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Connecting ambitious digital leaders and businesses around the globe.

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Italy Oct 22, 2024 Invitation Only Physical italian

Transform your Supply Chain with AI & SAP Solutions

La gestione della Supply Chain è oggi una sfida continua per le aziende in un mondoglobale, sempre più interconnesso, caratterizzato da forti complessità e rapidi cambiamenti.Unisciti a noi per conoscere come l’Innovazione Digitale e l’Intelligenza Artificiale stanno rivoluzionando la gestione della Supply Chain rendendola più efficiente e flessibile.Esplora le ultime tendenze e strategie di E2E Visibility e di Data Driven Optimization per restare competitivi in un mercato in evoluzione.Scopri come Arpa Industriale ha digitalizzato i propri processi di pianificazione grazie a SAP IBP.

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Germany Oct 22, 2024 Country Members Physical english

München: Turbo S your ServiceNow

Join us on October 22nd - on the eve of the ServiceNow World Forum in Munich - for an exclusive dinner with Germany’s top digital leaders, CIOs, and CDOs. As ServiceNow experts converge, this is your opportunity to share best practices, use cases, and learn how your peers are optimizing their ServiceNow platform through real-time data and AI-driven automation to drive unparalleled ROI.

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Italy Oct 23, 2024 Country Members Physical italian

Sustainability needs a new Mindset - Rethinking your Investments, IT Resources & Organisational behaviour

Sustainability and profitability go hand in hand. Sustainable technology is rapidly changing the way we live and work, offering innovative solutions to some of the world's most pressing challenges. From reducing our environmental impact to promoting social justice, sustainable tech is helping us to create a more sustainable and equitable future.

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Spain Oct 24, 2024 Country Members Physical spanish

DATA Quest 2024 - Data for better business

Acompáñanos al apasionante mundo de los datos y conoce de primera mano cómo las compañías están utilizándolos para impulsar la innovación, mejorar la toma de decisiones y alcanzar un éxito sostenible.

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Poland Oct 24, 2024 Country Members Virtual Polish

Efektywność kosztowa IT - jak skutecznie nią zarządzać w środowiskach hybrydowych (cloud i on-premises).

Serdecznie zapraszamy na warsztaty technologiczne w ramach programu Cloud Excellence. Tym razem współorganizatorem spotkania jest firma technologiczna PwC Polska. Efektywność kosztowa w utrzymaniu środowisk IT, zarówno w chmurze, jak i on-premises, jest kluczowym elementem strategii IT każdej organizacji. W trakcie wystąpienia omówimy, jak optymalizować koszty, jednocześnie zapewniając wysoką wydajność i niezawodność systemów. Przedstawimy najlepsze praktyki oraz narzędzia, które pomagają w monitorowaniu i zarządzaniu wydatkami IT. Dowiesz się również, jak podejmować świadome decyzje dotyczące wyboru między rozwiązaniami chmurowymi a tradycyjnymi. Warsztat będzie interaktywny, z możliwością zadawania pytań i dyskusji z prelegentami, co pozwoli na lepsze zrozumienie omawianych zagadnień i wymianę doświadczeń. Spotkanie poprowadzą doświadczeni eksperci firmy PwC Polska: Ernest Orłowski, CEE Cloud & Digital Senior Manager i Tomasz Gola, CEE Cloud & Digital Senior Manager, a moderować dyskusję będzie Tomasz Bitner, dyrektor programowy CIONET & Digital Excellence.

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Germany Oct 24, 2024 Country Members Physical german

München: IT Workforce Transformation

Wir laden CIOs sowie Senior IT-Entscheidungsträger und -Strategen aus Anwenderunternehmen zum Roundtable am 24. Oktober 2024 ab 18:00 Uhr in München ein. Gemeinsam werden wir darüber diskutieren, wie Sie Ihre IT-Workforce aufbauen, neu ausrichten und weiterentwickeln können, um die Chancen der digitalen Transformation vollumfänglich und gewinnbringend zu nutzen.

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Recent Cases

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Etex modernizes its IT foundation for a new era of sustainable innovation

Cognizant and SAP partnered to migrate a business-critical SAP ECC environment to S/4HANA to ready Etex for future transformation and innovation.


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NCBI Gives People with Sight Loss Access to Information Using Generative AI and AWS

Working with Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Cation Consulting, the National Council for the Blind of Ireland (NCBI) uses generative artificial to deliver information to people with sight loss through voice technology. The solution, which uses Amazon Alexa and Amazon Lex, provides a blueprint that other organizations can use to change people’s lives.

Amazon Alexa Amazon Lex

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The Institut Pasteur and AWS are analysing the world's DNA, using a public database

Institut Pasteur, a leading French virology research center, processed 20 petabytes of DNA data in record 30 hours, leveraging AWS Batch over a cluster of 2.18M AWS Graviton cores.

Amazon S3 AWS Batch AWS Graviton

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Embark on a culinary journey through the ever-evolving world of digital leadership with our third edition of the CIONET Cookbook: Recipes for Digital Success. Unveiling the intricate trilemma faced by today’s Master Chefs, our trailblazing European CIOs address a challenge at the nexus of customer interests, digital transformation strategies, and IT modernisation. Their secret? Synchronising the gearing between customer, business, and technology to create a frictionless movement through the digital landscape.

The CIONET Cookbook uses the analogy of a five-star restaurant to explain the importance of optimally integrated technology, with the CIO as Master Chef. In order to provide the best service to its customers, a top restaurant must have the right atmosphere, an inviting menu, a well-equipped kitchen, talented and committed front-of-house and kitchen staff and smooth-running processes that ensure an enjoyable experience for diners.



Lisa Spelman - Corporate VP and GM of Intel Products & Solutions at Intel Corporation - Merging Hardware, Software, and AI


Dirk Olufs - EVP & CIO at DHL Express - Architecting a Digital Future of Logistics


Antonio Queiroz - Chief Digital Officer at Euroclear - Modernising finance through cloud integration


Karl Davies-Barrett - Global Partner CTO at Microsoft – Navigating the landscape of cloud strategies


Colin Fisher - Global Senior Director, Cloud Partner Ecosystem - Red Hat - Mastering Cloud-Native Technology for Business Success


Colin Bannon - CTO at BT Business – Global Fabric of Future-proof Organisations

CIONET Reports

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CIONET – Taking a Human-Centric Approach - Business Community Event

Our fifth Community Event of 2024 considered how CIOs can help guarantee success when digitalisation calls for disruptive change. The event, which took place on September 18 in the medieval Crypt at St Etheldreda’s in London, was convened by CIONET International Research Director Roger Camrass and included Keynote, Digital Campfire and Panel sessions.

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CIONET – Enterprise Transformation Enabled by the ServiceNow Platform

ServiceNow can be implemented as the backbone for workflow automation across multiple business processes but is often perceived as an IT service management tool. The event discussed perceptions of ServiceNow and its applicability as an enterprise-wide platform.

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CIONET - Shaping the Future of Payments

The world of payments is transforming, driven by instant transactions, open ecosystems, and emerging technologies. While opportunities abound, many institutions are hampered by siloed processes and legacy infrastructures.

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in our exclusive CIO community

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Anna Kopp (1)

Anna Kopp

Head of IT Germany and Regional Office Lead Munich, Microsoft

“The CIONET App allows us to learn from eachother and and find the courage to be authentic by hearing stories from others! Thanks to Tobias and the whole team for bringing us together:-) ”
Mauricio Amaro

Mauricio Amaro

IT Director, IT Thinker

“The main things that I would like to get from our community of Digital Leaders are: networking, share experiences, share best practices and successful cases, and comments and recommendations about providers.”
Vijay Anand

Vijay Anand

Vice president IT & Compliance, VisionaryRCM (A Carlyle Grp Company)

“The CIONET app provides a really cool platform to network and share insights.”


CIONET’s mission is to help IT executives become more at ease and above all more successful in their jobs. So they can do more than just keep up with change but ultimately define it. CIONET opens up a whole new universe of opportunities in IT management.

With the largest membership of corporate digital leaders across Europe, Latin America, US and Australia, CIONET has the expertise and pioneering vision to solve or address any IT management challenge.

Why join CIONET?

From our local and global events, from our publications and research to our executive education programmes, everything we do is aimed at making sure digital leaders maximise their potential.


with digital leaders who share your interests, who face the same challenges, who care about the same topics.


stories, experiences, and ideas around our shared mission.


from our exclusive events, publications and research.


inspiration, thought-provoking conversations, expert perspectives and exclusive first-hand content each and every day


and make better, more well-informed decisions on how to lead your digital business.


your potential. Realise your ambitions.



Thomas Siekmann


"What I am looking for - and always looked for in the past - is an organization supporting me in the work I love. Getting better needs reflection. And who can ever support you better than a colleague with similar experiences and nearly the same tasks? CIONET offers me a exchange of experience between people doing the same job. Best knowledge you can get. I am enjoying being a CIONET member every day."
Sebastian Paas

Sebastian Paas

Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH

"CIONET is an important partner for PwC's digital ecosystem. I personally appreciate the collaboration with so many CIOs and the interesting discussions on information technology."
Michael Kollig 600bw

Dr. Michael Kollig


5000 plus LinkedIn contacts and hundreds of Facebook “friends” are no replacement for real networking, therefore CIONET.”

Thomas Zimmerer

Interim CIO/CDO,

“CIONET is a great community of CIOs around the world. I can share and challenge my ideas with them and get great feedback. Also the conferences are on highest level and keep me up to date.”

Koen Van Loo

CIO, Renson

“Be inspired by your peers and quality content! With seminars, workshops, events and both online and offline content CIONET brings your professional life to the next level… All is often organized from a surprising angle and with lots of opportunities to meet your peers in a fun and informal way.”

Tom Willems

Global Change Leader Wholesale Banking, ING

“CIONET is a great community of senior IT people  from all industries. The community events are an excellent opportunity to share your thoughts, successes and  challenges with your peers enabling you/your company to reach the next level of expertise and success. Events also keep you on top of  the wave of new developments and trends in the market in the area of IT. Networking is the cherry on the cake. ”


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You can either send us a registered handwritten letter explaining why you'd like to become a member or you can simply talk to us right here!

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