
In today’s data-driven world, organisations are embracing analytics to unlock new opportunities for growth, efficiency, and innovation in an increasingly competitive landscape. However, their traditional ERP & MRP systems, that are essential for integrating and managing various business processes, now hinder them from extracting deeper insights from their data. To address these challenges, companies embarque on an analytics adoption journey  by implementing specialised analytics platforms, data warehouses, and data lakes. Technological constraints are becoming less and less of an issue and the challenges pivot towards business value management and implementing an analytics-driven culture.


If the above sounds familiar to you, we invite you to participate in this CIONET Round Table.

Keynote Speakers


If the above sounds familiar to you, we invite you to participate in this CIONET Round Table. During this evening, we will focus on two main questions:

  1. How do you organise the intense pursuit of business value and place a strong emphasis on value stewardship.

  2. How do you put in place the data governance and data ownership that allows you to embrace the power of analytics adoption?

  3. How is generative AI as being our second brain helping us to mature and overcome the above challenges.

Panagiotis Nikolaidis, Enterprise Architect - Analytics Manager at Barry Callebaut Group will start the conversation by sharing his experiences and challenges.

Voizine, Edestraat 99, 9450 Haaltert

Exclusive for CIONET members.

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Homely and cosy, there is a wonderful lack of pretension to this French-inspired bistro. Flavourful dishes from the small open kitchen include classical French desserts like blueberry clafoutis and Paris-Brest. The restaurant has a lived-in feel, with stripped wooden flooring and leather banquettes. The owners have a wine bar next door and it shows in the excellent wine list and shelves stacked full of bottles.

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