.

Poland May 28, 2024 Invitation Only Physical Polish

Spotkania społeczności CIONET w Gdańsku

Podczas spotkania będziemy dzielić się najnowszymi spostrzeżeniami i strategiami w zakresie bezpieczeństwa cyfrowego, widzianymi z perspektywy CIO. Przedstawimy praktyczne podejścia do wzmocnienia odporności cyfrowej oraz doskonalenia zarządzania ryzykiem, z uwzględnieniem najnowszych zagrożeń i wymogów prawnych, takich jak NIS-2 czy DORA.

Belgium May 28, 2024 Invitation Only Physical french

Les Rencontres: Responsabilité Digitale

Rejoignez-nous pour une soirée remplie de conversations engageantes, accompagnées d'un bon dîner, où nous explorerons les rôles du CIO dans l'assurance de la conformité ESG.    

Netherlands May 28, 2024 Invitation Only Physical dutch

Resilience in the Age of AI

Alleen op uitnodiging. With AI hype hitting full throttle, how do organisations sort fact from fiction and use AI to drive value? In this event we will review some of the predictions for AI in the year ahead.

Italy May 29, 2024 Invitation Only Physical italian

Aruba Enterprise Datas Center Experience - Tecnologie Cloud e Data Center per la digital transformation

Una giornata dedicata alla scoperta del Global Cloud Data Center di Aruba in compagnia di Luigi Capuano ed Edoardo Uva di Aruba Enterprise.   Durante il tour guidato, scoprirete da vicino gli edifici, le sale dati, gli impianti idroelettrici e fotovoltaici del data center campus più grande d'Italia, che con i suoi 200.000 mq di superficie, progettato e realizzato per ridurre al minimo l’impatto sull’ambiente.L’evento si chiuderà con un networking lunch in sede.

Netherlands May 31, 2024 All Members Physical dutch

IT Leaders Cycling Challenge

Vrijdag 31 mei 2024 koerst CIONET met rond de 100 Digital Leaders voor de 13e keer door Limburg. Fiets je (weer) met ons mee?

Germany June 3, 2024 Country Members Virtual german

AI & DATA Knowledge Transfer - Briefing 8

Unsere Wissensaustausch-Briefings "AI & Data Knowledge Transfer" zielen darauf ab, CIDOs und Senior Digital Leaders mit praktischen Anwendungen und umsetzbaren Erkenntnissen von Fachexperten zu vermitteln, die den Weg für transformative digitale Reisen ebnen.

Belgium June 4, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

Will AI kill DEV? ; Will prompt engineering replace coding?

The role of coding in software development stands at a crossroads. This roundtable discussion brings together CIOs and software development managers to delve into a future where AI could render traditional coding skills optional. Inspired by Nvidia’s CEO, Jensen Huang's provocative stance, we explore the potential shift from coding to prompt engineering and its ramifications across the tech industry.

Belgium June 4, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Round Table: No Future without Data Quality

In today's business landscape, the mandate is clear: evolve into a data-driven powerhouse or risk obsolescence. Master Data Management (MDM) isn't just an option; it's the cornerstone of survival and success. It underpins every critical decision, operational agility, and competitive edge in a world where data isn't just an asset—it's the lifeblood of innovation. MDM lays the groundwork for transformative data analytics and AI initiatives, turning raw data into the currency of real, tangible value. Embracing MDM is no longer a choice but a fundamental necessity for any organisation aiming to thrive in the digital age. While there might be pressing matters demanding immediate attention,  MDM is a foundational element for success in the digital age.  Addressing it in a proactive way now  can prevent future headaches and position your organisation for long-term growth. This is why CIONET organises a round table event on this topic now. 

Netherlands June 4, 2024 AB Members Physical dutch

Advisory Board Diner

Op 4 juni komt de Advisory Board van CIONET NL samen. We bespreken de planning voor2024 en discussiëren over specifieke en door de board aangedragen onderwerpen.

Poland June 5, 2024 Country Members Physical Polish

#11 Sesja Strategiczna

Sesja Strategiczna w ramach programu Security Excellence

Belgium June 7, 2024 All Members Physical english

CIONET Cycling Event

Join us for a wonderful ride in Mechelen. The ride is accessible to all levels of riders and doesn't require extensive technical skills. Looking forward to ride together.

Germany June 12, 2024 Country Members Physical german

Frankfurt: Digitale Infrastruktur für Ihre KI-Transformation

Entdecken Sie wie Sie sich auf KI-Innovationen und neue Geschäftsfelder konzentrieren können, ohne sich um die Infrastruktur kümmern zu müssen. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit konkreten Use Cases schnell auf die Zukunft der digitalen Infrastruktur (XaaS) reagieren können.

Belgium June 12, 2024 Invitation Only Physical & Virtual english

LCL North Sea Regatta 2024

Exclusive invitation-only CIONET event.

Germany June 12, 2024 Invitation Only Physical & Virtual english

Belgien: Nordsee Regatta 2024

Exklusive invitation-only CIONET Veranstaltung. Eine großartige Gelegenheit, um neue Kontakte zu knüpfen und gemeinsam einen spannenden Wettbewerb mitzugestalten.

Netherlands June 12, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

the North Sea Regatta

Sluit je aan bij CIONET op de LCL North Sea Regatta voor een internationale netwerkervaring onder collega's.

Poland June 13, 2024 Country Members Physical Polish


Belgium June 18, 2024 Country Members Physical english

The new KISS principle - CIONET Belgium: Community Event

The challenge of IT is twofold: untangling the complexity of today's systems and pioneering the self-sufficient IT environments of tomorrow. Streamlining Today’s IT Maze Modern IT landscapes, once straightforward, now bristle with complexities from layers of ad-hoc additions and modifications. Our focus: deploying smart strategies to declutter and streamline. We're talking microservices for agile scalability, serverless computing for focused innovation, and smart automation for error reduction and efficiency. This journey involves carefully peeling back the layers of existing systems, making technology simpler and more effective. The Autonomous IT Odyssey Simultaneously, we're venturing into the realm of autonomous IT. Imagine systems where AI and machine learning aren't just tools but the architects of a self-managing IT universe. This vision is about systems that anticipate needs, optimise performance, and evolve independently. It's about the marriage of efficiency and innovation, where IT isn't just a support function but a proactive, intelligent partner in business growth.  Join the Revolution We're at the cusp of a major shift in IT management. It's a dual mission: simplifying what we have and boldly advancing into the autonomous IT era. Let's explore this exciting landscape together, shaping an IT ecosystem that's not just simpler and smarter, but also self-evolving.

UK June 19, 2024 Country Members Physical english

CIONET UK Business Community Program: Cyber and Operational Risks

Join us for our 4th community event of 2024 on 19th June in London. Sponsored by Business Partners EY, Hitachi Vantara, Infogain, CloudBees, Entelect & Thoughtworks.

Netherlands June 20, 2024 Invitation Only Physical dutch

FastForward Insights #Data and AI

Leading with data and AI: Strategies for digital succes in 2024. Op 20 juni in de 3D Makers Zone in Haarlem.

Spain June 20, 2024 Country Members Physical spanish

Summer Fest - Fiesta de San Juan - 2024

Un encuentro único y exclusivo, en el que daremos la bienvenida al verano y celebraremos el día de San Juan, en compañía de los líderes digitales más destacados del panorama tecnológico de nuestro país.

UK June 25, 2024 Country Members Physical english

AI-Powered Retail Odyssey: Navigating the Next Frontier in Customer Experience Part 2

A unique two-part roundtable series dedicated to unravelling the transformative potential of Generative AI in Retail & CPG and its impact on customer experiences. Part 2

Germany June 26, 2024 Country Members Physical german

Köln: Unlocking the Power of Retail Store Operations

Nehmen Sie an unserer interaktiven Roundtable Diskussion teil, die von Experten der Accenture Retail Practice und dem VP IoT Solutions von ServiceNow begleitet wird. Diskutieren Sie mit uns, wo der Mehrwert für Händler liegt und welche Auswirkungen durch den Einsatz von IoT, automatisierten Workflows und KI auf Filialprozesse, die Workforce, das Kundenerlebnis und das operative Geschäft zu erwarten sind. 

Germany June 27, 2024 Country Members Physical german

Frankfurt: CIO Perspectives

Am 27. Juni untersuchen wir die Rolle der IT-Branche in Bezug auf Nachhaltigkeit und künstliche Intelligenz. Experten diskutieren innovative Ansätze zur Förderung einer nachhaltigen Zukunft und verantwortungsvollen Einsatz von KI.

Germany July 4, 2024 All Members Physical german

München: CIONET Sommerfest

Das CIONET Sommerfest ist eine schöne Gelegenheit, CIONET-Mitglieder kennenzulernen oder wiederzutreffen und ein paar gemütliche Stunden miteinander zu verbringen.

Belgium July 4, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Round Table: Modernise Your IT Infrastructure

Today's companies operate across various IT infrastructures, from legacy systems on clusters and client-server models on virtual machines to modern applications in cloud containers. The main challenge is managing these diverse systems and creating a modernisation strategy for private and public cloud platforms.Join us for a CIONET round table to tackle integration challenges, identify potential roadblocks, and share migration success stories. Our key discussion points will include: Multicloud Simplification: Finding the right strategy to ensure on-premise infrastructure maintains its performance, reliability, and security while offering the agility of the public cloud. Speeding Up Application Delivery: How to free IT teams from time-consuming infrastructure management. We'll look at how new application delivery platforms, container orchestration, and advanced DevOps tools can help. Optimising Workload Placement: Discussing the need for application portability between private and public clouds to combine their advantages.  

Italy July 11, 2024 Country Members Physical italian

Summer Cocktail Milano

Summer Cocktail @Milan

Italy July 16, 2024 Country Members Physical italian

Summer Cocktail Roma

Summer Cocktail @Rome

Poland August 29, 2024 Country Members Physical Polish


Celem CIONET i Digital Excellence jest stworzenie zaufanej przestrzeni współpracy i wymiany wiedzy między osobami zarządzającymi technologią. Spotkanie będzie okazją do rozmowy o szansach i ryzykach związanych z digitalizacją, ale przede wszystkim dobrze spędzonym czasem w doskonałym towarzystwie.

Belgium August 29, 2024 Members & Tribes Physical english

Summer Festival

Join us for an unforgettable experience at the SUMMER FESTIVAL, where we bring together IT experts from all across Belgium!

Poland September 11, 2024 Country Members Physical Polish

#10 Sesja Strategiczna Cloud Excellence

Poland September 12, 2024 Country Members Physical Polish

#12 Sesja Strategiczna

Sesja Strategiczna w ramach programu Security Excellence

Belgium September 14, 2024 All Members Physical english

CIONET Cycling Event

Join us for a wonderful ride. The ride is accessible to all levels of riders and doesn't require extensive technical skills. More information will follow soon. Looking forward to ride together!

Poland September 18, 2024 Country Members Physical Polish

#10 Sesja Strategiczna Data Excellence

Program Data Excellence ciągle się rozpędza! Zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie unikalnej społeczności dla decydentów w obszarach Data Science & Analytics, Machine Learning, Big Data, AI, Data Governance, Data Warehouse czy Business Intelligence.

UK September 18, 2024 Country Members Physical english

CIONET UK Business Community Program: Successful Transformations

Join us for our 5th community event of 2024 on 18th September in London. Sponsored by Business Partners EY, Hitachi Vantara, Infogain, CloudBees, Entelect & Thoughtworks.

Germany September 26, 2024 Country Members Physical german

AI Strategy Masterclass

Werden Sie ein Certified AI Strategy Master! Holen Sie sich jetzt das Wissen und ein neues Mindset für die effiziente Umsetzung Ihrer KI-Zukunftsstrategie und führen Sie Ihre Organisation in die Zukunft „Driven by AI“.

Belgium October 3, 2024 Country Members Physical english

October Cyberfest - CIONET Belgium: Community Event

For CIOs navigating the complex cybersecurity landscape, the emergence of Intelligent Self-Protecting Systems marks a significant turning point. These systems, powered by advanced AI, offer a proactive and adaptive defence against increasingly sophisticated digital threats.    Intelligent self-protecting systems are at the forefront of cybersecurity innovation, offering robust defence mechanisms. Advanced Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) systems utilize AI to identify and mitigate endpoint threats, while Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASBs) monitor and secure cloud data. Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP) is particularly notable, embedding directly into applications to provide real-time threat detection and response. Identity and Access Management (IAM) systems with adaptive authentication dynamically adjust user access controls. Automated Patch Management systems streamline vulnerability resolution, and AI-enhanced Network Security Platforms offer comprehensive, intelligent network defences. These systems collectively represent a sophisticated approach to cybersecurity, integrating cutting-edge technology to protect against evolving threats.

Poland October 8, 2024 All Members Physical Polish



Spain October 9, 2024 Country Members Physical spanish

BARCELONA TECH QUEST - The Trailblazer's Journey

Netherlands October 10, 2024 Invitation Only Physical dutch

FastForward Insights #Innovation

The Innovation Odyssey: Navigating innovation trends for digital succes and transformation. Op 10 oktober in de 3D Makers Zone in Haarlem.

Belgium October 11, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Racing Event x Aston Martin


Netherlands October 11, 2024 Invitation Only Physical dutch

Nieuwe Leergang Technology Leadership: start 3 november

Empowering the Next Generation of Digital Innovators (CIO, CDO, CTO, CxO). Deze intensieve opleiding vóór én door ervaren Chief Information Officers, speciaal ontworpen om jouw leiderschapsvaardigheden en technologische expertise naar een hoger niveau te tillen.

Netherlands October 15, 2024 AB Members Physical dutch

Advisory Board Diner

Op 15 oktober komt de Advisory Board van CIONET NL samen. We bespreken de planning voor2024 en discussiëren over specifieke en door de board aangedragen onderwerpen.

Italy October 23, 2024 Country Members Physical italian

Sustainability needs a new Mindset - Rethinking your Investments, IT Resources & Organisational behaviour

Sustainability and profitability go hand in hand. Sustainable technology is rapidly changing the way we live and work, offering innovative solutions to some of the world's most pressing challenges. From reducing our environmental impact to promoting social justice, sustainable tech is helping us to create a more sustainable and equitable future.

Netherlands October 25, 2024 Invitation Only Physical dutch

Leergang CIO als Commissaris

Heb je interesse om je inzicht in management en persoonlijk leiderschap naar een hoger niveau te brengen? Meld je dan aan voor de 15e Leergang CIO als Commissaris. Let op: er zijn een beperkt aantal plaatsen beschikbaar.

Netherlands November 11, 2024 Physical english

Ga mee naar de Web Summit 11 november 2024 in Lissabon

Afgelopen jaren heeft CIONET jaarlijks met meer dan 20 IT Execs en Digital Leaders een bezoek gebracht aan de Web Summit. In 2024 gaat CIONET wederom met een groep Digital Leaders uit Nederland naar Lissabon.

Belgium November 19, 2024 Country Members Physical french

Les Rencontres: Duel Stratégique

Rejoignez-nous pour une confrontation passionnante - un véritable duel stratégique entre entrepreneurs IT audacieux et CIOs chevronnés. Dans ce débat dynamique, nous plongeons au cœur de l'innovation produit et de la gestion digitale. Les entrepreneurs IT apporteront leur expertise dans le développement de produits révolutionnaires, tandis que les CIOs partageront leurs stratégies d'adaptation de ces innovations dans des environnements digitaux complexes. C'est une bataille d'idées, une joute verbale où chaque camp défend sa vision sur la manière de piloter le progrès technologique. Attendez-vous à des échanges vifs, des perspectives croisées et des révélations sur la façon dont ces deux mondes peuvent s'inspirer et apprendre l'un de l'autre. Un événement incontournable pour tous ceux qui se passionnent pour l'avenir de la technologie et de la gestion digitale.   Questions pour les Entrepreneurs IT:   "Comment votre approche de l'innovation produit peut-elle transformer les pratiques de gestion digitale traditionnelles ?" "Quels sont les défis uniques que vous avez rencontrés lors du lancement de produits technologiques et comment les CIOs peuvent-ils s'en inspirer ?" "En quoi la vision entrepreneuriale peut-elle enrichir la stratégie digitale globale dans les grandes entreprises ?" Questions pour les CIOs: "Comment la gestion digitale traditionnelle peut-elle s'adapter pour intégrer des innovations disruptives tout en maintenant la sécurité et la stabilité ?" "Quelles leçons tirées de la gestion de grands environnements digitaux peuvent être bénéfiques pour les entrepreneurs dans la conception de leurs produits ?" "De quelle manière l'expertise des CIOs peut-elle influencer positivement les stratégies de développement de produits des entrepreneurs IT ?"  

Poland November 20, 2024 Country Members Physical Polish

#11 Sesja Strategiczna Cloud Excellence

UK November 20, 2024 Country Members Physical english

CIONET UK Business Community Program: Why Is Organisational Agility Critical to Survival in the Digital Age

Join us for our last community event of 2024 on 20th Novemberin London. Sponsored by Business Partners EY, Hitachi Vantara, Infogain, CloudBees, Entelect & Thoughtworks.

Italy November 21, 2024 Country Members Physical italian

HUMAN-CENTRED DIGITALIZATION - Managing Talent in Business Transformation

In today's rapidly changing digital landscape, organisations are facing the challenge of adapting their workforces to keep pace with technological advancements. Companies that want people to be present and to optimise outcomes can embrace a more human-centred approach.

Poland November 27, 2024 Country Members Physical Polish

#11 Sesja Strategiczna Data Excellence

Program Data Excellence ciągle się rozpędza! Zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie unikalnej społeczności dla decydentów w obszarach Data Science & Analytics, Machine Learning, Big Data, AI, Data Governance, Data Warehouse czy Business Intelligence.

Germany November 28, 2024 Country Members Physical german

Frankfurt: AI Horizons

Wir freuen uns, Sie zur zweiten Ausgabe unseres exklusiven AI-Horizons Events für CIDOs und leitende Technologieexperten einzuladen. Diese Veranstaltung verspricht ein unvergessliches Erlebnis zu werden, das Ihr Verständnis für Künstliche Intelligenz und ihre transformative Wirkung auf Unternehmen erweitern wird.

Poland November 28, 2024 Country Members Physical Polish

#13 Sesja Strategiczna

Sesja Strategiczna w ramach programu Security Excellence

Netherlands November 28, 2024 Invitation Only Physical dutch

FastForward Insights #Security

Navigating tommorrow's threatscape: Cybersecurity insights for digital leaders. Op 28 november in de 3D Makers Zone in Haarlem.

Poland December 3, 2024 All Members Physical Polish



Belgium December 3, 2024 Country Members Physical english

The Human Edge - CIONET Belgium: Community Event

This event is designed to delve into the intricate and evolving relationship between humanity and machines, exploring whether this dynamic serves as an ally in progress or a potential threat. We will try to understand the unique qualities that set us apart from AI and machines and explore how human elements can be leveraged in harmony with technological advancements to create more effective, empathetic, and innovative business solutions. We invite you to witness cutting-edge case studies where human ingenuity has successfully integrated with technology, pushing the boundaries of what we thought possible in business and IT. And learn about the importance of a human-centered approach in the design and implementation of technology. Discover how prioritising human experience and needs can lead to more sustainable and successful business models. Engage in discussions about the human capacity to adapt and thrive amidst rapid technological changes and how to harness this resilience in your organisation.   Who Should Attend? This conference is a must for digital leaders, IT professionals, innovators, and strategists who are navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital transformation. Whether you're looking to enhance your understanding of the man-machine relationship or seeking practical insights on integrating human qualities with digital advancements, this event promises a wealth of knowledge and networking opportunities.   Join Us Secure your spot at the forefront of this critical conversation. Embrace the human edge in the digital era and redefine what it means to work alongside technology.  

Germany December 9, 2024 Country Members Virtual german

Virtual CIONET Meet-Up: What's Next, 2025?

Was beschäftigt CIDOs im Jahr 2024 und, noch wichtiger, was wird sie im kommenden Jahr beschäftigen? Seien Sie Teil dieses virtuellen Meet-ups und tauschen Sie sich mit Peers aus, um wertvolle Erkenntnisse für die Zukunft zu gewinnen.

Italy December 12, 2024 Country Members Physical italian

Xmas Cocktail

Xmas Cocktail Roma

Italy December 18, 2024 Country Members Physical italian

CIO+ Italia Award 2024

CIO+ Italia Award

Belgium July 31, 2025 Country Members Physical english

Case to Event

The buzz around AI is undeniable, and its impact on nearly every industry is becoming increasingly apparent. For digital and business leaders, the question is no longer if but how to integrate AI into their strategies. Falling behind in AI innovation isn't an option, as it might give competitors an edge. This event focuses on how to craft and implement an AI strategy aligned with your business Goals. It is dedicated to helping CIOs prepare their organisations for AI adoption. We will explore how to develop an AI strategy that complements your business objectives. Think of AI as a four-legged chair: Data, algorithms, platforms and infrastructure are the legs, and defining the problem is the seat tying everything together.

Belgium May 2, 2026 Invitation Only Physical english

Telenet Business Leadership Circle - Human-Centred Digitalisation

With about 10 thought leaders, we will focus on company culture, digital talent strategy, employee engagement, agile workforce & diversity, equity, and inclusion needed for the business & digital transformation of our companies over a pleasant dinner.