We invite you to the next webinar, this time devoted to the architecture of cloud solutions. We will talk about how to design them, what to avoid and what to pay attention to.
Our second webinar, where we will talk about building a good Road2Cloud strategy. You will learn how to prepare for environmental adoption - define goals, battles, profit and risks.
A webinar during which we looked at the last 12 months and checked what was provided to us by cloud service providers who shape the market, set new trends and observe thousands of projects on a global scale that have a real impact on shaping the market.
Eva Murray is a Senior Evangelist at Snowflake and a recognised expert in data visualization, leading the global social data project, #MakeoverMonday. As the author of two books focusing on data visualisation best practices as well as driving data culture through analytics communities, Eva is passionate about helping people understand, work with and fall in love with data.
Kamil Bączyk jako Principal Enterprise Security Architect odpowiedzialny jest między innymi za budowanie strategii organizacji szczególnie w kontekście bezpieczeństwa. Pasjonat technologii i dzielenia się wiedzą, zdobyte doświadczenie przekazuje na konferencjach w kraju i za granicą. Kamil często pełni rolę mentora na hackatonach, warsztatach i spotkaniach. Dodatkowo uhonorowany przez Microsoft tytułem Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) w dwóch kategoriach: Azure Security oraz Office Apps & Services. Pełni też rolę doradcy technologicznego który łączy świat biznesu oraz technologii, aby realizować cele organizacji by poprawić posturę bezpieczeństwa przedsiębiorstwa. Technicznie skupia się na rozwiązaniach firmy Microsoft, współpracuje jako ekspert merytoryczny z Grupami Produktowymi w Microsoft w celu planowania i dostosowania funkcjonalności z zakresu bezpieczeństwa oraz chmury obliczeniowej, aby jeszcze lepiej spełniać oczekiwania organizacji. #BlueTeam #FTW! #BeLikeBaczyk
David Cannon has worked as an IT leader, business executive and consultant for over 30 years. During that time he has guided organizations through several major shifts in the IT and digital technology industry. He has led consulting practices in Hewlett-Packard and Forrester Research. He is the co-author of 4 ITIL books in ITIL v3 and ITIL 4. The latest of these books, ITIL 4 Acquiring and Managing Cloud Services, is a unique guide to help consumers of cloud services to manage cloud services effectively.
Dan Decasper joined Google in 2021 as Vice President and oversees the teams building the Control Plane for Google Compute Engine (GCE). He is also leading the Google Cloud engineering site in Warsaw, Poland. Prior to Google, Dan spent 9 years at Pure Storage (NYSE: PSTG). As General Manager he led engineering and product teams building all-Flash enterprise storage arrays and supporting technology such as a SaaS app for fleet management. He was also tasked with starting Pure Storage’s European R&D center in Prague, Czech Republic. Before Pure he spent a decade as founder and CEO/CTO of several startups, participating in multiple acquisitions. Dan holds a diploma and Ph.D. (with highest honors) in computer science from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH). When not working or spending time on land with his wife and three boys between 14 and 20, he loves being on the water on anything that is powered by wind.
Luc Hennekens is an experienced global innovation leader. He has held C-level positions in a diverse set of companies, and lived and worked in a dozen countries on 5 continents. His work experience across FMCG, Insurance, Health Care, IT services, Energy, Aviation and Manufacturing has helped him develop his broad view and ability to see patterns overlooked by others. From his Masters in Industrial Engineering and Management Science he has continued to develop a systems thinking mind-set. Over the years he has built a reputation for “setting the pace” and transforming organisations to their core, giving the human and social aspects of performance improvement the attention they merit next to the commercial and operational facets. In Qantas he introduced Cloud based innovation in 2013 initiating a complete overhaul of the customer experience, in-flight innovations, a world-first fuel optimization platform and operational optimization using Machine Learning. In Airbus he led the introduction of Agile practices at scale with those working in agile teams numbering over 800. His teams built industry-leading digital services, an aviation-wide open data platform and designed an innovative, more agile organization model to improve collaboration and innovation. Luc is an advocate for reviewing, from the ground up, the principles and mechanisms on which organisations are built, to give more space to human ingenuity, accountability, innovation and speed of action. If you want a straight-talker who is never satisfied with the status quo and believes the customer is always entitled to better and more, talk to Luc.
Cloud Architect
PKO Finat
Z branżą IT związany od ponad 15 lat. Do OVHcloud dołączył w 2015 r., gdzie obecnie jako VP, Central and Eastern Europe odpowiada za rozwój biznesu w obszarach chmury obliczeniowej, centrów danych oraz usług hostingowych na rynkach CEE. Wcześniej miał okazję realizować m.in. działania marketingowe w firmie ATM S.A., a także wdrażać nowe produkty z zakresu bezpieczeństwa oraz ułatwiające prowadzenie biznesu w home.pl S.A.
W swoich działaniach zawsze stara się łączyć światy IT i biznesu. Prywatnie pasjonat górskich wędrówek.
Z branżą IT związany ponad 7 lat. Do OVHcloud dołączył w lipcu 2020r. Wcześniej związany z Beyond.pl, operatorem Centrum Danych o z najwyższym standardem bezpieczeństwa i dostawcą rozwiązań chmury publicznej i prywatnej. Obecnie Product Cloud Manager w OVHcloud odpowiada m.in. za rozwój produktów chmurowych oraz rozwiązań pokrewnych takich jak Kubernetes i AI.
Wykładowca na uczelniach wyższych w tym na studiach MBA na Uniwersytecie Ekonomicznym w Poznaniu.
Prywatnie społecznik. Współzałożyciel Fundacji Varietae działającej na rzecz edukacji, aktywizacji oraz rozwoju kompetencji przyszłości tj. odpowiedzialność społeczna, współpraca i wykorzystanie nowych technologii.
Babu Kuttala is Chief Data & Analytics Officer of ABB. He is responsible for ABB’s big data and advance analytics strategy, operations and processes. He oversees all aspects of data life cycle management and deploying artificial intelligence, cognitive computing and machine learning solutions to support the growth of ABB’s business units by partnering with them on revenue-generating programs related to internal business process data analytics.Previously, Babu was IS Director at Honeywell, where he was responsible for developing and executing data architecture strategy that supported Honeywell Finance, Sales & Marketing and Supply Chain Management.Babu holds master’s degrees in Knowledge Management (California State University) and Computer Information Systems (Quinnipiac University), as well as an MBA in Strategy & Finance from Quinnipiac University. He earned a graduate certificate in modern systems architecture and engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Six Sigma Green Belt holder. In 2019, Babu was named the IDG “One to Watch Award” for demonstrating keen understanding of business goals, possessing the capabilities and character to be future leaders in the industry.
Cloud Connect is an online event, held on an interactive platform.
The platform allows:
Thematic tracks organize the agenda by specific topics / subject areas. Think of it like a channel on television. Each has a different type of content. Each track contains multiple sessions, and all 8 tracks will run simultaneously. Don't just pick one - explore them all!
The event takes place on March 8, 9 and 11 - on Tuesday and Wednesday we invite you to watch presentations and to join discussion sessions, and on Friday to a summary of 8 thematic paths. Soon on the website (in the Program tab) you will find an agenda with presentations that will take place on 2 main stages. The detailed program, including topics for in-depth discussion sessions, is available on the platform only for registered participants.
To submit your discussion topic, you must be an attendee of the event. After submitting your participation, you will receive a questionnaire to complete where you will have the opportunity to submit your topic - a 40-minute discussion. You can submit your topic under "want to share knowledge" or "seeking knowledge". A moderator will be present at each discussion, and if you wish, we will also look for an expert on the topic for you.
If you would like to speak at Cloud Connect 2022 or become an event partner, please contact Aleksandra Zygarska (aleksandra.zygarska@cionet.com) directly.
To order tickets, please fill out the short contact form on the Cloud Connect event page. You will be contacted and guided through the ticket booking and payment process. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Katarzyna Róża Nowak directly (katarzyna.nowak@cionet.com).