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LDD interview: Ownership as a way to improve customer experience

Published by Anna Andrzejewska
January 27, 2023 @ 3:08 PM

Alex Bowles – Partner & Head of Infrastructure and Service Management at John Lewis Partnership –  is nominated to the #EDLOTY Award in the B2C category! Register here: https://www.cionext.com/16 and join us on 1st February 2023 at #CIONEXT | Let’s talk Money to find out how the Finalists of the European Digital Leader of the Year are managing their 2023 technology budgets and what measures are being taken to save money in this pivotal year.

The John Lewis Partnership is the UK’s largest employee owned business and two retail brands: John Lewis department stores and Waitrose supermarkets.

In this #LeadershipDeepDive interview Hendrik Deckers discussed with Alex the exceptional business model of the John Lewis Partnership, where each employee becomes a “partner” and owns shares of the company and the impact on the business, employee motivation and company culture. Alex explained how the organisation transitioned from a system that allowed only 50 000 customers to shop weekly to over 200 000 customers and, at the same time, significantly enhanced customer experience.

Was moving away from a project-focused to a program-focused IT environment what enabled that change? How has customer behaviour changed in the past 2-3 years and how did it affect the John Lewis Partnership? What actions have been taken to make sure ethics and sustainability are at the core of the brand? Watch the full interview to find out! 

You can also listen to it on your favourite podcast app:

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