Tuesday 18 April | 18:30 | L'Oscar
How to measure and validate business outcomes
ServiceNow and Accenture event
In the words of a FTSE 50 CIO, ‘If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it’. Despite the many billions of dollars invested in IT and process improvement, few if any organisations can provide accurate measurements of business outcome. All we know is that productivity has stagnated over the last fifteen years in the UK. It is time now to demonstrate value if we are to invest further money into IT and digital transformation.
Accenture and ServiceNow have developed methods and tools to measure value and mitigate risk in programme management. In this discussion evening they will share their experiences with leading organisations to help clarify:
Accenture and ServiceNow welcome you to attend a discussion evening on the 18 April at L’Oscar, commencing at 18.30. Roger Camrass of CIONET will be your host and as with all CIONET events, we believe that this meeting of minds will help empower you in your digital leadership role.
Find out more about the speakers
A pioneer of today’s Internet in the seventies (at MIT) Roger Camrass has been helping organisations across the Globe harness the power of new technologies and methods for over five decades.
As a thought leader, business executive and part time academic, Roger has introduced a succession of innovations including digital networking in the seventies, outsourcing and call centres in the eighties, business reengineering and third generation mobile networks in the nineties, e-commerce in 2000 and more recently cloud and 5G.
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