Modernise Your IT Infrastructure

Today's companies operate across various IT infrastructures, from legacy systems on clusters and client-server models on virtual machines to modern applications in cloud containers. The main challenge is managing these diverse systems and creating a modernisation strategy for private and public cloud platforms.

Join us for a CIONET round table to tackle integration challenges, identify potential roadblocks, and share migration success stories. Our key discussion points will include:

  • Multicloud Simplification: Finding the right strategy to ensure on-premise infrastructure maintains its performance, reliability, and security while offering the agility of the public cloud.
  • Speeding Up Application Delivery: How to free IT teams from time-consuming infrastructure management. We'll look at how new application delivery platforms, container orchestration, and advanced DevOps tools can help.
  • Optimising Workload Placement: Discussing the need for application portability between private and public clouds to combine their advantages.




During this round table, we will tackle integration challenges, identify potential roadblocks, and share migration succes stories. 

Michael Boeckx, former CTO of NRB and current CIO of Securex, and Dirk Deridder, CTO at Smalls will kick off the discussion with their insights on transitioning to modern IT infrastructure.

This exclusive dinner is an opportunity for IT leaders to directly address the practicalities of IT modernisation, sharing insights and strategies for integrating various IT components into a cohesive and efficient infrastructure.

Hof van Cortenbach

Hof van Cortenbach

A 16th-century city palace that has been transformed into a unique combination of enjoyment, work and living. 


In collaboration with our partners