Upcoming CIONET Events


Italy October 22, 2024 Invitation Only Physical italian

Transform your Supply Chain with AI & SAP Solutions

La gestione della Supply Chain è oggi una sfida continua per le aziende in un mondoglobale, sempre più interconnesso, caratterizzato da forti complessità e rapidi cambiamenti.Unisciti a noi per conoscere come l’Innovazione Digitale e l’Intelligenza Artificiale stanno rivoluzionando la gestione della Supply Chain rendendola più efficiente e flessibile.Esplora le ultime tendenze e strategie di E2E Visibility e di Data Driven Optimization per restare competitivi in un mercato in evoluzione.Scopri come Arpa Industriale ha digitalizzato i propri processi di pianificazione grazie a SAP IBP.

Germany October 22, 2024 Country Members Physical english

München: Turbo S your ServiceNow

Join us on October 22nd - on the eve of the ServiceNow World Forum in Munich - for an exclusive dinner with Germany’s top digital leaders, CIOs, and CDOs. As ServiceNow experts converge, this is your opportunity to share best practices, use cases, and learn how your peers are optimizing their ServiceNow platform through real-time data and AI-driven automation to drive unparalleled ROI.

Italy October 23, 2024 Country Members Physical italian

Sustainability needs a new Mindset - Rethinking your Investments, IT Resources & Organisational behaviour

Sustainability and profitability go hand in hand. Sustainable technology is rapidly changing the way we live and work, offering innovative solutions to some of the world's most pressing challenges. From reducing our environmental impact to promoting social justice, sustainable tech is helping us to create a more sustainable and equitable future.

Spain October 24, 2024 Country Members Physical spanish

DATA Quest 2024 - Data for better business

Acompáñanos al apasionante mundo de los datos y conoce de primera mano cómo las compañías están utilizándolos para impulsar la innovación, mejorar la toma de decisiones y alcanzar un éxito sostenible.

Poland October 24, 2024 Country Members Virtual Polish

Efektywność kosztowa IT - jak skutecznie nią zarządzać w środowiskach hybrydowych (cloud i on-premises).

Serdecznie zapraszamy na warsztaty technologiczne w ramach programu Cloud Excellence. Tym razem współorganizatorem spotkania jest firma technologiczna PwC Polska. Efektywność kosztowa w utrzymaniu środowisk IT, zarówno w chmurze, jak i on-premises, jest kluczowym elementem strategii IT każdej organizacji. W trakcie wystąpienia omówimy, jak optymalizować koszty, jednocześnie zapewniając wysoką wydajność i niezawodność systemów. Przedstawimy najlepsze praktyki oraz narzędzia, które pomagają w monitorowaniu i zarządzaniu wydatkami IT. Dowiesz się również, jak podejmować świadome decyzje dotyczące wyboru między rozwiązaniami chmurowymi a tradycyjnymi. Warsztat będzie interaktywny, z możliwością zadawania pytań i dyskusji z prelegentami, co pozwoli na lepsze zrozumienie omawianych zagadnień i wymianę doświadczeń. Spotkanie poprowadzą doświadczeni eksperci firmy PwC Polska: Ernest Orłowski, CEE Cloud & Digital Senior Manager i Tomasz Gola, CEE Cloud & Digital Senior Manager, a moderować dyskusję będzie Tomasz Bitner, dyrektor programowy CIONET & Digital Excellence.

Germany October 24, 2024 Country Members Physical german

München: IT Workforce Transformation

Wir laden CIOs sowie Senior IT-Entscheidungsträger und -Strategen aus Anwenderunternehmen zum Roundtable am 24. Oktober 2024 ab 18:00 Uhr in München ein. Gemeinsam werden wir darüber diskutieren, wie Sie Ihre IT-Workforce aufbauen, neu ausrichten und weiterentwickeln können, um die Chancen der digitalen Transformation vollumfänglich und gewinnbringend zu nutzen.

UK October 24, 2024 Country Members Physical english

From Hype to Reality: Navigating the Opportunities and Benefits of GenAI

CIONET, in association with Hitachi Digital Services, is convening an executive roundtable to address these key issues. We will explore the barriers to data coherence and consolidationand the practical steps forward. Join us for what promises an interactive, informal and insightful conversation among peers.

UAE October 24, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

The Fabric of Future-proof Organisations Dubai

Everyday, our organisations are challenged more and more to build and implement business strategies in order to be future-ready. In this edition of CIONEXT, we’ll engage with top digital leaders to discuss these challenges on 3 levels: How do we architect our businesses of tomorrow? What’s the supporting strategy of the future? Do we implement global business services (GBS), and who needs to lead these? What’s your IT operating model? What’s our core digital platform strategy and do we select the right components for maximum flexibility and minimum risk? All while ensuring data sovereignty, compliance and privacy. What’s the most optimal IT infrastructure and connectivity underpinning the businesses of the future? How do we manage the cost, performance and resilience of multi-cloud and hybrid architectures, in order to excel in big data, AI & IoT? These and many other questions will be addressed and answered - don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the best on how they weave the fabric of their future-proof organisation.

Netherlands October 25, 2024 Invitation Only Physical dutch

Leergang CIO als Commissaris

Heb je interesse om je inzicht in management en persoonlijk leiderschap naar een hoger niveau te brengen? Meld je dan aan voor de 15e Leergang CIO als Commissaris. Let op: er zijn een beperkt aantal plaatsen beschikbaar.

Italy October 29, 2024 Invitation Only Physical italian

Adobe Experience Makers 2024

Adobe Experience Makers 2024

Germany November 4, 2024 Country Members Virtual english

Online: AI & DATA Knowledge Transfer - Briefing 11

Unsere Wissensaustausch-Briefings "AI & Data Knowledge Transfer" zielen darauf ab, CIDOs und Senior Digital Leaders mit praktischen Anwendungen und umsetzbaren Erkenntnissen von Fachexperten zu vermitteln, die den Weg für transformative digitale Reisen ebnen.

Belgium November 5, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Round Table: AI at Scale

Join us for an exclusive CIONET Round Table where we'll dive deep into the complexities of AI at scale and we will discuss how you can design a corporate operating model  that is natively AI enabled. Engage in thought-provoking discussions with industry leaders, share best practices, and explore the strategies necessary to harness the full potential of AI.

Spain November 6, 2024 Country Members Physical spanish

GROWTH Quest 2024 - IT and Business Digital co-leadership

Germany November 6, 2024 Invitation Only Physical german

Frankfurt: AI for Better Data - Data for Better AI

KI und Daten sind untrennbar miteinander verbunden. Ihr volles Potenzial entfaltet sich jedoch nur dann, wenn beide “Seiten” zu ihrem Optimum eingesetzt werden. Das Ziel des Roundtables ist es daher, Führungskräfte mit gerade jenen Strategien zu befähigen, die ihnen dazu verhelfen werden, diese leistungsstarke Synergie aus “AI for better Data - Data for Better AI” voll auszuschöpfen.

Germany November 7, 2024 Country Members Physical german

Karlsruhe: CIDO Logistik Roundtable - Resilience Reloaded

Wir laden Sie am 07. November 2024 ab 17:00 Uhr zum Austausch mit CIOs und ihren Peers aus führenden Unternehmen zu enabl Technologies GmbH ein, einem Start-up der L-Bank. Hier wird uns von einem der Gründer selbst ein Use Case zu Fernarbeit von Logistikarbeitern vorstellt. Dieses Use Case dient uns als Grundlage, um über die Zukunft der Logistikbranche zu diskutieren - welche Strategien können CIDOs einüben, um resilienter auf die Anforderungen und Veränderungen der Branche zu reagieren?

Italy November 7, 2024 Invitation Only Physical italian

Riprendi piena visibilità e un completo controllo sulle tue risorse IT

Nuove complessità e una superficie di attacco sempre più ampie impattano i team di IT Security ed IT Operation: La proliferazione degli endpoint negli ambienti IT, molteplici device non registrati collegati alla rete, un ridotto controllo sul perimetro IT.  Aggiungere nuovi strumenti con visibilità limitata porta ad una frammentazione delle informazioni. La conseguenza? Il 20% di tutti gli endpoint rimane in media non registrato e non protetto. Tanium analizza in tempo reale gli endpoint presenti in azienda, identifica, stabilisce le priorità e risolve i problemi IT e di sicurezza in tempo reale, da un'unica piattaforma.  Riduci il rischio proveniente dagli endpoint e gestisci un'infrastruttura IT più sicura, conforme ed efficiente.  Consolida le informazioni, riduci  la complessità e proteggi quello che ancora non puoi vedere.

Netherlands November 11, 2024 Physical english

Ga mee naar de Web Summit 11 november 2024 in Lissabon

Afgelopen jaren heeft CIONET jaarlijks met meer dan 20 IT Execs en Digital Leaders een bezoek gebracht aan de Web Summit. In 2024 gaat CIONET wederom met een groep Digital Leaders uit Nederland naar Lissabon.

Switzerland November 12, 2024 Country Members Physical english

Zürich: Realtime Resilience - The CIO's Playbook for Mastering Resilience

Gain insights into key strategies for achieving IT resilience and network with peers in the intimate setting of the NapaGrill Circle Room in Zürich.

Belgium November 12, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Round Table - Digital Blind Spots: Business Killers! Real-Time Visibility: Are You Prepared to See What’s Lurking Beneath?

Downtime is no longer just a technical hiccup; it's a business crisis waiting to happen. With companies losing millions annually due to unexpected failures, and the hidden costs piling up—from lost revenue and customer trust to regulatory penalties—the stakes have never been higher. For today’s digital leaders, understanding the true impact of downtime is critical. It's not just about keeping systems running—it's about ensuring your business stays ahead in an increasingly complex, hybrid world where security and operational risks collide.

Belgium November 13, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Round Table: AI & Privacy - Your strategy for the future

As AI technologies evolve, the balance between innovation and privacy becomes a critical challenge for digital leaders. This exclusive round table will explore how large organisations can integrate AI, like generative models, without compromising data security and compliance. 

Belgium November 14, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

CIONET Round Table - The Future of Digital Public Services is Open

For many public sector organisations, providing citizen services quickly while embracing emerging technologies is difficult. Shifting legislative priorities, budget constraints, and legacy system maintenance mean constant pressure on resources. At the same time, constituents expect a customer experience with the government that is comparable to their experiences with top consumer brands. 

UK November 14, 2024 Country Members Physical english

Balancing innovation and human connectionthrough AI and predictive Analytics

Join us on November 14th at an exclusive London venue and hear from Thoughtworks how you can balance innovation and human connection through AI and predictive analytics.

Germany November 18, 2024 Country Members Virtual german

Online: DATA-READINESS: Sind meine Daten bereit für KI und Automation?

Wir laden Digital Leaders ein, an unserer interaktiven Online-Veranstaltung zum Thema Data Readiness teilzunehmen. Gemeinsam mit einem Panel aus CIOs und CDOs erkunden wir anhand konkreter Use Cases, wie Data-Readiness nicht nur KI-Initiativen, sondern auch jede digitale Transformation vorantreibt. In der anschließenden Q&A-Session haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihre Fragen direkt an die Experten zu stellen.

Belgium November 19, 2024 Country Members Physical french

Les Rencontres: Duel Stratégique

Rejoignez-nous pour une confrontation passionnante - un véritable duel stratégique entre entrepreneurs IT audacieux et CIOs chevronnés. Dans ce débat dynamique, nous plongeons au cœur de l'innovation produit et de la gestion digitale. Les entrepreneurs IT apporteront leur expertise dans le développement de produits révolutionnaires, tandis que les CIOs partageront leurs stratégies d'adaptation de ces innovations dans des environnements digitaux complexes. C'est une bataille d'idées, une joute verbale où chaque camp défend sa vision sur la manière de piloter le progrès technologique. Attendez-vous à des échanges vifs, des perspectives croisées et des révélations sur la façon dont ces deux mondes peuvent s'inspirer et apprendre l'un de l'autre. Un événement incontournable pour tous ceux qui se passionnent pour l'avenir de la technologie et de la gestion digitale.   Questions pour les Entrepreneurs IT:   "Comment votre approche de l'innovation produit peut-elle transformer les pratiques de gestion digitale traditionnelles ?" "Quels sont les défis uniques que vous avez rencontrés lors du lancement de produits technologiques et comment les CIOs peuvent-ils s'en inspirer ?" "En quoi la vision entrepreneuriale peut-elle enrichir la stratégie digitale globale dans les grandes entreprises ?" Questions pour les CIOs: "Comment la gestion digitale traditionnelle peut-elle s'adapter pour intégrer des innovations disruptives tout en maintenant la sécurité et la stabilité ?" "Quelles leçons tirées de la gestion de grands environnements digitaux peuvent être bénéfiques pour les entrepreneurs dans la conception de leurs produits ?" "De quelle manière l'expertise des CIOs peut-elle influencer positivement les stratégies de développement de produits des entrepreneurs IT ?"  

Germany November 19, 2024 Invitation Only Physical german

Köln: Free your Data: Daten für Self-Service und KI demokratisieren

Datendemokratisierung wird zunehmend zur strategischen Priorität in den Vorstandsebenen großer und mittelständischer Unternehmen. Sie verspricht entscheidende Wettbewerbsvorteile, indem sie einen unternehmensweiten Zugang zu Daten für Mitarbeitende auf allen Ebenen bietet. So können fundierte Entscheidungen getroffen, Innovationen vorangetrieben und die Agilität des Unternehmens gestärkt werden.

Spain November 19, 2024 Country Members Physical spanish

Premios CIONET Vocento 2024

Gala de entrega de los Premios CIONET VOCENTO 2024. Reconoceremos a las Compañías Líderes en Excelencia Tecnológica en Proyectos y a los Líderes Digitales del Año 2024.

Poland November 20, 2024 Country Members Physical Polish

#11 Sesja Strategiczna Cloud Excellence

UK November 20, 2024 Country Members Physical english

CIONET UK Business Community Program: Digital Britain – how do we succeed on the worldstage?

Join us for our last community event of 2024 on 20th November in London. Sponsored by Business Partners Cognizant, ITDS, Hitachi Vantara, Infogain, CloudBees, Orange Business, Entelect & Thoughtworks.

Italy November 20, 2024 Invitation Only Physical italian

Executive Dinner "Hybrid Without the Headache"

Unisciti a noi il 20 novembre a Milano presso Langosteria per un evento esclusivo che esplorerà le ultime innovazioni nell’infrastruttura cloud ibrida. Con budget sempre più ridotti e costi in aumento, oltre il 70% dei leader globali si sta orientando verso modelli di consumo come IT as a Service (ITaaS) per modernizzare i propri ambienti IT. Entro il 2028, Gartner® prevede che lo Storage as a Service (STaaS) basato sul consumo rappresenterà oltre il 35% degli investimenti aziendali in storage. Unendo l’esperienza di Hitachi Vantara in ambito storage, infrastruttura e gestione del cloud ibrido con la competenza di Cisco in reti e computing, è possibile avere un modello di consumo flessibile che riduce i costi, migliora la scalabilità ed elimina la necessità di investimenti iniziali. Non perdere l’opportunità di scoprire come rendere l’infrastruttura della tua azienda a prova di futuro e promuovere l’innovazione attraverso un approccio basato sul consumo e vantaggioso in termini di costi.

Italy November 21, 2024 Country Members Physical italian

HUMAN-CENTRED DIGITALIZATION - Managing Talent in Business Transformation

In today's rapidly changing digital landscape, organisations are facing the challenge of adapting their workforces to keep pace with technological advancements. Companies that want people to be present and to optimise outcomes can embrace a more human-centred approach.

Germany November 21, 2024 Country Members Physical german

München: CIONET Meet-Up zu Gast bei ServiceNow

Wir laden CIDOs und Senior IT-Verantwortliche zum CIONET Meet-up am 21.11.2024 ab 17:30, zu einem anregenden Austausch ein.

Poland November 21, 2024 Invitation Only Physical Polish

Digital Excellence Awards

Digital Excellence Awards to konkurs skierowany do firm i organizacji, które wyróżniają się na polu transformacji cyfrowej. Jego celem jest docenienie i nagrodzenie liderów innowacji, którzy skutecznie wdrażają nowoczesne technologie i praktyki, przyczyniając się do rozwoju cyfrowego swojej branży. Konkurs jest okazją do zaprezentowania osiągnięć, wymiany doświadczeń oraz zainspirowania innych do podjęcia działań w obszarze digitalizacji. Każdego roku, zgłoszenia do Digital Excellence Awards są oceniane przez niezależne jury złożone z ekspertów i liderów branży, którzy weryfikują nie tylko technologiczne innowacje, ale także ich wpływ na biznes, kulturę organizacyjną i społeczeństwo. Konkurs obejmuje wiele kategorii, umożliwiając firmom z różnych sektorów zaprezentowanie swoich dokonań. Laureaci zostają wyróżnieni podczas uroczystej gali, która stanowi doskonałą okazję do networkingu i wymiany wiedzy z czołowymi przedstawicielami sektora cyfrowego. Zapraszamy do udziału w konkursie i współtworzenia przyszłości cyfrowej!

November 26, 2024

Data for Better Business

Poland November 27, 2024 Country Members Physical Polish

#11 Sesja Strategiczna Data Excellence

Program Data Excellence ciągle się rozpędza! Zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie unikalnej społeczności dla decydentów w obszarach Data Science & Analytics, Machine Learning, Big Data, AI, Data Governance, Data Warehouse czy Business Intelligence.

Italy November 27, 2024 Invitation Only Physical italian

VIP Dinner: La nuova era dell'Agentic Automation

La potenza dell'intelligenza artificiale combinata con l’automazione per guidare l'innovazione e la produttività nella vostra organizzazione.

Germany November 28, 2024 Country Members Physical german

Frankfurt: AI Horizons

Wir freuen uns, Sie zur zweiten Ausgabe unseres exklusiven AI-Horizons Events für CIDOs und leitende Technologieexperten einzuladen. Diese Veranstaltung verspricht ein unvergessliches Erlebnis zu werden, das Ihr Verständnis für Künstliche Intelligenz und ihre transformative Wirkung auf Unternehmen erweitern wird.

Poland November 28, 2024 Country Members Physical Polish

#13 Sesja Strategiczna

Sesja Strategiczna w ramach programu Security Excellence

Netherlands November 28, 2024 Invitation Only Physical dutch

FastForward Insights #Security

Navigating tommorrow's threatscape: Cybersecurity insights for digital leaders. Op 28 november in de 3D Makers Zone in Haarlem.

Belgium November 28, 2024 Invitation Only Physical french

CIONET Round Table - "Le dilemme de l'IA dans le secteur public" Tendance, espoir ou véritable transformation ?

L'intelligence artificielle (IA) est-elle vraiment la révolution qu'elle prétend être pour le secteur public, ou n'est-ce qu'une tendance technologique vouée à décevoir ? Alors que la transformation numérique s'accélère, les autorités publiques sont poussées à adopter l'IA, mais sont-elles réellement prêtes à exploiter son potentiel ou font-elles face à des défis insurmontables ?

Germany December 2, 2024 Country Members Virtual german

Online: AI & DATA Knowledge Transfer - Briefing 12

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen eine umfassende Zusammenfassung unserer "AI & Data Knowledge Transfer"-Briefings 2024 zu präsentieren. Diese Sessions boten CIDOs und Senior Digital Leaders praxisnahe Einblicke und umsetzbare Strategien von Fachexperten, um ihre digitale Transformation voranzutreiben.

Poland December 3, 2024 All Members Physical Polish



Belgium December 4, 2024 Country Members Physical english

The Human Edge - CIONET Belgium: Community Event

This event is designed to delve into the intricate and evolving relationship between humanity and machines, exploring whether this dynamic serves as an ally in progress or a potential threat. We will try to understand the unique qualities that set us apart from AI and machines and explore how human elements can be leveraged in harmony with technological advancements to create more effective, empathetic, and innovative business solutions. We invite you to witness cutting-edge case studies where human ingenuity has successfully integrated with technology, pushing the boundaries of what we thought possible in business and IT. And learn about the importance of a human-centered approach in the design and implementation of technology. Discover how prioritising human experience and needs can lead to more sustainable and successful business models. Engage in discussions about the human capacity to adapt and thrive amidst rapid technological changes and how to harness this resilience in your organisation.   Who Should Attend? This conference is a must for digital leaders, IT professionals, innovators, and strategists who are navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital transformation. Whether you're looking to enhance your understanding of the man-machine relationship or seeking practical insights on integrating human qualities with digital advancements, this event promises a wealth of knowledge and networking opportunities.   Join Us Secure your spot at the forefront of this critical conversation. Embrace the human edge in the digital era and redefine what it means to work alongside technology.  

Germany December 9, 2024 Country Members Virtual german

Virtual CIONET Meet-Up: What's Next, 2025?

Was beschäftigt CIDOs im Jahr 2024 und, noch wichtiger, was wird sie im kommenden Jahr beschäftigen? Seien Sie Teil dieses virtuellen Meet-ups und tauschen Sie sich mit Peers aus, um wertvolle Erkenntnisse für die Zukunft zu gewinnen.

Belgium December 10, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

Telenet Business Leadership Circle - Creating Effective Leadership

Join our exclusive group of CIOs & Digital Leaders as we focus on the pivotal role of leadership in driving digital performance cultures. In an era where digital business transformation is a constant, effective leadership stands at the core of fostering innovation, resilience, and sustained performance. This round table dinner is designed to delve deep into the attributes that define successful leaders in today’s digital age.

Italy December 12, 2024 Country Members Physical italian

Xmas Cocktail

Xmas Cocktail Roma

Belgium December 17, 2024 Invitation Only Physical english

Women of CIONET - Christmas Dinner

CIONET is committed to highlighting and celebrating female role models in IT, Tech & Digital, creating a leadership programme that empowers and elevates women within the tech industry. This initiative is dedicated to showcasing the achievements and successes of leading women, fostering an environment where female role models are recognised, and their contributions can ignite progress and inspire the next generation of women in IT.

Italy December 18, 2024 Country Members Physical italian

CIO+ Italia Award 2024

CIO+ Italia Award

Germany March 13, 2025 All Members Physical english

CIONET AI-Strategy-Masterclass: Munich Edition

Following the high demand and success of the CIONET AI-Strategy Masterclass in Frankfurt in September 2024, we are delighted to announce our second edition masterclass in the English language! We invite you to join your peers for an exclusive two-day masterclass for the development and implementation of your AI strategy, specifically designed for CIOs, CDOs and digital leaders.

Belgium June 11, 2025 Invitation Only Physical english

LCL North Sea Regatta 2025

Exclusive invitation-only CIONET event.