Women of CIONET

Until this day, women face unique challenges in male-dominated environments such as IT, tech and security. Mentorship and sponsorship can help to overcome these barriers. Both play distinct roles: mentorship in providing guidance, skill development, and personal growth, and sponsorship in advocating for career advancement, visibility, and high-impact opportunities.
We look forward to discovering the personal experiences and insights of our speakers and panellists on how mentorship and sponsorship have propelled their careers. During an interactive panel discussion, we will explore how to navigate and succeed in male-dominated fields, emphasising the importance of understanding and utilising both mentorship and sponsorship effectively. We will discuss how to identify and build strong relationships with mentors and sponsors, as well as strategies for maximising the benefits of these connections.






Antwerp Management School

Antwerp Management School

Antwerp Management School is an internationally renowned business school in the city of Antwerp, Belgium, the heart of Europe.

For the past 60 years AMS has been at the forefront of innovation, transformation, entrepreneurship and ecosystems, always in the best interest of people and society. In all these years their ambition has remained unchanged. Their baseline perfectly captures what they stand for: “Opening minds to impact the world”.


In collaboration with our partners