
The digital revolution is deeply ingrained in today’s public and private organisations. Many are transitioning from asset-based to software-based structures, and most rely on digital techniques to optimise their supply chains and internal processes. However, it's concerning that most boards have a limited understanding of the cyber and operational risks their companies are exposed to in this digital era. The penalties for poor governance have never been higher and require clear strategies and compliance measures.
Our fourth community event in 2024 explores the board's awareness of cyber and operational risk within a digital context and explores the following:
  • Engaging in risk oversight through regular conversations with CISOs and CIOs

  • Deploying data analytics and other digital technologies to assess levels of risk

  • Promoting a culture of risk awareness through open communications channels

  • Monitoring regulatory compliance by adopting best practices here and abroad 
In this fourth community event of 2024, we will hear from distinguished Digital Leaders to share best practices amongst your peers. 

Speakers and Panellists

Find out more about the speakers and our panellists


Registrations for this event will close on 7th June.

Exclusive for CIONET members.

Not a member yet? Request to join here.


Staying ahead of trends and connecting with other CIOs in a trusted environment was never easier.


One More London Place, EY Headquarters 

EY Headquarters, London

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CIONET UK: Community Events 2024

Photo Gallery

Business Community #4
What must boards do to manage their cyber and operational risks?
Business Community #1
AI: The way Forward
Business Community #2
Business Community #3
How can digital leaders help their peers implement new business models?