Mark the dates for CIONET Belgium's 2018 program

Published by Frederic De Meyer
December 18, 2017 @ 10:05 AM

CIONET Belgium - Program 2018Mark the dates for the most important gatherings of Belgian CIOs and digital leaders. The 2018 program is specially crafted to offer you the most valuable insights from your peers and from experts, to help you take vital decisions for the future of your business.



Join us at one of these sessions:

  • January 9th, WEBINAR: Digital Transformation at National Trust, UK, led by Sarah Flannigan (click here to register)
  • January 18th, VISION DINNER: Enterprise of Things, from self-driving military vehicles to the smallest things @ the Embassy of Canada in Brussels (click here to register)
  • January 30th, CIONET ANNUAL EVENT join us to hear from 9 passionate speakers on a variety of fields, with a keynote speech by John Porter, CEO of Telenet (click here to register)
  •  March 6th, CONFERENCE: Generate value from your data while keeping it safe (click here to register)
  • April 26th, CONFERENCE: Architect your business... who, where, what and why (click here to register)
  • June 11th, CIONEXT, the one-day, high energy experience for the CIOs of the future (click here to register)
  • August 28th SUMMER CELEBRATION, relax with your peers and learn from two 'out-of-the-box' speakers (click here to register)
  • September 18th CONFERENCE: Emerging Technologies 2018 - Artifical Intelligence (click here to register)
  • October 25th CONFERENCE: From process-driven to client-driven IT (click here to register)
  • December 4th CONFERENCE: Building an ecosystem - the company as a platform (click here to register)

Don't miss these exclusive chances to prepare for a successful future! Click here for the full program.

These events are for CIOs and digital leaders only! Not a member yet? Check out the membership criteria and contact for your personal invitation code.

Posted in:CIONET Belgium

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