Poll results: 'Key Learnings from Silicon Valley CIOs' Web Conference

Published by Maria Filipe
July 20, 2020 @ 4:00 PM

On July 8th, we held the Web Conference 'Key Learnings from Silicon Valley CIOs' with Mark Settle and Kirsten Wolberg who shared their insights in a conversation moderated by Mark Zawacki and Hendrik Deckers.

During this virtual conference,  we launched several polls for all the participants in Zoom to kick off the discussion of each of the main topics.

The first topic discussed was the War on IT talent and whether it had changed as a result of the Corona crisis and if was now coming to an end. According to the results of this poll, only 9% of the participants said there is now enough IT talent available to recruit.

With more innovation hubs flourishing outside of Silicon Valley, we wanted to assess if the participants felt that Silicon Valley would continue to dominate tech innovation in 10 years time, if the 'Chinese' Valley would grow into that dominant position or if the worldwide disperse hubs would also mean the end of the one dominant 'Valley'.

Which ‘Valley’ will dominate tech innovation in 10 years?

Poll results: 'Key Learnings from Silicon Valley CIOs' Web Conference

The vast majority of the participants (84%) believe that the next 10 years will bring about many more "Valleys" around the world, with neither Silicon or the Chinese Valleys imposing a clear dominance.

In the last poll, we focused on technical debt and how the participants' organisations are handling that challenge. When asked if technical debt is an important topic in their organisation, how many said:

  • Yes, we have a high level of legacy apps & technical debt?
  • We have a systematic approach to keep the debt under control?
  • What technical debt?

Find out the detailed results of the 3 polls in the full article available in our app exclusively for CIONET Members and join the conversation!


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