
Following the tremendous success of our anchor event – Digital Britain on May 26th where hundreds of digital leaders across the UK joined in our movement to define our national future and promote a ‘Digital Britain, we now follow up with our next event - What's Next for Britain?

We will be bringing  together inspirational speakers whom CIONET believe could be the next “big thing” to watch out for. 

Our panel discussions will cover what should be at the top of CIO's business agenda in the next 3-5 years and what new disruptors might emerge in the next 5-10 years that they should watch out for. 

Come join us and explore what’s next for Britain.  

Speakers and Panellists

Find out more about the speakers and our panellists


Guests will be asked for shipping details via the registration form so that they can receive a bottle of wine for our welcome toast, ahead of the event. 




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