
After the failure of the Electronic Patient Record programme in early two thousand, attention has returned to data as the key driver towards efficient, low-cost universal healthcare in the UK. The COVID-10 pandemic was a vital catalyst in standardising such data, but much work remains to integrate data held within legacy ERP systems that exist within hospital trusts and elsewhere.
As pioneers of public cloud services, AWS and CISCO are providing much of the storage and computing power to healthcare and social services providers across the UK. They have developed powerful tools that help access, cleanse and store patient data in a consistent manner. In this evening event, they will assist in discussing the challenges that continue to face the NHS, such as:
  • To what extent did COVID-19 create a centralised data platform and how might this contribute to future developments?
  • How might the NHS trusts and emergency services integrate patient data from their legacy ERP systems?
  • Is technology the main barrier to universal patient records or do processes, culture and standards dominate here?
  • What could be the future opportunities if we can standardise patient records in areas such as research and improved treatments?
AWS and CISCO invite you to a discussion dinner in London on the 9th of October, starting at 18.30. Leaders from the NHS will introduce the discussion. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host, and as with all CIONET events, we believe this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.


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Please note that timings are in BST.



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