
Digital experiences make the difference within the world of work. The traditional employer-driven processes are transformed towards employee-centric flows and partnerships across the HR-tech ecosystem are aimed to support employees in their journey. While SD Worx has established a frontrunner role within the HR field, the fast-changing HR landscape brings major challenges. In order to overcome these challenges SD Worx is developing an open multi-sided innovation platform that connects millions of employees, professionals and HR-tech innovators in a smart way.
On 27 april, as from 13h00, we take you along on our innovative platform journey to become the leading European provider of integrated, end-to-end HR solutions for all organizations and workers. SD Worx organizes six workshops covering the following sessions:

Session 1: World of Work platform 
The mysdworx marketplace: opening up the world of work for our +75K employers and their +5M workers. What are the challenges in building a platform like this?

 Session 2: Platform development in a distributed setting

As a company SD Worx is working in different countries and is confronted with different flavours of local rules and different systems. Development teams focus on different products and are located throughout Europe or in a Competence Centre. In this session we would like to discuss challenges and opportunities to create a platform of multi-systems, multi-country and multi-flavour.

  • How do we deal with priorities and dependencies in a multi-country setup while connection to a central platform?
  • Are there other and better ways to handle dependencies?

Session 3: The SD Worx Platform Architecture 

How the business strategy changed and why we moved to a group level approach with reuse of assets and the associated challenges.
-  How do we deal with choice making, communicating, prioritising.
- How we envision future integrations as we continue to acquire assets.   

How SD Worx approaches integrations of products/acquisitions:

  • Why did we need this
  • What was the complexity
  • How we decided to build it
  • How do we align and prioritise
  • Change management, what worked, what not, why not  

This session is presented by architects but does not go into details about the technology used.

 Session 4: The UX and Security balance of Mysdworx

Security and convenience are traditionally inversely proportional. With mysdworx, the entry point and gateway to the World of Work, they try to break this rule of thumb. Looking at different user journeys of mysdworx and the mechanism to preserve high security standards while offering a top-notch user experience, we try to answer the following questions:

  • Which authentication methods do you support in the modern day?
  • Authentication and authorization centralised or decentralised? What worked and what not.
  • How to offer a rich portal experiences in a heterogeneous landscape of own and non-own IP?

This session is presented by architects but does not go into details about the security technologies used.

 Session 5: No pain no gain – the search for the holy connection

How do you gain traction in a market that is spread over some fast moving tech startups and the rest of the user market that is notoriously risk averse and slow to adopt new tech? A story about how to connect and integrate in the HR market.

  • Standardisation a necessary evil (evil as in the enemy of flexibility if your standard is too restrictive)
  • To API or not to API à does an interface mean calling remote functions? Or even real time processing?
  • Managing for change even if standards don’t live forever. Your standard will have a lifecycle. How do you manage that? 
    (better said: versions of standards don’t live forever. Some standards live a long time because they’re either so simple, or because they version properly)
  • Communication and documentation are a base for the standardisation. But also: when do you send out updates about your chosen standard? What if it changes?

Session 6: Platform governance

How to transform a “linear governance” into a “platform governance”. Welcome to the world of agile tribes, working with the new Balanced Management Model, the ideal organisation model for an organisation that needs the perfect equilibrium between self-organisation and corporate alignment.

  • Building platforms in incumbents is like trying to build an additional engine on top of a space rocket while it is flying at lightning speed. How can governance help you in doing it?
  • Platforms live from integrations with other applications.
  • Organisation wise: Should one concentrate all teams working on these integrations in one division or should one decentralise and build the connectors close to the decentral applications? And if one decentralises, how to keep track of the integration consistency?
  • Process wise: How to manage dependencies and the need for simultaneous priority?
  • Tooling wise: How to keep track of all possible scenario’s and features?




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SD Worx Offices
Brouwersvliet 2
2000 Antwerp