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Data & Technology fight against Covid-19

Published by Halima Sylla
April 10, 2020 @ 12:00 PM

Corona continues to hurt our country, our economy, our organisations, and our IT.  How can Data & Technology be used in the fight against Covid-19? 

What is the impact on the security situation and what is the impact on the personal life of our workforce? Let's talk about that!

This Web Conference is interactive and you'll participate in a break-out group discussion with your peers and get new insights on how they handle the current Corona crisis.

We will start with a panel discussion:


  • 16:00: Welcome & Introductions
  • 16:05: Frank Robben: Data & Technology against Covid-19
  • 16:25: Panel discussion: Wim Nagels, DPD & Xavier Verhaeghe, PwC: Security & People impact
  • 16:50: Break-out room discussions: What’s the impact of Corona on Security & People?
  • 17:30: End

I'm looking forward to welcoming you online on 15/4,

Warm regards and stay safe!
Cheers, Halima

Halima Sylla
Community & Event Manager
CIONET International
0032 484 955 486

Posted in:CIONET Belgium

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