
As the payment industry continues to evolve, the focus on open ecosystems and value creation takes centre stage. Our second event in the series delves deep into the transformative power of open ecosystems, setting the course for the future of payments.

Open ecosystems represent a fundamental shift from transaction processing to value generation. With insights gleaned from payments data and collaborative partnerships, the industry is poised for significant advancements. From leveraging ISO 20022 purpose codes to drive personalised offers to tackling the complexities of cross-border transactions using blockchain-powered solutions, the potential for innovation is vast. As new stores of value evolve blockchain technology emerges as a key enabler, offering decentralised solutions that enhance security, transparency, and efficiency.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Embracing Open Ecosystems: We are at the dawn of open ecosystems, where collaboration and partnerships redefine the payment landscape. Discuss strategies for harnessing the power of partnerships, leveraging insights from payments data, and creating personalised offerings to enhance customer experiences.

  • Value Creation Beyond Transactions: Explore innovative avenues for value creation, from leveraging structured data such as purpose codes to drive hyper-personalisation, to embracing embedded payments and frictionless customer journeys. The event will spotlight emerging trends such as programmable payments and explore their potential to revolutionise financial transactions.

  • Navigating the Future of Payments: As the payments landscape evolves, so too must the strategies of financial institutions. Gain insights into preparing for the rise of new stores of value, including cryptocurrencies, CBDCs, and NFTs. The event will delve into the opportunities and challenges posed by these emerging trends, equipping participants with the foresight to navigate the evolving payments ecosystem.

Join us on the evening of 27 June for dinner and discussion in the company of experts from Google Cloud and Cognizant, where industry leaders will explore the key challenges and opportunities shaping the future of payments. Hosted at an exclusive London venue, this is the perfect opportunity to network, exchange ideas with your peers and leave with actionable insights.

Speakers and Panellists

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Exclusive London venue

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Exclusive London venue




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