This article was written by Roger Camrass , Director of Research for CIONET International, and is based on the conversations held during an event on 30th June sponsored by Hitachi Vantara entitled ‘Living in a multi-cloud world’ _____________ The experience of those who have transitioned to public ...
This article was written by Roger Camrass, Director of Research for CIONET International, and is based on the conversations held during an event on 12th July sponsored by Dynatrace and entitled ‘Optimising the digital experience in today’s complex, multi-cloud world’.
This article was written by Roger Camrass, Director of Research for CIONET International, and is based on conversations during a virtual event on how to manage the escalating cyber risk. The event was sponsored by Zscaler _____________ The move to hybrid working and multi-cloud services has ...
CIONET and Hitachi Vantara research highlights how pioneering digital leaders are building the cloud-based foundations now for the digital business of the future.
We are living through a period of unprecedented technology-enabled change. In this era of radical transformation, business cycles have been compressed from years or decades to weeks and days. The most visible example of this shift came in spring 2020, when the world’s biggest companies transferred ...
Six panellists and more than 100 delegates joined CIONET UK’s second Community event of the year. The event was moderated by Roger Camrass, Research Director of CIONET International, and organised by Jenniffer Tang, Director of the UK Community Programme. It was sponsored by UiPath. Here is a ...
Many parts of the Retail and Hospitality sectors have been hardest hit by the pandemic, and now that economies are recovering, supply chain disruptions present further challenges. But despite this, leaders in both sectors have been investing heavily to give the consumer and business traveler what ...
We have never seen a full-on cyber conflict rage across the world’s digital systems, but if the situation in Ukraine leads to such a thing, CIOs and CISOs will find themselves on the front lines. With escalation patterns uncertain and no “rules of the road” governing cyberwar, any organization ...
This article was written by Roger Camrass, Director of Research for CIONET International, and is based on the conversations held during two virtual events sponsored by Hitachi Vantara on Why organisations are opting for hybrid cloud strategies ______ A business strategy for a cloud enabled world ...
Five panellists and more than 100 delegates joined CIONET UK’s first Community event of the year. The event was moderated by Roger Camrass, Research Director of CIONET International, and organised by Jenniffer Tang, Director of the UK Community Programme. It was sponsored by EY, Gitlab, Hitachi, ...
Radical Manifesto for modern times – Part Three: Preparing for the nuclear option A radical manifesto was contained in two books published at the start of the new millennium: ‘The Atomic Corporation – a rational proposal for modern times (2001)’15; and ‘Atomic – reforming the industrial landscape ...
Radical Manifesto for modern times – Part Two: Atomisation and the new theory of the firm A radical manifesto was contained in two books published at the start of the new millennium: ‘The Atomic Corporation – a rational proposal for modern times’ (2001)8; and ‘Atomic – reforming the industrial ...
Back to the Future – A Radical Manifesto for Digital Leaders Part One From reinvention to atomisation and onto the nuclear option: Why our digital future echoes the connected communities of the past – and how you can help your businesses get there Roger Camrass This three-part series of papers ...
This article was written by Roger Camrass, of CIONET UK and is based on the conversations that took place during a virtual wine tasting event in November 2021 sponsored by Citrix on the topic of ‘how can we innovate effectively in the hybrid workplace?’. ______ In March 2020 IT organisations across ...
On 3rd September the Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC) hosted a webinar of thought leaders from the USA and Europe to discuss the subject of digital transformation. The exchange demonstrated a clear distinction between the progressive but largely incremental changes fostered by digital ...