Javier Cabrerizo – Global Managing Director at Prosegur – Technology as a key part of strategy and the value of innovation

I think technology is becoming a key part of strategy. I simply don't see how you're going to define a strategy without thinking how your technology is going to help or not help that strategy, says Javier.

How do you define your new operation model? What is "Come in" and what role does it play in the innovation strategy at Prosegur? Watch the interview and find out!

In this Leadership Deep Dive episode Javier Cabrerizo, Global Managing Director at Prosegur talks with Hendrik Deckers about the organisation's digital transformation, new approach towards innovation and data strategy. Prosegur, founded 40 years ago is present in 26 countries and provides wide scope of services related to corporate and private safety. Javier explains how technology is becoming an inseparable part of strategy and how he defined two key areas in the digital transformation:

  • Operation model: the way you run the company
  • Innovation model: the way you grow

Experience in startups, years with Oracle in the Silicone Valley, corporate environment - Javier has done it all and he learnt his lessons. He is a leader with a clear vision and a well-defined style that keeps him open to new technologies and solutions. "You cannot control the things that happen to you, but you do control the way you react to them", he says and this has become my motto too! I highly recommend you watch the whole interview and take your learnings from this experienced top digital leader!


Published on 03.11.2021

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